Madonna “soggy” e “pacioccona” Father Livio Fanzaga of the small and the great Catholic heart of Antonio Socci that invites us to pray for the Pope
They say the island of Patmos Fathers
In this section letters from readers, Father Giovanni Cavalcoli responds by explaining the reason for his dismissal by Radio Maria, occurred under this merciful Pope in which they are experiencing purges worthy of the old Soviet regimes; Father Ariel S.. Levi praises instead of Gualdo with affection and esteem that “damn Tuscan” Antonio Socci.
Dear Father Giovanni Cavalcoli,
we would appreciate if you yourself, who starred in the unfortunate story of Radio Maria, from which was then sent off for the claims which in truth would not do, He declares it to you as the events were held.
Redazione del blog think Man [Ed. cf. WHO]
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I began to work with Radio Maria station in 1993 and any accident had never happened, rather, I enjoyed the esteem of Father Livio Fanzaga, who had become enthusiastic diffuser of my book Hell esiste. The truth denied [Faith & Culture, 2010].
For some years now I was conducting a course for catechists and that Sunday, explaining the reason and the purpose of baptism, I said that it serves to remove the guilt and the punishment of original sin. Like this, for example, I remembered that earthquakes could be considered a consequence of original sin and God's call to conversion from sin.
In my catechesis, it was all framed in the mystery of original sin, because of which not only the man loses his original perfection, angelic creature from becoming immortal mortal creature, but also the very nature of creation is affected by this sin, becoming hostile to man and manifesting this hostility by tsunamis, earthquakes, large volcanic eruptions; or through the change of the geological structure of the earth itself, as the sea withdraws generating desert areas, or the sea advancing and submerges residential areas and arable areas, causing the survivors to emigrate elsewhere, to fight with famine and hunger. In short, that natural disasters described both in the Old Testament New.
All of this, in theology, It has always been connected to original sin, that touched both the man and the nature, ie the whole of creation, altering and thus corrupting the perfect balance originally created by God.
Over the centuries, God's mercy has also served of these events for the salvation of man. For instance: when the European population was decimated by the great Black Death of 1347, populations, time more Christian in their entirety, They interpreted that event as a reminder of God for calling to their conversion. And if we look only to the architectural appearance, on the one hand we see great unfinished works prior to 1374 - in this connection I come to mind among the many great church of San Petronio in Bologna -, on the other hand we, in the decades immediately following, the construction of beautiful buildings of worship representing the new man's dedication to God through faith, manifested not only with the works of art, but also through the great philosophical productions, literary and theological that followed, or even through the birth of many new forms of consecrated religious life.
In this sense, mine, expressed in that radio transmission, were words that called to mind the divine justice, but though, while, arouse in the Christian peace in the soul, because the believer sees in misfortune not only the sign of a just God, but also merciful; is something historical evidence that after certain catastrophic events, There have always been a great resurgence expressions, and that no one can reasonably deny, because it is written in our monuments still visible.
These words, inspired by the common Christian tradition, They aroused against Radio Maria, but particularly against me, immediate action outraged by several prelates, basarono that his comments "hot" about what had been written and reported by newspapers, instead of what I had actually said in the enacting part of a catechesis on original sin, the synthesis of which was already encapsulated in an article published a year before the page Theology from The Island of Patmos: God chastises and uses mercy [see WHO], that he did not arouse any scandal [N.d.R. We have occurred in the statistical details from 18.11.2015 at today's date, This article has been opened and read for a total of 71.203 times].
The allegations that have been raised - apart from the slander slanderous for a theologian known for decades as a faithful servant of the Church - are all based mostly on heretical principles, for which they are absolutely void and indeed deserving of being themselves the object of severe condemnation. In this regard I refer to Ariel S Articles. Levi di Gualdo, that in those days of controversy - after my superiors asked me via “precautionary” not to intervene or to publish the writings for the moment - intervened on our Patmos Island with precise and detailed accounts, putting the record straight and pointing openly heretical thoughts expressed by some bishops, and unfortunately by some high official of the Holy See [cf. WHO, WHO].
For instance, there were those who accused me of starting from a "pre-Christian god ', contrary to mercy. But saying this, my priest accuser, he thus showed that he was influenced by Marcion, heretic of the second century and father of the so-called heresy Marcionite, who claimed that, while the God of the Old Testament was a bad God, che win, the God of the new is the good God, which it is only mercy and not punish.
Another Bishop he accused me to have a "most pagan god", the assumption that the God who allows the earthquakes is not the God of the Bible, but the pagan. What completely false, since the Bible teaches very clearly that even earthquakes are warnings of divine mercy. Just consider the Book of Revelation or ads eschatological gospel.
