Homosexuals and that cardinal virtue of prudence that the Supreme Pontiff should exercise, being on earth the Successor of the Apostle Peter, not the Successor of Christ

Father Ivano
- ecclesial news -



The Roman Pontiff is indeed the Vicar of Christ, but it is not Christ, he is his vicar on earth, not his Successor on earth. The Supreme Pontiff is the Successor of Peter, not the Successor of Christ. Therefore it cannot be more "open" and "good" than Christ himself. Nor can it abolish what Christ established also through the creation of man and woman, created through him and for him (cf.. With the 1,16).


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.



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"Children don't buy themselves" – If the bill against homotrasophobia will be converted into state law, for an image like this one will risk prison.

For days I have been listeningO troubled Christian faithful from the recent statements by the Roman Pontiff on civil unions between people with homosexual tendencies. I add to them several priest confreres who found themselves confused and embarrassed by these private utterances of the Pope. We priests, faithful to every Successor of Peter, we know, how certain affirmations produce precedents in the common feeling which then make pastoral practice problematic and difficult, sacramental and moral. As happened in the past with the post-synodal apostolic exhortation love joy. Qhis due to an intrinsic formative weakness of people who are no longer able to distinguish between a magisterial pronouncement of the Church and ecclesial gossip. Said in other terms: for the men of today - including many Christians - there is no difference between an off-the-cuff interview of the Pope with Eugenio Scalfari or with Antonio Spadaro, an encyclical and a own motion Popes.


For this I do not intend to dwell on purpose on the analysis of the ambiguous words present in that documentary by Evgeny Afineevsky shown at the Rome Film Fest a few days ago. The work of the Russian director, it has been defined by many as «a good product, able to outline the profile of a Pontiff who is reaching out to the suburbs, in listening to the whole community, especially to the last and the distant " [cf.. WHO].


A bold assessment, this, which could also have a merit for the purposes of cinematographic art, but which appears totally detrimental to the authority and dignity of the Pope who cannot be compared and subjected to any man by virtue of his spiritual and moral role that he plays for all of catholicity. Nel progetto cinematografico documentaristico il Papa dell’inclusività avrebbe affermato:


«Le persone omosessuali hanno il diritto di essere in una famiglia. They are children of God and have a right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out or made unhappy about it. What we need to create is a law on civil unions. This way they are legally covered. I fought for this " [cf.. WHO].


Faced with this statement, we can include the testimony of the Chilean activist Juan Carlos Cruz, also present at the Rome film event, che ha affermato:


“When I met Pope Francis he told me how sorry he was for what had happened. Juan, it's God who made you gay and still loves you. God loves you and the Pope loves you too ".


Combining the documentary of the Russian director the testimony of the Chilean activist thus creates a very precise intentionality with which to read the figure of the Pontiff, reducing him to a faction leader. Unfortunately, such an attempt is useless, because the figure of the Pope does not stand on the strength of subjective reviews or evaluations, on the contrary, the figure of the Pope is authentic on the basis of what Christ himself established for him, constituting him his vicar and representative on earth. This is why it is not necessary to analyze the interview with the Pope and try to reconstruct a complex exegesis with the sole purpose of exonerating or blaming the Roman Pontiff. Much less need an interpretation in a good part of certain theologians who have the sole purpose of saving what can be saved and making the Pope say what perhaps he never thought, said or simply hypothesized. Because we must also deal with this other type of subject: those who for seven years have now specialized in making the Supreme Pontiff say what he did not say, finding in his words what is not there.


The Pope's voice is that of the Church, which is expressed through official organs and channels of the Holy See and through a solid magisterium, precise and punctual, not through improvised and inappropriate private chatter. La sua, like it or not like it, it must be a clear and scrupulously protected voice, it cannot be used in documentaries, off-the-cuff interviews o live your Facebook or your Instagram. The Pope doesn't have to be influence him of God.


The Pope's voice should not give rise to official denials in quanto è guarantee of that cardinal virtue of prudence which is indispensable for every pastor of the Church. A voice that should be heard wisely, avoiding those disputes of speech with the world that the Seraphic Father Francis advised against to his friars.


That's why I consider these scoop so sensational, harmful to the figure of the Supreme Pontiff and not binding for the Catholic faithful who have no obligation to assent of faith. We know well how today every statement can be wisely manipulated and used properly. The print, i social media e i media I'm able to sew a makeover to any statement when, extrapolating the original context, it is turned over so many times that it assumes a contradictory value, with the result of changing into white what is black and into good what is evil.


