The coronavirus during Lent World. While in, spin doctors and demented insult bishops and priests on social: "Atheists without faith, You have deprived of Jesus!»

"Open Church" (XI episode) - Can the worthy law enforcement err on zeal until reaching stop the sacred celebrations in churches?

Also today, crammed in before the coffins awaiting burial stores, It seems to hear again the lament Marta: "Man, if you had been here, my brother would not have died "

"Open Church" (X episode) - That today's irresistible longing to sacrifice the priests to death for their own personal whims of opinion. What if that happens, then who will return to celebrate Holy Mass for the People of God after the epidemic coronavirus?

Sitting on communist motorcycle Vauro I had a revelation that changed my life and my beliefs: and now I will explain why Jesus Christ never rose from the dead …

Faith and needs: an emergency such as that of the coronavirus, at the end of emergency can not change the future freedom of the Church and its faithful

"Open Church" (VIII and IX episode) - We explain how it works during the pandemic coronavirus general absolution given by the confessors in this time of severe social and health crisis

"Open Church" (VII episode) How to escape the coronavirus? Certainly not with the rainbows and the inscription “we'll make it”, implied: with our own strength. But asking God: «Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened " [Mt 7, 7]