The Evangelista Luca He gives precise words spoken by Jesus who says to his disciples,:
"See that you not be deceived. Many will come in my name, saying,: "It's me" and: "The time is near"; not follow them. When you hear of wars and insurrections, do not be terrified;. These things must happen first, but it will not immediately be the end '. Then he said to them,: «People will rise up against people and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be earthquakes from place to place, famines and pestilences; There will be terrors and great signs from heaven [cf. LC 21, 8-11].
With verve sua notorious ironica, Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, in those days ridiculed:
"Surely, Christ the Lord, it was just a "pre-Christian god", because one thing remains beyond any possible discussion: Christ, It was not a Christian!».
Can we blame this my brother priest and theologian, that with a joke only apparently, sintentizzo obvious theological truth ?
If at that time I had had before that Bishop, I would have asked how, but above all what kind of answer he would have given, before the drama of an innocent creature dying two years in a pediatric oncology ward, consumed by an incurable cancer. Perhaps, this Bishop, It did not have an answer, but I will, and is not a response to Pope Giovanni Cavalcoli, but the Catholic faith. Well, Accordingly, first, that the innocent child is not guilty of the cancer that is consuming, since in God's plans, we, we were not created to be attacked by cancer and finally from death, my answer of faith, consequently my theological answer, is that cancer and death, are consequences of original sin has corrupted nature and has delivered to humanity descending imperfect nature, corrupt and deadly.
But wanting Worse yet. If someone had asked this bishop: "Why does God allow an innocent child die consumed by cancer just two years, while fine wrongdoers, who they spend the days of their life to do the worst harm to its neighbor and welcome the evil they do, They come to live to be ninety, finally he is dying without even having never sick and without having suffered from any kind of sickness? We men of faith, answer these questions, we always, because everyone has his answer and reason within the mystery that is the original sin.
Another Bishop, newly appointed, He accused me of saying 'nonsense' and 'nonsense', to "take the name of God in vain" and have a "childish concept of God". All these foolish and hurtful accusations against me, academic pontifical, I teach Thomistic theology for forty years, I sincerely feel I reject all the different senders, as I did from the start, while only answer my accusers rincaravano the dose saying: "There, also he denies to apologize!». Sincerely, I asked myself yesterday and I wonder to this day: how can, a theologian, apologizing for the Catholic doctrine ?
Father Livio accused me He had offended the mercy of the Madonna, since, saying that God punishes, I implicitly conceived as a cruel woman, associated with a cruel God. Who, poor Father Livio, He has done a shameful sudden about-face, fearfully interrupting his courageous pastoral line, in which, in his earlier books, Maria showed rightly fighting against the Dragon and denying my book about hell.
Here, then suddenly come out a soggy Madonna and easy-going, new look, updated to the most vulgar and dangerous misericordismo and doing good. But for Father Livio will not be enough jettison Giovanni Cavalcoli, As in the past he has done with Prof. Roberto de Mattei [cf. WHO], rather it should understand that against some ravenous insatiable enemies that now surround us on all sides and which has long had broken in our house, You must not yield, you have to fight, but not with a paciona Madonna and imbelle, but one who has conquered Satan and all heresies.
A story thanks to God ended, we impose some thoughts. In the days following the attacks suffered I have come thousands of messages of understanding, praise and solidarity, from abroad, by good simple faithful. Many lay theologians have stood up for me on several Catholic websites. But no bishop has been done live, his 250 that we have in Italy. The only one who supported me was S.It is. Mons. Giovanni D'Ercole, Bishop of Ascoli Piceno. This phenomenon is interpreted as, how do you explain, what does it mean?
I would say three things. Before, an obvious presence of the Holy Spirit in God's people more than the shepherds. Second, a crisis of widespread belief among the shepherds. Third, these good lay defenders of the faith have certainly behind the good priests and good bishops, which, however, they remain in the shadows, do not expose themselves. And that's not good. We are at war and we must fight. We have the weapons to win, It must come out and fight valiantly. It is not decent to snipers. The enemy has to down a peg. But why this can happen, We must show our strength. If we appear timid and yielding, such as a Father Livio, the enemy took advantage.
You have that priests and bishops who are behind the lay people come out into the open with courage. They no longer say to the laity: "Go on you, because you know ... I can not commit myself mica! But I will keep you in the shadows ". No. Bishops and priests should take the field to animate the combatants. The pastor must be the head of the flock. Also because we have to count on, know how many we are and who we are, we have to know each other. If we are hidden, they do not know each other; this decreases the strength, and it prevents us to organize and initiate joint action.
It is particularly important to free the Pope from the swarm of courtiers around him, who pretend to be servants of the Church and instead destroy it, that self-appointed collaborators of the Pope and instead flatter, deceive him and circuiscono, and possibly threaten it. They make him appear as enemies his true believers, while they pretend to be faithful, and are enemies.
In this confused situation, You must more than ever count on the Pope in the fight against modernism, although he sometimes seems marry appearances. What is needed more than ever to distinguish the Pope driving to victory, by his human failings, of which must not be taken into account, If he fails to correct them, because that would make us lose sight of the the Pope's help function.
