The presbyter and theologian Hans Küng died. This chasm ran between him and his age Joseph Ratzinger: Küng was gifted with genius, Ratzinger absolutely not!

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Hans Küng has always been a person of rare pleasantness, also naturally gifted with a physical appearance that made him look like an actor Hollywood, especially in the age group between fifty and sixty years, when natural beauty also combined the typical charm of mature men who have begun their journey towards old age in the best form. A beautiful figure therefore, masculine and charming, that had nothing to do with the figures of those priests and those theologians who in their physical appearance often appear as specks hovering between the androgynous, the asexual and the feminine.




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Hans Küng, presbyter and theologian (Sursee, 19 March 1928 - † Tubinga, 6 April 2021). Photo taken on the occasion of his 80th birthday

In journalistic jargon it is called “crocodile” the piece already written and placed in the drawer awaiting the death of the famous character. The archives of journalists are feet of crocodiles. Write a short piece, if anything, about a complex and controversial character, it is not easy. Having said this, I state that none of the Fathers de The Island of Patmos had a ready crocodile for the Swiss-German presbyter and theologian Hans Küng.


I have often made references to Hans Küng, recently also in a book of mine dedicated to two famous heretics of very small size: Kiko Argüello and Carmen Hernandez, the initiators of the Neocatechumenal Way, a veritable concentrate of returning heresies. All with a formal and substantial difference: heretics have always been superior and very brilliant minds, just think of an Arius or a Pelagius. Contrary to the two bohemians Spaniards who made even heresy expire, always the prerogative of the most sublime minds. And right in this book of mine called The sect Neocatechumenal. Heresy became Kiko and dwelt among us, I go back to using this famous theologian as a paradigm.


Giving a heretic to those who fall and remain in substantial and formal heresy it is not an insult, but a simple factual observation linked to the sphere of the doctrine of the faith. Or better understood: I know full-blown heretics who on the human level are people of rare amiability; and the same, on the ethical and moral level, they are people of impeccable conduct. Instead, I know just as many people, endowed with the purest and most orthodox doctrine, impeccable zealous theologians, with whom I try to avoid being in company for only ten minutes, so much do I consider them humanly unpleasant and sometimes even repellent.


Over the years, disserting on various theological themes I have frequently pointed out the Reverend Professor Hans Küng as a dangerous heretic, accusing him on several occasions of having carried out works of devastating demolition through the methodical de-structuring of some of the fundamental dogmas of the Catholic faith.


I have perhaps never stated and written that Hans Küng was a bad guy, a bad person or a mediocre unpleasant subject? Of course not! Hans Küng has always been a person of rare pleasantness, also naturally gifted with a physical appearance that made him look like an actor Hollywood, especially in the age group between fifty and sixty years, when natural beauty also combined the typical charm of mature men who have begun their journey towards old age in the best form. A beautiful figure therefore, masculine and charming, that had nothing to do with the figures of those priests and those theologians who in their physical appearance often appear as specks hovering between the androgynous, the asexual and the feminine.


Hans Küng was a true rising star of theology, with natural intellectual and speculative gifts and oratory and communicative qualities that other theologians did not have, among these his distinguished contemporary Joseph Ratzinger. Both were perished in the assembly of the Second Vatican Council between 1962 and the 1965, both in their early thirties, but with this difference: when Josef Ratzinger spoke, the listeners said to each other "this is a very good theologian", when instead Hans Küng spoke, listeners, in being deeply fascinated by his figure, from his oratory and his profound competence, they said to each other "this will reach who knows what levels in a few years".


The result of both is universally known: Hans Küng has become a speaker of heresies, Joseph Ratzinger became Metropolitan Archbishop of München, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and later 265th successor of the Blessed Apostle Peter.


That I am on the ecclesial and doctrinal side of Joseph Ratzinger and not by Hans Küng, it cannot in any way induce me, for emotional irrational affection, to deny the evidence of the facts: Hans Küng, intellectually and speculatively he had natural qualities greater than those of Joseph Ratzinger very high. If in fact the first was by nature a genius, the second was an intelligent person gifted for theological studies. And the difference between a genius and an intelligent and gifted subject is truly remarkable. Then, with the passage of time, it happened that the first became a dangerous heretic and the second Supreme Pontiff [excerpt from from the cited work, pag. 43-44, I ed. Rome 2019, Editions The island of Patmos].


The damage that Hans Küng produced were remarkable, starting from a brilliant intelligence with all the higher abilities connected to it, used to damage the Church and the theological world. This is why the priests, those who still believe in God's judgment, to eternal life, to Paradise, in Hell and Purgatory - which is not at all obvious these days - they would do well to offer Holy Masses of suffrage for the soul of this brother of ours, who will surely need it very much.


From the island of Patmos, 6 April 2021



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