Such ploy are obvious to all, but some turn out to be more useful than others when they facilitate, eg, very specific and very specific purposes. And the purpose in this case coincides with the law against homotransphobia and LGBT rights that is being approved in Italy. If we think about it, this interview with the Pope had the merit of perfect timing, in fact which better sponsor of the Pontiff to present the open-minded requests of the rainbow community in the Italian media and social context that has always been Catholic?


He is sure in the face of such utterances, everyone will feel compelled to say naively: «If the Pope says so, it's a good thing, it's an urgent and just law ", so you have to let it pass. Caution, Examples such as this lead very quickly to the consequence of the supremacy of juridical positivism over natural law and natural morality. With the consequence that a law becomes right solo per il fatto che è stata attuata e approvata da un legislatore umano o perché il legislatore umano considera tale legge giusta in forza del suo stesso esistere. We know well that this is not the case, indeed, many laws that claim the title of just and civil have proved to be the most deleterious and dangerous.


For St. Thomas Aquinas, human right proceeds from natural law, therefore a law that conflicts with natural law can not only be harmful but also morally inhuman and unseemly as it opposes God as the supreme good and legislator. Clarified this, let us return to papal outbursts and contingent problems.


It must be clear to everyone that any Pope it cannot go against the deposit of the Catholic faith and the perennial doctrine of the Church. The Church has already been clear enough about people with homosexual tendencies, both through scriptural revelation, both through magisterial pronouncements, and in the pastoral practice of directors of souls. The Pope can only reiterate and confirm what is already in the teaching of the Church and in case he wants to further clarify his thoughts on particular issues, he can do so without however leaving the bed of the two thousand year old magisterium.


Hence the Pope, as such, will never tell that it is necessary for same-sex couples to marry, having children and equating their marriage to the natural one between a man and a woman. This will never happen, but this should not necessarily be seen as a hateful stance, indeed, it is necessary to clearly reiterate that in the Church any person predisposed to homosexuality will never be mocked or condemned but if anything accompanied with concern towards a path of truth that cannot, however, deny itself.


My analysis appears correct and makes sense if we compare it with the evidence of the facts and with the reactions that arose after the release of the documentary on the Pope. In Italy, the Honorable Zan, main signatory of the law against homotransphobia, writes on Twitter:


"The words of @Pontifex_it on #UnioniCivili recognize the right of #lgbt people to family life and help fight hatred and discrimination. It is the duty of the legislator to combat these violent phenomena: now let's speed up the law against #omotransphobia " [cf.. WHO].


Public answers like these they have multiplied throughout the international political world and in all circles that support LGBT lobbies, so much so as to raise a victory song and bring the Pope in triumph as the one who finally put an end to Catholic obscurantism of medieval origin, racist, fascist and male chauvinist.


It is clear that these gentlemen are profoundly ignorant of what the Roman Pontiff is and what its role is within the Catholic Church. Yes, he is the Vicar of Christ but he is not Christ, he is precisely his vicar on earth, certainly not his Successor on earth. The Supreme Pontiff, per meglio ancora chiarire, It is the successor of Peter, he is not the Successor of Christ. Nor can he be more "open" and "good" than Christ himself. With this it is easy to say that it cannot abolish what Christ established also through the creation of man and woman, created through him and for him (cf.. With the 1,16). So the man and the woman, male and female, unique and complementary, they are part of a natural purpose that is achieved not only through a physiologically correct act but also by respecting the purpose for which this act intrinsically aims, that is, to live a unitive and procreative sexuality oriented and redeemed by the one and highest good that is God.


And the awareness of being a Servant of the servants of God it constitutes precisely the way of redemption of the Blessed Apostle Peter. He in Cesarèa di Filippo, although constituted by Christ as a stone on which to build the Church (cf.. Mt 16,18), he had to be converted through a new following. After having scandalized the Master with an alternative salvation proposal to the cross and obedience to the Father (cf.. Mt 16,21-23), he understood that Christ is the only path that man can take. Pietro, therefore every Pontiff of all times, he realizes that his office is in the hands of Christ and produces salvation only and only when Christ is allowed to save the world through the sacrifice of the cross and obedience to God (cf.. GV 21,15-19).


