Saints put to the test even in death: a memory of Father Tomas Tyn
In the Church today, compared by the Supreme Pontiff to a field hospital of the third world war, jam-packed with sick and wounded of all kinds, already shortage of medical personnel, subtract to the care of the sick a valid medical and zealous as Father Tomas Tyn, under the pretext that certain injuries do not accept, or even do not exist, or they were invented by the same Tomas, It appears an idea of serious foolishness, such as to arouse strong suspicion that it will not be really concerned men of the good of the Church and of souls, but to stay afloat in the sea of the world. The famous philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, eyepatch dell'arduità of philosophical speculation, He had the humility to ask the gardener in a convent. Perhaps this would be the best job for some.
The Island of Patmos recalls the Servant of God Tomas Tyn, friar and priest of the Dominican Order, model of priestly life and theologian Thomas Aquinas were comparable to the twentieth century, He returned to the Father's House on January 1, 1990, just 39 years of age.
The Saints are tested not only alive, but also from dead. Alive are being tested by God and are found right; dead are put to the test by men, not having understood or not wanting to understand God's judgment, They do not know or do not want to recognize and appreciate their holiness. In these cases, it may happen that the Congregation for the Causes of Saints the same desire to do an audit, opening a process of beatification. That's what happened to the Servant of God Father Tomas Tyn, which the Fathers of 'Patmos Island they've got to deal.
In this article I wish to point out and also recommend the excellent book dedicated by reatino jurist and scholar of theological sciences Gianni T. Baptists: "The pipe di Padre Tomas. theological writings " [1].
The book collects an introduction by Roberto Rivera, the Cenacle executive and the International Tomas Tyn, a presentation of the Baptists and the Dominican theologian Giovanni Cavalcoli, then an anthology of theological texts of the Servant of God. In particular, Baptists, by heat, culture and eloquence which characterize the literary expression of his deep, persuasive and enlightened Catholic faith, It illustrates the salient quality of the theological thought of Father Tomas Tyn, putting the spotlight on the genuineness of his doctrine, the result not only of study, but also the intense life of charity, a faithful exemplary teaching of the Magisterium of the Church and St. Thomas Aquinas, generous in distributing, as a good Dominican, l '' water of wisdom ", prudent and provident in healing the ills of the spirit of our times, lucidly diagnosed and treated with the medicine of critical discernment and intellectual mercy, starting from a position of great balance peacemaker and doctrinal and moral impartiality, that promote the rapprochement and reconciliation between the two opposing parties of Lefebvre and the modernists, in the principle of "progress in continuity", enunciated and explained by Pope Benedict XVI.
It is also noteworthy the precious booklet "That coffee by the sea. philosophy and theology essays »[2], with a preface by Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, who, praising the fidelity to the teachings of the Servant of God to the sublime and immortal doctrine of St. Thomas, takes this opportunity to recall the importance of the Angelic Doctor, always recommended by the Supreme Pontiffs, also to critically understand the situation of modern thought, assuming the positive aspects and refuting the errors.
The Saints of Paradise, now forever in heavenly glory and free from "this threshing which makes us so ferocious', in the words of Dante, rejoice for having passed the test before God and the good, who were able to appreciate them; As to the fact of not receiving honor and glory from men of this world, they were also men of the Church, they don't care, but as well from there they continue their charitable work for the salvation of souls, They have compassion for these poor blind, especially if they are in good faith, for having misunderstood the testimony or because fearful to take the defenses of a Saint, or because misinformed by envious or evil tongues.
And why continue even from heaven to this earth to show signs of their intercession, animating and encouraging their devotees, despite the opposition of the wicked, to continue promoting their knowledge and veneration and increasing the number of those who appreciate and imitate their qualities.
Anyhow, i Santi always leave in this world, though perhaps with few or very few, the memory of their sanctity; especially among those good Catholics, studying their doctrine, in the first place is theologians, imitate the example and ask them intercession.
The fame of their sanctity, But, if the environment is healthy and receptive, sometimes it spreads rapidly and extensively; sometimes slowly and laboriously, because it is hindered and falsified by obtuse or hostile forces, which disclose or slander or do everything because you do not speak of the Holy or persecute his devotees. Is this, under certain aspects, to use two different paradigms, It is the case of the Venerable Pope Pius XII, as in other respects it is the Father Leon Dehon, which was blocked in the process finally closed the beatification ceremony, as a result of the protests completely unfounded made by the Jewish Community who turned to this holy man of God of peregrine and unjustified accusations of anti-Semitism.
