The “fulfillment”, marcionista between heresy and ecumenism at all costs

TRA Eresia marcionista ED Ecumenism AT ALL COSTS

Think not that I am come to destroy the Law or the Prophets; I am not come to destroy, but to bring to completion. For verily I say unto you: Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle of the law will, till all be fulfilled [Mt 5, 17-18].


Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



yes yes no no

you when you, no when it is no ...

This fragment of the Gospel of St. Matthew is rich in these elements on these few lines may be written treated encyclopedia only to frame the different arguments enclosed in a single harmonic context: the revelation of the Word of God made man. Think how much we could talk and discuss, Today perhaps more than ever, on single sentence that follows a few lines ahead: "Let your speech be: "Yes, Yes ", "no, No "; more than this comes from the evil one " [Mt 5, 37]. Needless to say, the Church and in society today is rather difficult to say when it is yes and no when it is not, mindful that the more - but sometimes even less, if no worse than the "nothing", for example, the omission - it comes from the Evil One, for which the "less" and the "of nothing" is sowing ground, irrigation, bud and finally harvest.

Nunzio Galantine

S. AND. Mons. Nunzio Galantine, Secretary-General of the CEI, in one ieratica poses during the liturgical actio

Just think what is difficult in the Church today to say clearly: this is right and this is wrong, This is lawful and this is unlawful, because it is written in the deposit of faith revealed. All this not because we say, but because it teaches Revelation, of which we are devoted servants and instruments, faithful preachers, not arbitrary hosts. And this is easy to say what kind of desolation pervade us when you are forced to hear bishops say homilies in which our chief priests speak of crimes against the language of social justice with brisk sociology, no longer speak of sin or of the Social Doctrine of the Church, not to mention the almost total lack of proper vocabulary metaphysical. What actually understandable, because when the revelation and his devoted servant of theology must take account of the too worldly demands of the company to which you want pleasure and never regret, to follow below with the logic of ecumenism and interreligious dialogue reduced mostly to political sociology, it may happen that one tries to logical consequence of having in all ways “a barrel of wine and eat it too”, as stated in our old proverb.

Say ' yes ' or ' no ' is harder than it looksi, by which time we have lost our natural language, which is precisely the metaphysical, Today tragically replaced with the Hegelian-rahneriano. So often we end up saying a little 'yes and a little' no, or with the support that may be but is at the same time and also no, if everything goes well, we conclude with a "ni", but not to make decisions and sometimes painful, saying with prudence and love the truth that can never be silenced, given that we are called to know, serve and proclaim the truth that will set us free [GV 8, 32], because none of us is a “Christian anonymous”, but a loyal subject and topic Prince of revelation and redemption. No one is to God “anonymous”, place which He calls us one by one by name, It took the very fact, designed and loved even before the creation of the world. Herein lies the danger of certain heterodox tendencies of the Jesuit Karl Rahner that today is the master in the absolute majority of theological studies: give improper and relativistic dignity saving to’ “anonymity”, through which you end up making anonymous God, nullifying through its poisonous theory of so-called “anonymous Christians” the whole mystery of the Redemption.


The Ark of the Covenant containing the tablets of the Law

This fragment of the Gospel of Matthew contains numerous inspirations of deep reflection (c)he had the opportunity to study years ago in my book [And Satan came Trino, cit. pag. 100-104]. We take only the opening sentence of this Gospel passage: «Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish, but to fully fulfill ". It is truly a land mine, in part insidious one that opens the horizon through this phrase, penetrating into it because we are going to touch the Old and the New Covenant, the Old and New Testament, the ancient people of Israel and the new People of Israel born of the Incarnation, by the death and resurrection of Christ, God.

catechism ok

An edition of the Catechism

In the Catechism of the Catholic Church we read these words [n. 121-123]:

"The Old Testament is an indispensable part of Sacred Scripture. Its books are divinely inspired and retain a permanent value, for the Old Covenant has never been revoked. Indeed, the Old Testament economy was directed was to prepare […] the advent of Christ the Saviour of the universe.

The Second Vatican Council states that "The books of the Old Testament, Even though they contain matters imperfect and provisional, bear witness to the whole divine pedagogy of God's saving. They express a deep sense of God, sound wisdom about human life and a wonderful treasury of prayers; Finally, in them is hidden the mystery of our salvation " [Cf Second Vatican Council, Cost. dogm. God's word, 14: AAS 58 (1966) 825].