Come ben sappiamo, today speaking of the cross and obedience means being taken for fanatics, these are realities not liked by the world. For this reason it is better to seek realities of salvation alien to Christ, showing a substitute in the Vicar of Christ, through which to show more exciting new ways, or better to say, obviously proceeding by absurd paradox: “If Christ remained behind, his Vicar on earth can update, or rather, revolutionize everything ".


This is the real demonic cunning which rages in our contemporaneity and which still tries to use the figure of the head of Christianity to confuse men and disunite the Church. Pietro, which in the past was sifted as good wheat by Satan (LC 22,31-34), still suffers from the attacks of God's monkey, than from inside and outside the Church, subjects the successors of the apostle to a continuous temptation that can only be resisted through the prayer of Christ and to a continuous and humble repentance after the error: «Simone, Simon behold satan has sought you to sift you like wheat; but I prayed for you, that thy faith fail not:; and you, turned again, confirm your brothers " (LC 22,31-32).


Laconi, 24 October 2020




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40 replies
  1. Manuela
    Manuela says:

    The pope is infallible only when he speaks ex cathedra, like when he publishes an encyclical, a dogmatic statement, and hope…
    One that says that “Dio ti ha fatto gay” and that never clarifies anything and that you have to chase to try to put a patch on what he says, it is indefensible. Luckily many are now aware of it.

    • father ariel
      Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

      Cara Manuela,

      could be – even if I personally pray and hope not – che a 84 years I could be much worse.
      For this I pray and hope, in the eventuality, to be able to have close to me, as I always have, of people who prevent me, if necessary, from creating disorientation in the faithful and discrediting the Holy Church and the Sacred College of Priests.
      The difference is that I have always surrounded myself with good and capable people, that at the moment they pointed out to me my mistakes or the mistakes I risked committing.
      If, on the other hand, I had eliminated all valuable people from my surroundings, animated by prudence and wisdom, to surround myself with opportunistic career ruffians who can only say: «… and, splendid, stupendo, meraviglioso … ah, what an originality, what a news, what a revolution!», surely from now on I would say nonsense not only on the pulpit or on my writings, but also for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
      In any case, always remember one fundamental thing: nor the limitations, nor the imprudent and self-centered spirit, in any way affect the legitimate authority of the imprudent and self-centered, he put on it by the grace of God, who may have given it to us by grace or misfortune, but always and in every case by grace, even if at the moment not understandable.
      This, it is the second passage that we struggle a lot to make the faithful understand often: the embarrassing miseries of the person and the greatness of that high office of his instituted by Christ God himself.

      • Manuela
        Manuela says:

        Thanks for the wise answer, father ariel, which of course I share and which I will look for, with all my miseries, di adeguarmi; however this man does not have senile dementia, it cannot always be justified… the Holy Spirit put it on, Certain, I hope, however, that the role that this pope will play does not resemble that played by Judas. Maybe Jesus returns, since non-negotiable principles no longer even exist for a certain church, everything collapses, Christians are persecuted everywhere and it matters very little to almost everyone? Who has understood this well is Islam, that is ready to sweep us away, in the face of ecumenism, light years away from that of St. Francis. I guess Christ is coming from King: he will no longer allow impudent pachamame in the Vatican and other very serious sins in your eyes, which he never left unpunished in the Old Testament. Paragraph? An affectionate greeting and many blessings!

  2. Antonello
    Antonello says:

    Dear Father Liguiori, I frankly did not understand the meaning of the article. Defend the Pope? Minimize what happened? It seems to me that defending oneself behind the fig leaf of the fact that these are private affirmations and not of the Magisterium, make the noise of someone's nails heard a mile away and try to climb mirrors to defend the indefensible. If it is true that you exist “an intrinsic formative weakness of people who are no longer able to distinguish between a magisterial pronouncement of the Church and ecclesial gossip”, it is equally true that if the Pope does not share certain positions to which some of his ambiguous affemations lead, has two ways to dispel doubt: first of all use caution (even by keeping silent instead of talking nonsense) and then eventually clarify what has been said. The silence from the Vatican on this film, I know so much about assent. I think it is evident that Bergoglio does not care about the Magisterium and the Doctrine. The Church today has a problem: a gentleman dressed in white who has nestled on Peter's throne, stuffed with a South American provincial cattocomunismo and with a rather bulky ego.

