I Neocatecumenali, the conquest of Asia thanks to the armed wing of their “useful idiots”, They won the battle, however, it remains a question: reasonable doubts about the validity of sacred ordinations …

World Exclusive! Emanuela Orlandi was buried at the Vatican in St. Peter's caves inside the sarcophagus of Pope Boniface VIII

Unfortunately this pontificate will end very badly, while the bishops who please the King Naked playing at “streetwise priest” will end up a lot worse, Meanwhile lose lay New Compass…

The hot wind of summer and the papal court of liars with complex dwarfs giants that we should not take seriously, but for saving imperative of Christian conscience we just take the piss

"And SATAN BECAME TRINO" a debut in the memory of Cardinal Carlo Caffara, while in the Church everything it seems to proceed in unstoppable freefall …

The Synod Pantedesco hidden behind the Synod Panamazzonico: that old desire to give his wife the priests in a superb blind and visible Church does not want to learn from the mistakes of history and from others' mistakes