«I'm not coming to the concert, I'm not a Renaissance prince", said the Holy Father, However, this does not mean clearing away the worst of the sloppiness


Our wise teachers warned us from a young age about several insidious dangers, making us aware that the non-conformism of conformists exists, which is the worst conformism; the contempt of clericalism by the clericals, which then translates into the worst clericalism; the fascism of anti-fascists, which ends up manifesting itself as a violent form of neo-fascism even worse than that of the Fascist Twenty Years.


Simone Pifizzi


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Eleven years have passed since then, it was June of 2013 when the Holy Father Francis left the seat empty in the center of the Paul VI hall, while guests and authorities listened for a while’ the «Great classical music concert for the Year of Faith» banned, all in absence, rather than presence, of the pope. A few days earlier, speaking to nuncios from all over the world, the Holy Father had denounced the "spiritual worldliness" which is the "leprosy" of the Church, "giving in to the spirit of the world" which "exposes us pastors to ridicule", that "sort of bourgeoisie of spirit and life that pushes us to settle down, to seek a comfortable and peaceful life". The fact is that no one has ever announced what happened to Archbishop Rino Fisichella when everyone, Everyone 17,30, they were waiting for the pontiff to enter the room: «The Holy Father will not be able to be present due to an urgent and urgent task» (cf.. Gian Guido Vecchi, Corriere della Sera, WHO).

I'll try to be brief, but not because there is a lack of arguments, quite the opposite: there would be too many topics and, if in some cases one just cannot remain silent, it is good to be very measured.

Who among us has had the grace of having authentic teachers - and each of us Fathers of the Isle of Patmos, by divine grace, he had them - he was able to learn what perhaps someone did not have the opportunity to learn in Buenos Aires before as a religious, then as a Jesuit priest, finally as bishop. Finally arrived at the sacred throne a 77 year old, It's not easy to change your view and perspective as an elderly person, for this to happen it would be necessary for the Holy Spirit to land on the head of the chosen one not like a dove but like an Andean condor.

Our wise teachers they warned us from a young age about various insidious dangers, making us aware that the non-conformism of conformists exists, which is the worst conformism; the contempt of clericalism by the clericals, which then translates into the worst clericalism; the fascism of anti-fascists, which ends up manifesting itself as a violent form of neo-fascism even worse than that of the Fascist Twenty Years.

Some people think that exposing "us pastors to ridicule" are only the parades of those characters, so-called lace & laces, which aestheticize the sacred liturgy in an exasperated and sometimes exasperating way? No one denies the existence of the element of ridicule in these subjects, if we want even grotesque, but the ridiculous has many faces, therefore it should be considered no less ridiculous than the Cardinal Sebastian Francis, Bishop of Penang Diocese in Malaysia you celebrate Holy Mass sitting at a table with other concelebrants and you raise the Body of Christ with your head covered by the red skullcap; all when even us, at the time we were altar boys, we knew that the bishop stands bareheaded before the exposed Blessed Sacrament and that during the liturgies, until the Eucharist was placed inside the tabernacle, he doesn't cover his head again (cf.. Ceremonial of the Bishops, NN. 153-166). It's here, be clear, it's not about being hyper-critical, because the photos that document everything are truly disturbing.

Cardinal Sebastian Francis, who will surely be a holy man, has 72 year old. If the happily reigning Pontiff does not reach his centenary, he will enter the conclave as an elector, where he will find himself faced with brother cardinals of specific tendencies, but above all from rich countries capable of supporting entire local Churches in poor countries, who will point out the bag of money with one finger, with another finger they will indicate the candidate to write on the ballot.

This happens when you fall into the non-conformism of the conformists, in contempt of the clericalism of the clericals, in the fascism of anti-fascists. But the beauty, if beautiful we want to call it, everything is still to come. And may God help us!

Florence, 1September 2024



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