    • father ariel
      Ivano Liguori, Ofm.Capp. says:

      Gentile Antonello,

      it is increasingly difficult for a priest today, answer questions such as the one you set out in your comment, for the simple reason that many expect answers from revolutionaries or protesters.

      This difficulty arises because today there is a widespread trend "minutelliana”To find and blame the defenders of the reigning Pontiff, labeling them as unwary defenders to be eliminated and fought.

      Believe me, the Pope does not need defenders, for a lot of valid reasons which would take a long time to explain here.

      He wonders what sense my article makes? To simply say that every Pope needs the apostolic prudence given by the Holy Spirit in every moment of his ministry. This is because the Pontiff experiences the miseries and frailties linked to the human person just like everyone else, things that can exist even in the presence of an office as delicate and lofty as the one he is called to fill. It is precisely the fact that the Pontiff is recognized as an authoritative person and as the legitimate authority at the head of the Catholic Church must induce the Catholic faithful not to confuse what is infallible magisterium by some unhappy, avoidable and manipulable "off-the-cuff expressions" that are typical of the human.

      • Antonello
        Antonello says:

        Dear Father Liguori,
        I assure you that I do not expect answers from revolutionaries or protesters. And as regards Don Minutella, that it stays where it is.
        Your article seems to me in a pious attempt to defend the Pope and downplay the incident. She points out that one should have caution. But such a speech could have had a value at the beginning of the unfortunate pontificate of Francis. At this point, after years of imprudence, I no longer believe that it is a matter of rudeness, but of deliberate and calculated destabilizing choices. As you have already indicated in your article, certain statements cause disasters. Provi un po’ (You will know it far better than I do) to go and explain to an elderly person or, perhaps even worse, to a teenager that what matters is the Magisterium, the Tradition, etc. The answer will be, but if the Pope said so…
        Questi siono i fatti. The rest are conjectures and bureaucratic quibbles (the difference between Magisterium and personal opinions) that these are received and not understood by the majority of the faithful.
        I no longer believe that certain attitudes are human miseries and frailties. Francesco simply does not believe. Or at least that's what I now think of this “extravagant” Successor of Peter. And I say it with the pain of the heart.

      • Rosaria
        Rosaria says:

        Dear Father Ivano Liguori, I often find myself meditating on the words that Jesus said to Peter in Mt 16,19 «I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: everything you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and everything you melt on earth will be melted in heaven ".
        I am not a mandate to change even His words?
        How this verse is to be understood correctly?
        Thank you.

        • Manuela
          Manuela says:

          Of course not, not even one iota will have changed, I'm sorry for the church 2.0 modernist. The doctrine is that and Peter has to feed the sheep of God, not yours, in God's way, not his. She likes it? 😉

  3. Maria
    Maria says:

    Your Telepace.it, Verona section, there is a video of Don Bruno Fasani, titled Homosexual Children of God, which is exalted by praising modernity and the prophecy of Pope Francis. In fact, that broadcaster is very close to the Pope.
    However, it does not affect health problems in the least.
    I had read Dr. Silvana De Mari, who is medical, and repeatedly treated the problem from a medical point of view.
    He does not believe that all priests should deepen the pastoral care of health?
    “A sound mind in a sound body” the ancients said so. Abusing the body in rebellion against God (road, alcoholism, deviant sexuality, etc…) he mistreats his mind and spirit and rushes into unhappiness.

  4. The word he fears
    The word he fears says:

    In order not to repeat either the article or the comments, I place two noterelle: 1) who always and only speaks of rights, ignoring that they can only come from duties, litter of the Law; 2) ecclesiastics who instead of enunciating the necessary moral principles come down to advocate specific legislative acts, they engage in clerical interference damaging the autonomy of the state.

  5. Giovanni
    Giovanni says:

    Lady Lucia, certainly now later 7 years we all know the Pope well what he does and what he wants. Personally, I believe that Bergoglio is a good person, if only we remember that in a meeting with the prison guards talking about laws, of custodial sentence, he said life imprisonment is not a solution, and this, contrary to people's unique thinking, to that of most people who would like someone to die in prison rather than repent e “to change”, we can understand. This and other examples show us the Pope's disposition. But, obviously the Pope must be the Pope, that is, to abide by the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, to the Doctrine, there is no escape from here. Good day everyone.

