Coronavirus between truth and collective psychosis. The absurd story of one of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos accused of being "medieval" to simply prayed

– health ministry –



[…] the procession do not want to draw any outside gathering, will not contravene any rule or challenge anyone's authority. The procession is an act of worship to God and I, as a priest, I can not deny what they have been called either betraying the Christian people. It is therefore appropriate to say that faith - in the words of Saint Anselm of Aosta - requires the reason, whereas, faith, does not include psychosis.


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.




Ivalo Liguori Father blesses the faithful in the Church Laconi

They have passed less than twenty four hours from the post publication of Facebook on the official page of the parish that I administer, to hear me give the "medieval" and other adjectives ... well it is better to omit them.


In addition to the fun adjectives to me, It has not failed those who have seen fit to even threaten complaint. But to the point: as parish priest decided to organize, with my Capuchin brothers, a Lenten procession in the country parish of Laconi, which is located in the area of ​​Sardinia Sarcidano.


The motivation that led to the genesis of this procession It was suggested by the course of Lent that we are living. liturgical period in which it asks God the Father the forgiveness and cleansing for their sins and the sins of the Church. This practice uses, among other things, the recitation of the Seven Penitential Psalms and Litany of the Saints.


Laconi, the charming silence of a green oasis. Click on the image to open the video

This year Lent It is marked by the emergence Coronavirus, abnormal health situation that is causing concern in the heart you so many people, Christians included. How do you then? From Capuchin friar, priest and pastor who are, I felt the pastoral duty, with my brothers, to characterize this procession with the intention of asking God the Father to avert the emergence of the Coronavirus within our small community of Laconi which currently has about 1.764 inhabitants. Obviously, pray for the village of Laconi, He implied the intention of praying throughout Italy and the world. Obviously, the Church does not forbid to raise prayers to God explicit regarding the intentions of a particular community. I think it's a matter of course, deal in a Christian way and through faith an important test like this ongoing health emergency.


Faith not unaware of the sanitary hygiene standards, It does not demonize the medical care and does not deny the usefulness of science and technology. And that I think I can say with some knowledge of the facts, I am having spent years of my sacred ministry to carry chaplain at a large public hospital.


Laconi, the greatest waterfall of the park. To open the video click on the image

Faith It is not opposed to any rule of common sense useful in cases like these but cannot give up giving hope to believers of Christ and fulfill the ministry of comfort that can come only through the grace of the Lord.


I want to clarify that, nowadays, the media tell us that in Sardinia, only five cases of infection have been reported, so much so that were immediately isolated and treated according to the protocols.


Thank God, it is appropriate to say, Sardinia does not share the primacy of other Italian regions far more hassled by the virus. In particular, the village of which the parish priest and where is our monastery, It is located in the hinterland Sardinian, away from the metropolitan hectic chaos, so as to ensure peace and adequate amenities and not comparable to other towns with more frequent human exchanges. Said this, in the Press Release of the Italian Episcopal Conference 5 May No. 10/2020 states that:


The most famous citizen of Laconi, the Capuchin seeker friar Sant’Ignazio

"In non-hazardous areas, ensuring respect for these indications in all pastoral and educational activities, The Italian Episcopal Conference reaffirms the possibility of celebrating the Holy Mass, how to promote prayer appointments that characterize the time of Lent ".


For this reason, Supported by the words of Episcopal Conference, Interior living in a country that guarantees a very low risk for all, trusting in God's Providence carry on the spiritual good of the faithful and those who see in God not a competitor of science but the one who is the creator of all things, including science.


The initiative of the procession do not want to draw any outside gathering, will not contravene any rule or challenge anyone's authority. The procession is an act of worship to God and I, as a priest, I can not deny what they have been called either betraying the Christian people. It is therefore appropriate to say that faith - in the words of Saint Anselm of Aosta - requires the reason, whereas, faith, does not include psychosis.


Laconi, 7 March 2020



a Sat2000 service Laconi, a lovely place in Sardinia to go and to live …



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The disturbing phenomenon of Medjugorje and the director of Radio Maria Father Livio Fanzaga: a gosparo fanatizzante he thinks of converting with fears that are the very negation of the Holy Gospel

- society and topical benefit to the Church



Tell us, father Livio, enlighten us and make it clear to all of us: but what makes cash speak with the "Madonna postman" of Medjugorje? Never in fact I would have imagined to find myself a front sorrowful day Mater Dei turned into a cross between a profitable company and a successful multinational company. I believe that a priest should not give credit to the pseudo prophets who on the venerable name of the Blessed Virgin have built their wealth, living lives of luxury and expenditure dell'ostentato. And for this you will have to give an account to God, every last dime, He asks you to giustificargli even the few Euros that the good old lady has stolen every month to his small pension to send to Radio Maria, while the pseudo seers through which your company lives and works, They bivouacked in villas, swimming pool, sale fitness luxury cars and fruitful hotel properties, except talk every day at 18 with the Blessed Virgin Mary.


