Responding to the Cardinals dubia? The Pope will respond through the schismatics Lefebvre …



The lack of law, replaced with the emotionality, sentimentality and the single arbitrariness, in addition to the lack of common sense, and sometimes also to the lack of common sense of the ridiculous, it is the best, but in some respects even worse response, that the four cardinals authors of dubia unfortunately likely to receive.


Ariel Bishop of Laodicea

S. AND. Mons. Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo Titular Bishop of Laodicea Combusta


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Laodicea Combusta

the ruins of Laodicea Combusta cathedral church, Suffragan of the Diocese of Antioch

To all of you, Readers of this Johannine Patmos Island, site of the last revelation, where the Blessed Apostle wrote the Book of Revelation, my blessing and greetings of peace and grace from our Lord Jesus Christ.


In our Anatolian highlands the climate is mild enough, and among the four stones of the ruins of my old cathedral church is experiencing a rich spiritual fruits of Lent to the Easter Sunday.


Turkmeno 2

Alcohol, Pastor tukmeno devoted to the Bishop of Laodicea Combusta with a group of sheep which he guided the Way of the cross directed by Bishop Laodicean

Friday I directed the Way of the cross, which they were attended by a large group of mountain sheep, me conducted by Arak, a Central Asian Turkmen pastor who is very devoted and which today protects by archeologists German poaching the ruins of my cathedral church burned many centuries ago, from this named my titular: Laodicea Combusta, or Laodicea the burnt.


After the Way of the cross the sheep I have kissed my hand one by one getting my Apostolic Blessing, after that, the Turkmen shepherd Arak, He has given built and sanctified by this pious exercise at their fold, while I immersed myself in my Apostolic loneliness, among the ruins visible of my church, to reflect on what is happening today in ancient Rome, increasingly reduced to ruin Invisible.


anatolia Sheep

devout sheep on Way of the cross near the ruins of the Church of Laodicea Combusta

During my meditations solinghe Four of my Brother Bishops came to mind, the Cardinals Walter Brandmüller, Leo Burke, Carlo Caffarra and Joachim Meisner, I've always respected authentic men of God, and to whom I wish to donate my reflections about their Lenten Dubia [cf. WHO].


I want anzitutto to note Leading to my four brothers who as Bishop of Laodicea Combusta very much alive I keep a memory linked to the first apostolic times, because my office holder is a suffragan of the ancient Archdiocese of Antioch [cf. WHO], where is that, as told by the Blessed Apostolo Paolo in his Apostolic Letter to the Galatians [Gal 2,1-2.7-14], he proceeded to admonish and resume publicly Pietro, which he never questioned the authority, quite the opposite: a maximum protection of his apostolic authority considered right and good to show him the error and ambiguity in which he had fallen.


anatolia of sheep

the Turkmen shepherd Arak, along with his gentle wife Shakira, Sheep in the company who meditate on the comments Way of the cross Bishop of Laodicea ignited

With these memories alive that are part of the ancient history of this land where the headquarters of my diocese, I especially prayed for this my brother bishops, to whom the Roman Pontiff can respond in various ways, more or less direct or indirect. In the particular case I think you are preparing to give them an indirect response, but no less comprehensive, thus resolving in a definitive way the problem generated by some ambiguity contained in the post-synodal document love joy.


Everybody knows the story not a little painful than fringe of schismatics Catholics and for this technically and canonically heretics, such are the followers of Bishop Marcel Lefebvre. This eminent prelate saw fit, to protect the deposit of the Catholic faith, rejecting the last Ecumenical Council of the Church. Of course, regarding this Council could discuss both on the properties of certain languages ​​it is of some vagueness or ambiguity. But always clear that it is one thing to discuss the obedience of faith, animated by the purpose that the Church - the one and only entitled to do - correct or supplement certain expressions, moreover, a pastoral council; Another car-elect account newly Atanasio di Alessandria and deny the authority of the Church. He said this is good to note, to all those who over time have compared Marcel Lefebvre to this Holy Father of the Church, that the Bishop of Alexandria never denied the Authority of the Church, but the defenses of heresy Arian bishops, certainly he did not fight against the Church; he accused of heresy bishops Arians, He not accused of heresy the Church's Magisterium.