    • Giuseppe
      Giuseppe says:

      When Bergoglio speaks of detention, Pannellian motifs echo.
      And who has ever claimed that prison is a solution?

      And if the Pope has to do The Pope,that is, to stick to the Magisterium,the assertion conveys a misrecognition,in the current disorder,compared to what Tradition has affirmed for centuries about the lawfulness of the death sentence.

      "Death inflicted as a penalty for crimes takes away all the punishment due for crimes in the other life,or at least part of the penalty in proportion to the fault,of repentance or contrition. Natural death does not remove it. ”Summa theol.,

      «Who instead scandalizes even one of these little ones who believe in me, it would be better for him to have a donkey-turned millstone hung around his neck, and was thrown into the depths of the sea. "
      Amerio rightly speaks of the Jacobin utilism of the neotericists.

      "And when it is argued that a man's life cannot be cut off because he would be deprived of the possibility of atonement,the great truth is neglected that capital punishment itself is an expiation……..capital punishment,indeed every pain,it is illegitimate if the independence of the individual is placed before the moral law,through subjective morality,and in the face of civil law as a consequence of that first independence. Capital punishment becomes barbaric in an unrelated society ,that,closed in the terrestrial horizon,he has no right to deprive man of a good that is all good for him. "Romano Amerio-Iota Unum
      I remain silent on the low regard that is reserved for the victim; only the wicked is the subject of a weird tale…

  6. Giuseppe
    Giuseppe says:

    May the Pope be only one “useless servant” It is well established that throwing stones in the dovecote is however the favorite pastime of this Pontiff.
    I do not think the current successor of Peter is Catholic. When it appears I change the channel.
    Its riverbed is beyond the Alps. From in Germany.

    • Andrea
      Andrea says:

      I agree with his thinking, if I do not change the channel it is to collect the proofs of Bergoglio's apostasy.

  7. hector
    hector says:

    A useful study is proposed by Stefano Fontana:
    This is a short excerpt:
    “… The Magisterium of the Church has already pronounced itself extensively on the question, denying the legal / moral legitimacy of the civil recognition of homosexual unions and the lawfulness for the Catholic faithful to concur to approve them. This occurred in various documents and especially in the Considerations regarding the projects for the legal recognition of unions between homosexual persons of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith., ….”

    • Davide
      Davide says:

      Good evening Father, if the CDF among others has defined that it is against the moral law for a Catholic politician to give his assent and favor laws on de facto and civil unions, I therefore consider it a mortal sin,aggravated by being public, spend oneself on them and consider them a lesser evil, if you look at Ratzinger's note to the US bishops which forbade giving communion to politicians. Mistake? Invincible ignorance can be invoked?

  8. father ariel
    Orietta Minelli says:

    Thanks Rev. P. Ivano,
    do not abandon us, we need you to support us in these moments of confusion and bewilderment.

  9. Lucia
    Lucia says:

    Signor Giovanni, prize accompanied by a cake for the director's birthday and to hand it over as a waiter to Papa. That cake ultimately threw more bewilderment and disappointment in many like me than the documentary itself. on, to Cardinal Zen the Pope is not there’ hasn't even received it after a very long journey from China to now 88 year old. As Valli said in one of his articles, you have to be the worst, clearly of a certain political line to be welcomed in the Vatican, otherwise NOTHING , NOTHING….

  10. father ariel
    Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

    The Supreme Pontiff was a fan and still continues to cheer for the Argentine football team San Lorenzo, when he talks about it with friends he says it's the best team in the world.
    She believes, Themselves. Kerigmatico, that this affirmation falls within the infallible magisterium, like his responses to journalists or the interviews with Eugenio Scalfari in the living room of the Domus Sancthae Marthae?

    Cheer up, figlio caro, now there are only four old cats left to dance on the carpets of the Kiko-Carmenian liturgies to the sound of bongos, between one stroke of rheumatic arthrosis and the next, because neither your children nor your grandchildren intend to know anything about your sectarian amenities.
    I know it, it's bad to die, but sooner or later it happens to everyone.

  11. father ariel
    kerygmatic says:

    after the anti-papist bullshit fired by Mr.. Ariel in that sewer of Dritto and Reverse of ReteQuattro, we lacked in the dose increase of another who has forgotten that the pope is infallible.
    Poveretti voi!

    • orenzo
      orenzo says:

      Jesus told the adulteress: “God created you like this, the state must recognize your right to adultery”,
      or he told her ” Va e non peccare più”?

