Continues the saga of “useful idiots”. In the Soviet Church exploded the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, with aggravating: to manage the crisis we have put characters like Antonio Spadaro and Vincenzo Paglia

- ecclesial news -



They think maybe, the useful idiots to Pol Pot orders, to solve the problem baptizing no small army of Muslims who are giving the assault on the poor, old and dying Europe? What to say: best wishes! Meanwhile, however,, to die in the gallery below the crux of the thermo-nuclear reactor at Chernobyl, we are here, to the praise and glory of God, in order to save the much or the little that you can save. Why Paradise, but also a slight Purgatory, It has a price to pay, that absolutely deserves to be paid, at least on our part that we are believers, unlike the atheists who are convinced that this moment of abominable desolation that is sullying the Church of Christ will never pass, that life is one and that no judgment of God and eternal life. Because of this, They try to grab everything they can grab: because they do not believe God's judgment, they do not believe in the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come.


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



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the company page of Antonio Spadaro, the useful idiot of the East India Company

In this grave ecclesial crisis who is afraid does well to keep quiet, if it decides it can not withstand the consequences that may result to tell the truth. Nowhere is it written, nor commanded the obligation to be heroes, least of all martyrs:


"Accept among you who is weak in faith, without discussing this hesitation. One believes he can eat anything, the other instead, that is weak, eats only vegetables. He who eats not despise those who do not eat; those who do not eat, don't misjudge who eats, for God has welcomed him " [RM 14, 1-3].


The few that God have had the grace of force, along with it the ability to withstand the consequences of an cambodian talk under the regime of Pol Pot and his “useful idiots”, you speak, because it will give refreshment to the weak and the oppressed. Doing, It is, however, always animated by an awareness: the strength and courage, combined with the analysis of lucidity, I am not about her, but gifts of grace. All the more reason must include the weak to whom such gifts, for inscrutable mystery, however they were not bestowed by the grace of God.


The visible Church it is not even a drift boat, It is a waste abandoned in the waters during rough sea banging on the rocks, waiting to be dismissed then back off. And so will continue, until the severe warning "Via, away from me, cursed, the eternal fire, prepared for the devil and his angels " [CF. Mt 23, 41], for many will become reality when, after their death, immediately before the judgment of God will understand that "He scourges and mercy" [Tb 13, 2]. But most of all, as it has often been repeated in these our lines, God's judgment will be very strict with us shepherds care of souls, that much we had in gifts of grace through the sacrament of Orders: "To whom much is given, much will be asked for; to whom men have committed much, It will ask the more " [LC 12, 48].


We start from the first of the useful idiots: Father Antonio Spadaro, prominent member of Company of the Indies It founded in the sixteenth century by St. Ignatius of Loyola with the name of the Society of Jesus, only to fall centuries later in an absurd genetic mutation. This brave Indian She has recently published on his profile social Madonna taken by the Ladies of the newspaper Opera Charity St. Vincent de 'Paoli, that is, the communist newspaper The Manifesto. Apart from this Madonna on the boat, the poor Antonio Spadaro - if he had memory, but above all the intelligence that just does not -, should remember when The Manifesto, in the nineties, He began with a play on the ambiguous cartoon, because he is related to the singer Madonna, Eleonora nee Barbara Ciccone, on which two churchmen were shown saying that esordivano: «Madonna whore!». It should also be pointed out, the brave Indian Antonio Spadaro, the historian de cartoonist The Manifesto, in December 1997 He is sentenced for insulting the Catholic religion through a crucifix mocking who claimed: «Catholics do not do blowjobs!». Of course: no one is obliged or compelled to believe in the divinity of Christ, at his resurrection and ascension into heaven. But there is one thing of which you are required to keep account secularly, When he had to say at the time just a communist atheist, the philosopher Massimo Cacciari: "About an innocent man put up with four nails on a pole, He condemned to a humiliating and painful death, there is little to do satire ».


Just think about what would happen today - hence I repeat: the understanding of which is devoid Antonio Spadaro -, If someone did a satire on the body of a dead refugees drowned in the Mediterranean Sea, or if someone dared to make a satire of Greta Thumberg. Because of a satire on Santa Maria Goretti, at the Martha's House Sacthae They would pass all above, by the butler until Pol Pot, but on the Scandinavian goddess Greta: never! Suffice to say that within the Vatican, in the name of health and ecology, It has banned the sale of cigarettes, except, however, find regular prelates attached to some turgid Cuban cigar, but that is another matter. Now we have long understood that the moral issues of the clergy do not disturb Pol Pot, to upset him and get his harsh sentence must give up 'No carcio ar ass a gypsy harassing you You clings to him like 'na crab and who dares strattonarti the street just to force you to mollargli some money. These yes, which they are mortal sins of the new church!


