A theological reflection on coronavirus: of correct information and hoaxes of dangerous idiots internetici, while the man is no longer able to read the signs of the earth and sky

Meme. funny Phenomenon internautico serving as radiography Italian ecclesiastical body: Saint John Paul II invited to open the doors to Christ, a few years later it moved to “lower walls” e “create bridges” with the world to be of misericordianti piacioni …

Father Ariel back Thursday in the late evening in the Straight of Mediaset Studies Program and Reverse led by Paolo Del Debbio

It is not "prematurata supercazzola", to this day it has matured completely through the conspiracy of arrogant

"From Friar Cipolla Alexander Minutella". That is: when the satire of high literature Boccaccio is transformed instead into grotesque comedy and ruin of souls

"They called Holiness": from the slap of Anagni to “paccheri Pope”. Use pleasant on the figure of the Supreme Pontiff, for a transversal reading of the facts