Tables of the Law

Tablets of the Law

Christians venerate the Old Testament as true Word of God and lChurch has always vigorously rejected the idea of ​​rejecting the Old Testament under the pretext that the New has rendered it void. This is a heretical thesis carried out by the Bishop of Sinope Marcion in the second century, which gave birth to the heresy which will then name Marcionism. Needless to say: the subject is so sensitive that every word, rather, every breath should be weighed, especially in these times where more and more often, use the correct words - which are an essential basis is essential to express the doctrine is primarily to make theological speculation, which is the correct metaphysical vocabulary - replace “new words” if not worse utterances based on impulses dictated by fairness and social policy, other structured on-gooders sterile sentimentality and ends in themselves.

Who among us has done some 'legal studies, or simply for personal practical issues also had to do with the book of succession Pro mortis causa - I refer to the specific Code of Civil Law of our country - knows, if anything, even knowing how little of law, that the will is valid on the last signed. If before this will have been entered into other, automatically are no longer valid. Unless, the last will made, is not affected by irregularities and flaws that make it invalid, because in that case as attested by the previous. Obviously we are not here to discuss notarial deeds but, since we are talking of wills ...

Temple of Jerusalem

Plastic reconstruction of the ancient Temple of Solomon

... We are faced with an Old Covenant that is not canceled by the first and a New Covenant that comes from the ancient. On the one hand we have the Jews with an Old Testament and Ancient Alliance, other Christians with a New Covenant and a New Testament. It is not a minor problem, albeit too accommodating certain theologians and biblical scholars argue for years that both the children of the two alliances hold sacred pact, welcome dato's revocato, that is, the Old Covenant of the People of Israel; then given to the second, that is, the New Testament of Christians, the New Covenant. To all this is added the Catechism of the Catholic Church which states: "The Old Covenant has never been revoked". There's enough to be confused, especially when faced with all this, the priests are not the pastors that they teach the faithful; or if theologians don't do well — but especially with faith - Their craft tools of theology devoted servant of the Truth Revealed.

The Sermon on the Mount Carl Bloch, 1890

Carl Heinrich Bloch, Sermon on the Mount, oil on canvas

What the Catechism of the Catholic Church is sacrosanct, provided it is properly explained, because the task is to indicate the text and sometimes outline the truths of faith; while the task of the devoted servants of truth is to explain, to evangelize and educate the faithful to correct doctrine. The explanation for this apparent dilemma is all of it in one word that completes this phrase of the Lord Jesus, because with that one word the Word of God gives us the explanation that many - you want to excesses of ecumenism misinterpreted, you want to make inter-religious dialogue at all costs and at all costs - but do not want to catch. Also because in the context of the discourse in Matthew's Gospel there are two expressions that look really at odds with each other and that almost clash in the original greek text. On the one hand, the concept of continuity with the Old Law: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets: I have come not to abolish ... [5,17]». On the other, a little further on, a phrase that seems to be a warning containing a real break: "Have you heard what the ancients were told ... but I tell you ... [5,21SS.]». And before all this, the problem does not go away but is quite complicated. Also because, the statement "but I tell you", should be read and interpreted in accordance with the models of lexical Aramaic language spoken by the Lord Jesus: is an imperative expressed with solemn authority in the construction of the same phrase on the wheel whole '' I '. Which is to say,: "It's true because I say it, because I am proof of the truth ". That being said let's try to put ourselves in the shoes now the scribes and Pharisees, even worse, the doctors of the Law, to understand why they repeatedly accused Jesus of blasphemy [Mt 26, 57-58], others to act in the name and on behalf of the devil himself [LC 11, 15-26], so they were unable to understand the message contained in his speech.

completionThe solution to this "dilemma" is therefore entirely enclosed within a word apparently so simple as to pass almost unnoticed by many scholars: "Consummation". Jesus says: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets, I have come not to abolish but to fulfill ". The Lord, who is the son of the Old Covenant, born jew among the Jews, and as such circumcised and submitted by the devout zeal of his parents in all the rituals prescribed by the Mosaic Law, not simply leads the Old Law to fulfillment: he himself is the fulfillment of flesh, then the body and the living presence, Alpha e Omega, because his "I" is actually an incarnation of God, then her visible bodily presence.