So, not only the content of what I said, but also the opportunity to have it said, as I pointed out above, contrary to what appeared to someone, He intended to be a source of Christian comfort, just for poor earthquake victims.
This of which I realize, Today more than ever, It is how difficult it is for many transpose the Christian lexicon, sometimes for the clergy themselves. Therefore, talking about certain issues, We should never assume anything, lingering even in the explanations that might seem obvious, moved in this direction by the knowledge that among the listeners, not only can be those who are not willing to listen, but also of those who so totally wanted, I dare say evil, often they misunderstand intentionally and then sow discord.
How it happened shows how, on one hand we are experiencing a widespread crisis of faith, But the Holy Spirit never fails to be felt even in the darkest moments why we endure suffering, We nurture hope and we are strong in doing good.
Taking my full and active work his The Island of Patmos, I take this opportunity to thank all those who prayed for me and I ask all of them also a prayer for my beloved Order of Friars Preachers of St. Domenico di Guzmán, because I never cease, in joy and in sorrow, in sickness and in health, to be grateful to God for having me in his service as a priest and Dominican theologian, until the end of my life, whatever the cost and whatever the cost, I will carry out my mission with the help of the Blessed Vergine Maria of the Rosary.
Varazze, 12 February 2017
Dear Father Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo.
Some time ago she refuted the book by Antonio Socci, It is not Francis ", with a long article. Let me know what you think of the last article published by Socci on his blog The stranger [Ed. cf. WHO].
Mattia Vizzini
I read with pleasure the beautiful and touching article by Antonio Socci [cf. WHO], commented shortly after by Roberto de Mattei on the agency Catholic Correspondence Romana with the dry and aseptic balance of the scholar that analyzes a fact and the comments, as in the style of this great Church historian [cf. WHO].
I do not know if Antonio Socci has reflected on some throws that in the past I focused its, from my short essay in refutation of his book It is not Francis [cf. WHO]. But if there is one thing that I remember very well - and here the principle applies writings remain - it is that just waging criticism I have always emphasized two different elements, an objective and a subjective. The objective fact: Antonio Socci is a true believer, a devout Catholic son of the Church of Christ. The subjective data: Antonio Socci I love her and to him I always had estimated, without ever ceasing to consider it as a journalist and an unquestionable talent commentator.
But now we come to the "Partners" phenomenon, whose phenomenality is primarily linked to the fact that he belongs to a "race cursed by God and men", ie Tuscan, people I know well by my own birth line. Not that I want to compete in the "cursed spirit", but certainly are more "I cursed" by Antonio Socci, because while he is a Tuscan undoubted purity, I'm rather a "mestizo". Tuscany for generations is my maternal family, because my father's family is Roman strain. And so, at the “Tuscan nastiness”, sufficient to go into Purgatory until the parousia, I add the Roman spirit which if necessary makes me a happy medium between Boccaccio and Pasquino, though I do not go around the Urbs Quirite to put up posters written in Roman dialect of is dad …
To understand Antonio Socci also as a talented journalist, must enter the Tuscanity, if anything making reference to some characters in the world of journalism have left a historical mark, perhaps by virtue of their character of Tuscan, ie "people cursed by God and men".
In Antonio Socci is reflected what was the consistency and the courage to Indro Montanelli, and at the same time the blood character and intelligently impulsive Oriana Fallaci, that just when played at the pulse, He had actually studied with prudence and wisdom also altered sighs which then flowed out of his mouth or from his pen. And those who like myself have known in their youth these two characters - not only for their fame and their writings, but also in person -, He does not hesitate to sense that Antonio Socci is in its way a synthesis of these two wizards kind is talented, but far from easy to treat.
The 29 January I sent a message managers of various telematic magazines, Catholic websites and blogs, including Antonio Socci, to which I wrote:
"The worst thing that in certain circumstances we can do, It is to stay in our so-called backyard. We can also argue and attack each other on certain issues ecclesial and pastoral, but before such cases, everything has to go in the third order because the defense of the doctrine and faith goes forward all, including personal frictions, likes or dislikes, different ways of thinking and so on. For if the soldiers at war they start fighting with each other instead of fighting, needless to say what would happen …»
What were "the facts of this kind» to which I alluded in the email ? The fact was one: the intolerable attacks targeting by a theologaster patently heretical, or in any case non-Catholic, that the evidence shows is Andrea Grillo, who repeatedly attacked the Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, considered a master of Catholic moral world famous even by the scholars who do not think like him, but with proper intellectual honesty will always recognize the great value.
In defense of Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, and refutation of the folly of Andrea Grillo, his The Island of Patmos It was published a text of great theological depth [cf. WHO], that in that private message put at the disposal of the various sites and blogs Catholics, so the defense could make her own, thus showing, our increasingly powerful opponents, which if necessary the true Catholics faithful to the doctrine and the Magisterium of the Church are linked together.
