The largest theft in the history of Christianity: the first saint canonized by Christ himself was a thief converted to the Supreme King of the Universe in the last minutes of life

Father Ivano

The angle dell'omiletica of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos



Of this poor crucified thief We not know much, According to tradition the man would be called Dismas, But we know him and with certainty the final destination: heaven. Needless to say, although it should be said and remember it: we are ahead of the first canonized saint of church history, and the whole work of Christ himself, not of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, which will come only after centuries.


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.



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Christ and the Good Thief, Titian Vecellio (1477 – 1576)

always moved Rest in front of this beautiful expression of good thief, manifesting a truly extraordinary faith: "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom " [LC 23,42]. He appeals to the Master using his name, it is rare in the Gospels ask someone to Christ in this way, and the fact is explained by the awareness that in Jesus is made a kingdom that does not disappoint, capable of doing real justice in front of the evil of sin.


Therein lies the true meaning of Christ's kingship, he does not save himself in the manner of human rulers, as claimed by the crowd shouting furiously from under the cross, but saves the man who begs for forgiveness and mercy.


This good thief, through his faith entirely in God, It performs a real misappropriation, a daring leap into Christ the King in order to fully redeem its existence. For this robber salvation begins in today: "Verily I say unto thee: Today will be with me in Paradise ". It is an adverb of time with theological value, the one chosen by the evangelist Luke, which it produces as a salvation for Zacchaeus immediate [cf. LC 19,1-10].


Of this poor crucified thief We not know much, According to tradition the man would be called Dismas, But we know him and with certainty the final destination: heaven. Needless to say, although it should be said and remember it: we are ahead of the first canonized saint of church history, and the whole work of Christ himself, not of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, which will come only after centuries.


At the conclusion Liturgico, the liturgy of this Sunday leads us to reflect not so much the end of our existence but rather the end [see Liturgy of the Word, WHO]. How do Jesus reign in our lives? In today soil? In what way our lives become right?


We know that with Jesus, trusting in Him, we can really be saved even if our actions appear to condemn, even if the world we live says otherwise, even when our personal history seems contradicting.


"Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom ", it is a beautiful prayer to be repeated every day, which is equivalent to the invocation of the publican in the Temple: "Hate, be merciful to me a sinner! ' [LC 18,13]. They are acts of faith that make the kingship of Christ who came to destroy the works of the accuser of man [cf. AP 12,10] and introduce us into a kingdom of justice and peace that, through the mercy, recovers all our dissonance and infidelity, until it opens the doors of his kingdom which has no end, as we say in our profession of faith.


Laconi, 23 November 2019



the personal blog by Father Ivano



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2 replies
  1. Pax
    Pax says:

    Thank you, father Ivano.

    "Verily I say unto thee: Today will be with me in Paradise "

    Two reflections reading his beautiful homily.

    The first.
    This salvation, which is executed in and around; something wonderful! That fills with hope.

    Faced with absolute faith the thief no initiatory path of forty years of kenosis kikiana.
    Jesus' reply is decisive and does not cover other options.

    The second.
    Throughout the Mass, I repeated the words of Jesus.
    TODAY you will be with me in PARADISE.

    Who can doubt the existence of Paradise?
    This absolute certainty gave me vertigo.


  2. father ariel
    Concetta Pronesti - FB says:

    Besides the fact that he was a thief accidentally, most likely was a prophet last minute, because recognizing the kingship of Christ, in those circumstances it is virtually impossible… Even the apostles were to a very imperfect knowledge Stadium, then reached to completion with Pentecost, they had been crucified with Jesus, they would have asked for the miracle of the Cross schiodamento ….

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