    • father ariel
      don A.T. says:

      If a dictionary were drawn up with the collection of all “arm expressions” of the popes, so many and so beautiful would turn up that she would not know where to attack to proclaim the a priori and posterior infallibility of certain unhappy outings.
      This was different: the “arm expressions” the predecessor of the ruling dell'augustissima, they were made outside of magisterium acts and public speeches, not to Spadaro or Scalfari. It existed, then, a system of total protection of the figure and words of the pope, who also measured sighs when he spoke, system totally pulverized by the most august ruler. Così le “arm expressions” they were and remained so, if anything, they came out of the sacred walls years or centuries later, but without ending up in newspapers and televisions to the great confusion of priests and faithful.

      don A.T.
      (professor of Church history)

      Very good Father Ivano Liguori.

    • Andrea
      Andrea says:

      Antipapist Father Ariel? It seems to me that Father Ariel defended the figure of the Pope (quello attuale) far too much, on several occasions, more than what Bergoglio deserves.
      Bergoglio has said so many anti-Catholic affirmations and contrary to the doctrine of Christ that I find it hard to consider him Pope.
      “Anyone who proposes a doctrine other than that taught by Jesus Christ, even if it were an angel, be anathema ".
      I would like to ask the Pope personally if he is a servant of Christ or a servant of this world.

  12. father ariel
    Don Angelo Rossit says:

    Father Ivano, as an old parish priest I tell you that these words of yours were never more wise:

    “We priests, faithful to every Successor of Peter, we know, how certain affirmations produce precedents in the common feeling which then make pastoral practice problematic and difficult, sacramental and moral. As already happened in the past with the post-synodal apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia”.

    Who knows if anyone is interested in the problems that we priests have to face in concrete pastoral practice?

    Thanks for that article, certainly, he did much good also and above all to us priests.

  13. father ariel
    doncamenga.2009 says:

    Esteemed Fathers and Brothers,

    what you can say, and the good you can do, and above all the courage with which you act, if on the one hand it helps the faithful, on the other, it is a great relief and stimulus to us priests.

    don Carlo Menegatti

  14. Giovanni
    Giovanni says:

    good morning. For the first time I read an article from you instead of waiting for the vocal to be processed. Congratulations Friar Liguori. Article not long and written in a very understandable way. On Thursday I listened to Father Ariel in the clip released on Retequattro in the broadcast “Straight and Reverse” and he too had been very clear. However, I voted against the homotransphobia law, I signed a petition on CitizenGo, but I fear the law will pass. As I wrote in commenting on videos related to the issue on Youtube on Catholic channels, what I find truly scandalous is that the Pope does not speak out and does not clarify. It goes without saying that if it doesn't, and it didn't, it means that he wants the wrong message to get through. Furthermore, in the aforementioned Retequattro broadcast it was said that the documentary by the Russian director, it seems that even in the Vatican he was awarded. I don't know if this is true. Thanks for this great article. Let Jesus Christ of Hail.

    • stefano
      stefano says:

      I remember that after the L'Aquila earthquake, some rash statements about God's punishments caused a purge within the Church, because it must never again be said that God punishes. In return, now it can be said that God is sadistic.

  15. Andrea
    Andrea says:

    La ringrazio per il chiarimento.
    It is true that journalists manipulate the Pope's words, however it seems to me, personally, that the current Pontiff encourages the press with his ambiguous or unclear speeches. Some of his speeches that I listened to on TV make me strongly suspect that they want to overturn the teachings of the Gospel. I would like to give an example: some time ago Bergoglio affirmed that Mary in front of her Son on the Cross had feelings of disappointment towards God regarding the promises of greatness that had been made towards her Son. How to say: Mary is a woman like any other who has feelings of resentment or rebellion against God and her faith has faltered???
    This was what the Pontiff meant?
    I honestly have no words! Never has a Pontiff tried to question the granite faith of the Blessed Virgin. I do not pretend to be right, but allow me to say that this externalization was not manipulated by the press as I, like many others who watched the Rai channel, heard it live. I want to clarify that mine does not want to be a form of attack on the Pope, but with each passing day, unfortunately, my fears and negative feelings are confirmed. I seem to see a Church as a ship in a storm without a captain. By commander I mean the Vicar of Christ certainly not Christ God who will never abandon his Church, it is also going through a period of bewilderment, I hope as short as possible.