Imagine, these Catholics I even answered. And this for the simple fact that - as I wrote and complained two years ago -, these so-called Catholics, in truth they are only quarrelsome, self-referential and often tremendous narcissists tend to talk to him, locked up in the ghetto or otherwise delimited in their psychotic backyard. As a theologian and as a pastor in charge of souls I have tried several times to tell them, on various occasions and unsuccessfully, who face certain great themes of faith must show unity, instead of making people laugh rightly our enemies palesandoci as a group of limbs scattered about the forest, inside which there rather also launch the arrows against each other.
A nothing is served, however, the invitation to these scattered individuals who now rant now mourn him, but above all a lot like what you talk about him. Needless my invitation to form through the various magazines, websites and blogs a "Holy League", mindful of the wise exhortation Pauline: "But if you bite and devour one another, heed that are not consumed by one another!» [Gal 5, 15].
These petty ranging between the ghetto and the orticello self surrounded by barbed wire, Today I began to rend their garments even to those who until yesterday were their favorites Lefebvre, which they have begun to launch high treason charges for their ongoing negotiations with the Holy See, I would ask: You think that today riusciremmo to win a new Battle of Lepanto shouting "Ave Maria!»? Because with an armed Brancaleone crush the quarrelsome like you, the Muslims would defeat submerging with a laugh, while your various factions would be taken to quarrel among themselves on the fact that’Ave Maria It should be recited in Latin, a straight tone, with forty lighted candles and with the fabrics of vestments whose manufacture must be earlier than 20 September 1870, date of the capture of Rome which marked the fall of the Papal States. Because this is the grotesque theater which unfortunately we are reduced: arguing on the irrigation of the garden daisies in danger of wilting in the heat developed by the flames that are burning all the house.
Alas I am poorly rebounded on a rubber wall, without being able to make people understand even the obvious: the evil that corrupts the Church today, for imperare must first divide, and in this work of division, we make the henchmen of the evil splendid service giving them a result of guaranteed success and with their minimum effort.
Only Antonio Socci seems to have been thinking about some of my words. And it is clear: it is my pure guess based on the fact that his last wife reported just now written all instances that unnecessarily try to carry on for two years, in a desperate and unfortunately at times futile attempt to remove the watering of the hands Barbie doll to those who are losing precious time to water the daisies, explaining equally useless so that you have to shut down as soon as the fire that is burning all the house.
Now I will try to outline the difference running between two authentic believers and men of faith as Antonio Socci and Roberto de Mattei, compared to the plethora of self than on the closed ghettos and on the divisions they find their reason for being and existence. But before outlining some differences need clarification: Why, Antonio Socci and Roberto de Mattei, in some circumstances I have reserved harsh treatment, while other subjects I have treated them with submerging sarcastic turn took [cf. WHO]? For a simple fact: Antonio Socci and Roberto de Mattei are two people who live and who suffer intimately the Catholic Church, with which they have an authentic relationship son-mother. The others, instead, are mostly former politicians unsuccessfully, variously failed or trombati, only able to speak with the contentiousness of the councilors of the province countries, that not being able to break even as a constituency advisors, They found in the Catholic Church as a place to vent for their psychopathology. Having said that I note that the columns of The Island of Patmos, the distinguished truly Catholic scholar Roberto de Mattei has been supported by me and defended many times in all the great themes of faith and doctrine [between the various writings see WHO].
Because I got together two such different people as Antonio Socci and Roberto de Mattei? Exactly why: because they are very different but similar way across the drive into the mystery of faith.
Roberto de Mattei, Roman-born descendant of a family of the Sicilian aristocracy, It has the natural aplomb perfect gentleman, person is always very measured, especially when he gets angry, so much so that it is not easy to understand even when he is angry. Antonio Socci, Tuscany for generations, It born into a working class family in the province of Siena, son of a deep Christian sentiments miner, Militant in the first Christian Democrat who was. Man on whom - his father miner -, Antonio Socci wrote repeatedly touching words related primarily to the feelings and the wisdom of his beloved parent. Antonio Socci is a blood son of the peoples of ancient Etruria, and when he gets angry, his anger manifests it in every way, including the use of theatricality of Tuscany, that they not infrequently to be egregious in their hyperbolic expressions. I always certain that Tuscans are able to make people laugh even God and the Blessed Vergine Maria with their blasphemies, because sometimes they are so colorful, elaborate and imaginative - but especially those without the slightest intention of offending God and the Madonna -, that it finds it hard to imagine any of these commoners buzzurri hell in Dante's circle of blasphemers, place to blaspheme really we need the conscious, stops and devilish desire to offend God and the Blessed Vergine Maria.