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



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one of the four corners of the villa of the pseudo visionary Ivan Dragicevic, with park, pool and lounge fitness. These and other images should be shown to the grannies every month fleeing from his meager pension a bit’ the euro to be sent to Radio Maria that spreads daily data messages from Our Lady of Medjugorje seers to pseudo.

Sand doctrine, the magisterium and Mariology, were those common to Radio Maria Father Livio Fanzaga, I would have left the priesthood idiot for giving me the error. Then I would go in the pleasant city of San Salvador de Bahia, where young girls would have made me recall the time lived in chastity through the free choice of priestly celibacy, the result of a mistake made in good faith Total. This would have done, If the Church's magisterium, his doctrine and his Mariology were those published by this medjugoriana radio. Paradoxes aside, because what they teach the magisterium, doctrine and Mariology know, I shall never cease to be in love faithful and chaste spouse of the Holy Church of Christ until the last breath of life, then remained priest, indelibly, for eternity.


So it is not a light heart It accuses the brother Livio Fanzaga not to be a proclaimer of faith, but a diffuser that fideism that proceeds through forms of disturbing Mariolatry-medjugoriana. Forms and expressions that have nothing to do with the veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Word of God incarnate, that in the mystery of revelation and in the economy of salvation has its own specific role. Tear the Blessed Virgin to the role assigned to it, means to turn it into an idol.


There are thousands of hours of radio recordings where Father Livio attributed to the Blessed Virgin salvation, stating ambiguously that Madonna saves and that we must ask you to save us. We clarify certain ambiguities: though in some cases it can be recognized to simple ignorance beneficial move to the root of good faith, similar to the priests the benefit can not be recognized, because in this second case one must speak of deviations from straight doctrine and adulteration of the mystery of salvation, mostly supported by continuous obsessive references to daily data from posts Madam the self-styled seers of Medjugorje. The Virgin Mary can participate in valuable way, determinant, also wanting entirely unique to our salvation, but attention: interceding for us with her Divine Son. The Virgin Mary can intercede - and intercedes - for our sins, but she can not forgive our sins, this is quite clear, because this is the Catholic faith. So that, when they throw ambiguous phrases referring to the fact that the Virgin Mary saved, or it is very clear the doctrinal and catechetical, or better to remain silent and avoid confusing the people of God.


Father Livio went so far as to state that "his" Madonna has opposed necessary Ecclesiastical Authority, substituting to it and carrying out motu proprio functions performed by the Church, that the mandate to teach, sanctifying and governing the People of God has received him - it should be remembered - by Christ, God himself. The Father Livio blunders came at times to grotesque levels, for example, when ignoring that it is the Church to proceed with the canonization of Saints, upon recognition of their heroic virtues, He said that a monk had been canonized by the Lady herself, stating among other things: «[…] watch, is the Madonna says no, there is no bishop who takes, there is no pope who takes […]». Just listen to a video a few years ago to see what levels is able to reach Father Livio [see WHO], grossly ignorant than ever, the Mater Dei, It would replace the Authority of the Church, She is herself the first to revere, if necessary even to obey the Church of Christ, thereby giving example to the whole People of God, not least because she, of always, It is also a great educator.


To obey the Church it means to obey Christ's God who has also set up as a visible hierarchical structure based on the primacy of Peter and the apostolic authority given to him at [cf.. Mt 16, 18]. Christ, God has not built the Church on Madonna, even though the Church is a mother. The chief prosecutor of the keys, together with the power to bind and loose, He has granted to Peter and to his successors [cf.. Mt 16, 19]. And that although Peter was born not only with the stain of original sin - as opposed to the Immaculate Conception preserved from all stain of sin -, but although he denied Christ lying, imprecations [cf.. Mt 26, 74] giving himself and then fled the scene. O to be clear to the bottom: Holy Church of God in Christ-is totally pure essence of his absoluteness, It is not madonnocentrica. When at the Last Supper Christ God he instituted the ministerial priesthood and the Eucharist, the Virgin Mary was not present with the Apostles in the Upper Room [cf.. Mt 26, 26-28; MC 14, 22-24; LC 22, 19-20; 1Color 11, 23-25]. Present with them it was at Pentecost, When the Apostles already priests, ministry, custodians and stewards of the Holy Eucharist and the sacraments of grace was sent down the Holy Spirit [At 2, 1-41].