Over the years The Manifesto, In addition to veiled profanity behind the name of a self-sung pop Madonna nominatasi, It has persisted with cartoons on Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI, many of which are rare vulgarity and malice; repeatedly showing disrespect not so much to John Paul II in his capacity as Supreme Pontiff, but towards an elderly man suffering for physical illness. Anyone can make an easy search and find on the Internet these collections of obscene and blasphemous cartoons, from that of Benedict XVI with the helmet as a Nazi soldier in the head chasing a busty girl, saying he was now tired of the sexual continence.


The question is therefore of rigor: that useful idiot of the director of La Civiltà Cattolica, He had nothing better, on which to go fishing? If in fact this Indian It is an image from a porn movie Ilona Staller or Pamela Anderson, What it would have been less severe, because these two ladies have spent their lives making films in red light; they have not spent mock Christ, the Vergine Maria, i Santi, The Popes and the entire Catholic Church exposed to public sedan in cartoon sticker, Article by Article.


The other Golden Palm at about profit idiot It can be assigned to S.It is. Mons. Vincenzo Paglia, an authentic theological void, but also a pastoral disaster acclarato, that lovable only has a fake smile like a goner for zircon diamond, behind which conceals rare badness vindictive, experienced by all those who in some way have tried to oppose him, in exchange for paying the high price of practices imposed by people who are below the human mediocrity, although it finished in sensitive government positions, or if you prefer to power.


The useful idiot Vincenzo Paglia, He called to play a delicate important role the Holy See after he had brought the small Diocese of Narni Amelia brink of bankruptcy, recently he peaked with his speech at the headquarters of the Radical Party, which extolled the "spiritual legacy of Marco Pannella", a true son of Lucifer along with his close friend Emma Bonino. Needless to say, both have pursued, for decades, policies and ideologies that represent the pinnacle of contempt for the law of nature and the basic foundations of Christianity: abortion, euthanasia, genetic testing to embarrass the same Josef Mengele, marriage between same-sex couples, adoption of children to gay couples and so on ... until you got better things to do than to place in the mouth of Pol Pot a phrase celebrating the unrepentant abortionist Emma Bonino as a "great Italian", phrase that is said to have been inspired by leader cambodian its profit for idiot, as well as Indian, Antonio Spadaro. In fact Pol Pot, coming from the other side of the world, ie from Cambodia, what he could know, Emma Bonino? And when he had never known? Hence the beautiful cue of useful idiots court.


could he, the Devil, through his acolytes, choose a better subject of Vincenzo Paglia, to destroy the Pontifical John Paul II Institute on the science of marriage and the family? Said this, without falling into what is the sin of rash judgment, but relying only on the sobering lessons of our Lord Jesus Christ, about the fact that every tree is known by the fruit it gives [CF. Mt 7, 16-20; LC 6, 43-45]; place so that the main fruit is faith, which as such it can only be recognized by the works [Ge 2 1, 18], sadly we can conclude that both 'Indian, is the authentic pastoral and theological void Vincenzo Paglia, are two men without faith. To say it's none of my harsh judgments and rash, but their works, and everything - I repeat - the proven evidence of the facts. Then, Meanwhile if you have simply changed the yardsticks set by the Holy Gospel, that this be clarified as soon as possible with a nice motu proprio issued by the Presidency of the Republic of Cambodia, if the President is not too busy to rage more blows to the Church of Christ with the preparation of Synod Pantedesco passed by Synod Panamazzonico [cf WHO].


For lack of faith and their works produced by a lack of faith, thanks to the people of this genre has exploded in the Church the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The main reasons for the explosion, first of all to be found in the incompetence of those who ran. In short, remember that staff place to manage this center was made up mostly of non-qualified technicians for that kind of reactor. The director of the center had no experience of nuclear facilities, He is having previously worked only at coal plants. Even the chief engineer, but raw, He had worked at conventional plants. The chief engineer of reactors number 3 e 4 instead he had a poor experience with nuclear reactors; and we do not talk about everything else, before a disaster caused primarily by the technical incompetence of those who were responsible for its management.


After the explosion of the reactor took place on the night of 26 April 1986, in times to follow the damage was enormous throughout the nineties, when in Europe he recorded a real epidemic of cancer. Only after many years, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, we knew that the damage, already huge, They could have been much more, if the era Soviet regime had not sacrificed the lives of many workers destined for certain death, of which they were aware not only those who hired them, but especially those who accepted. From this you can measure, to the proven proof of the facts, what it is the fair and historic grandeur of the Russian People: the workers who agreed to fulfill those jobs were in fact all volunteers, many of them come from the most remote provinces of the then Soviet Union.