These forces are more effective and harmful if they have influence in the Church, if they have the political power or if they manage to spread false ideas and costumes, which end up harming the authority and to the fame of the Holy.
God allows these oppositions certainly not to turn off the memory of the Holy, but on the contrary to test, strengthen and spread devotion towards him, He is training his devotees to respond to attacks and objections.
After two thousand years of Christian civilization, we are used to a certain hagiography more interested in praising the saint to historical truth, to conceive the way leading to their canonization as a kind of triumphal march amid a cheering crowd of enthusiastic faithful, overshadowing, minimizing or silencing of all the action of those forces, often from the inside of the Church, which opposed the canonization of the saint, almost fearing that this may throw some shade on his Venerability.
Moreover, the Church, in its ancient wisdom and experience of human affairs, It has now worked for centuries a special legal procedure to adjust the course of the debate about the verification of the candidate's holiness. This is the process of beatification and canonization. Ie it comes to checking, through a sieve of testimonies, I know the reputation of holiness the candidate has or does not have an actual factual and legal basis.
It is not excluded that the opponents Beatification can produce, in procedural headquarters, testimony or evidence against the sanctity of the candidate, prompt the judge to cancel the Cause. But it is clear that any act of force, aimed at stopping the process from, It would be legally invalid and morally very reprehensible, even if this, Unfortunately, It was the case of Father Tomas Tyn, Figure particularly dear to the Fathers of 'Patmos Island and to all our staff.
A thing It was made possible by the current climate of confusion in the field of faith, for which many can not distinguish what is Catholic and what is heretical or what interests them relatively, because it is widely believed that, as a result of ecumenism, being a Catholic or a heretic, the ideas of St. Thomas or those of Luther, They do not oppose as true and false, but simply as opinions diverse.
so many, not only theologians, but also among the shepherds, Catholics are named, but not of the fact. In fact they are heretics; but no one can deprive them from the mind to be more Catholic than ever, and indeed modern and advanced Catholics.
It so happens that the true Catholic, for example a Tomas Tyn, It is persecuted and opposed by false Catholics, present in his own order. Of course, This has always happened in the history of the Church. Just think of the Protestant persecution of Catholics in the sixteenth century.
The Dominican St. John of Cologne, at that time he was martyred by the Lutherans. And it has always happened that certain Saints were persecuted or misunderstood or would suffer trials by superintendent. Here the examples are countless. You need only think of a St. Pio of Pietrelcina or St. John of the Cross or St. Teresa of Jesus or Father Marie–Joseph Lagrange.
Two reformers
However it may not happen that a Pope martirizzi a Saint. In this connection, just think of the case of the Dominican Girolamo Savonarola, which in reality it was abandoned to death by the Pope, not because heretic, but because according to Alexander VI, disobedient.
In fact, the Pope recognized the orthodoxy of Fra Girolamo, or you may suspect of heresy the Pope, Why can't I. Of course, Savonarola was a victim of the Pope, But not for reasons of faith, but because the Pope could not stand his message prophetic e morale, and its reform of costumes, inspirational Catherinian, that sounded harsh rebuke to the Court of Rome and the Pope himself.
It was a reform that touched only the costumes and not as the false Luther, who corrupted the doctrine and had the effrontery to accuse not only unheard of heresy Pope Leone, but also to reject the same institution of the papacy. Instead, the reproach made to the Pope by Savonarola touched only his moral conduct and his government of the Church, because as far as the papal Magisterium, He knew very well that the Pope can not err in dogma and therefore can not happen that a heretic pope condemn an innocent on charges of heresy.
So at Savonarola not exactly agree the title of "martyr", because it would be unfair and offensive to the Pope, It was also an Alexander VI who did not shine of virtue in his private life, but rather that of "confessor". You can still and must speak of wrongful conviction, which then the Pope himself repented, because he at first hearkened to evil tongues. Doing in the recent past some historical research on the figure of Savonarola, I could find that a bad figure made her even the Master General of the Dominican Order, Gioacchino Turriani, that the death of this famous Friar wrote a petty flattering letter to the Pope, rejoicing with him for what he deemed the punishment of a criminal.