Salvation, in all its uniqueness and absoluteness, resides in the mystery of God's Word made flesh in the womb of a virgin, died for our redemption, resurrected and ascended to heaven, where today sits at the right hand of God the Father [cf.. Declaration Lord Jesus, 2000]. The being and existence of eternal Mater Dei It is contained in the mystery of Christ God, as we learn from the Holy Doctor of the Church Bernard of Clairvaux, that sums up this mystery with a few short words: "Virgin Mother daughter of thy Son […]"Continuing a little further"[…] thou 'one who such nobility To human nature, ensure that 'its Creator Did not disdain to your invoice ". In these few words it is contained the essence of Mariology: the Immaculate Conception exists and lives according to the Divine Son. No one gave change ambiguously God in Christ "accessory" of the Blessed Virgin, from which it was given to the world the generated Divine Son not made of the same substance of God the Father.


Although to date I subtracted from expressing any opinion on the phenomenon of Medjugorje, today I feel in good conscience say that I never believed in these data messages in a continuous stream, but above all I consider alas, the self-styled seers, charlatans in the etymological sense of the term, not according to the derogatory meaning of spoken vocabulary.


To clarify the concept of redemption, especially to clarify who is the source of salvation, enough that the devotees of the Blessed Virgin Mary thought the history and significance of the litany Lauretane, instead recite a nursery rhyme as more or less not including. These litanies born around the twelfth century, but are rooted in very old traditions, they have all the trappings of the highest official, was in fact the Holy Pontiff Pius V in the sixteenth century, after the victory of the Army Santa Muslim League at the Battle of Lepanto, He added them at the end of the recitation of the Holy Rosary, inserting in the sequence of the litany of the invocation help Christians. A few years later, In the 1587, the Pope Sisto V the he approved with the bubble reddituri.


I fear that many naive believers, so in good faith how little prepared the catechetical plan, while also acting as rosaries a day, are unfortunately not able to understand the theological structure of this litany that begins with a trinitarian invocation through which God Father, the begotten Son not made of the same substance as the Father and the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son, we turn concluding each prayer with the invocation: «Have mercy on us» [have mercy on us]. After this supplication, begin intercessory prayers to the Blessed Virgin, ending each with the invocation "Pray for us» [pray for us]. This is the role of the Blessed Virgin in the economy of salvation: pray and intercede for us. It is not by chance, in praise Hi Regina, invoking her intercession we ask her how 'Advocate». It is therefore with his prayers and his precious intercession, that the Blessed Virgin work for our salvation. Here then is another hymn of praise in which we invoke her protection:


«Fly to your patronage, holy Mother of God; despise not our prayers in our necessities, But from ever deliver us, O glorious and blessed».

[Under your protection we seek refuge, Holy Mother of God: despise not our petitions of us who are in trial, and deliver us from all danger, O glorious and blessed Virgin].


Someone wondered because we ask God to deliver us from evil, and in prayer Our father It is synonymous with sin and thus purification from sin, while we ask the Blessed Virgin to assist in testing and free us from the danger that can lead us to a logical consequence of sin? Simple answer: it is God who forgives our sins, not the Madonna. According to at least sacramental absolution formula in which sins are forgiven in the name of the Father, of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Or perhaps it is that the Holy Trinity is also added the name of the Blessed Virgin Mary?


Question asked not so much to Father Livio, but to ginners rosaries medjugoriani, since many of them fear that they may not know what to pray and how to pray. This is the question: because the triune God is begging mercy and forgiveness, while the Blessed Virgin asks to pray and intercede for us, for the remission of our sins and our salvation? Simply because it is not the Madonna that purifies souls from sin, She intercedes with great effectiveness for the forgiveness and salvation of souls. And among all the Angels and Saints, certainly it is the creature who can intercede for us as effectively as, being the one who was born without any stain of original sin gave birth in this world the Word of God incarnate, becoming privileged abode and only the Holy Spirit in the history of humanity. But, as you should understand, saved by the remission of sins and interceding for the forgiveness of sins are two different things, but not in pure form, but precisely in the deepest substance. To this was added that God loves, while the Blessed Virgin is venerated. And the difference that runs between worship and veneration, It is no small thing, least of all it is a "small" semantic nuance.


