When Bishop Luigi Negri believed that the whores along the Via Aurelia were paying homage to him


He had launched the more or less joking joke about "obsequious sluts", precisely because he was very touched by those young and beautiful girls reduced to beating on the street. Then he told me: «Let's recommend them to the Madonna». And it began: «Ave Maria, full of grace, The Lord is with you …». And his eyes were shining.

— The Briefs of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos —


Luigi Negri (Milan, 26 November 1941 – †Milano, 31 December 2021) Bishop of San Marino-Montefeltro (2005-2012), Archbishop of Ferrara-Comacchio (2013-2017), he would have accomplished today 83 year old.

Luigi Negri and Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo in the sacristy of the church of Santa Prisca all'Aventino (2010)

Complex personality, man of great faith and solid doctrine, endowed with acumen and at the same time burdened by forms of naivety that led him to make gross errors. Most faithful servant of the Church and the Papacy, generally as delicate as number sandpaper 10, especially when he opened his mouth in more or less private contexts with hilarious phrasebooks from the Trastevere carter of the late nineteenth century, which personally made me laugh out loud, I am so allergic to the falsity of certain apparently so delicate clerical mouths. All of this, But, it was mostly stage, because few had understood what it really was like: with these poses of his, Luigi Negri hid his fundamentally shy character and a sensitive, even tender soul.

It was the month of May 2009 when he came to visit me in the international priestly house where I resided on the Via Aurelia, as I was preparing to complete my training. He left his driver free for a couple of hours, who waited for him in front of the Paul VI Hall, where the plenary assembly of the CEI took place, where I took him back in my car.

Along the Via Aurelia the cute one, mostly young Romanian men already impaled in broad daylight, as we drove by they smiled and waved with hand gestures. After one, due, three … Luigi Negri blurts out amused: “But these bitches are always so obsequious towards bishops?». I replied: «Don't be under any illusions, it's not her they greet, with». And I explained to him that I often made that journey on foot for a few kilometers and I always stopped to say hello to those poor girls, I also gave them all a rosary.

He had launched the more or less joking joke about "obsequious sluts", precisely because he was very touched by those young and beautiful girls reduced to beating on the street already in broad daylight. Then he said: «Let's recommend them to the Madonna». And it began: «Ave Maria, full of grace, The Lord is with you …». And his eyes were shining.

This too was Luigi Negri, rather, especially this one. With all due respect to the delicate sweethearts with the flowery little clerical mouths who would never say "fuck!», as he said more or less thirty times a day, who however was moved by young sluts and prayed to the Virgin Mary for them.

the Island of Patmos, 26 November 2024



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The Fathers of the Island of Patmos