For Antonio Socci, the Roman Pontiff, Another was not so that her beloved father made supreme perfection Christological and apostolic. Antonio Socci has revered his father as worthy paterfamilias, as culturally simple man, but with that innate wisdom resulting from the culture of that sense of faith who led St. Caterina da Siena, unlettered, illiterate, empyrean of the doctors of the Church. Because that for every good Christian is the Roman Pontiff: the supreme father of family Christi.
I do not mean to psychoanalyze dear Antonio Socci, especially in a public document, quite the opposite: I intend to justify he and several other faithful devoted sons of the Church that increasingly come to our confessionals with no easy questions to be resolved, related to quite a few unhappy and the reigning Pontiff expressions, which it is the most exalted of all the worst enemies of the Church, Plus it creates bewilderment in the living members of the faithful who make up the Body of Christ which is the Church [I refer to my previous article, WHO].
Antonio Socci, as many of us, including myself, She has been blessed by God with the grace of a loving father, wise, with paternal authority and authority, capable as such to be credible and valuable guide for children.
All these features, we can recognize in man Jorge Mario Bergoglio? it reflects, what are the characteristics of the caring father, wise, with paternal authority and authority, capable as such to be credible and valuable guide for children? It omits to answer, limiting myself to reiterate what I said in my detailed historical and theological comments to Antonio Socci about the book on It is not Francis [cf. WHO]. And that in a nutshell, the answer was this: a bad father, It does not cease to be the legal father.
The problem of the "bad father", we live it day after day, mainly because of dangerous courtiers and pimps pernicious of which he hath been surrounded, acting with all the typical dangers of unintelligent and equally ill prepared philosophically, historical, theological and juridical, but even despite they believe to be shrewd, or to be able to manage and control everything, without even make account instead of being managed and controlled, often from the worst might exist.
In Antonio Socci, as in many other faithful and devoted children of the Church, first he had to explode the discomfort, through the anger that he write to the blood Oriana Fallaci's book titled The Rage and the Pride, which was by no means an expression of anger, Despite the title, but the representation and the narrative of an elaborate anger. Equally Antonio Socci, writing his It is not Francis, he first pulled out and then elaborate their anger, moreover entirely understandable and in many respects also shareable both on human and on that Christian.
I do not think that Antonio Socci Today would write that book again, but it has been valuable for him and also for us; and I also believe that in the future, near or far, has not just no need to have recourse to deny himself, because that book was a valuable time to process your authentic Catholic life, which as such does not require and does not need just any posthumous denial.
In the true faithful son of Holy Mother Church open to listening, as I said earlier I prevail by the gift and mystery of grace sense of faith, that instead unfortunately it does not prevail in rabid ends in themselves, in contentious and in pathological narcissists recalled previously, to which it is taken off the dispute and division, It took off just their way of being and existence. And these are those who, as I said a little while ago, in today Lepanto it would defeat inundated with a big laugh from Muslims, and instead of fighting are taken to quarrel among themselves on the most formal and unnecessary technicalities of liturgical rubrics, saying with each other: "Mine is the Mass of All Time », with others that replicate … "And, But mine is the Mass of All Time, but that ever and as such is very more and more !».
Antonio Socci understood, as many of us, that we are in this moment in history to do with a paterfamilias that is exposing the Holy Bride of Christ to prostitution under the streetlights of sidewalks; clubbing the sheep of his flock, which after being inflated barrel joyful runs to say to all the lost sheep who have done well to get lost and that above all must remain lost. Or maybe it was not under this pontificate Augusto, that the heretic Luther, for the worst clutches Teutonic fell immediately on the Successor of Peter, it ended up becoming even a "reformer" and a tender soul, "well-intentioned" ?
Antonio Socci, since childhood, he learned to be a good son of a worthy father; and how he, this, They have learned and also lived a lot of us.
Son, especially a grown son and mature, however, it must also have the ability to accept the reality of a bad father, never take the easy way, one absolutely not viable leading to say: is not my father ... is not the real father!
The existence of the bad father It is a dramatic reality, as is that of the wicked sons. But one thing which in any case can not be denied, It is fatherhood.
As a pastor in charge of souls I can say in good conscience one thing: I have known, inside and outside the confessional, People on their way even into his eighties who were children of bad fathers, of which reminded one by one all the bad actions: the lack of care for the family, the beatings given to mother, the mistreatment of children. but yet, several of these children, even before the painful and disastrous memories of certain fathers anything but model, now finding their way to the end of their lives, they were able to tell me, their confessor, some key words for the acquisition of inner peace with themselves: "In his own way, my father, however also he left me something good. One thing is certain: is the father that life has given me, I could never deny that his son, although I would have liked to have much better, compared to a father after all disastrous as it was him ".
