From the flight of the hornet to the millstone tied to the neck

- homiletics -

Homiletics of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos


The wing structure of the hornet, in relation to its weight, it is not suitable for flying, But he does not know and flies anyway". The hornet, according to this legend, flies according to a mysterious force. That he doesn't know he owns.


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.


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Meditation on the Holy Gospel of the XXVI Sunday of ordinary time




Dear Brothers and Sisters,

the famous physicist Albert Einsten explained that “The wing structure of the hornet, in relation to its weight, it is not suitable for flying, But he does not know and flies anyway". Saccording to this theory, the hornet flies according to a mysterious force. That he doesn't know he owns. This story helps me introduce the today's readings on this XXVI Sunday of ordinary time.


Each of us receives the power of grace from God. Even if we are weak and far from God, he always offers us the gift of being in communion with him. We see:


During that time, John said to Jesus:


«Maestro, we saw someone casting out demons in your name and we wanted to stop him, because he didn't follow us ".


But Jesus said:


“Don't stop him, because there is no one who works a miracle in my name and can immediately speak ill of me: whoever is not against us is for us. In fact, whoever will give you a glass of water to drink in my name because you belong to Christ, verily I tell you, he will not lose his reward ".


This is one of the most complex and most discussed pages by exegetes. In other places, Jesus had explained how to become his disciples; take up his cross, follow him and therefore welcome God's plan. Here it seems instead that a deeper question arises: whoever is not part of the group of apostles can do good.


Having said that, however, it can be understood in one passage: whoever does good in the name of Christ is already Christ's. Therefore Jesus is already working even in those who are far away; because perhaps his faith is not yet strong, or if that person is on a journey of conversion. The Lord is the only one who knows hearts. Only He can truly evaluate each of our works. Here is what is the center of this teaching: not to prevent anyone from carrying out a spiritual journey, judging it on prepackaged schemes. This is also aimed at us. Let us not feel judged if our journey of faith is also full of doubts, anxieties, fragility, anger and even sins. If we gradually orient ourselves on a journey of being with Christ, every critical moment is a moment of growth and is overcome with the help of grace which is a force that helps us to be more and more of Christ.


To achieve this it is good to purify yourself from everything that leads us out of communion with God. First of all, we must not scandalize the little ones who believe. That is, those who have a sincere and humble faith: when someone makes him a scandal, it hinders them from believing. To scandalize is to stand against God. Jesus is very clear in this:


«If your hand causes you to scandal, cut it: it is better for you to enter life with one hand, instead of going to Geènna with both hands, in the unquenchable fire. And if your foot causes you to scandal, cut it: it is better for you to enter life with one foot, instead of being thrown into Geènna with both feet. And if your eye causes you to scandal, throw it away: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, instead of being thrown into Geènna with two eyes, where their worm does not die and the fire does not go out ".


This call to cut the hand, the foot and throwing away the eye are images, combined with those of the Genna fire, which symbolize a great work on ourselves: purify our gaze and our action. Therefore Jesus, so that we come into communion with him, it asks us to purify ourselves, to put us, that is, to take a look at the reality of things as believers and not as atheists. Therefore to change our way of life not only in a moralistic sense, but from a faith perspective with which to look at all things. In tal modo, we will be able to see our neighbor with a sincere and open heart, give him great works of charity. This purification also takes place with the help of grace, indispensable for our whole life to be elevated and divinized.


We ask the Lord, the gift of sanctifying grace, to increase our journey of faith, and learn to love God and neighbor with a love of charity.


Rome, 26 September 2021








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1 reply
  1. orenzo
    orenzo says:

    The eagle doesn't know why it flies nor does the chicken know why it doesn't fly.
    The Creator made the wings of the bumblebee with little ripples and made them move as if, around an axis, they drew eights: these peculiarities create a difference in pressure on the wings which generates the lift which allows the bumblebee, or rather the bumblebee, to fly.

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