the earthquake as “theophany” e … the “super cazzola” biblical exegete Father Giulio Michelini …

war report: there is an ongoing war against the faith?



Who interprets the concept and the datum of faith "God chastises and uses mercy", as an expression denoting "a judgment of a paganism without limits", shows to be a person belonging to another religion, or at least to a thought other than Catholic, as well as immersed in thoughts “prehistoric”. If not, unfortunately it runs the risk of trying response in supercazzole: "Supercazzola premature? Blindo Come fosse antani, tapioca sbiricuda» [cf. My friends, act II, 1982].


Giovanni Cavalcoli o.p. – Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



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Find the priest,

I am a priest of the Diocese of Milan engaged at the time in Bible studies. During a lesson a few days ago, It emerged the theme of “chastisements of God” […] The teacher asked us to read an article of the Franciscan Biblical scholar Giulio Michelini, that there around with the present. A me, This article does not convince, but maybe I'm wrong, wonder why your own opinion.

Don Emanuele (Milan)


less than the response Foreword:


super cazzola, Definition from the Italian vocabulary: "Word or phrase without meaning, pronounced earnestly to impress and confuse the other party '.

Zingarelli Dictionary, 2016



the supercazzole Ugo Tognazzi, in the role of the legendary Count Mascetti, the cemetery of San Miniato al Monte in Florence – to open the video click on the image.

Ugo Tognazzi She gave birth to other sacred monsters Italian film trilogy My friends, which it was coined the expression "supercazzola", today became the literary lemma, as before it became "the Leopard" by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, so much so that the leopard is now entered into the vocabulary of Italian and various other international language as a synonym for transformation. The motto "supercazzola", that from 2016 It was entered into the vocabulary of the Italian language [see WHO, WHO], It is a term that indicates a "word or phrase without meaning, pronounced earnestly to impress and confuse the other party '.


Clarified the literary meaning of "supercazzola" according to the dictionary of the Italian language, Now we proceed to the examination of Article Franciscan theologian Father Giulio Michelini, Posted in Future the 9 November 2016 and so titrated: «Matthew and the story of the earthquake. In the Gospel the earthquake Theophany, not a punishment ". We respond willingly to the question addressed to us by a young Milanese priest who lights asks us in this regard; and we do the first referring readers to the full text of the article learned Franciscan, we proposed at seven months of its publication [see WHO].


Reading this text He realizes that the author does not know either what is a theophany, or what is God's punishment. Indeed, The basic observation to be done to Father Giulio Michelini is that divine punishment is a Theophany Theophany and can be divine retribution, because otherwise it risks falling into meaningless expressions of Ugo Tognazzi in the guise of the legendary Count Mascetti: "Supercazzola premature? Blindo Come fosse antani, tapioca sbiricuda … » [see video above].


"Theophany", indeed, It means nothing more than "manifestation" or "appearance" of God. Of course in this life, God does not appear immediately in its essence, "face to face" [The Cor 13,12], something that will only happen in the beatific vision of Paradise. And yet, as it is apparent from biblical narratives, God may appear and appears in different ways indirectly, covertly, «come in enigma» [ibid.], through pictures, symbols, visions, creatures and natural phenomena, which may have collected substantially into two categories: sometimes God appears in rewarding way, encouraging and comforting, so as to show his affection, his kindness and mercy; at times it shows us an angry and stern face, though still paternal, sending misfortunes and sufferings, to try and strengthen our virtues, let us repent of our sins and exhort us to conversion. He looks so terrible and frightening especially to sinners and his enemies.


In this second case we have the punishment, which, however, we must be understood as a correction, and accept it as expiation for us or for others, following the example of Christ, Yes that, if we have to suffer from innocent people for Christ's sake, evidence becomes "perfect joy" [GC 1,2]. Only the damned God appears as irreconcilable enemy, But not because of God, but because of them, because until the end of their lives they refused the offer of divine mercy.


The steps of the quoted Gospel by Father Giulio Michelini can be plastic and emphatic expressions to manifest and signify the strength and power of God in exceptional events. In this sense I agree that in some places of the Gospels an earthquake does not necessarily doom, but in fact is a theophany of divine power which signals and underlines the importance of certain events of salvation history.


In other places of Scripture, instead, the punitive meaning of the earthquake is evident [AP 6,12; 8,5; 11,13.19; 16,18]. The rest, as we find in the story contained in the Book of Genesis, which he tells of the punishment for original sin, the hostility of nature is a result of this sin [Gen 3,18]. It is not unthinkable that there are earthquakes in paradise.


If it is true that, as Scripture teaches, sin produces suffering and death, It is not difficult to appreciate the damage that come from nature, without excluding negligence, neglect and human improvvidenze, have a link with original sin and also, as the Bible indicates, with our own sins, although it is true that an earthquake that affects entire populations, and above it may also involve many innocent. But it is precisely for this reason that the Christian faith has a comforting answer, namely, that these innocent - then none of us is ever what a perfectly innocent - have the opportunity to join the redemptive cross of Christ.


Thus the wisdom of the Christian It is to see the presence of God in everything that happens. Of course, the term "Theophany" agrees especially the divine manifestations that give joy; yet the Christian is able to see a theophany in the above sense even in times of trouble, of pain and misfortune. On the contrary, here lies the so-called ace in the hole of the christian.


Every sensible man, it is not a fool atheist, He can see God in the things that are going well. The hard part is knowing how to see a God of justice and mercy when things go wrong. Being able to see God, as Luther said, «void contrary species». Being able to understand the mystery of the Crucified, "Scandal for the Jews, foolishness for the pagans " [The Cor 1,23]. Being able to see the supreme beauty under the guise of collapse, life under the guise of the dying, salvation under the guise of the convicted, Bliss under the appearances of the desperate; because even and especially in these elements, It manifests the true and solid faith in God the Father, creator of heaven and earth, Incarnate Word in His only begotten Son, in the Holy Spirit, who proceeds from the Father and the Son.


The Christian who has survived an earthquake, what does? What do you think? How does it react? What ideas, such feelings should inspire the priest or bishop? Certainly not blame a cruel God or helpless, with fate or with his stepmother nature, as did the poet Giacomo Leopardi; certainly not restarsene fatalistically dazed and mute before a fact that seems absurd and incomprehensible; not enough to reassure, as they would Lucretius o Spinoza, the thought of the "laws of nature"; do not swear at the Ministry or against geologists, not protest the delay of rescue, but thank God for escaping; It is reminiscent of original sin and asks God's mercy; prays for victims, it gives the suffering to console, He collaborated in the rescue and, I am shaken by the strong call of God, who repent of their sins, It increases the good intentions and offers her suffering for the conversion of sinners.


The novelty of Christianity than the old religion greek-Roman, It was precisely to bring the thinking and feeling human being outside from a cantankerous-punitive vision of the gods, driving towards preventive and corrective vision of a loving and merciful Father, "Slow to anger, abounding in love" [Shall 102] that takes care of creation and of man, created in his own image and likeness. Therefore, who interprets the concept and the datum of faith "God chastises and uses mercy" [cf. Tb 13,2], as an expression that denotes "a judgment of a paganism without limits" [cf. WHO], shows to be a person belonging to another religion, or at least to a thought other than Catholic, as well as immersed in thoughts “prehistoric”. It's here, Unfortunately, instead of trying response and off for our walk in the revealed mysteries of faith, unfortunately it runs the risk of trying response in supercazzole: "Supercazzola premature? Blindo Come fosse antani, tapioca sbiricuda …» [cf. My friends, act II, 1982, cf. WHO].






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