When the dream amphibologist author of “Codice Katzinger” he took care of “cat and cat” and tried to scratch itches by celebrating the twentieth anniversary of Viagra …
Good times, when it was more of a woman's hair rather than ridicule Codice Katzinger of a pathetic character who, in order to make news and cassettes, makes no distinction between the twentieth anniversary of Viagra and the twenty centuries of history of the Papacy!
— Smiling at what isn't serious but would like to be —

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo
Overwhelmed by the heat that envelops us this summer, Fathers de The Island of Patmos they have entrusted to my pen the gift of a fresh smile with which to pay homage to our Readers, reiterating incidentally that as priests we are called to be serious and not serious people. In fact, between the serious and the serious lies the difference between a sincere man and a hypocritical man.
The Italian man is no longer what he once was, when for a skirt he lost the light of reason. And faced with certain current situations we can only say... those were good times! Today, the light of reason, many lose it behind conspiracies or unlikely cryptic codes of the Supreme Pontiffs who have made false renouncements of the pontificate, to follow with unspecified amphibologies marketed by some salesman …
Instead of testosterone certain Italian men exude science fiction phobias, often even of a pseudo-religious nature. No longer foaming at the mouth as happened in the past, to talk about the unforgettable performances from One Thousand and One Nights that they would offer to certain beautiful women; today, with their mouths, they drool excitedly to talk about gift e ministry pontifical, getting excited much more than they would get excited in front of a beautiful model put on the cover of an erotic monthly magazine.
And so it was that a certain journalist - whose intellectual honesty is equal to that of a fox who enters a henhouse dressed as a Carmelite nun to preach penitential fasting -, he understood that the wise popular proverb had been tragically reversed. In fact, our wise elders said:
«It pulls a woman's hair more than an ox cart».
That's why ours, in data 6 February 2019, he tried to arouse itching with the historical apologia of the ancestors of Viagra by writing in the newspaper The 19th Century this article:
«The ancestors of Viagra. Thousand-year history of aphrodisiacs, from the ancient Romans to words in chat» (see article WHO).
It may be that while working on this article ended up discovering that if Viagra exists it's precisely because women's hair grows less and less, the cart is increasingly tired and the oxen that pull it are increasingly horned. And as if by magic he decided to transform himself from an unlikely historian of urology and andrology into a canonist, ecclesiologist and historian of the most unlikely Church yet, creating a kind of hair and itching that today is more painful than ever, perhaps even on a compensatory level, because many men seem to make up for their natural lack of libido by arousing themselves with plots centered on false popes ruling false churches after their predecessor had falsely renounced the sacred throne to inaugurate a fantastic “venue prevented” (!?).
We priests miss them terribly those men who let themselves be pulled more by a woman's hair than by an ox cart. For us confessors, then, it was a pleasure and a great act of grace to absolve an army of lustful people, behind which, well never forget it, there were just as many lustful women, because men did not do it alone, in that case it would have just been masturbation. Therefore, when certain weeping women, groaning and afflicted in their victimhood, they speak of the plague of cheaters, referring to them as whoremongers, with due honesty they should remember and admit that behind every whoremonger there is always and necessarily a whoremonger, unless, as we said just now, man does not do it alone, in this case, however, it would not be betrayal but a completely different thing and very different sexual practice and activity.
Today, the psycho-impotent in the brain following Carini's rabid rabid dogs and amphibologists who wrote cryptic codes to decode, I am far from coming to confession, because the more they wreak havoc on the Church and the Papacy, the more they pretend to feel right.
Good times, when it was more of a woman's hair rather than ridicule Codice Katzinger of a pathetic character who, in order to make news and cassettes, makes no distinction between the twentieth anniversary of Viagra and the twenty centuries of history of the Papacy!
Happy summer everyone.
From the island of Patmos, 31 July 2024
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The Fathers of the Island of Patmos