anatolia sheep 2

the return of the sheep in their fold after having participated in the devotion of the Way of the Cross led by Bishop Laodicean

The great mistake of Lefebvre and all their followers, you believe and teach that the Second Vatican Council, having been pastoral, It is not binding. And if that's not enough, They found them and show well filled with heterodoxies, I am saying for decades ch'esso is steeped in modernist heresies. In tal modo, Lefebvre and their followers, They rise on the one hand to the judges of the purity of the faith, on the other hand to sole custodians of the one and true faith. All forget proudly at times disheartening, that the custody of the deposit of faith was not entrusted by Christ the Lord to them, but to the Church governed by the Successor of the Prince of the Apostles. I repeat, therefore, that Lefebvre, the current state, are schismatics and heretics, because anyone accuse me of heresy up the Magisterium of the Church, it is only for this heretic and outside the Catholic communion.


lefebvre consecration

the schismatic act of Bishop Marcel Lefebvre: episcopal consecration of four bishops without a mandate of the Holy See. To open the video click on the image

Il Holy Pontiff John Paul II and later the Venerable Pope Benedict XVI, It was very clear in pointing out that Lefebvre had to accept the teaching authority of the council and its texts without reservations. Following Benedict XVI did point out the special commission Ecclesia Dei, that the Lefebvre was not required to accept the interpretation of the Council - intended for the post-council - but the documents of his solemn magisterium. And with merciful mood, he went back to the four bishops consecrated by Marcel Lefebvre without papal mandate excommunication in which they were incurred, but pointing out that at the time, these bishops, and the Priests they consecrated, they had no role in the Catholic Church [cf. WHO]; nor could it, not being de facto in communion with the Catholic Church.


According to weeks when it is declared, it seems that the reigning Pontiff has passed the great rock of acceptance of the Magisterium of the Council, perhaps claiming to motu proprio after breakfast, talking to a reporter in the presence of a caretaker of Domus Sanctae Martha, that in each case, the so-called Lefebvrians, they are Catholic. And a few months you are talking to establish for them a personal prelature, with full recognition of the Holy See, without this I pose their conditions of any kind, from the unconditional acceptance of the high teaching of the Second Vatican Council.


Bernard fellay video ok

schismatic Bishop Bernard Fellay in a long interview in which he talks agreement unconditionally with the Holy See. To open the video click on the image

Once the Church had its own codified law. Since it hath gotten rid of this annoying smell of legalism, replaced in part by 'smell of sheep, in part by a mercy to be clarified, place one or the other thing can not give life or to the right do it yourself, nor to a right second-as-I-beat-the-little heart.


The Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X, Bishop Bernard Fellay, He has repeatedly stated in various interviews that now official, the agreement with Roma, it is in practice almost done and now "just missing the stamp" [see video interview WHO]. Well it is only right to point out - in case the stamp came seriously -, that this bishop is a heretic that fact as schismatic, but it is because it follows and transmits never disproved theories of Bishop Marcel Lefebvre who has always accused the council of liberal tendencies, illuministic and indifferentistiche, in conclusion: an authentic modernism receptacle. And here we remember that modernism, It was defined by Pope Pius X as the mother of all heresies through his Encyclical Feeding of Dominic's Sheep. That's what makes a heretic Bishop Marcel Lefebvre, Bishop Bernard Fellay, and their priests, well trained and ordained, undeterred by accusing the church of heresy, and they have remained heretics, then priests Valid ma illegal, when no role in the Catholic Church.


