A sad Christmas carol among the police cars: perspectives and analysis of today

Father Ivano
- ecclesial news -



We can understand and perhaps charitably justify this deferential behavior of the ecclesiastics towards the government, since for a long time there has been the risk of seeing phantasms the support of the clergy, which will lead to the merciless closure of many small dioceses and parishes, finally realizing the project of a poor Church, not for the poor, but of the poor. So in summary it is better to keep the housekeeper good, even if satanasso, as long as it allows us to live.


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.



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The last chapter present in the book The Church and the coronavirus - published by us fathers of the island of Patmos in October of this year - is called this: A Christmas Carol: a tragic Christmas song.


The fundamental reference from whom I drew the inspiration is Charles Dickens, English novelist of the Victorian age known above all for his novels of a social nature which have the merit of describing English society with all its hypocrisies and contradictions, far from the vulgar regime propaganda that usually glorifies the successes of the ruling class, while minimizing its flaws.


In the novel A Christmas Carol Dickens introduces the protagonist, Ebenezer Scrooge, a cheap old man worried about his wealth in a maniacal way, enough to trample on the most sacred rights of his humble accountant Bob Cratchit - family, faith, salute, work - and have a poorly concealed tolerance for all humanity.


Not even the arrival of Christmas it seems to soften Ebenezer's heart, on the contrary, this holiday seems to exacerbate even more personal dissatisfaction and concern for a lower profit, given the attenuation of the profitable days for the gain. Only a supernatural intervention will be able to overturn the fortunes and lead the old stingy old man's life back to milder advice, obtaining justice where justice and mercy have been violated and despised and bringing back a light of humanity and understanding in the old sinner.


Between the lines of the novel, an attentive reader can well glimpse the human and psychological essence of the old Scrooge: he is a poor wounded and unhappy man, he is aged in evil as the prophet Daniel would utter [cf. Dn 13].


His passion for money it has distorted and perverted it, away from the noblest sentiments of man such as charity, The pity, solidarity and empathy. Scrooge is - at the time of Dickens - the representation of that modern anti-human cynicism present in many areas of our society which, claiming the right at any cost, ends up trampling and denying the most sacred rights of others.


I chose to be inspired by Dickens because in October, inside the sacred palaces of worldly and religious power, the idea of ​​a possible new was cherished lockdown Christmas. A well-oriented partnership between throne and altar that would have dealt a definitive blow not only to the whole country but above all to that Catholic faith which in Italy no longer has a defined identity but which lives a dualism of pauperistic sentimentality in an immigrationist sauce and backdated traditionalism, salottiero and zitellesco.


Expenses, so, better than Dickens it could have summarized the embezzlement of civil and religious society in which we are living, proposing again with the novel Christmas carol, the bogey of a visitor ghost, not of the past, not of the present or even of the future but of the confinement of the human who dehumanizes, in defiance of the slogan everything will be fine?


With the Covid-19 contagion of the president of the Italian Episcopal Conference, Gualtiero Bassetti and his consequent hospitalization, our pastors did not consider that the proposal to suspend Masses at Christmas time in agreement with the Viminale was more viable, that the newspaper Il Messaggero - in the edition of 10 October 2020 - he promptly pointed out [see article, WHO].


A risky step certainly, that perhaps in order not to bypass the sick Cardinal President of the CEI he was no longer prosecuted. But maybe, more likely, the path of chameleon-like transformation was chosen ecclesial-chic in which the truths are never objective but functional and are understood according to opportunity and need.


We can understand - and perhaps charitably justify - this deferential behavior of the ecclesiastics towards the government, since for a long time there has been the risk of seeing phantasms the support of the clergy, which will lead to the merciless closure of many small dioceses and parishes, finally realizing the project of a poor Church, not for the poor, but made up of poor people. So in summary it is better to keep the housekeeper good, even if satanasso, as long as it allows us to live.


This speech is more understandable today in which, completed the turning point of Advent with the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, still debates on how to celebrate Christmas consistent with the curfew of DCPM. There is no lack of suggestions for caution, in which the ranks of the observers, dissidents and divergents will compete for the battlefield this Christmas 2020.


However everything is already prepared, to respect the DPCM we opted for the Fantozzian model in which the new Count Cobram has already instructed Maestro Canello to play midnight of the new year in advance and to some choirmaster of Villa Nazareth to anticipate the Glory to God in the highest announcing the birth of the Savior.


However, we are calm, as we have already been able to experiment with the post recovery lockdown in June there will be those who, while not celebrating Christmas since 1980, they will feel gravely defrauded and offended by the absence of the Midnight Mass, in which they have not participated for some decades. Just as there will be those who from the height of their ecclesial maturity will say that all these things are preconceived conventions, that one can very well celebrate the birth of the Redeemer from one's own living room and that at the end of the time of the shepherds there were no recorders and Gopro and therefore in all probability there was never a Christian Christmas and a Virgin betrothed to a man of the house of David named Maria. But above all there has never been a redemption because, above all, there is the consciousness that is there suprema lex to which everyone must obey because it is so convenient… as long as it is convenient, but above all as long as freedom of conscience does not express different or contrary things towards those who manipulate consciences, in the name of freedom of conscience, obviously!


To all of you, my most sincere wishes for a Merry Christmas ... dickensianamente speaking.


.Laconi, 9 December 2020




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1 reply
  1. Francesco Paolo Vatti
    Francesco Paolo Vatti says:

    I felt sorry for the Midnight Mass (participation in which, so a little’ strange, it makes me feel particularly attached to my parents, dead from 16 year old), but I was very happy to have been able to attend Mass! It was already very difficult to follow the Easter Mass only on the computer….

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