I respect Nietzsche and Saint Laurent, I frequent the upper middle class and I do not visit the Roma camps, enough not to become a cardinal


The areas of Catholicism so-called traditionalist or conservative, through their army of mystical souls and defenders of the true and authentic faith, they changed the word Modernism into a synonym for absolute evil. This is in the same way that the Soviet communists had transformed it into a synonym for absolute evil words like bourgeoisie or capitalism.

— History and current affairs —


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A famous stylist he uttered a phrase which in itself contains a profound evangelical essence, rather, eschatological: «Fashion passes, style is eternal". Definitely, il francese Yves Saint Laurent (1936-2008), avowedly atheist, all-round homosexual with an adventurous life behind him in every sense, who arranged for the ashes to be scattered after the cremation of his body, he had neither metaphysical nor eschatological ambitions, perhaps not even evangelical. However, this does not mean that sometimes, the most unthinkable people, even those furthest from Christian living and its moral principles, can express concepts that fit, surprisingly, or even extraordinary, to the Christian feeling and the contents of the Holy Gospels. It would be enough to simply read certain poems by Baudelaire, Verlaine and Rimbaud, called not by chance The cursed poets, the cursed poets.

Thundered Friedrich Nietzsche already at the end of the 19th century: "God is dead, stays dead, we killed him" (cf.. The Gay Science, n. 125). A phrase that in itself could scandalize an army of mystical delicate souls, but which if read in a Christian key sounds instead like a severe warning. Haven't we perhaps evicted the very idea of ​​God from our ancient European continent, after killing him, to the point of making an evident concept such as the undeniable historical Christian roots of Europe unpronounceable? Saying that Europe was born from Christian roots is not an attack on the idolatrous cult of fundamentalist secularism, but a fact that should be accepted by all non-believers with intellectual honesty, who, having taken note of this clear fact, then have every right to remain and profess to be secular and non-believers.

This sharp thinker, brilliant and crazy he had also intuited and prophesied that the decisive attack on Christianity could not be based on the theme of truth but on that of Christian morality. Even in this, Nietzsche was wrong when he titled a work with the provocative name The Antichrist, where he paints Christianity as a disaster and a perversion that needs to be freed from? This too requires a particular capacity for reading and speculative interpretation on a philosophical and socio-ecclesial level: over the centuries the men of the visible Church, perhaps today in a special way, they have not by chance generated disasters and perversions from which it would be good to free ourselves, with the primary and ultimate aim of protecting the Church of Christ, the Mystical Body of which he is the head is us living members? (cf.. With the 1, 8).

Between the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century we Catholics, locked up on the perennial defensive lines, after all the historical events that followed the traumatic and bloody event of the French Revolution and the various liberal governments that were highly anticlerical and repressive towards the Catholic Church, it is not that by chance we have imposed great limits on ourselves and inflicted deep wounds on ourselves?

Areas of Catholicism so-called traditionalist or conservative, through their army of mystical souls and defenders of the true and authentic faith, they changed the word Modernism into a synonym for absolute evil. This is in the same way that the Soviet communists had transformed it into a synonym for absolute evil words like bourgeoisie or capitalism.

To the Committee of our Soviet of the Catholic tradition I throw down a gauntlet: it is true or not true, that the Lutheran scholars - children of a heresy which theologically remains such and which generated the second schism in the Church after the Eastern one of 1054 - they speculated on biblical sciences and new testamentary exegeses, while we Catholics, by virtue of the excellent foresight of the Supreme Pontiff Leo XIII or whoever on his behalf, we were trapped in four rancid formulas of decadent neo-scholasticism? And I say to such a rancid and decadent point that if between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century Sant'Anselmo d'Aosta had awakened from the tombs, Sant'Alberto Magno and San Tommaso d'Aquino, they would have kicked us in the teeth without a moment's hesitation.

After more 116 year old since the publication of the Encyclical Feeding of Dominic's Sheep of the Holy Pontiff Pius X, through which Modernism was condemned with all the harshness of the case, we want to start asking ourselves, we historians of dogma in particular, how much and if, that encyclical, it was truly far-sighted as some still glorify it today? Personally I consider it a historically necessary text in that precise historical and geopolitical context. However, if the speculation is both historical and theological, today she wasn't dead and buried, it would be necessary to start asking ourselves questions that will be the subject of an essay that I intend to publish as soon as possible: Modernism, with all its undoubted problems and errors, perhaps it wasn't in the first place, rightly or wrongly, a reactive movement that developed within a Church whose problems were almost all of a political nature, especially after the fall of the Papal States 20 September 1870?

Intellectual honesty is a rare commodity, especially in mystical souls and defenders of true and authentic doctrine and tradition. If in fact they had even a shred of it, the rigorous question would be the following: How come, after arriving in the middle of the last century in almost disastrous theological situations, at a certain point we realized that, to carry out in-depth studies on biblical sciences we were forced to refer to the publications and scientific texts of Protestant authors? We were already doing it in the first decades of the twentieth century, but secretly, so as not to end up on trial in ecclesiastical courts on charges of modernist heresy.

They should also clarify, always mystical souls and defenders of true and authentic doctrine and tradition, How come, the greatest and unsurpassed commentary on the Letter to the Romans of the Blessed Apostle Paul was written and published in 1918 by the Protestant theologian Carl Barth? And it is a text to which, whether you want it or not, we all have to do it again, precisely because it remains insurmountable for now.