    • Alexander
      Alexander says:

      He also said on live TV that “also” he has little faith. Not that you can't understand him for his sense of humility, but why say it in that dry way, embarrassing? It wouldn't be better to keep quiet, out of prudence, precisely?

    • vincenzo1
      vincenzo1 says:

      Good morning Father Ivano,
      I am becoming more and more convinced that to scandalize and bewilder the faithful is precisely the purpose of Francis I with his method of preaching. More than confirming in the usual doctrine, he aims to shake minds on a given topic so that it is discussed no matter what the poor faithful understand. . Lei cosa ne pensa ?

      • father ariel
        Ivano Liguori, Ofm.Capp. says:

        Dear Reader,

        the problem is not so much what Father Ivano thinks - who carried out regular theology studies and later specialized in Health Pastoral Care - the most worrying problem is what simple Christian faithful think who see the Pope as a spiritual and moral guide unusual, not comparable to others leader contemporary religious.

        Over the past forty years, we have had figures like John Paul II and Benedict XVI who had the ability to instill in the hearts of believers that living nostalgia for God and for the Gospel that invited them to desire the perfection of the Father (cf.. Mt 5,48).

        Le dirò di più, many young people of the 80's and 90's then embarked on the path of religious consecration, of Christian priesthood or marriage often after World Youth Days in which opening the doors to Christ became the war cry which made hearts tremble and spurred on to want to accomplish great works by trusting God. Today it is still like this today?

        Francis I certainly chose a different way than his predecessors to present himself to the Catholic and non-Catholic world. A totally unique way, perhaps close to the Jesuit style which often deconstructs and questions everything in order to arrive at a more precise synthesis. The discontinuity with its predecessors is certainly evident, but this may not necessarily be bad.

        On the other hand, what a Pope absolutely cannot afford to do is be unclear, lacunoso, ineffective, misunderstood and interpretable. And this is because his is not a word of any man - to be clear Jorge Mario Bergoglio - but that of the Vicar of Christ, Pietro's, namely of Francis I., Roman Pontiff.

        Having said that I think, with all possible respect due to the Roman Pontiff, that such a pastoral style is imprudent and in the long run dangerous, because it is well known that any pastoral, exhortation, homily, speech that a pastor of the Church intends to implement, it must necessarily start from a well-founded and solid doctrine, something that the Church has had for two millennia.

        All other variations on the theme, they do not make the Gospel more attractive but weaker and we are experiencing this by seeing our churches empty, our lost Christians and we priests distracted by palatable mirages.

        I hope I have answered your question, I ask her for a Pater, Ave, Gloria for my conversion.

    • Manuela fadda
      Manuela fadda says:

      Concordo pienamente con Andrea. Questo papa non ha mai personalmente e pubblicamente smentito nulla delle affermazioni perlomeno pericolose che ha fatto, né ha mai risposto a quesiti importanti per la fede e la dottina, come i dubia, preferendo interloquire con atei convinti quali Scalfari; ha mandato in soffitta persino il titolo di Vicario di Cristo, nella nuova edizione del 2020 dell’Annuario Pontificio – il volume ufficiale dell’organigramma completo della Santa Sede. Capisco la difesa d’ufficio che siete costretti a fare ogni volta per salvare la parte buona della Chiesa e l’onorabilità del Pontefice ma mi sa che questi sono tempi particolari, tremendamente difficili per il cattolicesimo, aggredito soprattutto dall’interno. Per favore non prendetevela con il povero credente che vi esprime le proprie numerose perplessità, perché non avremo le lauree in teologia ma lo Spirito Santo non ci disdegna. Se c’è un tale sbandamento nella Chiesa, e forse mai come prima d’ora a livello dottrinale, un motivo ci sarà. I fedeli han bisogno di salvare le anime più che i corpi: se i preti che si lamentano delle chiese vuote, ci trasmettessero gli autentici valori di Cristo, invece che leggerci Enzo Bianchi e andare a rinfrancar lo spirito a Bose; se i vescovi ascoltassero un podi più la fede dei semplici e punissero seriamente i docenti di religione che insegnano Mancuso invece di sant’Agostino, sociologia spicciola e islam invece della dottrina, saremmo più tranquilli. Ma, siccome sono donna, forse è meglio che stia zittaun abbraccio e comunque tanti complimenti a

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