Savonarola was not, therefore, killed in hatred of the faith, that the Dominican was very pure, but out of hatred for his message prophetic and reformer. If therefore the Cause of Father Tomas Tyn was blocked by the modernists, Rome, that does not err in faith, and that one day, sooner or later, condemn the current modernism reflux, recognize the sanctity of the Servant of God. Modernism will, Father Tomas Tyn remain. He hath put down the mighty from their thrones, and lifted up the lowly.
The issue of the canonizations
Are rare glorifications of saints that take place smoothly and to a kind of plebiscite of peoples and of princes supplications to the Pope, as was the case for the Saints of the Tridentine Reform.
Please remember that the sanctity the same Founder of Christianity, Our Lord Jesus Christ, He has been recognized by his disciples, despite the strong opposition expressed by the very authorities, they would have to recognize it. And even today, after two thousand years, Judaism the authorities refuse to recognize the holiness of Christ.
These problems arise especially when the question arises of whether or possibilities, by the Church, to initiate a cause of beatification. There are in fact true saints legally canonizzabili, ma, since the canonizing is also an act with intent and pastoral reflections, which should be appropriate and useful in the present ecclesial situation, it may happen that the existence of Santi have also all the requirements, but it is possible that the Church, at least for now, considers it inappropriate or impossible in the canonization, as in the case of the two different but similar paradigms initially reported: the Venerable Pope Pius XII and the Father Leon Dehon.
this happened, for instance, when to the Blessed Paul VI there were those who sought to promote the Cause of the Spanish Civil War martyrs, but the Spanish Bishops, all things considered, He judged that for the moment it was not appropriate or convenient. They came, however, the good times, with the pontificate of St. John Paul II and the thing was done.
For my daily contacts with il Father Ariel S. Levi of Gualdo and my closeness even with Father John Cavalcoli, who are both employed for the Causes of Saints, I have learned that if a Cause is set in motion, means that there, how to dictate the rules of the Church about, a the reputation of holiness the people of God, by its sufficient distribution, in the opinion of the competent Bishop or the Holy See, on that basis, give way to the process or the diocesan. Then you also need other items relating to the regularity of the process and freedom, such as the postulator of zeal, righteousness of the judge, the diligence of the experts, the objectivity and credibility of the witnesses, to the availability of sufficient financial means to advance the cause, Whereas some processes may require research also in various parts of the world, clinical and scientific expertise when it comes to ascertaining miracles, in the examination of which are almost always involved the entire team of scholars, and what with the relative costs.
In the history of the process of beatification things do not always run smooth, because the candidate can be discussed, misunderstood and thwarted within the Church and also for a long time, until it becomes clear and oppositions are won. Consider the cases of Antonio Rosmini or Duns Scotus, Pius IX, of Pius XII or Marie–Joseph Lagrange.
Savonarola is discussed five centuries if deserves to be beatified, and yet the Church has not come to a conclusion. Meister Eckhart was a virtuous man, but his was a thought with pantheistic roots. Who knows how many Saints could have been proclaiming in communist countries, if the scheme had not put the gag to the Church. God allows evil block or prevent the formation or continuation of several Causes, to fortify the faithful in martyrdom and punish the wicked sacrilegious.
This may also delay much the start of the trial. The cause of the martyrs of the Spanish Civil War began only with St. John Paul II, once overcome the opposition by the Spanish Communists. And these difficulties occur not because of the saints of the corporal works of mercy, Causes of which normally carry them quickly, successfully and without shock, because every person of good heart, although not a believer, He can appreciate those who dedicate themselves to the poor, to small, for elderly or sick.
The cases of martyrdom clear have always had the possibility of a quick process. But they are not always safe, and there may be a suspicion that it is not a true martyrdom, hatred of faith. It is necessary that there are no obstacles on the part of political power, Why or an anti-Christian power could oppose or why certain evidence of alleged martyrdom can be really civil or political subversion rebellion. Some totalitarian regimes are skilled in passing on subversion cases of true martyrdom.
Napoleon persecuted the monks, the Dominicans and the Jesuits, but it was kind to the hospitals or social care. Everyone understands the sanctity of Don Luigi Orione, San Camillo de 'Lellis, St. John Bosco, only that of St. Thomas Aquinas or St. Athanasius of Alexandria, St. John Chrysostom or St. Robert Bellarmine.