Terminate the litany in which every call or title invokes the Blessed Virgin with the phrase "pray for us», this prayer ends with the invocation to 'Lamb of God, addressed to Christ Redeemer God becoming man who has turned into a lamb without blemish who with his sacrifice he washed the sin of the world [cf.. GV 1, 29]. At that point no longer responds: «Pray for us», but back to beseech Christ invoking God: "Forgive us Lord ... Hear ... Lord have mercy on us". Why we are addressed not to the begging Madonna to forgive us and have mercy on us, where the litany these invocations are all related to the forgiveness of sins addressed to the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world?


Because these basic elements of faith They are not explained by the good people of devotees on Radio Maria? Simple and sad the answer: for the Father Livio and his member gOSPAR they do not want a devout people, but a people devotional, fed through the emotional element of the worst Mariolatry medjugoriana. Needless to say: the whole thing has gone on for years and years under the eyes powerless Ecclesiastical Authority and under the deaf ears of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, that if it could be sponsored as a department, it would not exist for better advertising than that of Amplifon, agency leader in the production and sale of equipment for people with serious hearing problems.


To lock people fideist it is necessary to resort to sensationalism and especially the fear. Educating people to the true faith is complex and difficult, because despite the best will and the most strenuous effort by the evangelizer, the results are more than ever uncertain. A certain combinations fideistic the ignorant are always comfortable, since the days of the legendary Friar Cipolla narrated by Giovanni Boccaccio in his memorable novel. Without the ignorant fideists certain people could not survive, nor could their existence. For this we avoid explaining to enchanted by Friar Cipolla and its relics, so amazing and improbable, that true faith is that illustrated by the Author of Hebrews: "Faith is the foundation of the things that are hoped for and the proof of those that are not seen" [EB 11, 1]. Affirmation this not exactly easy and smooth to explain, why say that to understand what it takes a long journey and an authentic evangelization, It could almost sound like a euphemism. Also because most people, if you put before really difficult paths, They turn their backs and run away even before you try to move a single step. It is written:


"Enter through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad the way that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat. Because strait is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life! And few there be that find!» [Mt 7, 13-14].


Which path offers the director of Radio Maria? The easiest one: emotional fideism played on the hidden and intimate contempt of reason, indicated by doctors Saints of Anselm and Thomas Aquinas Church as an element necessary to bring the faith. Indeed, without reason, which then it is synonymous with the exercise of more mature and wise freedom, you can not arrive at the true experience of faith, only the worst of its surrogates: fideism built on irrational emotionality. And to stand, fideism, over emotionalism illogical and irrational high true, It needs another indispensable element: fear. Here is a picture of a Madonna that more or less openly, speaking from the mouth of the pseudo-visionaries of Medjugorje, It contains in its messages of non-explicit content, but that its interpreters change in announcements of catastrophic events, the cry of "the time is at hand", "The end is coming" … Then there is the magic of secrets, because the hidden secret, psychologically feeds the army of fideists, that is stimulated by fear change themselves in fanatizzanti fanatics who sow fear. By implementing these mechanisms as banal as evident, forget the poor, pace of the river data messages from Madam of Medjugorje, that the Holy Gospel it is written:


"In love there is no fear, but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and he who fears is not made perfect in love " [The Gv 4, 18].


What theological significance, mystagogical and eschatological have, for the Director of Radio Maria, these words? Or are they words that invite somehow stimulate fear among the faithful, because "the time is near" and why incumbent upon humanity the elusive "secret data from nine Lady" to the pseudo-seers?


In the radio transmission 26 February Father Livio said various things on the Coronavirus, first bringing what for him, probably, It is a kind of irrefutable evidence: The message that would be given by the Blessed Virgin in one of the pseudo seers of Medjugorje, in this case Ivan:


"Nature is now hostile to us and with this coronavirus have opened the eyes, because it came at a propitious moment, just listen to the message of the Madonna of Medjugorje given to Ivan the 17 September, which states that it is implementing the period of Satan ".


If Father Livio knew the content of the revelation foundations in the Scriptures, It should know that nature has become hostile to man not by God but by the will of free choice made by our first parents, Adam and Eve, They are rebelling against his Creator altered the perfection of the original nature of man and the universe created, so by sending a corrupt nature by original sin [cf.. GN 3, 1-24].


