The German Synod, between Romanophobic Lutheranism and lesbian theologians who claim to overturn Catholic doctrine



Or the Holy See learns from history and proceeds to bestow a solemn and salutary volley of beatings on the Germans, or this farcical synod will continue until the end with all the consequences that will derive from it, acting as a horrid and grotesque outlet for a handful of nasty lesbian theologians who are piloting it too much.

- Actuality -



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Older lesbian couple

The problem is not to say badly, as I am sometimes accused of doing, but tell them true. And when they are said to be true, one should overlook the strong way in which it is sometimes necessary to say them. Otherwise, the accusers will fall into Pharisaism, attaching itself to the form or the colorful word, to evade the substance and all the facts with which they do not want to deal, because it would involve taking responsibility and taking action.


As a priest I lived and studied in Germany and when we say the German Catholic Church, I think I know a little about what we are talking about. I wrote about it in alarmed tones in the now distant 2011 in my book And Satan became triune, narrating how advanced was the state of Protestantization of the Catholic Church in many regions of Northern Europe, stating that a de facto schism was in progress that only needed to be made official. I pointed out that a swollen river was coming down from Northern Europe and that it would soon overwhelm our local Churches as well, especially the Italian one, subject for over half a century to the worst German theological drifts, because everything that is not German is not worthy of being called theological on our homeland. For this thanks to the deceptions of the Jesuits of the Pontifical Gregorian University, loving grandchildren of Karl Rahner, which had inevitably on the Supreme Pontiff Paul VI - revealed in this naive - the Roman School was destroyed, whose center was the Pontifical Lateran University, with great and extraordinary theologians of the caliber of Pietro Parente, Antonio Piolanti, Pier Carlo Lad … all reduced to silence in the "glorious" period of the post-council dialogue in the 1970s. The last exponent of the Roman School was Antonio Livi (cf.. WHO). A decade later, Paul VI himself, he complained and feared that "the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God through some crevice" (full text WHO). I wonder why, above all: who threw open the doors to him?


History teaches that the barbaric spirit always survives in the anthropological memory of the German people. He also teaches, the story, that the Germans cannot be patted on the little hand with a smile on their lips saying "bad guy this way you don't, otherwise mammina suffers ". They are beaten to death and left on the ground with broken bones after being humiliated. At that point they subside for the following decades. Then little by little they go back to pulling their heads up again, with the same spirit and the same arrogance. At that point, more healthy beats will be needed. Some might think that my talk is gratuitous and inappropriate violence. Never, it is simply prudent and legitimate defense of the European peoples. The pacifist candid souls fast to know, instead of tearing his clothes at the cry rainbows Of peace and love rather study history, because in this way they will understand all the reasons for my saying, starting from the price paid by Europe and the whole world for German psychology since the 1930s.


The Germans are the great pissed offs of Europe because in fact they have always been the big losers in the history of our Old Continent. Or it appears to anyone that they have ever won a war? At the end of the First World War they were humiliated at the negotiating table in Versailles. Years later they reared their heads with ominous deeds that produced consequences never seen before. At the end of the Second World War they found themselves with their country razed to the ground and reduced to starvation. As for today, I spread a merciful veil, because there would be a lot of talk about the human and moral sense of the "civilized" Germany in which no one would ever throw a cigarette butt in the garden of a public park, however, there are private clinics in which organs are transplanted whose origin is unknown, something that in uncivilized Italy could never happen, with the strict restrictive laws we have, but above all for that sense of humanity that has not yet completely abandoned us. Overflight on economic ethics, because this is not the place to discuss it, let's just say that Germany years ago gave China the ropes with which Europe will soon be hanged.


In the season of synodal drunkenness this phase has also begun in Germany, before the opening of which I said that the result would be attacks on Catholic doctrine and the deposit of faith that would make Martin Luther pale, let's not forget he was Catholic. Heretic, but Catholic. Most of the bishops, of German priests and faithful, Catholics have not been so for some time, they were not really born there and as such they were not formed and raised, while Luther did, lo fu. Those who are improperly defined as "German Catholics" are for the most part Christians who are much more affected by Luther and above all by Calvin, instead of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.


Never open Pandora's boxes in Germany, because giving them a synod will end up producing the best of the worst of their never-dormant Romanophobic spirit.


Now the Holy See laments and publicly declares that the initiative underway in Germany "has no power to force bishops and faithful to new ways of governing and new approaches to doctrine and morals" [cf.. WHO]. For this he invites them to re-enter the ranks of the correct synodal path of the universal Church. In short: they hit his little hand with a smile on their lips saying "bad guys.", this is not done, otherwise mammina suffers ".