Soon said why this happened: we Catholic theologians were busy scratching each other's head lice, like a tribe of capuchin monkeys, camping out on four rancid formulas of decadent neo-scholasticism, with the sword of the great and far-sighted Feeding of Dominic's Sheep which continued to hang above our heads, until the Supreme Pontiff Pius XII began to loosen the rules, but above all to donate to the Church encyclicals of high theological and spiritual depth, rather than encyclicals dictated by socio-political needs with all the most severe disciplinary implications addressed to the clergy and theologians.

It is known that imbalances always generate imbalances, like this, before and immediately after the Second Vatican Council, but above all with the unfortunate post-conciliar period, carried out by theologians and self-styled people who didn't know the documents of the Council at all, each ended up creating their own Council, the one I renamed into one my work of 2011 «the egomenic council of post-council interpreters».

If Modernism was the reaction to an airtight seal, the fight against this current of thought, ended then defeated, it generated a much worse reaction: the uncontrolled decline of Catholic theological speculation. And today we are forced to listen not only to theologians, but bishops in the chair who casually pronounce embarrassing heresies. Or better understood: the Jesuit Antonio Spadaro, whose theological depth is almost equal to that of a sole, not only embodies the decadence of Company of the Indies which in its time was the great Society of Jesus, because he even became director of the historic magazine La Civiltà Cattolica and can afford it, without any reminder, to publish on The Daily a commentary on the Gospel that would have made the heresiarch Arius pale [see text WHO].

The situation of decadent degradation that we live today in the Church has very ancient roots to be found between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, when a ripple effect was triggered. Until we reach the present day, in which we are suffering and helpless spectators of an agonizing pontificate that has given us politically correct proclamations, uncertainties and ambiguities. All in the name of a true psychopathological obsession: poor and migrants, migrants and the poor...

It is known that today the bishops, but above all those who aspire to become such, they must come from unspecified "existential peripheries" and speak of an "outgoing Church". The Church is not leaving but is now in receivership, with bankruptcy upon us and the bailiffs ready to enter to affix the seizure seals. If the Church is saved - and it will be saved anyway by our certain faith - it will be because it is not a human work but a divine one; because Peter, chosen by Christ as a stone (cf.. Mt 16, 18-19), it rests on the rock of Christ. And of Christ - it is good to remember - Peter is the vicar on earth, he is not the successor, if anything, an even more good and merciful successor than Christ himself.

While elsewhere there was a catwalk of bishops new generation con i clergyman unglued, holding the wooden crosiers made in Master Geppetto's workshop, with pectoral crosses obtained from a piece of a poor migrant boat that sank off the coast of Lampedusa, This Sunday morning I celebrated Holy Mass in the chapel of a five-star clinic, a place where people who can pay very high prices are usually hospitalized. Then I visited all the terminally ill patients hospitalized in the oncology department. And after having already administered the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick and confessions in the days preceding, I continued to administer confessions to several patients again, then bringing them Holy Communion.

While I was kneeling before the Tabernacle, my theological soul was assailed by this atrocious doubt: in the Church today, these upper-class people, these rich people, they truly have a soul? They are also children of God? The church, who always took care of everyone, but which today only talks about the poor and migrants, of migrants and the poor, he has to deal with them too or not? The Holy Father continually tells everyone "Never forget the poor". But, in ten years of pontificate he has never once urged us not to forget even the souls of the rich. They are the rich people who have often donated the most important charitable structures to us, or the funds to build and maintain them, or the money necessary to carry out our apostolic works. I am not aware that the Church has ever built any charitable structure with the money of Roma pickpockets, those who in Rome, to be understood, they visited all the religious houses, there is not a single one who was saved from their thefts. And when the Holy Father received them in audience several times, I am not aware that as a sign of gratitude they returned any stolen goods in exchange for the apostolic blessing. Why steal from Roman religious houses, they are really the Roma - the police reports say so - they are not the Swiss bankers away in Rome, those traffic in another way and at much higher levels.

My doubts dispelled I left the luxurious clinic and did not visit a Roma camp as Augusto Paolo Lojudice did, today metropolitan archbishop of Siena and cardinal, I went as a guest to breakfast with a distinguished clinician and his wife at the exclusive Aniene Rowing Club, frequented by people who definitely don't have, for the Church today, the dignity recognized instead of the Roma.

A dignified priest it is good first of all that he presents himself with a beautiful cassock on and that he looks at the man as such, regardless of his class and social condition, whether poor or rich, because in the eyes of God there are no privileged categories because they belong to the category of the ideological poor. The worst clericalism, the most vulgar and undignified, I willingly leave it to that poor brother who interviewed the Supreme Pontiff several times in jeans and sneakers, while I willingly leave the red hat to Cardinal Augusto Paolo Lojudice, awarded this dignity not for particular science, intelligence and pastoral government skills that led him to stand out among the members of the Episcopal College, but because he brought the seminarians of the Pontifical Roman Major Seminary to visit the Roma camps.

All these are just the end results of a large and complex ripple effect that started long ago, which would be good to study, because only in this way it will be possible to find an adequate cure, certainly not with a new one Feeding of Dominic's Sheep nor with a second one Praised yes, which could also be titled if desired Laudato no, given the consolidated style of the … it could be yes or maybe even no, but maybe who knows, a little yes and a little no, but maybe you know what I'm telling you? Come to an agreement and do it yourself, as long as you never forget the poor...

More than consolation we have a certainty of faith: fashions pass, as Yves Saint Laurent said, but the style, that of Christ who revealed himself and gave himself, that remains forever and never passes away.

the Island of Patmos, 4 September 2023



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