Of the Book of Genesis, allegorical is only the structure of the narrative style, not the fact represented with this allegory, similar in style to the pedagogical parables used by Christ the Lord in his preaching. Original sin is therefore a fact, not an allegory, or clarify: depicted is a real fact and narrated through an allegory. In this allegorical literary language also includes expressions such as 'cursed', "condemned", "Punished", "You will suffer ' … In truth, to curse, punish and condemn himself was the man who is excluded by choice free from the state of holiness and perfect communion of grace with God. Hence the same hostility of nature created is a logical consequence that is born of a vindictive God's punishment, but from a free choice. And every free choice always has consequences, positive o negative.


As for the realization of the 'period of Satan " which alludes Father Livio referring to the "sacred word" the talkative Ivan, It remembers that the evil is present in human experience ever since man rebelled against God. Or maybe forget, the valiant director of Radio Maria that Satan, in its total arrogance and conceit, dared even groped the Word of God made man? And to tempt he started the speech and repeated several times defiantly: "If you are the Son of God ..." [Mt 4, 3-6].


To assert, imply or terrorize with the announcement of imminent divine punishment and trembling secrets, means groped desperately to sow the fear from which he can never rise to the true faith, but, as we said before, fideism. Faith, as we learn from the aforementioned Blessed Apostle John, It is in fact the negation of fear:


"In love there is no fear, but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and he who fears is not made perfect in love " [The Gv 4, 18].


By identifying faith with love, these words are equivalent to saying that those who are motivated by fear and who have "faith" because they fear punishment, faith does not have one at all, nor can they have it, because the assumption of the faith is the absence of fear. Other than to terrorize the people and children-fideist with veiled threat of trembling nine secrets jealously kept by the pseudo-visionaries who soon will be realized, and which will shake the whole of humanity, in virtue of the fact that their logorroica Madonna said that ...


Among the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit is that of awe of God. As we shall soon see, know the true meaning of the words is essential. Therefore fear, which is part of these precious gifts, it has nothing to do with fear, indeed is its total negation. Lest it means deep filial devotion to the mystery of God. The fear is based on love and steady throughout the son who worships his father, not on fear or terror.


The people in general, but to them our faithful, that because of us priests today I am suffering from abnormal ignorance on the fundamentals of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, it is our duty to explain first what the words mean, indicating what they really mean in the biblical vocabulary, evangelical and theological. With the passage of time and changes etymological, In fact, certain terms have been cleaved from their original root and today are used with entirely different connotations, one of these is the word punishment. This consequence: if any person in the street express the concept of "punishment" or "punish", she deemed something punitive and severe, if anything, by connecting it to a punitive-vindictive action, other word that has also lost, as we shall soon see, its true meaning.


In the Christian lexicon, the word "punishment" It is another matter. The term comes from the Latin pure act and does not mean severely punish, quite the opposite: literally it means to purify, make me clean, restore a state of lost purity. So if we do not start first by explaining the meaning of words, the other party, including the educated and cultured, deemed quite another, with the consequent and inevitable burst of unpleasant controversies that come to life because of who uses words from the Catholic side that you do not know the meaning, the other secularists who take up certain words according to what they mean in today's spoken vocabulary. In this regard, I suggest reading the article my wise brother, our author cappuccino Ivano Liguori, published on these our columns and in which he explains how, in human history, after great and tragic events, as the great bubonic plague of 1347 that he killed more than half of the European population, shortly after there was a great revival of the old European continent, because the fruit of that event terrible and catastrophic, a few decades later it was the Renaissance [see WHO].


Many other examples would, think of revenge, from Latin revenge, derived from the term avenge, whose real meaning would: free an innocent unjustly suffered an injustice. From this correct etymological meaning comes the expression linked to the concept of "God's vengeance" or "holy vengeance of God". Example: in the texts of the Church's social doctrine inaugurated in the late nineteenth century by Pope Leo XIII [cf.. Of the new things, 1891] not paying a fair wage to the worker is referred to as a "sin that cries out to God for justice". Today though, though without explaining the etymology of certain words or expressions Biblical, We were to say that in front of a grave injustice is a Christian moral duty to invoke the vengeance of God, It will definitely happen that most of the people, if not all of those who have heard - including among them bishops and priests -, They remain so much scandalized by the judge advocate as a violent forcaiolo. Little would be worth groped to defend against such accusations, saying that, if they no longer know the meaning of words, the problem is all theirs. Unfortunately not, because if people no longer knows the meaning of certain words or expressions Biblical, giving them different meanings from their original etymology and literary significance, those who use them for what they really mean is in danger of falling into the lack of communication, if it does not explain precisely what they mean certain words and literary expressions.