At a time like this It would be a difficult thing, if not really impossible, to advance the cause of beatification of a model of virtue and doctrine as Cardinal Rafael Merry del Val, who as a young diplomat of the Holy See provided all necessary materials to Pope Leo XIII, who then proceeded to declare the invalidity of sacred ordination in the Anglican Communion, having failed the continuity of apostolic succession, so that we can no longer even speak of illicit ordinations, these are orders of all invalid. Not to mention the fundamental and irreplaceable contribution made by Merry del Val to St. Pius X for his sentence to modernism. Definitely, one day, Merry del Val will know the honors of the altars, but certainly not in this historical moment characterized by terrible theological drift.
Causes more contrasted They are those which affect the works of spiritual mercy, come, for instance, to teach the ignorant and admonish sinners, although they in themselves are more important. In fact, no difficulty recognizing the physical needs of ourselves and others. Instead pride blinds us, when we seek the glory of this world, when we have to recognize that they have fallen into heresy, when we do not want to give up sin, and when we do not let ourselves be correct.
Because of this, those who educate the virtues, the wisdom and holiness, reformers, spiritual guides, those who defend the oppressed or hunting sellers from the temple, the scourge of vice, the heralds of divine punishment, those who discover the flaws of clever or trying to correct the Superior, I am often misunderstood, thwarted, and sometimes hated, even by the Superiors, by fellow believers, and religious brothers or priesthood.
The sick in body normally they leave heal and have pleasure, but not always the case for sufferers of the spirit, indeed sometimes not even recognize that they are sick. So we understand why the Causes of those who have dedicated themselves wisely, heroically and courageously, with immense charity, to the care of this type of health insurance, are difficult to start and, When I started, opponents see them as a smokescreen, and oppose unfair thousand obstacles and a thousand loopholes and false reasons, do not satisfy the constraint, to stop them or cancel them. “Whoever commits sin, Christ says, He hates the light ".
In the field of body care, no single medical science, with its therapeutic prescriptions, accepted by all. Instead, in the field of spiritual care, but there is an objective moral science, corroborated by moral theology, in itself objective and universal.
In this case it is more difficult analyze the problem and then give proper care, because the matter is more complex and obscure and darken the passions more Daylights. Hence the struggle of philosophies and religions between them and the difficulty of unanimous sharing of universal values. From here, even within the Church itself, the evaluation contrasts in judging the sanctity or less of a given subject.
The issue of Father Tomas Tyn Cause
Father Tomas Tyn, as the reader who knows him will have already realized, is situated, as a theologian and moralist, in this the spirit of the medical profession. He left a reputation for holiness, then spread around the world, beginning with Bologna, where he worked from 1972 al 1989.
Even in his homeland, the Czech Republic, he left a reputation for holiness, so much so that it is there that the cause was officially promoted, following the awesome news that the day of his holy death, on January 1st 1990, He had coincided with the inauguration date of the new government in the country, liberated by the communist regime. Indeed, as narrated in the Acts, the Servant of God, the day of his priestly ordination, through the hands of Blessed Pope Paul VI, the 29 June 1975, He had made an offering to God of their own lives for the liberation of the Fatherland and the Church from communism.
Father Tomas relived what St. John says of Christ: "He came among his, and his own received him not ". In life he was persecuted by the communists of his homeland, much to have to leave you. After death, Although he admired and revered by the good, in and out of his Order, he is still the subject of hostility, contempt and misunderstanding on the part of the world.
The high spirit of serviceO his prophetic word of Dominican, the conclusive refutation of the errors, frank, thundering and courageous preaching of the Gospel in its entirety, in line with the Council Vatican II and Tradition, the vehemence of his complaint of aberrations and relaxation within the Church and the Order, It was certainly appreciated by many Catholics and non-Catholics, but also they brought him strong hostility, now deaf now open, inside and outside the Order.
Indeed, initiated the diocesan inquiry in 2006 in Bologna, in a serene and full of hopes, suffered malignant hostilities began to emerge in the shadows, so that the work of the Cause were unfortunately suddenly, unexpectedly and abruptly interrupted in 2012 for an unjust, unexplained and unaccounted for intervention from the outside of the diocesan tribunal, almost certainly under the pressure of hostile forces modernist imprint, Communist and Masonic, who were the main targets of the polemical good fight of the Servant of God.
