"Obedience to the Father" foundation of faith that eludes those Catholics of DIY emotional faith. Meditations for Easter Triduum in pandemic period (Holy thursday)

- Easter Triduum 2020 —



(First meditation: Holy thursday)


[…] if the bishops give provisions on pastoral liturgy and decreeing a ban on publicly celebrate Holy Mass with the people, you just obey, starting from the faithful. This is the hierarchical Church instituted by Christ that puts Peter at the head of the college of the apostles, then Peter and the apostles to guide the People of God. And whoever denies - and has full right and freedom to deny it - is not, however, Catholic, is more ... is the Catholic of himself and of his emotional and subjective idea of ​​the Church ...


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



I offer to the readers of The Island of Patmos three meditations for this year Easter Triduum 2020, in a situation perhaps unique in its own way in the history of the Church: for security reasons, Public celebrations of the sacred liturgy in the presence of the people were suspended in all our churches as a result of the pandemic coronavirus.

Three dedicated meditations through which attempts to correct, with kindness and severity, but always in a spirit of truth and charity, the great plague spread today in the Catholic world: the allergy obedience and faith do it yourself.


From the island of Patmos, 9 April 2020

Holy thursday








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the topics covered in this video can be found in depth in our book that you can easily order: WHO



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13 replies
  1. rose louise
    rose louise says:

    Good evening Father Ariel,

    these days I am literally looting all the videos on you tube and the articles on the island of Patmos…his reflections and lectiones are flawless: doctrine, culture, etc. etc. all with simple and effective words…I'm not used to showering honeyed compliments on anyone, including priests, for which I have a deep respect and respect…and I often don't give compliments just because I'm afraid of being honey, I too like her can't stand sentimentality…so .. oh my God I lost the thread…so I greet you and revere you, thanking you.
    rose louise

  2. Maria Cristina
    Maria Cristina says:

    There is talk of reopening the libraries. Sure , many intellectuals, publishers, writers, journalists protested that if you can go to the tobacconist to buy cigarettes, why not allow yourself to go and buy a book? Instead in Church you can't . Of course, bookstores are more important , "culture" is certainly more important than religion! That leaves a bad taste in the mouth , at least to me and that I won't easily forget , is the attitude of the priests ( fortunately not all of them) who seem to agree with this scale of priorities : first of all, at the height of necessary things, food, and therefore supermarkets rightly open, then addictions to tobacco etc., then of course the culture , at the bottom of , but very very deep , religious needs in a handful of fools and faithful bigots who would like to go to church and have the comfort of the sacraments.

    • father ariel
      Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

      … therefore she compares and compares material goods with supernatural goods?
      But she is a materialist without knowing she is: … you can buy cigarettes and you can't go to Communion.
      Then, Let's do something: since what matters is the spirit and nourishment of the soul, we close supermarkets and open churches. It will be enough for people to receive the supernatural grace of the Most Holy Eucharist, to be fed and not to have problems, rather, to be much more sanctified than ever with material food.
      The Eucharist is the bread of the Angels and, if we feed people with the bread of Angels, the food distribution chain can also be suspended.
      So starting with her, I tell you: empty the fridge and the pantry, eliminate all kinds of food from your home and receive the Most Holy Body of Christ once a day, I'll do it. But he must not drink even a glass of water and eat not even a tiny breadstick.

      Let me be clear: I replied using his exact same logic, which is not logical, but aberration of sense of faith cristiano, reaffirming that she doesn't even know where to stay, Christianity.

  3. Annalisa
    Annalisa says:

    Additional comments?

    Obviously Socci following certain arguments would not be Catholic because he "dares" …

    The reasons why the "sheep" are unruly , and in disarray and because the top management and the shepherds are currently what they are . Of all the least responsible is certainly the flock.

    Other: I honestly do not see assaults on the churches of angry faithful. It seems to me a false problem based on a false perception: anonymous nickname social networks . And anyway in the statistics of the probabilities the number of interactants of this and other blogs is not reflective of the behavior of millions of faithful. Other:
    The "flock" of 100 O 300 O 400 years ago net of the obvious differences by historical context , if he had had a "miracle" sudden social… analogous to today , they would behave in exactly the same way.
    Upstream of the current breakdown there is much more , certain behavior of the "flock" is only an obvious reflection…..and it could not be otherwise: it is almost obvious…

    The clergy especially at the top level "stinks" … you feel and see it.