The so-called medjugoriani, Father Livio Fanzaga head, event to support the authenticity of Medjugorje in its entirety, then the reported messages from these self-styled seers who would daily apparitions of the Blessed Virgin, immediately put forward the many conversions that took place at this location. Similar evidence from them reputed irrefutable, in truth it is not a test, if anything, it is proof that the phenomenon in question is mostly holds on irrational emotionalism and an immature faith, not to mention the enormous damage caused often by various translated or assumed, behind the fiercest of which are hidden and dangerous self-taught authentic faith do it yourself. So let us explain to medjugoriano-type boasting amazing conversions presented as irrefutable evidence magical, the essence of the mystery of grace. In the Saints Church history and experience life themselves, conversions have also occurred in situations and really most unimaginable places. There are stories of people who have converted after taking part in a satanic ritual, or coming out of a brothel where they had had a sexual relationship with a younger underage prostitute their daughter, or while waiting on the street corner with a charged shot in the barrel to cool the victim with a gun. No one, however, has never told or taught that to really convert you must participate in satanic rituals, attend underage prostitutes in brothels, or kill people on commission as killer professionals. Now, If in extreme situations of this kind they took place the great conversions, how could they not be conversions in a place like Medjugorje, where people pray, they confess, receive the Sacred Body of Christ and express their sincere devotion to Mater Dei?


Of course, if at Medjugorie occurred conversions, sincere and authentic, but these conversions are not proof of the authenticity of the event and above all of the messages in daily continuous stream of pseudo-clairvoyants who say they see everyday Madam. And in this committee it was clear, denying the authenticity of these daily messages. Like it or not to gentlemen and Father Livio who spreads them by Radio Maria, these messages, the Committee called them "not authentic" and in a very good-natured also "repetitive" and "trivial". Therefore, that many people are going to be converted in Medjugorje, or listening to daily posts "repetitive" and "trivial" data from self-styled seers who claim to speak every day with the Blessed Virgin, He is not evidence in itself and of itself nothing, including fruits presented as irrefutable evidence, because these are not. That said overflight then on the damage caused by Medjugorianism of entire groups of laity, of new priestly fraternity and new experiences of religious life recognized by several diocesan bishops unwise, from which they were born problematic priests often results in later clinical psychiatric cases even serious. In this story you can not open a theme into the theme, therefore supersedes. But, of all this, they know something the ministry of the Holy See in charge of institutes of consecrated life, if we consider that many of these new realities medjugoriana impression with medjugoriane vocations and priests and religious, born from the so-called "charism of Medjugorje", over and over again they have to suppress due to serious doctrinal problems, balance sheet and, sometimes, even for unpleasant questions of moral character. And these are facts and acts, no assumptions driven by malice.


In conclusion I want to explain why I used the term "pseudo-seers of Medjugorje", clarifying that the commission, albeit with languages ​​and very sweetened ways, He has judged the first seven apparitions as credible in that town in the early eighties. Anyone who today cries approval, We have to remember and explain that at the time the Church has not given any official recognition to the phenomenon. Not only, He has not acknowledged the veracity Day messages, because so cleverly caustic reigning Pope even made explicit allusion to "Madonna postman", [See. see WHO]. Even more so I am free to say that the director of Radio Maria sells fake widespread Marian messages from as many false seers, all in serious damage of the Catholic faithful, in particular of the simplest and psychologically vulnerable.


Then pay attention: as he says in an ambiguous way the Director of Radio Maria, The study of Medjugorje commission established by Pope Benedict XVI in 2010 and he completed in 2014 their work, He does not have any attested authenticity, it is limited only to express an opinion as a result of investigations and studies carried out. The reigning Pope, responding in May 2017 reporters, He explained that the Commission has studied the phenomenon of dividing it into two parts: The first concerns the seven initial appearances, that seemed credible. The other one, that of appearances that still seguiterebbero, Instead he left very puzzled the Commission. A work of the commission concluded, every decision now falls to the Supreme Pontiff, that for now he has not failed to prove all his skepticism alluding to this "Madonna chief telegraph office" that sends messages continuously, who talks too much and that would appear at scheduled times. This is the truth, namely a somewhat bitter pill that the Director of Radio Maria, between ambiguity and smoky and unclear expressions, trying in every way to sweeten sugar sprinkling. Simple reason: Radio Maria is a company on the pseudo messages of Medjugorje seers live there over the past three decades, with all the consequential implications for economic and financial.