In so Father Tomas, in whose teaching and whose life is contained in a high desire for freedom, as he had to experience life in the communist regime, so likewise after death, Providence has allowed his holy memory should endure actually a kind of martyrdom of a despotic intervention incompetent and repressive, who stopped the regular course of the investigation, without prior discussion in the appropriate forum, that would have been to court, the advisability or so serious need for a decision, a fact in a certain sense even more serious than the communist persecution, as coming from within the same of that Order, in which the Servant of God was estimated by many brothers; Order that he so loved and so exemplarily served and honored.
The earnest hope and passionate devotees of us, of Father Tomas Tyn scholars and admirers, present in the Dominican Order as the laity, and in the whole Church, both in Italy and in his homeland and abroad, educated in classes as in the popular ones, Catholics and non-Catholics, is that the competent superiors of the Order and the Diocese of Bologna, posts to be aware of the serious mistake committed by those responsible for this unfortunate gesture, take appropriate steps or initiatives to remedy this fault, ordering things to do share a Cause as valid the purpose of the new evangelization, the refutation of numerous errors, that corrupt the faith and morals, and peace, in the Church, between the opposing factions.
Perhaps the Superiors, rather than being intimidated for undignified search of a quiet life, by actual or possible hostile acts against the Servant of God, by the current ecclesial within and outside, against which he warns with such scrupulous care and wisdom, should watch the example of the Saints of the Order and of the same Servant of God, who do not let themselves be intimidated in front of the opponents' power, but fearlessly they challenged them, strong knights of faith, according to a motto of the Order: strongly, sources fortes.
In the Church today, likened the pope to a field hospital of the third world war, jam-packed with sick and wounded of all kinds, already shortage of medical personnel, subtract to the care of the sick a valid medical and zealous as Father Tomas Tyn, under the pretext that certain injuries do not accept, or even do not exist, or invented by the same Tomas, It appears an idea of serious foolishness, such as to arouse strong suspicion that it will not be really concerned men of the good of the Church and of souls, but to stay afloat in the sea of the world. The famous philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, eyepatch dell'arduità of philosophical speculation, He had the humility to ask the gardener in a convent. Perhaps this would be the best job for some.
Too bad that on the occasion of the VIII° centenary of the foundation of the Dominican Order, It has not been taken this opportunity to re-launch the Cause Tomas Tyn. The organizers would give evidence that this anniversary does not result only in historical commemorations, touching liturgies, artistic events, exciting movies and learned academic speeches, ma, key thing, can be a powerful stimulus for the Dominican Family and for the whole Church, at the pursuit of holiness, with the admiring gaze to the Saints of the Order, in the desire to imitate them and honor them, and in the consciousness that the Dominican ideal is still fertile in fertile fruits.
From the island of Patmos, 6 January 2017
Epiphany of the Lord Jesus
[1] IF editions Press, 2016, by the Cenacolo di San Domenico and the International Tomas Tyn [AITT], founded by Baptists who has been president since 2013, in order to promote the knowledge of the figure and work of Father Tomas Tyn.
[2] CF. Ed. Faith and Culture, Verona.
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Father Tomas is a saint in the face of squares and express saints. He participates as already in earthly life. Let them make stall gadgets in one “sanctification” of the human, which he often sent in the presence of St. Peter, ambiguous male figures and visionary female figures that the Helmsman della Barca has gladly sent back to the sender: the floor below. Father Tyn is Most Holy and Beautiful. Light of Heaven. It does not need to become a magnet for cars or refrigerators, nor does it need a place on the calendar. Thank you
…very interesting!… Also the reasons for the condemnation of Savonarola, of which, although I always lived in Florence, I was not aware precisely. You never stop learning.
There would be added, about the causes of beatification, that there may also be the case, I believe, however, very rare, open Causes, even on the figures say “difficult”, predominantly intellectual and political mold, Epper without you was the substantial basis.
E’ the emblematic case of the famous Giorgio La Pira, whose cause was established by the then Archbishop of Florence, he card. Silvano Sandpipers, In the 1986.
Its diocesan phase of the process was completed on 4 April 2005, when all documentation has been forwarded to the Pontifical Congregation for the Causes of Saints, where it is still lying. There was no basis, since La Pira, despite having done many good things for the Florence of the post-war period, who go to his great credit, But it is characterized by his political thinking statist, welfare and Keynesian, which it was a disastrous mix and incompatible with the Catholic Social Doctrine, as I explain better here:
La Pira will never be holy, but this can not be said until the times, as the reverse will happen for the holiness of Father Tomas Tyn, not ripe.
Father Tomas, pray for us.