  4. Salvatore
    Salvatore says:

    Before judging Archbishop Lorefice [CENSORED]


    Dear Sir,

    send a chain of insults to a priest as you did, on the days when the solemn memory of the institution of the Priesthood and the Eucharist is celebrated on Holy Thursday, denotes its disturbing nature.
    Having said that, I specify three things:

    1. she posted her insulting comment on a page where a video meditation on Holy Thursday is presented, his comment, insults aside, it has nothing to do with the contents of this page, the series: I shoot where I shoot and where it happens to me;

    2. nobody has defaulted, either today or yesterday, S. AND. Rev.ma Mons. Corrado Lorefice Metropolitan Archbishop of Palermo, we limited ourselves, in news flash, that do not relate to this page in any way, to publish not a malicious opinion or judgment, but news with lots of videos documenting the fact


    3. if unfortunately, in case of necessity, the High Prelate in question, were to make use of a defender like you in court, he would also be sentenced to life imprisonment for having only parked the car in a parking ban.

    And if you want to be Catholic, learn to respect even the worst priests of this world, not for the people I am, but by their sacramental grace. If you want to be Catholic …

    In the end: if in the future he would like to send more insults, use real email, not one created for the occasion, like the one he sent his rant from: nontinnifutti@gmail.com
    In fact, you don't even need a translator from Sicilian to Italian dialect, everyone understands what it means don't fuck gmail.com.

    Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

  5. Antonio
    Antonio says:

    Dear father Ariel…
    what to say? My compliments for this video. I and … thousands of things could be said, make hours and hours of video but this type of people will go in one ear and go out in the other.
    After watching this video, I still have that question:how will the Church get rid of these useless and dangerous enemies?

    • Antonio
      Antonio says:

      Dear Orenzo,

      with that question of yours: could you clarify what you mean by "memorial of his death and resurrection?"You think you take Father Ariel for the bottoms, who understands more about things in the sky than you do?
      It is immediately clear that you are part of that rotten heresy called the Neocatechumenal Way and you, with yours gave kiko you have not understood anything about the Most Holy Eucharist which you desecrate every time you gather with your Jewish-Protestant celebrations where you take Jesus with your putrid hands and trample on his crumbs by dancing on them.
      return to the sheepfold to your heretic shepherd!
      happy Easter…
      pity that you have also distorted the meaning of Easter!

      • orenzo
        orenzo says:

        I neocatechumenal?
        Father Ariel is smart enough to gattescetrate my question, but you don't think it even happens.

        • father ariel
          Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

          Dear Orenzo,

          Already in the past, it seems to me a couple of years ago, I told her that her ideas on the incarnation and the immaculate conception, hence the conception and birth of the Word of God, they were not Orthodox.
          Free her to have certain opinions. But do not believe to set traps and, if one does not answer, it can also be done in order not to enter into speeches that have been closed with dogmatic definitions.
          And I, on dogmatic definitions, I don't discuss it.
          It was here that he wanted to go and save, or do you think I misunderstood your question between “memorial” e “conception”?
          If I misunderstood, make me understand and formulate it so that I can understand better.

  6. Iacopo
    Iacopo says:

    Thanks for meditation, looking at it I thought “but he won't be stepping on a bit’ Too strong?”; then I remembered that the catechetical action of the Word of God in confronting certain merchants was to whip them, in comparison, words are caresses.
    To stay up to date with what he talked about, just today I happened to read an interview by a well-known Vatican expert to a well-known archbishop who could easily be titled “we shovel tons of shit for free on the Pope at the most opportune moment”, a useless exercise that frankly threw me more into despair than any alleged deprivation of Eucharistic communion.

  7. orenzo
    orenzo says:

    Shareable words at 99,9%.
    0,1%: “… the priest “conceives” Christ how many votes he wants…”
    Dear father Ariel, could you clarify what you mean by “memorial of his death and resurrection”?

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