Together with Antonio Socci we never cease to pray for the reigning Pontiff, that with true filial devotion we remember every day in the Holy Mass canon, with the addition of a special prayer intention: that the grace of God always protect Peter and the Petrine ministry which underpins the mystery of the Church, by carelessness and the man limitatezze Jorge Mario Bergoglio. We are well aware that the man Jorge Mario Bergoglio will, but the ministry of Peter, on which rests the mystery of the Church, will remain until the return of Christ at the end of time. E, very mercifully, when Christ the Lord "will return in glory to judge the living and the dead", do not tell all: “Next all, that all of you have been saved!”. Christ Supreme Judge separate the wheat from the chaff; and weeds will be tied in bundles and burned Hell, while the good grain will be stored in Heaven for all eternity [cf. Mt 13, 24-30]. For it is the God's mercy, certainly not according to the questionable theological opinions, but according to the deposit of the Catholic faith.
From the island of Patmos, 12 February 2017
I would also like me to express dissent, for the defense in my opinion too good-natured Antonio Socci that for many months now does nothing but incite fiercely and obstinacy “luciferin” a multitude of people literally hanging from his lips. I state that in the past have been a fan of Socci, I read many of his books and still read some of his articles, sometimes interesting and sometimes literally childish. Even in graphic design when he wants to emphasize with the letters in bold, those that according to him are indispensable pearls of wisdom and truth '. Anyway to make them short and not bore you too much to me has the same treatment of his friend intervened a few posts earlier. Until I complimented and was posting interventions completamentie prone to its supposed truth ', okay. A day, but', also considering the violence with which his followers intervene against the Pope (although for these followers the true Pope and’ Benedict XVI), I tried to disagree saying simply that maybe that was not the system of creating united’ in the faithful, I was instantly banned with no more’ possibility’ replication …
It 's always difficult to be understood by others, I Socci himself is conscious and largely explains:
Excuse Ettore…He explains nothing, indeed the new paper demonstrates what I said. Read the title: there is no intention to back down!
Socci deserved much praise if he had said: “…you know how I feel about the current pope with which they are in disagreement…but not to stir up the 'Civil War’ I do not post anything that might inflame those who read me to hate the Pope and even to say that it is not the Pope…I am dedicating myself to keep writing more”.
and in any case believe that Socci implies fine, without the need for adjustments (inexistent): just see his post on profile, which are well understood his thinking.
Sorry Ettore, but it seems to me that it is precisely the article linked to show that Socci has unfortunately lost its head; now that it is so drawn into the role (mondanamente rewarding, to be malicious?) Prince of unmasking the impostor who sits in the Vatican, to cram his articles of sonic allusions and suggestive rather than by wealth of topics. There is something schizophrenic about him. It seems to say: Calm down, patience and a cool head! He brings out the metaphor of the dove and the snake, when it is he to be the negation. Speaks (with unintentional humor, those who have seen in the viewfinder) Of “discernment”, but then he pulls out the metaphor of the power of Pasolini and painful memories. Inevitable then the reference – who knows of a final sentence – the steps of the New Testament eschatological, which can have a strong power of seduction in public opinion, as it is easy to sink into in them with a certain superficial voluptuousness. Finally the man is unfortunately capable of petty meanness, like when, to kill two birds with one stone, P he attacked. Cavalcoli on the issue of punishment for portraying him more as a strong supporter of the new course…
I agree with what is written by Candiac and Simomar…
Di Socci I read some books, It is a good writer, However, it is undeniable its total closure to those who think in the same way. For the record he had put in black list of twitter after a vaguely sarcastic comment…
father ariel, It is too good for him. As also against Andrea Tornielli.
Hi ... I would like to express my disagreement with the praises you do, in this article, the journalist Socci. While he is recognizing his talent and his devotion to the Church, But I must also say that this apparent change of attitude towards the Pope is really apparent .... and then, in my opinion, similar to the so-called 'crocodile tears'.
I say this because you can not ignore what the Socci's attitude caused, both for good but also for ill. I was writing to his profile and clearly in agreement with many of his opinions. I noticed, however, a certain aggressiveness, which in itself it could be passed by a peculiarity of a 'toscanaccio'. But I noticed another effect, and that is that the people who were devout were almost invariably influenced by his words and attitude. Once they have spoken publicly to tell Socci that this thing was dangerous on the ground that, accepted by those who have firm faith, They could be accepted without damage; but welcomed by those who did not have a solid Catholic way behind could also induce, at worst, the loss of faith, if only in the Mystical Body of God.
And because the profile was attended by many who had little basis in order to accept judgments as strong without consequences, Socci asked if he felt to take responsibility for the risk of undermining the faith in the Church to so many people easily influenced.
For my speech was banned and I was unable to intervene more. Socci continued unperturbed to support his thesis, in part sharable, and continued to create in the readers of his profile anti papal attitude that we can freely read by visiting his page. This lasted for months. Now socci instead asks prayer and shows a different attitude than a few days ago. This caused her to have several expletives, he himself admits, by precisely those that he himself, the Socci, He indoctrinated.