Go over …

Accomplish, which can be translated as "overcome", "Go beyond" or "complete", does not mean undo or cancel, quite the opposite. The Old Testament was preparatory to the New, and as such should be read and understood in a dimension of the Catholic Faith. Just think of the figure of John the Baptist, The Forerunner, the one who cried out from the wilderness: "Prepare the new roads». When the Word of God became flesh did not erase his preaching of the Baptist, but went to him and asked and demanded to be baptized. And most times, preaching, the Lord Jesus reminded the heroic figure of this great man of faith who announced the coming of the Messiah: "I tell you, among those born of women there is none greater than John " [LC 7, 28].


view of the ancient Roman Forum

In another example, still, this time of historical: after the fall of the Roman Empire was founded in the Middle Ages is divided into at least three different historical periods, after which we have the Renaissance. Well: Renaissance does not come suddenly, much less by accident, but at the end of an epoch that preceded it and in a sense prepared, then in the Renaissance is enclosed and also lives in the Middle Ages. Just as the Baroque, which also contains within itself the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
Under the homes of many Italian historical centers there are layers of foundation much older, on which and through which today are the houses visible and populated. This is what the language of the Lord Jesus means to accomplish. The Lord Jesus did not abolish the Law and the Prophets, but on their old foundations built the new temple of God, erected thanks to those ancient foundations. And we are grateful and sincere debtors to those ancient foundations, essential and indispensable, through which and upon which Christ established the new dwelling of; and inside the house we live, blessing for ever and ever God that Christ did not abolish but has made, creating the New Israel, all Vero Israele, without detracting from the true foundation of the Old and Ancient Israel, that is no longer the home, but the foundation on which it is based and builds new home, the temple of Christ, who has completed, abolished without a single iota of the old law: "Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle of the law will, till all be fulfilled " [Mt 5, 18].


depiction of Paul's preaching to the Areopagus in Athens

The Apostle Paul, grew up and trained in the cultural self-righteous, does not shirk from addressing the delicate relationship between the Old and the New Covenant. In the Second Letter to the people of Corinth, the Apostle states on the one hand that "our sufficiency is from God who has made us worthy to be ministers of the new covenant" [2 Color 3,6], on the other hand that "to date that same veil remains removed, when you read the old covenant, because it is removed in Christ, may it » [2 Color 3,14]. All this to explain clearly that to be removed is not the Old Covenant but the veil fell over it and that the same will be taken for all who believe in Christ. The Apostle does not fail to remind the privileges of ancient Israel by writing in the Letter to the Romans: "They are Israelites, have the sonship, Glory, alliances, legislation, the cult, the promise; to them belong the patriarchs, and from them came Jesus according to the flesh " [RM 9,4-5]. All these gifts are forever because the love of God as indelible gift is bound neither by logic nor by human responses, but by his faithfulness to the Covenant. Thus, "the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable" [RM 11,29]. So are the irrevocable covenant of biblical history, as irrevocable and unforgettable is the humanity of the Jewish Jesus. Therein lies the concept that delineates a difference between the Old and the New Covenant. The Old becomes new in Christ and it is neither old, or repealed. The New Covenant brings to life the ancient because it is made with the blood of Christ: "This cup is the new covenant in my blood poured out for you" [LC 22,20]. Or as St. Augustine explains: "The New Testament is hidden in, while the Old is in the New revealed ".


Ambrosian Carnival” – Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi portrait during a party next to a lady disguised as a priest belonging to the sect of Old Catholics.

These are the foundations on which you should do ecumenism with combinations born of painful separations with core Catholic who took life peppered the worst heresies, for example Protestantism. True ecumenism is done starting from the penalty spot by the knowledge that Christ on this earth God has created one Church entrusted to Peter, not to a multiplicity of "Churches" entrusted to an army of Protestant congregations divided into thousands of different denominations, including those from which many Pentecostals sad ideas have taken some Catholic groups of uncontrolled and uncontrollable charismatic and Neocatechumenals. Who then had doubts in this regard — including some bishops and Cardinals, theologians of biblisti, whether they are alive or dead, as Gianfranco Ravasi as Carlo Maria Martini — would that thought to the words of the profession of faith which proclaims our I think a church, holy catholic and apostolic Church ". In the Symbol of Faith Nicene Creed did not proclaim all the multiplicity of “churches”, all of which are "une" and "holy".

