The Fathers of The Island of Patmos in urgent need of fine and generous widows. But there's more: we are almost sure that we will also offer their valuable support

The largest theft in the history of Christianity: the first saint canonized by Christ himself was a thief converted to the Supreme King of the Universe in the last minutes of life

From the famous gigolo Francesco Mangiacapra to Christ who calls via the road between Zacchaeus crowd to see it had climbed a sycamore tree: "Today I must stay at your house"

"Every damn Sunday". We climb the walls of Hell one centimeter at a time, so to win the hardest of all the games of life

That communist consistent pattern Vauro Senesi to whom I narrated: "Before I would have protected the communists sought by the fascists, then the fascists sought by the Communists "

Father Ariel returns tomorrow night on Rete 4 program “Straight and Reverse”. On the question raised by many readers who asked if he was worried responded: "I have to be, because they belong to Christ and not of the world "

Rete4 “Straight and Reverse”: Father Ariel S.. Levi Gualdo is not one who loses his temper, if it does not for emotional impulse but calibrated choice. And if you invite a lion in an arena it is unlikely that they face domestic kitten