In addition, the Socci's attitude toward the pope has not changed one iota because he continued to post articles on articles exposing, more aggressively, doubts about the work of Pope, which items continue the indoctrination of all those readers who daily seek confirmation of their thoughts on the Pope by looking at their mentor Socci.
so I wonder: what is the point externalize the will to pray for the pope, saying that he removed from the fray, implying that they would thus refrained from fomenting what had previously stirred, then when you continue to do exactly as before?
why it disagrees with the compliments Article. The title of the article says that you have praised: AN INVITATION TO PRAY FOR POPE FRANCIS AND BENEDICT XVI AND AN INVITATION (TO ALL) TO SAY "NO" TO THE CIVIL WAR BETWEEN CATHOLICS
how will Socci devotees not to civil war if he himself was an advocate and continues today to do the same?
I just want to add that it is appreciable demand and unite to pray for the pope ... but to invoke the lay down their arms in a civil war that we must do it before those who invoke.
E’ It happened to me the same thing. Postai time ago some energetic critical comments, but educated in what is written by Socci and soon I was banned. I realized, too, that in a short time Socci has made a clean sweep of all those who dissent from his line. They are the remaining…flatterers on facebook. I never doubted his great faith and at first I thought it was just nature…impetuous. Now I can not read it…And I'm very sorry.
Well said! Missing even the pieces of the broken vase of Pandora.
Do you think us, in Palermo, After having given us such a young ercivescovo … “picciotto” from the “glorious” School of Bologna, all modernism and hermeneutics of discontinuity, after it realized that it did not work well (ma no? Who would have thought!), as auxiliary bishop have ( and they) just appointed a psychologist to 70 years with its psicologomanie has scattered so many good works in the years …
E’ appropriate to say that the reality surpasses all imagination !
Finally, Father John is back Cavalcoli!
Beautiful as always, the two answers of our loved ones estimated Patmos Island Fathers.
Much will be said, so I limit myself to a brief comment on one of several problems that Father Ariel raises in its written … the unit!
I can confirm for thirty years pastoral experience, only muster three Catholic What seems impossible now, starting from parishes, from small same parishes, where everyone wants to be first on the other, the competent authority of, more right to the other, more in view of the other, with the views and the most fair idea of all the penalty to be imposed at all, from pastor …
I met fellow priests who appointed priests to 27/30 year old, after 10 years of parish ministry were … destroyed, and I say again destroyed! They seemed not even men 40 year old, But people close to 60.
The pastor is the subject of the worst criticism from the laity, of the laity, catechists and catechists that after an evening diplomino all'ISSR [Ed. Higher Institute of Religious Sciences] They believe high-level theologians … and besides there are liturgists and liturgists improvised, and especially the people who present one-off to church to dig in their heels and claiming the most absurd “rights”, for example the … “right to the sacraments” ( !?).
Someone opened at the time this Pandora, then letting us “priests the fray” to manage situations that yesterday were unmanageable and that today are impossible.
Or the priest agrees to be held hostage in the hands of these people (and not even speak of the Neocatechumenal movement, RNS, charismatics, focolarini, Medjugorians, etc …), or is likely to be alone, misunderstood and beaten, and the gates of 40 year old, in danger of proving 60.
But … eh, “do not be afraid of tenderness!”
Already, the … tenderness. Come on, please …!
Don Gaetano,
I think that the Pandora's box there is no more, because it is now time that the open vessel has been totally shattered and the shards dispersed who knows where !
Spouse word after word and comma comma behind what you wrote you and Don Stefano, with a wish very special to our beloved Father Giovanni Cavalcoli that remains for us to benchmark and especially solid lifeboat.
Father John Carlson, in this pitiful affair (pitiful for certain ecclesiastical authorities, not for him!), it was for us priests highest model of priestly life and high model of theological consistency.
He accepted and endured an unprecedented measure, and I say unheard because he gave in a church where the bishops compete with the worst priests in shooting the biggest heresies, no one horn.
Those of us in his place would not make fires and flames, or throwing lightning bolts?
I admit I did it.
They are tolerated and if followed to tolerate priests who go on television to say the authentic bestiality, and Father G. Cavalcoli is instead chastised for daring to speak ... the theology of original sin ?
Anyone want to give wrong even Father Ariel, which as I recall writing for years that we are to reverse? He explained in his book "And Satan came triune", how the evil of the reversing mechanism between good and evil, explaining how the good is changed into evil and evil into good.
But these minds truly blessed by God, nobody listens to them, between an interview with Scalfari and a smile to Bonino ??
Dear Fathers and dear readers Island,
I try to do the maximum synthesis, going for points.