More delicate is still interreligious dialogue made instead with faiths outside the nucleusunedi cristiano. In that case you need to confirm more firmly and respectful of our faith in the Word of God made man. Avoiding every effort to water down the truth of our faith for fear of offending those who refuse and those who deny the mystery of the Incarnation, the death and resurrection of Christ, God, putting in an entirely legitimate, with such a refusal, the freedom and the free will given by God as part of his own creation; because man is always free to accept or reject the mystery of his God and Creator, God's Christ the Redeemer, Holy Ghost the Comforter, who proceeds from the Father and the Son.

an apostolic Catholic saintHe talks explaining what you believe in and trying to convey in the best way our beliefs, certainly not resize it to meet so complacent to those who reject decisively - often with destructive aggression or homicidal violence as some Islamic fringe - the Revelation of Christ, God. A painful rejection that deserves our respect, just as God himself has observed with pain the worst of the worst choices and waste freely operated by man and is contained in the mystery of original sin is in the mystery of the Cross. What matters is that it is clear that those who refuse to respect the Word of God made man certainly does not mean approval of those who work with joy this rejection that comes upstream from the drama of the end of any action of redeeming grace.

Those who refuse Christ God is painfully observed, not approved, not shared, let alone invited to give lectures in our ecumenical theological studies and in our seminaries, within which would explain the errors inherent dangerous - for example - the Protestant heresy, and consequently in his theology. They should not be asked some scholars within these our centers of study and training for conferences, because they may be worthy men in all respects human and social, on the theological and doctrinal errors are larded with perhaps, for this, welcome at various universities and pontifical universities in which in fact do not teach Catholic theology a more, at best they teach filosofismi and sociologisms religious elaborate on the creative language and arbitrary to some theologians, rather than the universal language of the Church's Magisterium, which the theologian is only an instrument and faithful speaker, not critical, not censor …

Together with our intimate and respectful disapproval of those who are in error, and for those whoprostitute heresy persists, we must also be imbued with a deep sense of sorrow. This is the metaphysical basis, underpinned by the philosophy of common sense [Cf. the Antonio Livi Philosophy of common sense]; This was the basis on which the theological and pastoral should ecumenism and interreligious dialogue, especially when the protagonists of certain dialogues are bishops and cardinals are called to guard the faith, certainly not to water it down and svenderla better for pleasure and to remain acceptable to all; including those who are continuing with fierce pride and indomitable to continue to spread far the worst heresies against the Truth Revealed, ignoring the clear warning that urges us to be perfect in one [GV 17, 20]. And if the unit has been broken does not exactly blessed the fracture and conferred dignity heresy which broke the unity of Truth. Everything always regardless of the fact that the mystery of salvation is quite different and as such is embedded in the heart of God who alone is the Judge and that just may decide to accept in their own kingdom, whole armies of heretics, without having to ask permission to any college teachers of the law; thing of which, moreover, gave clear warning to all the centuries to come, warning that "the tax collectors and the prostitutes will precede the Kingdom of Heaven" [Mt 21,28-32].

Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Giovanni

Dialogue between theologians: “Theology as a science”



[…] as regards the Protestant theological tradition, as far as Luther, before being excommunicated, was duly authorized doctor of theology and he cared to consider “theologian”, However, we can not say that the type of “theology” started by Protestantism, and today is having an influence in the Catholic world, is a true theology, Despite the attention to Sacred Scripture and insights very deep theological many masters of Protestantism and the extraordinary intensity of their studies and their learning. But it takes more than that to have a theology that respects.


Author John Cavalcoli OP

John Cavalcoli OP


(C)Ome, the reader will, Archbishop Antonio Livi recently published an important book that touches very appropriately and with great skill thistrue and false theology topic: True and false theology. How to distinguish the true "science of faith" from an equivocal "religious philosophy" » [see video presentation who]. A sad and shocking phenomenon that unfortunately we see in the Catholic culture is the proliferation of people: priests, religious and laity, men and women, maybe a few degrees in theology at the Pontifical Faculty, but that does not really know what is theology; from which one can imagine the disasters that combine. While, on the one hand you see some lay, also the people, mothers, young, workers, peasantry, which, proud of their faith, have the discernment to notice the heresies of bad theologians or pastors, to talk, Unfortunately, there are others which, perhaps insuperbitisi for the success that they get, especially journalists with unparalleled quality, but no academic or ecclesiastical mandates, pose as censors by final judgment against even professional theologians for many years in the service of the Church and the Holy See and the theologians are offended if you allow it to get them a few remarks; as was also the three of us that we have created this online magazine for not having to be subjected to certain kinds of complaints [see who, who]. What would we say about this behavior in place for example in the areas of clinical health-related physical? And in knowledge of the faith or the good of the soul should not be more humble and listen to those who, though unworthily, have an official mandate from the Church or a long pastoral experience, especially priests or bishops? Not to mention the mandate of the Supreme Pontiff.