To make these self-styled seers unreliable, I think it's their way of life marked by the luxury and the accumulation of material goods. The same committee that for years has studied this phenomenon, could not omit, with all the embarrassment of the case, to say that the relationship with them money and material goods arouses considerable misgivings. It is known that it ranges from villas with pool at hotel properties to luxury cars donated to his daughter for twenty years and so to follow.


The Director of Radio Maria He never clarified whether Ivan, Madonna, He appears and speaks to the pool in the garden of his mega-villa while he sips a drink, or while he is in his private gym, time is devoted to the painstaking care of their bodies and of their physical appearance, not to mention the refinement of his clothing, to the point of being dubbed by different organs of the international press as "the seer playboy». It would do well to clarify these things, the good Father Livio. It should clarify, these things, especially to the poor grandmother who with simple generosity and faith subtracts each month tens of euro from his meager pension to send them to grande gOSPAR Business Radio Maria. Company to which the devout Catholics should not send instead a penny.


Given the complexity of the long speech, I prefer to stop here and remind Father Livio, diffuser made of the new religion medjugoriana, that the mother of the most tender Maria Goretti, He died following an attempted rape in 1902, saying in his last breath before dying words of forgiveness for his murderess - then he converted and later present in 1950 the canonization of the Blessed Maria Goretti nell'arcibasilica St. Peter - when he died in old age, his burial and his grave provident Holy Church. Indeed, mom Goretti, He was poor and died poor peasant of the Pontine Marshes. Different story, than that of the rich pseudo seers of Medjugorje that, between Pharaonic villas, the edges of the pool, la sala fitness private, luxury cars and hotel properties, every day at 18 speak with Madonna.


Tell us, father Livio, enlighten us and make it clear to all of us: but what makes cash speak with the "Madonna postman" of Medjugorje? Never in fact I would have imagined to find myself a front sorrowful day Mater Dei turned into a cross between a profitable company and a successful multinational company. I believe that a priest should not give credit to the pseudo prophets who on the venerable name of the Blessed Virgin have built their wealth, living lives of luxury and expenditure dell'ostentato. And for this you will have to give an account to God, every last dime, He asks you to giustificargli even the few Euros that the good old lady has stolen every month to his small pension to send to Radio Maria, while the pseudo seers through which your company lives and works, They bivouacked in villas, swimming pool, sale fitness luxury cars and fruitful hotel properties, except talk every day at 18 with the Blessed Virgin Mary.


father Livio, if you do not have anyone told, In this case, I tell you: hai 79 year old, you're always on time, take a step back, withdrawn from profitable azienda gentleman, shut yourself in a monastery and try to save your soul, because they are thirty years that poison the true devotion to the Blessed Virgin on which they have written memorable pages Sant'Agostino, Sant'Anselmo d'Aosta, St. Bernard of Clairvaux, San Tommaso Aquino, St. Bonaventure of Bagnoregio, Blessed Duns Scotus, Sant'Alfonso Maria de 'Liguori, St. Louis Marie de Montfort ... saved the soul! And you, faithful worshipers, do your part and your duty: do not send longer even a penny bid to Radio Maria. What Father Livio and his clan, the money to prop up this azienda gentleman, if they do not give them to those of pseudo prophets who got rich with Madonna ...


I conclude by clarifying that if tomorrow, the Roman Pontiff, close to ongoing discussions acknowledging with all the trappings of officialdom the first seven appearances deemed "credible" by the commission he appointed to study the phenomenon, or even if it decides to recognize authentic all data messages daily in a continuous stream to the current pseudo seers, per me, from that moment to follow, the Medjugorje phenomenon will be authentic without any penalty can thread. For me it is indeed true that what is said by the Holy Church and the Successor of the Blessed Apostle Peter, the mandate of which comes to it by Christ, God himself. So does anyone serving the Church with faith and reason, unlike those who use the Church to give vent to their emotional and irrational dimensions.


the Island of Patmos, 5 March 2020




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Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

( Click on the name to read all its articles )
Father Gabriele

The terminally ill, the disabled and the priest-physician before a “sister” dreaded: that death to which cries, "O death, where is thy victory?»

- pastoral care of health -



It is something serious and deeply flawed, When the families of seriously ill or dying avoid calling the priest, claiming that ... "otherwise, seeing the priest scares!». But how can scare, Those whom the seriously ill or dying brings great medicine of God's grace? The truth is that being scared is not seriously ill or dying, but her family who download over him their fears. Perhaps because they have never seen people die in peace with God, nor have they seen the good that gives the seriously ill or dying this grace, this latest medicine that only the blind and wicked men may be denied to those to whom, against the other, say they want well.


