THE whisper of the vilified virgins who dodge the gnat and swallow the camel. Israeli rabbi Rasson Arousi accuses the Supreme Pontiff of having uttered derogatory phrases about the Torah

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This polite note of protest by Rabbi Rasson Arousi takes us back to the times and situations in which Christ God thundered: "Blind guides, which strain at a gnat and swallow a camel!» (Mt 23, 24). While on the Talmudic texts the “sacred” right to outrage Jesus Christ in the worst ways, the Virgin Mary and Christianity.




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l'opera at Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, Herbs Amare – The century of Zionism, 1st edition Rome 2006, reprint Rome 2021 by the Editions The island of Patmos

On certain issues I wrote a full-bodied essay in 2006 which involved me for five years of meticulous and in-depth research. I refer to my book Herbs Amare - The century of Zionism, published in reprint from Editions The island of Patmos In the 2021.


We come to the actuality: some Jewish religious authorities of the divine and heavenly state of Israel complained that the Supreme Pontiff, in meditation during the audience on 11 August, he would have expressed an invitation to override the Jewish law by considering it obsolete. It is a bold interpretation of the vilified virgins that almost has the flavor of the trial of intentions.


The Jewish virginal committee wrote to Cardinal Kurt Koch, president of the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity and head of the Commission for Religious Relations with Judaism. In his letter, Rabbi Rasson Arousi, President of the Commission of the Grand Rabbinate of Israel for Dialogue with the Catholic Commission in charge of dialogue with Judaism, expresses concern for the words of the Supreme Pontiff, which, according to him, would have presented the Christian faith as an overcoming of Torah, claiming that the latter "no longer gives life, and this implies that Jewish religious practice in the current era is obsolete ".


What the Supreme Pontiff really expressed? In fact it would be “guilty” to have commented in these terms the Letter to the Galatians of the Blessed Apostle Paul:


«[…] the Apostle explains to the Galatians that, in reality, the Covenant with God and the Mosaic Law are not indissolubly linked and the Law is not the basis of the Covenant because it came later, it was necessary and right but first there was the promise, the Alliance. Those who claim that the Mosaic Law is a constitutive part of the Covenant are out of the question. No, the Alliance is first, it is the call to Abraham. The Torah, The law in effect, it is not included in the promise made to Abraham. However, it should not be thought that Saint Paul was contrary to the Mosaic Law. No, he watched her. Repeatedly, in his Letters, he defends its divine origin and argues that it has a very specific role in the history of salvation. The Law, however, does not give life, it does not offer the fulfillment of the promise, because it is not in a position to be able to do it. It is a path that takes you forward towards an encounter " [Full text of the catechesis].


If on the words of this flawless exegesis the virgins felt violated, it is only because they do not know the Holy Gospels and do not intend to know and study them, just use them in theirs yeshivot orthodox (rabbinical schools) to address all kinds of insolence to Christianity and that great one bastard (mamazer, bastard) of Jesus of Nazareth, born to a prostitute who had a good time with a Roman soldier. Because this is what the vilified virgins teach in the rabbinic schools of rigid orthodoxy, in particular in those of the communities of Kassidim (cf.. Kallah, 1b-18b, Sanhedrin 67a, Chagigah 4b, Beth Jacobh, fol 127, Sanhedrin 103a, Sanhedrin 107b.).


As I explain in my essay, Judaism, come l’Islam, they are not unitary phenomena but extremely fragmented, made up of communities and schools of thought in constant struggle with each other. Suffice it to say that some Orthodox communities do not consume the declared foods kosher (kasher, allowed, puri) by Orthodox rabbis of other communities, or the meat of animals slaughtered in accordance with slaughter (Shecḥitah) the slaughter of animals whose meat is permitted.


When certain romantic solons of the Holy See they told me "we talked with Judaism". In response, I have always asked: «With which of the many Judaisms in the world do you think you have had a dialogue? Because they range from the Orthodox divided into sects to the ultra-Orthodox still more divided within them; from conservative to reformed communities, by the Jews liberal to the Jews ultra-liberal who have lesbian rabbis who marry gay couples. So, with which Judaism do you think you have talked?». Because that's the point: some Catholics, above all ecclesiastics and honorary biblicists, now drunk with unspecified dialogues, ready to dialogue with anything but what is Catholic, they have always forgotten that Judaism does not have a central authority and a univocal interpretation of Torah he was born in Talmud.