Vito Mancuso, theologian, Director series "Field of Flowers" (Fazi Editore)

the theologian Vito Mancuso, worthy of the deepest respect, considerable but not as a Catholic theologian

We choose among them the best known example and visible: that of Vito Mancuso, who in his book on the soul, sold in 130 thousand copies and regularly invited by many Catholic cultural centers, Doctor of Theology at the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome, recommended by Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, says in that book openly and, let me tell you, shamelessly, that he is “Catholic” is that “it always will be”, but at the same time he rejects four or five tenets, why, according to him, would “contrary to reason”, better to say: at the its reason. The rest, I wonder: How many Catholic theologians now admit, with realistic approach and not subjectivist, the existence of a universal reason and objective, proper to man as such, to which European culture has believed from Plato and Aristotle, e poi San Tommaso da Finno Kant's, though it does not adequately recognize the realism and empirical assumptions? For many theologians today, due to a misunderstanding pluralism, Therefore, there is the reason, universal and unchanging, with firm certainty, including ognuno ha la its reason, for that reason as they like, ie on the basis of appearance, or to its particular culture, evolving, therefore not based on reality in itself, external and independent of thought: the important thing is to get the disciples and we are talking about him in the media and in intellectual circles. To paraphrase the famous novel by Cronin: The Stars Look Down (1), we can say with much regret: "The bishops are watching". San Tommaso and Kant said parlano “speculative reason”, though of course in a very different. We still talk about Hegel, but now in a pantheistic sense and Gnostic, that give rise to the right, although exaggerated reaction of the big Kierkegaard, che da buon protestante ritroverà l’irrazionalismo esistenzialista ed occamista di Lutero.


imagine pittorica raffigurante San Tommaso d’Aquino

Hegel is still about “science” dell’Assoluto e riconosce che noi cogliamo la verità divina nel “concept”. He despises the teologIA, che per lui si pone non nell’alto livello del Denken, but in the low and vulgar of Performance. So the “Absolute science” and the “Absolute concept”, of Hegel, identical to the real idealisticamente, are so pretentious, che saranno rifiutati parimenti anch’eSSI from Kierkegaard. For this the Kierkegaard, honest and truthful spirit lover of truth, He showed himself a critic of imposture piercing hegeliane, so that, as demonstrated in his interesting study Fabro, the Danish philosopher is very close to us and at the same Catholic Saint Thomas (2). The fact is that after Kierkegaard is not more than “speculative reason” a causa dell’avvento dello storicismo, del positivismo e dell’esistenzialismo, with their characteristic contempt for metaphysics and Pearl scholastic philosophy.

Some, especially among Catholics, continue to believe selflessly in the truth, If not the reason, at least of faith, but you will have various forms of traditionalism, liberalism, subjectivism, fideism, sentimentality, and condemned by fenomenismo ontologismo Church since the time of blessed Pius IX and Vatican I to Pius XII. In fact, the faith is impossible or false, If there is no rational truth which is assumed or support. For this St. Thomas argues that a good theology is built using only a good philosophy (3). The Thomistic revival of the late nineteenth century, prepared by a series of impressive and zealous philosophers and theologians and strongly supported and promoted by Leo XIII and by subsequent Popes, until the Second Vatican Council, that expressly recommends the thomist Discipleship, gave credit in Catholic culture to theology as a science or, as the calls Antonio Livi, at the “Science of faith”. È grande merito dell’Aquinate aver fondato la teologia cattolica come scienza (4), Although the science is theology in a special way, different from that of all other sciences. Indeed, While the other sciences are based on rational principles first or common sense, the principles of Catholic theology are of Christian revelation, that is the truth of faith or dogma. For this Antonio Livi calls “Science of faith”: not that faith can become science or that science proves rationally faith data, as believed they could do Hegel. But as it is a science related to the faith, constitutes or rational or assumption is based on faith and it descends, While remaining a human knowledge, capable of objectivity and certainty (theologically certain), or even rising to the proximity of the faith (of faith the next), especially if it is approved or recommended by doctrines Church (5), But even fallible cognition, that sometimes remains confined to the level of mere opinion or probability.