1. It 's different in the case of the dismissal of Professor. De Mattei by Radio Maria, compared to that of the Father Cavalcoli. Radio Maria is a really large, also organizational, that his choice has promised absolute loyalty to the pope, also giving up the freedom of criticism of God's children, while legitimate according Code of Canon Law n. 212. The professor. de Mattei, instead, that his choice had already decided to make use of that freedom, He had already expressed to have entered into legitimate despite a collision course with the current pontificate, see in one of his many interventions since 2014, [see WHO]
So the two companies could not coexist, and legitimately from his point of view, Father Livio him dismissed for incompatibility with the editorial line of the Radio. I have to make amends, and say that I realized, only belatedly, that the arguments of Professor. De Mattei was founded ... Father Livio was still, in my opinion, in her own right.
I will say more: he teacher. de Mattei, which is smart person, he'd better be aware of this, and to leave himself beforehand the microphones of Radio Maria, as it did for example Riccardo Cascioli, director of the NBQ, who was asking himself - argomentatamente! - also in critical of Pope Francis.
Very different is the case of Father Cavalcoli, which it was censored by all, I read from his testimony also from the same Father Livio, as well as by Bishop. Dirt and Galantino, for his work on the relationship between earthquake and sin, on which he had reason to 100%. This was a wrong step by Father Livio, he would have to deal with the outrageous pressure from Bishop. Dirt and Galantino. There is a suspicion, other parte, that torpedoing the Father Cavalcoli, Dirt and Galantino wanted actually hit the Father Ariel, known for his anti-gay-ecclesial action, which it is understood that much trouble gave at the Vatican.
Particularly reprehensible that the Cavalcoli Father has been virtually abandoned by all the Church's hierarchy, which it says a lot about the sorry state of fear and subservience of the hierarchy against the "Revolutionary Guards" (copyright Cascioli) bergogliana.
2. I beg to disagree respectfully by his father Giovanni Cavalcoli, Once again, the point for which Pope Francis would do well to ward off bad advisers who deceive. This does not seem reliable, as the reigning Pontiff action is due to his own personal intention same, for which he, far from being manipulated by his collaborators, It uses them to carry out his plans, as evidenced by this statement explosive malaccortamente, even silenced by the media, Mons. Bruno Forte, Bishop of Chieti-Vasto and former special secretary of the synod on the family, NOT never been disproved [see WHO]
3. The issue of the missing father, that today in society is really central. I agree with the intervention of the Father Ariel, where he says that Pope Francis is the Holy Father, but it is not a good father. I said this last year, even the way of the deal Cavalcoli [see WHO]
where I concluded:
"…Pray, I said, primarily for Pope Francis, whose authority and whose Petrine primacy are not in question, although it certainly is his authority, for Dirt and Galantino, that the Holy Spirit enlighten them. I believe that Providence we propose this difficult time for us to grow, because in testing we will learn to be disciplined in the Church, unlike what did Luther. Epper not stolid, indeed responsible, and we have the courage in the freedom of God's children, to tell our bishops and the pope when they are wrong. Seriously wrong ".
Rev. . P. Cavalcoli the report a Bishop who does not know why children suffer and not just [see WHO by the minute 26 following]. I recommend to listen carefully to every word and more than once. With its extensive theological knowledge will remain astonished.
Thank you in advance.
Alessandro from Rome
Dear Alexander,
I was not "shocked", though sorry. Now I've got used to.
Of course, I would have not expressed that way. If the Pope does not know talk of suffering, who should be able to do?
Hard to understand how it can be released in those words. Some try to save them somehow.
We know how it's done in this the Pope: every now and flee the imprudent sentences. Then he resumes. Perhaps, to explain, It should be a psychoanalyst. E’ like a plane that sometimes has the air gaps.
We close one eye, Get a veil and lets look at beautiful things he says, do not miss.
And above all, we pray for him.
Reverend P. Cavalcoli prayer is granted, but you can not gloss over what has been said by the Holy Father , They are extremely serious allegations un'affermazioni:
1) Undoubtedly has original sin means:
– the possibility that God created evil man, therefore God is evil;
– the Incarnation of the Word would be useless;
– useless would be all the sacramental economy.
2) The phrase “Jesus did not say the reason for the suffering of children”, It implies doubt on
dogmas expressed later by the Church (In the Gospel Jesus did not say that his
Mother's Immaculate etc.).
3) A different conception Ecclesiological: the Church is not able to speak infallibly on some truth.
What has always distinguished his Order is the TRUTH’ that can never be opposed to the charity of which he is the skeleton, the scaffolding that supports. In his article the premise that does shows excellent, as it is the way. Everything, however, is shipwrecked in the conclusion, what a pity.
This article is masterful SOCCI, perfectly sums up the serious issue that we are living, looked forward to a short-term picture realistic. In this historical moment much prayer and assiduous frequenting the sacraments, not forgetting to be light for those who do not understand the situation.