A Chernobyl the danger was formed from the core still incandescent ever nuclear reactor in full swing, that if it were further collapsed in the subsoil would come in contact with the water, causing new steam explosions, but mostly irreversibly pollute the groundwater for centuries to come. From this it would be obtained for an extension of thousands of kilometers you would have had more drinking water or water for agricultural irrigation. It was then that the miners were called, to work manually under the reactor where dug a tunnel to insert cooling systems in the lower levels of the central. The protective masks of which were equipped, in addition to being unnecessary they made them difficult to breathe, so they ended up to work naked, breathing highly radioactive substances. All these miners died within a short time, suffering from such serious tumors and painful face of which the pure morphine administered as anti-dolorifico, more or less equivalent to an injection of distilled water.


It is with this easy to say: we are the miners sent by Christ to die, aware of dying, to save what can be saved can be saved by sacrificing innocent lives. While in, the Antonio Spadaro and Vincenzo Paglia, as well as being the direct responsible for the explosion of the nuclear plant because of their incompetence, revel to sell cartoons, or to magnify the spiritual heritage of Marco Pannella, after having completely destroyed the work and the Magisterium of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II, while the heroic miners excavating a tunnel under the nuclear reactor, aware that this is the only way to avoid irreparable damage to millions and millions of human beings, in favor of which someone must necessarily pay with their lives, just as the Lord Christ paid for all humanity.


It may be that we miners mandates and went freely to die for digging the tunnel under the nuclear reactor, It ends up in Paradise, how is it that Antonio Spadaro and Vincenzo Paglia end up in Hell to divine cry: «Via, away from me, cursed, into everlasting fire " [Mt 25, 41].


Expenses, but a useful and indomitable idiot, while a nuclear reactor exploded sowing radioactive poisons throughout Europe, He can try their hand at cartoons against the Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, obtaining surely result to get him in the upcoming election close three million votes more? In this sense,, Perhaps you know a clergyman most improvident and narcissus than the facts of it shows the profit moron Indian Antonio Spadaro? Because one thing is certain - and we priests this reality we have it under the eyes -: while the squares in which talks this "dangerous populist" or what you want to "fascist", they are full, the churches are increasingly empty. And while fulfilling the directives issued by the neurotic-obsessive psychosis of Pol Pot, L'Avvenire, The Osservatore Romano, Christian family, the bassettiana Italian Episcopal Conference and company singing, They speak only of refugees and migrants, in the Diocese of the Roman Pontiff increase for five years now, parents who do not baptize their children, while those before February 2013 They had already baptized them, They do not send them to catechism to receive First Communion and Holy Confirmation.


They think maybe, the useful idiots to Pol Pot orders, to solve the problem baptizing no small army of Muslims who are giving the assault on the poor, old and dying Europe? What to say: best wishes! Meanwhile, however,, to die in the gallery below the crux of the thermo-nuclear reactor at Chernobyl, we are here, to the praise and glory of God, in order to save as much or little that can be saved. Why Paradise, but also a slight Purgatory, It has a price tag that deserves to be paid, at least on our part that we are believers, unlike the atheists who are convinced that this moment of abomination and desolation that is sullying the Church of Christ will never pass, that life is one and that no judgment of God and eternal life. Because of this, They try to grab everything they can grab: because they do not believe God's judgment, they do not believe in the resurrection of the dead and in the life of the world to come.



the Island of Patmos, 11 August 2019





Please be advised that immediately after 15 August will be distributed by the end of the month the book Ariel S. Levi Gualdo on Neocatechumenal sect. It is a completely built on positive text documents and authentic testimonies equally documented. In about 280 pages of text is first of all made a rigorous historical analysis, Theological and Juridical of this phenomenon, Although steeped always serious heresies, He could proliferate as a dangerous sect intra-ecclesial, unfortunately also counting on the weakness of recent popes, conditioned against their will by a church and ecclesiastical situation manageable, pouring now in a state of deep and unfortunately irreversible decline. The work of Ariel S. Levi of Gualdo was dedicated to the memory of two venerable priests and Roman theologians: the Servant of God Pier Carlo Landucci [1900-1986] and Father Enrico Zoffoli C.P [1915-1996], who first denounced with prophetic foresight, although unnecessarily, the serious and dangerous heresy of the Neocatechumenal Way.





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