Note of clarification on some ambiguous words of the Holy Father: Man needs God, but God does not need man

We help the Holy Father with childlike clarity



We simply can not even suspect that the Holy Father has heard such things, benché il suo modo di esprimersi non sia stato dei più felici, and would have required, a nostro avviso, at least some clarification. Moreover, the Holy Father would not hurt to warn against the risk of an interpretation which leads to pantheism and to atheism, oggi molto diffusi.


Giovanni Cavalcoli o.p. – Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



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If you were hungry, you would not say it [Shall 50,12]

Dov’eri tu quando Io ponevo le fondamenta della terra? [Gb 38,4]

To whom did he consult, because I instruct? [Is 40,14]




Hearing of 7 June 2017 – to open the video click on the image

Nell’udienza generale del 7 June, the Holy Father pronounced the following words:


«[…] the gospel of Jesus Christ reveals to us that God can not be without us: He will never be a God "no man"; it is he who can not stay without us, and this is a great mystery! God can not be God without man: great mystery is this! And this certainty is the source of our hope, that we kept in all invocations Our father» [Official text WHO].


These words You could at first make us to mind the famous thesis of Hegel: "God without the world is not God". If it really was, it would be very serious statement, fraught with disastrous consequences on the theological and on the moral level, since it is clear that God is completely sufficient in Himself and can well exist without man. And indeed, They, there was already perfect, Blessed and completely alone and the Self, dall’eternità, before He created the world. He is supreme perfection, infinite and absolute. The Nothing can be added. Nothing Short of. The Nothing you can donate. What The gifts we give are the ones who gave us. Since nothing its essence can be completed, even the most sublime creatures. God is Absolutely Necessary, while the man is contingent creature. He is all for Himself; the creatures are nothing in themselves and, all that the creature is, it is from God.


He certainly is Love by essence, He gave his Son for our salvation, but always it remains that could have very well not to exercise this love to the world, Why, If she wanted to, It might not create it.


God created the world out of pure love and an act of perfectly free advice - utmost freedom ―, as the Vatican Council says, it created for pure and selfless love, without being absolutely necessitated by the structure of its essence, as well as instead they operate physical agents subhuman.


To think that God, per esistere, needs the active contribution or ideal man, Why da solo non ce la fa, He leads man to believe they can be essential to God and to shape the essence of God, that God becomes an idol, "Work of human hands' [Shall 135, 15], product of human thought, come nell’idealismo. Hence the temptation of believing man or a god to identify with God or take God. Or to put it in other words: se l’uomo non ci fosse, God would not.


In the literature of spirituality of Ashkenazi Jews, some rabbanim [the LORD] They tell us that "God had such a need to be loved and honored, that at some point he decided to create man in his own image and likeness, affinché l’uomo lo amasse e lo onorasse». It deals with, naturally, an expression of the whole poetic. Although as we know, in theology, and especially in the dogmatic theology, the licenze poetiche, per quanto belle, and sometimes also effective to make the idea, They may be non-hazardous infrequently, if not explained, but most if not explained well and as such, ie as licenze poetiche.


Now, we can not even suspect that the Holy Father has heard such things, although il suo modo di esprimersi non sia stato dei più felici, and would have required, a nostro avviso, at least some clarification. Moreover, the Holy Father, it would not hurt to warn against the risk of an interpretation which leads to pantheism and to atheism, Today both very popular.


The Holy Father's words They can then be understood in a mystical-affective-operational sense and also as referring to the mystery, in three ways:


first, in a mystical-affective sense: It is like the language of lovers, as when the lover says to his beloved "without you I can not stand '. Or as when one says all'altra or viceversa: «io ti adoro». Word that makes the idea of ​​what it means to expression of deep emotional level, but in theological language has a meaning and above all a "application" very precise, because only God can be the object of adoration, unless otherwise run the serious risk of falling nell’idolatria.


Second, in Christ God has in some way to be in need of man. It shows Christ who asks for a drink to the Samaritan [cf. GV 4, 1-26], and even more it shows its request for cooperation all’opera of salvation, although poi la nostra libera risposta sia dono della sua misericordia.


Third, le parole del Santo Padre vanno intese come riferite al mistero dell’Incarnazione: God has united Himself in Christ forever to man, and nothing will ever separate this union. The union therefore of God with man in Christ, however, is a necessity in fact, not in law. If the concepissimo as a fusion of the two human and divine natures, cadremmo nell’eresia cristologica contraria al dogma della distinzione delle due nature del Concilio di Calcedonia.


This awareness, ci dice il Santo Padre, God in Christ it is forever linked to man, It is certain for us the source of great confidence in the Father, consolation and hope, which, however, must not exceed in a false certainty to save in each case and without conditions, canceling a holy fear of God, because it always remains in each of us the responsibility to pay or not to so much love, Why, if there sottraessimo with sin, a nulla ci servirebbe l’opera della redenzione. Recall the famous words of St. Augustine: « Colui che ti ha creato senza di te, non ti salva senza di te ».


it gives The Island of Patmos, 8 June 2017





Dear Readers,


announced after the brackets we will inform the 19 May [see note WHO], we went back to work on The Island of Patmos. During their stay at the Convent of Padre Giovanni Cavalcoli we recorded several video lessons currently being assembled, a breve saranno pubblicate per tutti voi sul nostro canale.


Varazze 2

Fathers de The Island of Patmos a lavoro durante le riprese video effettuate nel Convento San Domenico di Varazze (Savona)