The advertising poster of the film dedicated to Duns Scotus

This alternation of epistemic situations, solid now, now poor, depends more or less difficulty of issues addressed. Where the matter is more within the reach of our reason, its actually has already been explored and the survey method is safer, the results are more reliable. Otherwise, There moves only in cases and in a plurality of views sometimes conflicting, but all legitimate, se l’ambito della verità naturale e del dogma viene rispettato. The theologian can prepare also the dogmatic pronouncement of the Magisterium of the Church, When it reaches very solid and reliable results, in full compliance with the writing, the doctrine of the faith and tradition. These results can be innovative, to advance the knowledge of the word of God. However, a theological doctrine, as vera, safe, firmly based on given revealed defined or undefined, cannot be the subject of theological faith, If it is not the Church that with his infallible authority elevates to dogma or truths of faith. That being the case, bisogna distinguere accuratamente l’errore teologico dall’eresia, benchè un errore teologico possa condurre all’eresia. For instance, il concetto scotista dell’univocità della nozione dell’essere di per sè è un errore metafisico. Ma in quel grande teologo francescano di vita santa l’univocità è tenuta a bada da tali potenti correttivi, It is prevented in bear bitter fruit. In applied theology, conduce a concepire la differenza fra l’uomo e Dio solo come divario esistente fra finito (man) and infinity (It gave) sulla base di un medesimo concetto dell’essere, dimenticando che l’essere della creatura è solo “analogicamente” essere (this per participation) rispetto all’essere divino (this per the essence). L’uomo non è un ente al quale, per avere l’essere divino, you simply add an infinite amount to be, così che l’essere come tale si predichi univocamente dell’uomo e di Dio, IE remains the same with the same meaning. Instead, as the Lateran Council IV, “between the creator and the creature you can't give such a similarity, without that we must not say an even more dissimilarity” [ CF. Denz. 806].

È vero che l’essere metafisico di Scoto è ancora solo l‘ens UT ens, l‘esse commune. Ma tra l’essere della creatura, univoco all’essere divino, as you highlight the infinite distance, However, qualitative not quantitative and, e l’essere divino, It remains only a thin wall, that will be easily demolished by spinoziano and Hegelian Pantheism in the following centuries. Il rimedio apportato da Ockham con l’introduzione dell’equivocità, will not help anything, since, If on the one hand, under the pretext of freedom and divine omnipotence, si apre un abisso incolmabile tra l’uomo e Dio, what Kant calls the “edge of reason” Lutheran's memory and reason leads to God, dall’altra l’essere divino non si concilia più con l’essere umano, so in the centuries following the terrible dilemma will: o l’uomo espelle Dio ribellandosi a Lui e si avrà l’ateismo; o Dio assorbe in sè l’uomo che si fa identico a Dio e si avrà il panteismo.


Ritratto d’epoca di Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Let's move on to another aspect of our theme. Of course, the theology, in that speech about God, It should not always be the scientific mode, because some of his items, as clearly demonstrates the history of salvation narrated by Scripture, are made, events, places or individuals or groups acting as agents in space-time, then a contingent matter, You may not take the form of science, avendo essa per oggetto l’universale e il necessario. Because of this, some speak of “narrative theology”. In fact you can talk about God telling facts, per esempio il fatto dell’Incarnazione del Verbo o dell’ascensione di Cristo al cielo. However, as the triune God is absolutely necessary, eternal and unchangeable, universal principle of all things, and the necessary, Eternal, immutable and universal is the subject of science, Here is that theology, more than narrative, is science; e, If it is said, lo fa in relazione all’oggetto principale che è Dio, as notes St. Thomas (6). Certainly theology tells, but it does or to lead us to God or to show the works of God. The tale end in itself is history, theology not. Even more you move away from theology and truth, cadendo al limite nell’eresia, in those conceptions of theology, inspired by Hegel, nelle quali la storia finisce per invadere tutto il campo dell’essere e sostituire la metafisica, so nothing exists to immutable, that is, everything is becoming, even God. Also St. Thomas, which is great speculative theologian, lover of the concept precisely and accurately, recognize that theology, per il fatto stesso di usare l’analogia dell’essere, can and should make use of metaphor (7), that is a form of analogy, quando la mente avverte di non essere proporzionata all’immensità del divino: a language that is very common in the Gospel. In this way the precise and appropriate concept, just science, si accompagna in teologia all’espressione metaforica, that in itself would be its poetry. Even in this encroachment in theology poetry shows a different science. In fact here and concept metaphor illuminate each other: il concetto illumina l’intelletto, la metafora sostiene l’immaginazione. Se per esempio diciamo che il peccato è un'”offense” to God, clearly this is a metaphor, Giacchè, speaking properly, that is metaphysically, da cosa può essere menomato o di cosa può esser privato l’Assoluto? However, il paragone con le avventure dell’uomo, helps us to understand the evil of sin.

