[video] The powers of the Supreme Pontiff: infallibility and fallibility, Supreme Master of the faith and a private doctor
Latest posts by Father Giovanni (see all)
- The definition of the essence of man - 26 November 2018
- Reflection moral honesty of language: the Church has always had its own clear and precise language - 11 November 2018
- The Synod Youth: Enzo Bianchi and original sin in the context of a dissolution - 20 October 2018
Dear Messrs,
I had just started reading your article about harmful food products (and maturing) wild dell'immigrazionismo I came across a statement that left me, how do you say, thrilled.
This is the point where you claim that Sufism Christianity would debtor. Thrilled because I do not think historically true, as Sufism would be born simultaneously with the journey of the Prophet in the heavens on the night of revelation Mj'rai whose mystical experience of the Sufis seek to reproduce in order to reach the moon (San Paolo I believe he came to the third heaven). Ibn Arabi there “maximum” exponent of Sufism one who still called Jesus “absolute holiness seal” (Christ and Mary have a very important role in Islam and Mary was defined born without a shadow of sin, preceding the statement of Marian dogma also is the return of Christ, which Madhi, which is expected at the end of time) He received a real need initiation to this mystical way by two women. I do not think there are parallel examples in Christianity and especially, and this is the fundamental argument in the Christian religion there is no initiation. (although the term especially Neocatechumenal influence was cleared).
Similarly, the dihkr prayer technique is firmly anchored in the Islamic profession of faith. It is technically inconceivable outside of this formula because the letters that make up the phrase are displayed and moved in the body in the inspiration and respiration phases with a well known concentration mode in these environments which have, however, disclosed even if the true initiation and his is the prerogative of the teacher who directs the tariqa.
Moreover (even if I stopped reading) there is no mention of sci'ismo and an imaginary world great “discovery” Henry Corbin and now acquired findings in the study of Islam's spiritual heritage. Besides the clash with Islam legalistic and the esoteric was born just after the death of Muhammad with the investiture of his father of Imam Ali in the first and then the Christian influence do not know where it can be traced in these movements less than since the Ebionites as Corbin supposed to but does not show.
All this to say much good only for defining the subject in what seems to me a more correct way to deal with such a momentous issue
Certainly in the West are neither Sufi, nor Shiites.
dear antonio,
the journey of Muhammad was not a true mystical experience, that union with God b, because he has stopped only a short distance (“bowshot”) the gods. The only true mystical Sufism begins with the Al-Hallaj in sec. IX, which indeed so exaggerated union with God to fall into pantheism.
The real Sufism, officially approved only in sec. XIII, It is influenced by Christianity not directly, but through the Old Testament, for which union with God is likened to a marriage (Song of Songs, Israel Yahweh's bride).
However, it is true that the Islamic mysticism has never accepted Christianity which is based on the New Testament, i.e. the one that, based on divine sonship, protede you to the heavenly visiine of God the Father (The Gv 3,2).
The term “initiation” – what does it mean “what-it-far-beginning”, It is not exactly the Neocatechumenal, but is an expression already present in early Christianity – l'anagogic is the mystagogy -, and referring to catechesis, now back current and official of the Catholic liturgy: the sacraments of Christian initiation, including baptism and confirmation.
I have not talked about the distinction between Shiites and Sunnis, because I wanted to limit myself to their common base, that the Qur'an.
The difference between the two components of Islam and is linked to two actuations of the Koran, ie two different levels of discipline or observance ascetic: the more austere and rigorous is the Shia, while the milder and milder is the Sunni.
Father Giovanni (and of course Ariel),
what do you think?
Don Olivero has these assignments in the diocese of Turin
Attaché: Office for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Rector of the Church of St. Rocco.
The site of the public parish homilies and letters, including this one signed by Fredo Olivero and Margherita Ricciuti:
Title:'Unity in diversity' and 'Eucharistic hospitality': two proposals, a journey ...
Penultimate sentence:
“Even the dogma of transubstantiation, introduced by the Council of Trent in a climate marked by the Counter, and it has long divided Catholics and other Christians, It is now seen by many Catholic theologians (Alberto Maggi and Carlo Molari in 9/2017 Rocca, and many others) transignification as the species and the commemoration ceremony, with 'distinction' which is more and more difficult to recognize than the Gospel readings; the 'real presence' in fact it is no longer seen as 'material', but as 'spiritual real presence'. “
Find the priest, other practical question in the wake of Charles' question. Suppose there is not a glaring case like the one mentioned, but that he had heard a couple of sermons in two passes “pages”, on the question of Sacramento. It may also have been an unfortunate choice of words, or the excess of suspicion on my part. There is absolutely no basis for a complaint. Even knowing that the Consecration is still valid, I opted to avoid that church, or at least the mass celebrated by the priest: being able (still) choose, I go where he preaches healthily. But inside me I said to myself: maybe you should go talk to him. Maybe clarifies the misunderstanding; otherwise you do this the error. A few days later, on the phone with a friend, incidentally mentioned the episode, I felt giving her the same advice; He also told me of a similar case, in which the correction has been accepted. I told myself: It will not be a call from above not to do as a small Jonah? But in practice, how can you approach it correctly, efficient, respectful? It is also a priest who does not know, and he does not know me. Thank you.
As always thank you for your valuable service for the edification of our faith! A confirmation of the thesis about the “perverse minds” priests and lay people, surrounding the Holy Father, They will insist on self-proclaimed “some interpreters” of Pope Francis thought promoting the demolition of any dogma, I read on Seventh Heaven Magister (20/06):
“Also in Italy, in Turin, Catholic priest Fredo Olivero has announced that the Interfaith Group “Breaking bread” which he participates meets once a month to celebrate the Eucharist in a Catholic rite now protestant now, with those present that they all do the communion. He said sure that this is the true “personal thought” of Pope Francis, according to what he said 15 November 2015 during the visit to the Lutheran church in Rome. He added that the dogma of transustaziazione be reinterpreted “spiritual” is that, according to Jesus, Mass on anyone and can celebrate not only an ordained minister. Don Olivero did this “outing” the latest issue of “Reform”, the weekly of the Waldensian Church”
If any bishop is reading please,…
Dear Charles,
what she writes is an unprecedented severity, I'll explain why: the so-called case from her illustrated could fall – after thorough verification of the case -, in those that the Code of Canon Law indicates how serious offenses, that is of such serious crimes / sins for which only the Holy See can grant absolution and remission of the excommunication, in which it incurs in an automatic way to the commission of the act itself.
Indeed it between the serious offenses the
"Forbidden concelebration of the Eucharistic Sacrifice with ministers of ecclesial communities which do not have apostolic succession, not recognize the sacramental dignity of priestly ordination " [cf. Code of Canon Law, can. 908 and 1365; Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church and other interested ordinaries and hierarchs: on the most serious crimes reserved to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: AAS 93 (2001) p. 786].
In this regard, I invite you to read the Instruction Sacramentum, Chapter VIII n. 172 and the following [text, WHO].
As the text of this instruction, it is their right but mostly having to immediately report to ecclesiastical authority, ie Archbishop Metropolitan of Turin, This very serious situation, pointing out all the facts and circumstances in which they occurred [cf. Instruction Sacramentum, NN. 183-184].
If the Diocesan Ordinary does not immediately take measures it is obliged to take, spent a reasonable amount of time, send everything to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, the Congregation for Bishops, pointing out that fulfilling what the Church recommends the, He has dutifully informed the Diocesan Ordinary but have not taken the necessary measures and mandatory canonical.