What the Holy See expected from such a jumble of subjects now self-styled Catholics? Obviously, the synod - as it immediately happened - would have been the pretext for throwing up against Rome by demanding everything about which it is not even allowed to open discussions and let alone carry them out.: abolition of priestly celibacy, priesthood to women, or at least the diaconate, derubrication of the sin of sodomy, blessing of gay couples, evaluation of particular cases in which abortion or euthanasia could be lawful, total openness to contraception and so on and so forth.


Applying certain logics we could question, vote by majority and abolish various precepts of the Holy Gospel, because, according to many, they no longer conform to the present times and the needs of the contemporary world. Exactly what tragic is happening with this local German Synod, where with all the worst arrogance a horde of sour feminists are allowing themselves to discuss what the Church just cannot discuss, because he has no authority to do so. Not only and not so much they demand the questioning of the legitimacy of the priesthood to women, blessings to gay and lesbian couples who decide to "get married" justifying everything with an unspecified “love”, because what they are actually claiming is that the Church declares that what it has hitherto considered mortal sin is in truth good, therefore that you declare that you have erred in retrograde spirit by making amends and not even opening the doors, but literally spreading the legs.


Then we want to add more, admitted it is lawful to say it clearly and truthfully without being overwhelmed by complaints from the radical circles LGBT? I note that the feminist theologians who for years have been setting fires and flames in the little Catholic that remains in various countries of Northern Europe, for the most part they are full-blown lesbians and many live with their partners. Only a double agent like Cardinal Reinhard Marx Metropolitan Archbishop of München - who until the first ten days of February of 2013 he was more Ratzingerian than Benedict XVI, except to become more Bergoglian than Francis I three months later - he could allow such tomboys to create disorder and disturbance within the German Church by giving them space, voice and a stage of release during a synod. But then it is known: if according to the theories of Sigmund Freud the woman suffers from unconscious envy of the male penis, the lesbian Teutonic theologian suffers from the envy of the priest.


So let's take some examples relevant and real: it is true that in the biblical narrative it is specified that God created them male and female (cf.. Gen 1, 26-28), but those were other times. Today, the needs of gay and lesbian couples who want to marry between man and man are quite different, between woman and woman, claiming the approval and blessing of the Church, or the triumphal baptism of babies purchased from so-called rented wombs, with all the gotha LGBT lined up in the church, not because he is interested in anything about Holy Baptism, but to exploit a sacrament for the sole purpose of demonstrating that he has bent Catholicism to its own moral disorders, or worse to their aberrations, as in the case of babies commissioned to so-called rented uteri. Since, however,, at the time, the Almighty Creator could not be updated, it will be appropriate that the precepts, the divine word and God himself are correct. Because God was wrong to create only male and female without foreseeing the other variants, likewise Jesus Christ was wrong to confer the priesthood only on men, rather, perhaps he was also a bit misogynist. But what kind of Almighty and Omniscient he is, this clumsy God the Creator so devoid of future prospects? Luckily there is a compact group of German lesbian theologians ready to correct him in the context of this Synod.


O the Holy See learns from history and proceeds to deliver a solemn and salutary volley of blows to the Germans, or this farcical synod will continue until the end with all the consequences that will derive from it, acting as a horrid and grotesque outlet for a handful of nasty lesbian theologians who are piloting it too much.


I know perfectly well that certain things I say and express them badly, however I say them true and without easy pain of denial. I just hope I don't get another lawsuit from some radical association LGBT, Why I already have one in progress at the competent Court. And neither the Holy See nor the Italian Episcopal Conference would ever give me a contribution towards my court costs, they are too busy investing money in welcoming Muslim migrants who then piss as a sign of contempt in the fonts of historic churches in Rome and who occasionally vandalize some around Italy.


Or maybe you don't know why from all the historic churches of Rome and beyond, they removed the holy water from the fonts? Covid-19 has nothing to do with it, they were already emptied a few years before the pandemic. Simple why: several Muslim migrant brothers were repeatedly filmed by surveillance cameras documenting everything. When it went well inside the fonts they washed our underpants and socks, others as a sign of gratitude for the loving welcome of our far-sighted Italian Episcopal Conference, they pissed directly into it.


the Island of Patmos, 29 July 2022


Dear Readers,

please read this article [WHO vedere] and to be as sensitive and thoughtful as you can

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