revelationOther considerations. As we know, There is a natural theology and a supernatural theology, that is Catholic Theology, founded on the theological virtue of faith, che nasce dall’ascolto della predicazione della Chiesa (Fides ex auditu). Only the principles of the second type of theology are the faith, While the first ones are of reason and common sense. Invece il metodo di indagine e i procedimenti dimostrativi sono scientifici sia nell’uno che nell’altro caso. The theology is drawing on sources or via special special means or methodological epistemical, the so-called “places (GR. tops) theological” (8). The main sources are writing, tradition and the Magisterium. Sources or tools or auxiliary sciences are a good philosophy, the liturgy, the patrologia, the history of the Church, the history of theology, canon law, l’agiografia, la storia dell’arte e della letteratura. True theology is theology, as explained by Antonio Livi, When his method is corrected by epistemic viewpoint, What, this, che conduce all’ortodossia dei contenuti, as well as the right way for a certain place leads us to the place to which we intend to get, though I can somehow know this place even before you get there. So likewise the content of theology have a value in themselves, even regardless of the method by which the theologian has established them. Undoubtedly a wrong method, as mentioned, can only be born errors. From fake doesn't come out the right. But this does not mean that a theologian to acquire or accept valid theological doctrines or to other learning or taking information from co-workers. The epistemic criteria to determine the value of a theology is therefore twofold: occorre la correttezza del metodo e l’ortodossia dei contenuti, which in turn occurs following two ways: controllo della bontà della filosofia della quale il teologo si è servito e verifica dell’ortodossia in riferimento agli insegnamenti del Magistero, which infallibly interpret the two sources of revelation: Scripture and Tradition. If the theology of a given author passes these examinations, At that time, According to our author, that is the true theology theology (9).


Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini and Dr. Enzo Bianchi

When Antonio Livi denies the works of some authors that pass for theologians the true character of their theological writings, of course not intended to necessarily notice them some doctrinal error, but merely observe that, According to the strict definition of “theology” He established the rest on the Catholic tradition, cannot properly be classified as “theology”, Although here we have big names like Chesterton, Dostojevsky wrote, Bulgakov, Berdiaeff, Look out, Paez, Pascal, etc., But if anything can we qualify them as “religious thinkers”. As for the Protestant theological tradition, as far as Luther, before being excommunicated, was duly authorized doctor of theology and he cared to consider “theologian”, However, we can not say that the type of “theology” started by Protestantism, and today is having an influence in the Catholic world, is a true theology, Despite the attention to Sacred Scripture and insights very deep theological many masters of Protestantism and the extraordinary intensity of their studies and their learning. But it takes more than that to have a theology that respects. What is lacking is a real systematic spirit, è l’assunzione di tutti i luoghi teologici, respect of logic, a precise language as is fitting to science, un moderato uso dell’immaginazione ed dell’emotività. Da qui la facilità nel cadere in enormi confusioni o al contrario nell’opporre quello che andrebbe unito e armonizzato, per non parlare dell’arroganza con la quale vengono trattati non solo la tradizionale teologia scolastica, ma, as is known, the same Magisterium of the Church.
It would be a disastrous confusion between prophecy and theology, che porta ad abusare dell’aspetto metaforico e allusivo del linguaggio profetico, that can be some suggestive, ma senza un’opportuna vigilanza critica, a rigorous theological methodology and philosophy, It often comes out from the path of truth. As established St. Thomas, the theology is formally a single science (10), Although physically and descrittivamente, also for educational reasons, involves a multiplicity of disciplines or branches, le quali però fanno tutte capo all’oggetto principale, in Catholic Theology, è Dio rivelatosi in Cristo nell’interpretazione dogmatica del Magistero della Chiesa. These branches or specialties not then determine in relation to God, though we should distinguish the Treaty Deo One from the Deo Trino and Christology, but rather in relation to creation, all’uomo ed al mondo e quindi all’agire di Dio nel creato e nella storia (great things of God).


image of Saint Bonaventure of Bagnoregio, Doctor of the Church

So happens that today the field of theological disciplines is so vast and multifaceted, There is now more, as was still possible in the middle ages, an academic theologian capable of space on all areas of theological knowledge, ma, in order to have a good preparation, who wants to do the theologian, especially if academics, must necessarily choose a particular discipline and specialization and limited to that, without presuming to sentencing in the areas where it is not responsible. A similar thing happens for medicine today, where is that, for serious problems, you have to resort to specialist. In the first division of theology is between dogmatic theology or speculative, He considers the divine attributes and the immutable divine truths, as for example the angels, though present in past history (protologia), here I'm (ecclesiology, Mariology and sacramentary) and future (eschatology), the object of pure contemplation, and practical theology, che considera l’agire umano. In turn this branch of theology embraces moral theology, that is the virtue; and spiritual theology, che tratta della perfezione cristiana sotto l’influsso dei sette doni dello Spirito Santo. We speak here also “Theology of perfection”, “Mystical Theology”, “affective theology” and the like. La teologia morale a sua volta comprende la direzione dall’azione del popolo o del comune fedele e la direzione dell’agire o dell’opera educativa e formatrice dei pastori e delle guide del popolo. The first is the precettiva theology (commandments of God and the Church); the second is the Pastoral Theology. Since then the duty of the pastor is feeding the flock and proclaiming the Gospel, Hence arise the canonical education theology (theological foundations of Canon law and the laws of the Church) and the theology of evangelization. Quest’ultima comporta varie tappe o momenti educativi. The first step is dialogue with every reasonable man on the religious theme (Theology of inter-religious dialogue and with non-believers); second step is demonstrating the credibility of Christianity and its defense from attack of unbelievers (apologetics or faith education); il terzo è l’istruzione sulla dottrina cristiana (catechesis); il quarto è l’inculturazione, ossia l’inserzione del messaggio evangelico nelle varie culture, properly cleansed in the light of the same Gospel; il quinto è l’attività ecumenica (Ecumenical theology).


Monsignor Antonio Livi during the visit of the Holy Father Benedict XVI at Pontifical Lateran University

Since Catholic Theology's task is to make use of a good philosophy to interpret Scripture and tradition under the guidance of the Magisterium, behold, under this point of view, We must distinguish the scholastic theology from the Biblical Theology. The first, Theology par excellence, Theology as “Science of faith”, as the word, is that theology is taught in Catholic schools and academic institutions of all clerics can. The second, è l’indagine, con l’aiuto dell’esegesi biblica, major theological themes of Scripture, that then is the systematic theologian sort and organize around the fundamental truths of the faith. Infine c’è da tener presente che ancora per un’altra ragione la teologia cattolica non è soltanto una scienza come le altre, ma, in the likeness of biblical prophecy and under the guidance of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, It is a wisdom, that assumes the theologian not only a mere intellectual knowledge, ma un vero gusto e per così dire un’esperienza delle cose divine, that leads him to judge them for some sort of affinity with them, which St. Thomas calls judgment per inclinationis Modum (11). Scholastic theology is so closely related to the mystical theology, frutto dell’esperienza contemplativa di quella verità infinita, that is the thought of God, del quale l’uomo è chiamato a partecipare quaggiù nella fede e dopo la morte nella visione beatifica.

Fontanellato, 28 October 2014


(1) Original Edition The Stars Look Down, 1935
(2) Vedi per esempio i saggi contenuti in Dall’essere all’esistente, Morcelliana, Brescia 1957.
(3) Sum. Theol., I, q. 1, a. 1.
(4) See on this historical studies by Dominique Chenu.
(5) For example, certain fundamental doctrines or main (pronounced major) of St. Thomas Aquinas.
(6) Sum. Theol,,q. 1, and 2 aa batteries. 7.
(7) Sum. Theol,,q. 1, a. 9.
(8) Initiator of this Treaty, later classic, fu il domenicano Melchior Cano con l’opera De Locis theologicis, Edition of Venice, 1776.
(9) This very important topic of the scientific status of theology has always been treated by Thomists, especially the Dominican school. Just to give some names of the last century: Garrigou-Lagrange, Maritain, Shortcut, Journal, Ramirez, commission, gardeil, Spiazzi. CF my book and white Theologians. The contribution of the Dominican School of theology history, Piemme, Milan, 2000.
(10) Sum. Theol., I, q. 1, a. 3.
(11) Sum. Theol,,q. 1, a. 5.