The transfiguration of Jesus is that event that invites us to transfigure ourselves and then rise again with him

The conflict in Ukraine and ecclesiastical diplomacy. A fundamental element is contained in the charioteer virtue of prudence: that silence unknown to a certain Russian Orthodox Caesaropapism

«In God we trust». The crisis in Ukraine. Any war waged by bullying and selfishness will always be lost to everyone

From the right of criticism to the humility of Francis of Assisi: maybe we will not be asked to plant cabbages backwards but at least let us say what we think, not so much for us but for those who would like to do it and cannot do it

The Minutella's flop story narrated by a bishop of Brazil. In the appendix an explanation by the Bishop of San Cristobal de las Casas on the fake news of the Pachamama venerated in the Vatican

The excommunicated priest Alessandro Minutella around the world hunting for souls like a fishing devil and Father Ariel's letter to the Apostolic Nuncios of Latin America

The excommunicated priest Alessandro Minutella on a tour of the world hunting for souls as a devil fisherman and Father Ariel's letter to the Apostolic Nuncios of Latin America

The sensus fidelium and those Catholic halberdiers guardians of the true faith who in fact are Lutherans and modernists without knowing they are