It seems that Lefebvre, declared motu proprio Catholic one morning after breakfast at the presence of the porter Domus Sanctae Martha, It will be granted a prelature, and thus legitimized by the Holy See to deny the Church's Magisterium, because apart from it, are, however, Catholic (!?).



the Messa Kika [“cohabitation“], one created by Kiko Arguello and Carmen Hernandez in blatant defiance of the Eucharistic Sacrifice alive and saint of the Holy Catholic Mass, with preparation of restaurant table with bread and wine Copponi, from which then the Neocatechumenal receive the Eucharist sitting on chairs. You can see the Rito kikiano offertory clicking on the video.

The Reigning Pontiff, perhaps it aims to bring together, as in a vegetable soup that takes a single name - in this case the name of Catholic church instead of minestrone - all kinds of vegetable, including fennel, ingredients crucial to any kind of vegetable broth ecclesiastical. So what is obvious: soon we will find ourselves in a Church in which will have to live under the same roof: on the one hand the hotheads of Kiko Arguello and Carmen Hernandez celebrating undeterred methodical Eucharist profanation with their celebrations Sui generis, the other no less rowdy Lefebvre ready to question the transubstantiation of the Eucharistic species for an involuntary formal error of the celebrant.


Messa cardinal Rylko neucatecumenale

a Messa Kika presided at the center of house of Galilee (Israel) His Beatitude Patriarca Fouad Boutros Ibrahim Twal who breaks a Eucharistic loaf, then follows the breakage of bread while Kiko Arguello, advocate with its companion Carmen Hernadez similar abominations, sings. in front of these images, the question is simple: Who is so the Eucharist, really he believes in the real presence of Christ in the sacred Eucharistic species? To open the video click on the image.

On one hand, kikiani dancing to the sound of bongos around canteen staged on Saturday nights in any room to make cheerful Eucharist, the other to the Gregorian chants of Lefebvre with folded hands in unison. And inside the same soup contained in the one pot, Lefebvre will give sacrosanct right of heretics to kikiani, while i kikiani It will mothball the fragrant pre-conciliar to Lefebvre, but without having any reason for their part, Why …


… because it is undeniable, as well as commendable, that Lefebvre celebrate with sacred devotion Mass understood as Eucharistic Sacrifice, not as Feast of Friends around the table. On the contrary, a well-deserved honor of Lefebvre, I can add that continuing at this rate, within ten years, for the memory of how it was once the Catholic Mass, necessarily have to go to attend the celebrations made by the priests of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X, while in places of worship New Church merciful open to everything and everyone, especially to everything that is not Catholic, It will be all sorts of abomination, give her Eucaristie kikiane to the inter-denominational celebrations with heretics schismatics Lutherans and Anglicans.


Bernard Fellay predica

schismatic Bishop Bernard Fellay during a sacred celebration. It is unquestionable that Lefebvre is the authentic teaching of the Sacred Liturgy, animated certainly not as a mere formality, but as genuine and commendable devotion to the Eucharist. To open the video click on the image.

If the Lefebvrians, as they are and think, It will be granted a personal prelature, so the maximum canonical recognition by the Holy See, everything will be an indirect but clear response to my four bishops Brothers, that following the ancient apostolic tradition they have addressed the questions in the form of dubia, which could be followed by the fraternal correction that the Blessed Apostolo Paolo spoke to the Blessed Apostolo Pietro here in Antioch.


None of this will, however, need, there explain the reason: legitimating in this way and in this way the Lefebvrians, any individual bishop and every priest is free to accept or reject in an entirely legitimate parts of the Magisterium of the Church, he does not like.


Mass of St. Pius V

the celebration of the Mass made by a priest of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X. To open the video click on the image.

Simply said,: the problem of dubia, in this way it will decay before a response implicitly. If fact Lefebvre, who do not accept a full council of the Church, are Catholic, and may have their role and their status legal within the Church, what you want it to be, in their confrontation, refusing a simple post-synodal exhortation that hovers in some points of ambiguity?