Having clarified everything, it is soon said: the newspapers that today headline that the Jewish world has raised a protest, maybe they think the Jewish papacy based in the divine and heavenly state of Israel has made its voice heard? In truth, only the voice of a rabbi who represents his own sect has been raised, part of the variegated galaxy of the fragmented and contentious Jewish world. You want proof of all of this, linked precisely to the divine and heavenly State of Israel? Soon said: there are Jewish sects mostly linked to the most rigid orthodoxy that this state does not recognize, but they consider its foundation to be genuine blasphemy. Among several of these Cassidic groups known as haredim, the most avid are the Neturei Karta (Neturei Map), that while living within it and benefiting from all the prebends that the legislation of that country recognizes for religious, including exemption from compulsory military service, they do not in any way recognize its legitimacy and existence.


Let's hope Cardinal Kurt Koch don't come out, in response, with an apology message, because if he did it would offend Catholics, therefore we presbyters and scholars who have dedicated our existence to study in order to instruct, to form and enlighten the People of God increasingly in disarray.


The polite note of protest by Rabbi Rasson Arousi takes us back to the times and situations in which Christ God thundered:


"Blind guides, which strain at a gnat and swallow a camel!» (Mt 23, 24).


Now let's try to mention some camels, Why, apart from Jesus Christ presented in the libellus of the Toledot Yeshu like a bastard born from the impure act of a prostitute, the figure of our Divine Redeemer is variously vilified in various passages of the Babylonian Talmud, with the vilified virgins that certain pages teach her in the Orthodox Rabbinical Schools in contempt of Christianity. But there's more: after that in the past centuries the Talmud it was set on fire several times for some of its blasphemous contents, the Rabbis purged certain expressions in subsequent editions, making them vague and postponing detailed explanations to the teaching given verbally. Shortly after the birth of the divine and heavenly state of Israel, those blasphemous expressions were all restored to their original form and are still today a source of teaching and transmission by the main schools of Jewish orthodoxy. About that, Rabbi Rasson Arousi has nothing to say and explain to us, while he is intent on moaning for the outrage of virginity?


The Roman vilified virgins - to switch to another camel, all ours, nostrano - who between the end of the nineties and the beginning of the 2000s directed the Hebrew monthly Kshlom of the Jewish Community of Rome, they methodically massacred and continued over time the figure of the Supreme Pontiff Pius XII (cf.. Herbs Amare - The century of Zionism, cit. pag. 279-365), publishing and disseminating false historians so grotesque that several Jewish historians of clear fame and scientific reputation intervened from various parts of the world, to distance ourselves from certain news born of pure and humoral invention, or better: by blatant hatred of Christianity. In Italy, among the various Jews who intervened to defend the figure of Pius XII, it is enough to mention Paolo Mieli, who without hesitation declared: "I don't count my dead to an innocent person" (cf.. «In defense of Pius XII – The reasons for the story ", The Osservatore Romano, edition of 14 June 2009).


Let's move on to another camel given birth and then swallowed by the vilified virgins: In the 2007, S. AND. Mons. Antonio Franco, Apostolic Nuncio in the State of Israel, he announced in an official statement that "he would not be attending a celebration on the Shoah at the Museum Yad Vashem where there is a photo of Pius XII with a caption that places him among the main racist heads of state " (See. Herbs Amare - The century of Zionism, cit. pag. 359).


In conclusion, I affirm, in science and consciousness, that Rabbi Rasson Arousi is simply ignorant in the etymological sense of the term, that means: ignore and, perhaps, it also intends to ignore the entire evangelical literature, he seems so busy filtering the gnat and swallowing the camel. The answer to his laughable protests is in fact contained in the passage of the Holy Gospel where Christ God affirms:


"You do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish, but to fulfill " (Mt 5, 17).


This is exactly what the Supreme Pontiff recalled doing the exegesis of a Pauline epistle.


Just an arrogant ignoramus can write notes of protest considering us guilty of believing by faith that Christ is the Word of God incarnate in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary, died and rose on the third day, ascended into heaven and seated today at the right hand of the Father, let it be our fulfillment, may be the beginning for us, the center and the ultimate eschatological goal of our entire humanism. Our faith in Christ cannot be an insult to touchy Jews, especially for those who in their literature and teachings desecrate Christianity in every way and in every form.


To anyone who wants to learn more this complex discourse I refer to my work Herbs Amare - The century of Zionism.


the Island of Patmos, 27 August 2021



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