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.



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representation of St. Francis of Assisi and Sister Death

In a country like Italy, where for four decades births are lower than deaths, we Fathers de The Island of Patmos we can not, as theologians and pastors in charge of souls, omit to give prominence to the phenomenon of aging and physical disability, then the delicate ambit of terminally ill. Let's start from the Gospel of St. John the Apostle where we read:


"In truth, truly I tell you: whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me, It has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but it is passed from death to life " [GV 5, 24].


We all know the beautiful Canticle of the Creatures of Saint Francis of Assisi. The simple beauty of this declaration of love for creation still resonates after more than eight centuries. but yet, There is a passage that seems little shining, indeed some Catholics find it disturbing. Let us try to remember those verses, where at one point the Saint of Assisi writes:


«praised’ me’ Lord for our sister bodily death, from whom no homo living can escape».


St. Francis thanked God for the death of the body. Which in itself may seem paradoxical, absurd and almost meaningless. Of all creation, because without thanking the body death? To understand this "sonnet" we must remember that by faith we believe that death is a consequence of original sin. As written by the medieval theologian St. Julian of Toledo, taking in turn San Gregorio Magno:


"Man established in Paradise received a precept, so was in its nature the power to not die, and the power of death: if it was found obedient to the fulfillment of the vital precept, It would become immortal; if it was found disobedient for his iniquity he would begin to be deadly […]» [Prognostic Forever, The Book, III].


So this is one of the main themes of our faith. And now, immersed in Lent, We travel together for forty days until the time of death of the body of Jesus as a passage to the resurrection and eternal life. Jesus faced, in its human nature, the event of death and defeated, being the first of the resurrected: in tal modo, It allows us, one day, resurrected him.


When we get closer to the priests seriously ill, who morenti, Our task is not to give them "the last illusion ', how they think at times some doctors, but give them the medicine that can save their souls forever, for eternity. The priesthood, under certain aspects, It can be considered as the last extreme degree of medicine: the one and only medicine that can save souls. In these cases the priest-doctor, far from illusory manner in comfort, It will give the seriously ill and dying person the certainty of faith that death is a moment of transition. Because of this, along with St. Francis, we can say that this "formidable Lady ', as the medieval sages called it, is our sister.


Death is a passing event that sooner or later we all have to go, because it is a reality which no human being can escape. At the same time, But, precisely because the death was not an event willed by God or contemplated perfect natural order created by Him, just the thought of it gives us a certain sadness, because death is something “unnatural”, when read in the light of creation. And this is precisely because death is not the work of God, but a consequence of human sin, who is the true creator of death. At the same time, the death, He instills in us a certain fear. Because then we do not know what will be our destination, or because we fear our destination. In the seriously ill and dying, this understandable fear fades, or disappear completely, when with certainty of faith receives from the priest-doctor the great medicine of God's grace.


Many doctors and specialists engaged in therapies of pain and in the treatment of terminally ill patients, saw patients until prostrate before regaining serenity and fearful, after being treated by the priest-doctor, many doctors and paramedics, between them even nonbelievers, often they are the first to tell the family that perhaps their loved one would need the comfort of a priest.


With such sensitivity and contemplative spirit, after trying to grasp the great mystery of death, then simply try to pray, to get in tune with this big sister, at the same time feared and almost deliberately forgotten, thinking that with it will be our Passover, our passage to eternal life. Down the existence tunnel there is the absolute vacuum, but the springboard of the "final jump" in the eternal infinite God. After the jump, It is the definitive time. We can then, with Jesus, make our own the verses of the writer and English poet John Donne


"Death will be no more death. And you, death morrai ».


It is something serious and deeply flawed, When the families of seriously ill or dying avoid calling the priest, claiming that ... "otherwise, seeing the priest scares!». But how can scare, Those whom the seriously ill or dying brings great medicine of God's grace? The truth is that being scared is not seriously ill or dying, but her family who download over him their fears. Perhaps because they have never seen people die in peace with God, nor have they seen the good that gives the seriously ill or dying this grace, this latest medicine that only the blind and wicked men may be denied to those to whom, against the other, say they want well. So good to think that, the ultimate comfort in the grace of God that heals the wounds of the soul, may even scare.


Rome, 4 March 2020






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