For several decades it is disputed - although it should not be - what sanctions the Blessed Paul VI in his encyclical Human life. But even in this case the problem is solved, because basically it is just a single encyclical that contains very specific moral disciplines, Some will accept, others refuse. Where is the problem? In conclusion, the Humane Life, It contains only the moral disciplines binding, enshrines's not a dogma of faith! But most of all, which ecclesiastical authorities could ever recall Bishops, Individual priests or theologians? Because even in this case the answer is both simple and consistent: you have legitimized and given one status legal to Lefebvre who reject entirely the last council of the Church, in what capacity we recalled, instead not only we accept certain documents that we do not like, absolutely without putting into question any dogma of faith, as of the infallibility of the solemn magisterium of the Church?


Mass Neocatechumenal napoli

celebration of Messa kika, usual set table, Wine Copponi, fraction of the loaves of bread often without any attention to the Eucharistic fragments … and all the appurtenances of “special rite” the Neocatechumenal conceived by Kiko and Carmen, including received Communion to sit in their seats. etc … To open the video click on the image.

Therefore, My dear Brother Bishops and Cardinals, wait with me, Please Anatolia that from these heights for you, that the Roman Pontiff really put this announced missing stamp the Lefebvrians. Then all doubts will fall, and any direct response from His Holiness will not be needed. And whoever it deems appropriate in conscience, will reject in toto or partly love joy, together with that encyclical that seems written to the delight of the ecologist left, the Laudato si, without any ecclesiastical authority, as Supreme Authority of the Church, I can say nothing to those who reject only some document, after it has been given full legitimacy and status legal to those who refuse and judges rather unorthodox and undermined the modernist heresies an entire council of the Church, and calls upon for decades to consider this, that means: one pastoral council and devoid of authority that contains within itself grave errors.


Non compliance with the law, replaced with the emotionality, sentimentality and the single arbitrariness, in addition to the lack of common sense, and sometimes also to the lack of common sense of the ridiculous, It is the best and in some respects even the worst response, Risk that you unfortunately receive.


bernard fellay The communion

schismatic Bishop Bernard Fellay distributes Holy Communion to the faithful during a sacred celebration. To open the video click on the image.

Finally a clarification, because even if certain things you tend to take it for granted, it's good - especially these days -, do not take anything for granted common knowledge. For this precise that the definition of schismatic and as a logical consequence heretic given to Bishop Bernard Fellay, far from being a lack of respect towards him, is a statement that is part of the lexicon of ordinary theological disputes is both canonical. However, what will never be accused by these columns to this bishop and his priests of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X, It is to be men without faith. Because they, in addition to being equipped with faith, They are also equipped with authentic, profound and commendable priestly piety, as indeed was the Bishop Marcel Lefebvre, which it was first model of human virtues and missionary bishop model.


Neocatechumenal Eucharistic Prayer

Messa kika, Eucharistic Prayer. To open the video click on the image.

We can not however say the same with respect to whom the Holy Eucharist is the way document the videos between the texts of this article. Even more so it is stressed as mentioned earlier: continuing at this rate, the maximum within ten years, for the memory of how it was once the Catholic Mass, We should go to need to attend the celebrations made by the priests of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X, while in places of worship New Church merciful open to all and to all, especially to everything that is not Catholic, It will be all kinds of liturgical abomination.



from the ruins of the Church of Laodicea Combusta Cathedral

27 March 2017



In our priestly hearts, It remains the indelible memory of the Holy Mass celebrated by the Saints, who throughout his life have loved, served and obeyed the Church …



Padre Pio celebrated mass

St. Pio of Pietrelcina, celebration of the Holy Mass. To open the video click on the image.


… instead, on this, really spread a veil.


Neocatechumenal dances

Tribal dances Easter liturgy kika. To open the video click on the image.



On valuable suggestion of a priest reader, posthumously to the publication of this, insert, PDF study done by the Father Enrico Zoffoli the Neocatechumenal Way and published in 1991. You can read it by clicking below:








