In front of a visible Church suffers from a doctrinal and moral decay irreversible, you must open as soon as the sperm bank

- ecclesial news -


Right now we should treasure of the words of Cardinal Charles Journet [1891-1975] than in his work Church of the Incarnate Word explains: "The axiom “where the Pope there is the Church”, so where the Pope acts as Pope and Head of the Church; if not, neither the Church is in him, neither he is in the Church " .

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



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Rembrandt, Christ with the Apostles in the boat in a storm

The problem is disastrous, we start diluting the air with a little’ of humor …

… responding to a Cardinal who wanted to cheer him up by reminding him that according to the promise of Jesus Christ Peter's boat would not be prey to the storm and that the end would come in port, Blessed Pope Pius IX answered: "It's true, but the Lord has spoken and given warranties with respect to the boat, not regarding the crew ' [cf. G. Cionchi, The Pius IX hidden, Ed. Kshlom, 2000. WHO]. And with this joke of Blessed Pope Pius IX, who in private it was endowed with a spirit of humor at times hilarious, pass mystagogical aspect is that tragic. It is so true that Christ himself has promised that the Church will survive until his return at the end of time, but the Word of God also gives us a clear question to ponder:


But the Son of Man, when will, find faith on earth? [cf. LC 18, 8]


With great clarity the Blessed Apostle Paul wrote to the people of Thessalonica making use of language and dramatic images:


Please, siblings, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our communion with him not to be quickly shaken in mind or alarmed neither by spirit, or by word, or by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand, so that no man deceive you in any way. Before that day will be the apostate and must be revealed the man of lawlessness, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship up to sit in the temple of God, ostentandosi as God. Do not remember, while I was still with you, These things were? And now you know what prevents its manifestation that takes place at the time. The mystery of lawlessness is already in place. Meanwhile, those who now holds it holds it, until the middle of bait and then it will be revealed the wicked and the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the light of his coming, because the presence of the wicked will occur in the power of Satan with all sorts of portents, signs and wonders of falsehood and every kind of wicked deception for those who are lost, because they received not the love of the truth and so be saved. Therefore, God will send them a justification of error that they may believe the lie and so are judged all who have not believed the truth, but they consented to the iniquity [2Ts 2,1-3.13-17]


Then turning to his disciple Timothy, the Blessed Apostle continues to write:


I charge you before God and Christ Jesus who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word, be urgent in season and out of season, do warn, reproaches, exhorts with all magnanimity and doctrine. The day will come, indeed, when they will not endure sound doctrine;, ma, having itching ears they, will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, refusing to listen to the truth to turn to fairy tales. But you shall carefully, endure suffering, do the work of the gospel proclaimer, fulfil your Ministry [II Tm 4,1-8].


When the Blessed Apostle John He wrote the text of the Apocalypse on the Island of Patmos, in verse in which he tells ...


"Fell, fallen is Babylon the great, one that has made all the nations with the wine of her fornication of fury " [AP 13, 8].


... using an image of the Old Testament It caters to the Roman Empire, then Rome hidden behind "Babylon the Great", all for reasons that anyone can understand. Reasons related in part to security and partly to the spread of the text, in order to prevent their destruction by the Romans at the time about a strong suspicion towards gesuano movement and its spread of his message.


After two thousand years now, it comes from saying that never as today has that reference to ancient Rome hidden behind the image of Babylon current, place that has long Roma "has made all nations drink of the wrath of her fornication with wine" [refer to the latest articles: WHO, WHO, WHO, WHO, WHO].


I do not mean not even touch the world of private revelations, those recognized by the Church, where it comes from several centuries of the great apostasy. With all due respect to the private revelations approved by the Church, I remember that these are not enclosed in store the Catholic faith, where they are enclosed the Holy Gospels, the Apostolic Letters and the Book of Revelation that speak of the Prince of this world [cf. John John 12, 31; 14, 30; 16, 11], antichrist [The Gv 2, 18; 2, 22; 4,3; AP 1, 13-18] and the great apostasy [cf. Ii Ts 2, 1-12]. In the Old Testament the prophet Zechariah foretells the coming of the foolish shepherd:


"I will raise up the land a shepherd who will not care for the sheep who perish, will not seek the scattered, will not heal the wounds, nor feed those who stand, but he will eat the flesh of the fat and tear their nails even » [Zc 11,16].


But above all is the Word of God to ask the tragic question: "But the Son of Man, when will, find faith on earth? [cf. LC 18, 8]». This is the reason why for years, although unnecessarily, I keep repeating that the day of his return: "How come again in glory to judge the living and the dead", Christ might even find the shell of a completely emptied Church of the Divine Word and filled with another. And this process of emptying and filling has been ongoing for over half a century, and today is now at an advanced stage, but mostly irreversible.




pop quartet de The Country Cousins

I feel tender affection for all theologians and lay people who set himself to defend the purity of doctrine before this terrible debacle, they continue to battle in vain against Modernism and the theology of Karl Rahner, almost as if doing it for forty years they remained fossilized on this, without realizing that the one, Modernism, the other, the so-called rahnerismo, They are no longer the problem. Sometimes it seems to have to do with the complex pop from The Country Cousins, that even if aged, but always dressed in the same fashion clothes in the early seventies of the twentieth century and with the wedges from twenty centimeters to feet, they continue to sing: "My soul, back to your home, I'll be waiting I had to hate these walls' [cf. WHO, WHO]. I am sure that, finally, the sing for the last time in a geriatric department and then inside an oncology center for the terminally ill, because all their lives they sang that reason and until the end of life will step forward to sing the dressing of the late seventies and fashionable dresses with wedges from twenty centimeters to feet; clothing with which they will eventually be deposited in the coffin, while outside it the members of their fan club sing in chorus: "My soul, back to your home, I'll be waiting I had to hate these walls'.


Perhaps, i Countryside cousins some of our theology, think that if one day a Pope ordered the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to disavow new Modernism and declare heterodox theology of Karl Rahner, the problem would be really solved? To think or hope in this is to be not only beyond reason, but just beyond the boundaries of reality. And those who can not perceive reality because fossilized committed to live in the reality that has been created, It does not say hurt the Church, but certainly not helping to solve their problems and make them good.


With respect to those who followed to waste time both Modernists and with the theology of Karl Rahner - because that made all life and this must continue to make -, what we must instead take note it is that the first and second were the first believers. Just so: Modernists and Karl Rahner were believers as were the great heretics of Arius and Pelagius history. We know how their faith was corrupted by error, but none of them has ever acted to bring harm to the Church, quite the opposite: They were convinced of the good of the Church and especially of being right and therefore felt the duty of conscience to save. Or is someone that the Council of Nicaea to Ario, later St. Augustine debating against Pelagio, They have directed their accusations to be people without faith? Just then cite the case of Joachim of Fiore, whose heretical thought was sentenced in 1215 by the Fourth Lateran Council, but he never doubted either his faith or his personal holiness of life. Joachim of Fiore, who also was a man of deep piety and holiness of life, He was never beatified because speculating on the mystery of the Trinity had fallen - so surely unintended -, in a precise form of heresy that will then take the name of joachimism O millenarianism. But it was another era, In fact today that times have changed, There is instead preparing to beatify the Apulian Bishop Tonino Bello, whose heroic virtues are constituted by the fact that it was a great engaged in social, without taking into account that this effort was built on demagoguery, on populism and pauperism, as well as on a totally uncritical split and sentimental pacifism morality and Catholic doctrine. In truth, the Fair is an authentic heresies receptacle for the most part written, published, filmed and recorded, ie documented; and diffuser of a Christology that begins with Christ to come to himself and focus on man, an ecclesiology that euphemistically could be called daring and Mariology to be confused him with romantic poems. But he spoke of the poor and poverty and was a great involved in social; and perhaps what makes him a true Blessed? And Joachim of Fiore, At that time, when we beatify?


Wanting there is more and worse: if for the first time in its history the Church proceeded to the beatification and then the next canonization of first bishop heterodox, the great pundits of Aristotelian logic and metaphysics, what ingenious interpretive artifices think of resorting, whereas canonization, unlike a beatification, It implies a verdict of infallible teaching? Why these, Unfortunately, are the questions that for the first time in Church history we are now forced to answer; and find some answers is not easy and not at all easy, from a strictly theological and dogmatic point of view. but yet, sooner or later, you will have to respond to this as to other questions, although I expect that someone will not hesitate to affirm, in the name of that logic able to go beyond all logic, that takes over if a verdict of infallible teaching - I am referring to the hypothetical canonization of Tonino Bello -, This pronouncement will cancel and erase retroactively any overt heresy and shows the canonized, because who has delivered its opinion can not err, foolproof, therefore it enjoys a very special way of the Holy Spirit … perhaps up to be above the order established by God and therefore of God himself?


The question is therefore logical to say the least: faced with a situation like, what good would it do battle against the errors of Joachim of Fiore, born and lived between the twelfth and thirteenth centuries? It would take just as much as today, and can serve to battle against the Modernists and Karl Rahner. Because for certain theologians and thinkers, the underlying problem is not what Karl Rahner was wrong from a doctrinal point of view. The problem, but above all the goal to reach, and more: I am right and they are right to say from a life that Karl Rahner's wrong and wrong. In short: I am right that for forty-four years later to sing in many different ways: "My soul, back to your home, I'll be waiting I had to hate these walls'.


Having said that I continue saying: The older theologians are free to continue to thunder against the Modernists and against Karl Rahner. And as, of certain subjects, I know is stubbornness is the extent to which they ended up falling in love both of their good battles both of their idea of ​​truth, I avoid losing unnecessary time to explain to them that the problem today of the Church are neither heresies of the Modernists or dangerous heterodoxies Karl Rahner, because something else is the problem that they do not want to identify and see.


Today, inside of the Church live the self-destructive tragedy a disintegration of the deposit of faith and dogma deriving from the swarm of a very large number of bishops and presbyters which are in fact the perfect atheists, of non-believers. Before the objective fact and incontrovertible of this atheism, I would certainly not lose my precious time squirming between modernism and rahnerismo, paralyzed in disputes that today are useless, Whereas the life God gave it to me to use it and not to waste it uncritically and stubborn to the end. Of course, The Stakeholders can say that we came to this thanks to modernism and to rahnerismo. Good, but continue to repeat this, in which realistic and objective logical solution can lead, if not ... "My soul, back to your home, I'll be waiting I had to hate these walls' ?




in large forfeitures there is always a threshold that marks the point of no return

These wrestlers Against Modernism and Karl Rahner what they want: disavowal of that Modernism already disavowed by the Holy Pontiff Pius X and his two successors, then the repudiation of Karl Rahner, or simply that it recognized the rightness of their theological positions as opposed to those critical of Karl Rahner? Possible that some pundits of logic and metaphysics, lost in their dream world and convinced that they live in it maximum grip with the real human and ecclesial, fail to understand what leads to a gangrenous and irreversible situation like the one we are experiencing? Can not reach to understand that when the decadence that invests regularly the civil and religious company passed the so-called safety limit, no going back, because at that point the irreversible and unstoppable process proceeds regardless of the will more or less good of the people themselves or the little good that remains inside a small church in structure of sin, which it produces an internal sin and who then spreads outside? Someone has never raised the issue of what the Church today can be seen to have lost sanctifying grace because of a diabolical mechanism rejection developed in-house? And do not come to me to tell improperly that the Church is the Mystical Body of Christ, of which he is head and we are living members [cf. With the 1, 18], because I know. And since I know, I take this opportunity to remind you that the Mystical Body is the union of the faithful, It constituted the cornerstone of which is the Word of God, guided through the centuries by the Roman Pontiff, It remembers the question successor of Blessed Peter the Apostle, not the successor of Christ, of which it is Vicar on earth, no successor on earth. The Mystical Body is not only a moral union formed by the common purpose, as in an earthly society would be what in legal language is referred to as "legal person", it is a collection of souls, joined by a living bond and vital which is the life of God, associate to each of them by means of the Sacraments. So this is not a headless union, or guided by the hierarchy, which are the bishops united to the Roman Pontiff, but a reality that dominates our every human expectation, of which Jesus Christ is the Head of this Body, while the faithful united with Him in the bond of divine grace, are members. This is how a real body, spiritual, which has its basis in Jesus Christ and in sanctifying grace, whose limbs or are already united in the glory of the heavenly Jerusalem, or they are in the certainty of faith of Paradise. However, if the head of this visible body of Christ is excluded and if the visible body is not sanctifying grace, If someone intends to wonder what will become of this visible body? And please, do not tell me that the visible Church can not lose sanctifying grace because of Christ and is assisted by the Holy Spirit, because with all respect I would find myself compelled to reply that I am a priest and a theologian and as such, and as such I can not reason with the illogic of the wizards who read the bottoms of coffee cups. Or is it perhaps the case already happened that Adam and Eve have altered after the creation of the perfect harmony of all creation, after having denied and rejected the action of sanctifying grace of God upon them? [cf. Gen 3, 15]. Said this, anyone thinks for real, in the name of his surreal dogmatic, that the visible Church can not reject and exclude sanctifying grace because being the Church of Christ and being governed by the Holy Spirit, God the Father would never allow? To think, reassure and reassure the people of God transmitting things like that is really abhorrent, in the etymological sense of the term aberration. As we can only speculate that the visible Church would never vacated by God to refuse his sanctifying grace, if Adam and Eve were left free to rebel against the Creator? And if we deny this, then we can easily pass for real from dogmatic theology at the magic of reading coffee cups funds!




if the aircraft is without a parachute it is physically impossible to stop, back on the plane, wear a parachute and jump again …

Certain subjects they would not hesitate to revolutionize the laws of physics in the name of their subjective truth and their equally subjective logic, but the question that they should ask themselves is very practical and very simple background: for a dreadful error which may also have competition both modernists both rahneriani, or for a negligent to say the least absurd, it happened that a parachutist would have stepped off the plane without having donned the parachute. And this is the current situation of the Church: launch a plane without a parachute. Well, the great masters of Aristotelian logic, the school and metaphysics, at this point should bring the best arguments to explain that this paratrooper, precipitating towards the ground by two thousand meters of height, It can still stop, go back, provide for wear and parachuted launch again. And if these pundits metaphysical answer that he has launched without a parachute because of the Modernists and Karl Rahner, I will say that this, It was also true, now it is irrelevant, because the cause was found and destroyed before he will branch out. If then, even worse, before the paratrooper who rushes without a parachute, those who can never be free of a "logical" answer for everything, They are attacked to say that is the Holy Spirit, at that point, I will say that the Holy Spirit is not Merlin, then invite them to explain how the Third Person of the Holy Trinity, before a free individual or collective act of the will which involves precise consequences, He will cancel its freedom and its free will to bring it back on the plane, let him wear the parachute and then let it run again, after meanwhile he disavowed the modernists and rahneriani, on account of which he has launched without a parachute. Or in other words: it would be as if God the Father had annulled in Adam and Eve freedom and free will to prevent them from rebelling against the Creator and thus committing the original sin. For God did not do it? All in all then it would have avoided trasmettessero to all mankind a corrupt nature due to a sin that their descendants have not committed, but because of them, however, they have contract. What would have cost to God to intervene, suspend for a few minutes their freedom and their agency? Well, ask ourselves why God did not do it, if we really want to be men of faith and logic, men instead of fideism and illogic cloaked behind the highest speculations of scholastic and metaphysics.


While we know well the problems caused by Modernism and Karl Rahner, beyond which we are now long gone, but also better we understand the shortsightedness of some people who pretend to quickly change a logical answer for everything, up to drown into the glass of water of illogical, it cost as well stick to real shots of magic of the Holy Spirit, thus ignoring the two foundations that are in support of the mystery of man's creation: freedom and free will.




between syphilis and AIDS there is no connection, diseases are two separate and distinct from one another

Let's go then cautious, Although I myself have partly done, affirming that Modernism and Karl Rahner are the result of the launch of skydiver without a parachute, because the thing is not at all logical and consequential. Or to put it another example: we put that in the United States bursts a real epidemic AIDS. In the event to, while those infected will die without the possibility of cures and effective vaccines against this disease, what would benefit persist in speaking of the Spanish in the sixteenth century prostitutes infected with syphilis sailors of Christopher Columbus, which then spread to the New America among people who never had to know certain diseases before they arrive? But I can guarantee that serves no purpose to explain to these people that the objective problem of modernity is not syphilis but l 'AIDS. Even less will serve to explain to them that between syphilis and l 'AIDS there is no scientific link clinical, there is no connection, because the latter disease is not born as a result of degenerative previous, but it develops in a completely autonomous. Lost time! They will step forward undeterred to cite the cases of Christopher Columbus sailors in the sixteenth century spread syphilis in New Americas, because what they studied, written and explained all my life, so this wish to continue undeterred to write and explain: Syphilis. Or if you prefer better: "My soul, back to your home, I'll be waiting I had to hate these walls'. And if you really must acknowledge that today, the real and serious problem, It is not syphilis but people who die from AIDS, at that point, regardless of falling in scientific illogic, just to continue to talk about their beloved and indispensable theories of syphilis, They affirm without ridiculous sentence that 'AIDS It is the logical consequence of syphilis. But if anyone, before certain expressions laugh behind the illogical, they will feel more than ever confirmed in their ideas and in response replicate: inevitably he laughs, because it is a dangerous syphilitic and as such has been heard out and stung.




welcome to the world of the irrational …

In a visible Church in which the humoral and emotional have taken the place of the objective and rational, where the law is despised leading to accusations of "self-righteous legalism" addressed to those who call upon the application of the canonical norms, where you ride declaring with urticaria before the rigors of the "old doctrine", where even bishops and priests have taken the habit of using the words "dogma" and "dogmatic" in a negative term for people with these entries closed and obtuse, I do my best wishes to all those who today, before a visible Church in which arrogance was elected to the law in a climate of total anarchy, presume to be able to apply Aristotelian logic and criteria of the old and glorious school. I think these people deserve the best compliments, as anyone who deserves them assume with certainty and serious belief that they can read the original texts in Hebrew from the Book of Genesis and the texts of the Holy Gospels in the original greek to an arrogant illiterate in a government role, that far from being aware of his illiteracy feels the opposite person of high culture and as such entitled to despise the knowledge of others, exercising the worst coercion all the authority of which is covered. But how can you think only a joke to start from Aristotle, by the school and by Aquinas, when to impose their study should be arrogant and contemptuous of illiterates who do not know the Catechism of the Catholic Church and who now occupy all the top key roles in the Church and ecclesiastical power?


Losing then deliberate and unnecessary time, certain theologians insist on explaining that we must start from the Aristotelian logic and by St. Thomas Aquinas, as recommended certain Popes and certain documents of the magisterium, ignoring the recommendations of those Popes have fallen on deaf ears and that those of magisterial documents have been completely set aside. And to waste time I do not feel, especially considering that the use of the life that was given to me I will have to answer to God, I do not particularly love is the unnecessary loss of time or waste of the talents bestowed by Him [cf. Mt 25, 14-30; LC 19, 12-27]. So I leave willingly discuss these subjects dream of an audience of arrogant illiterate under the ruins of the house that falls apart stating with absolute certainty that we must start from the Aristotelian logic, by the school and by St. Thomas Aquinas, as several Popes lived decades and decades ago they have recommended through various documents giving their teaching. And here I wonder: these wise scholastic and Thomist, They have perhaps realized that to better allocate and destroy these magisterial documents, has even come up with the unusual and original ploy to beatify and canonize the Popes their authors, However, at the same time destroying their teaching? And if this is not evil, I honestly do not really know what it is. To then he had doubts in this regard, just ask to reflect on what remains today of the Encyclical Faith and Reason or of the Apostolic Exhortation Familiar Consortium of the Holy Pontiff John Paul II, who it was canonized just as the other side you were literally in pieces these documents to him especially dear. To follow with the upcoming Holy Pontiff Paul VI, which on one hand will be canonized and the other will be given a short new reading and interpretation of his encyclical Human life, all taking advantage of people like S.It is. Mons. Vincenzo Paglia …


… anyway, in this climate of irreversible collapse just start from the Aristotelian logic, by the school and by St. Thomas Aquinas, all adding to the Mass celebrated with the Missal of St. Pius V, so that the free fall without a parachute is finally interrupted, the paratrooper who is falling to the ground can be stopped in the air, reported on the plane by the Holy Spirit fell in the role of Merlin, so wear the parachute and then launch again reciting: « introibo altar to the Gods, to God who giveth joy to my youth ». When then after this operation it will finally come safely to earth, First we will offer you a cup of coffee, then, after he drank, we can also switch to a metaphysical reading of the bottom of the cup.




pictured the American teenager Samuel Berns, suffering from the syndrome Progerie [disease of the “born old”], in a photo taken at the age of 17 year old, just before he died [It comes from The Corriere della Sera, WHO]

After a process incubazione which starts from the late nineteenth early twentieth century, in the late fifties of the twentieth century came to life a radical mutation of the Church, initially hidden under pretexts of reform and update. And here lies another problem: the inability of many Catholic scholars distinguish Vatican II from the post-conciliar, which does not mean to deny that certain very optimistic facility documents, cast for more with a whole new language which are affected by the German Romantic style decadent, Then we have favored the confusion that has developed in the post-conciliar [see my previous article, WHO]. If we want to look at those who are certain objective limits of the Second Vatican Council, We can just say that his documents were born suffering from the syndrome Progerie, the so-called disease “born old”. And these are because they do not speak to the future, but the man of a mind that was already dying. Quite different was instead the Council of Trent, It wrote in the sixteenth century, proponent of reforms and not revolutions, who had the ability to speak plain language to men the next five centuries of church history. And who that thinks it can deny, which denies it well, but do it in logical rigor, not subjective-emotional-ideological rigor, in this miserable and devastated church visible in the Tridentine which the term - referring to the Council of Trent - is now commonly used by bishops, Priests and theologians in highly negative sense, mainly to show people retrograde and obtuse.


Even this last speech is useless to this, because by the time we now quite beyond the same problems of the post-conciliar, how long we are now quite beyond most of the same documents of Vatican Council II, that having been cloaked in ideology touted for ecclesiology, make it impossible for anyone to open serene scientific debates aimed to demonstrate and clarify what now certain documents, written for a man of fifty does that already was dying at the time when they were drawn up, today they are nothing more than the old texts, no topical and poorly effective to speak to the man of the third millennium. And after this council dei council the Church was finally embalmed in subjective ideologies based on the idea of ​​a super council that theological schools, groups of people or individuals, They are finally cut out according to their own interests and pleasures, each giving rise to their staff Council egomenico.


For case, there was something that did not work? Definitely. And all just starting from the style of the language adopted by the Second Vatican Council, documents which, starting from Holy Council, give guidelines but no clear indications, indicating if anything, even the penalties for offenders, then open the doors to postume interpretations for the implementation of reforms. And although for many all is well and everything went well, if we take instead of the first reforms, which it was the liturgical, the evidence shows this is today's reality: if today we enter one of our churches, to this increasingly empty, we will find ten priests who celebrate the Eucharistic Sacrifice in ten different ways. To this we also add the lay movements that have created their own liturgies that are teeming with all kinds of liturgical abuses. If then in 2004, forty years on from the great liturgical reform, Asked to have enacted the Education Sacramentum [cf. WHO] in which they remember the foundations of the Holy Eucharist, it is evident that something, or perhaps many things, They did not go so well in the right direction.


This something that did not work well and the right way, between the various names has one in particular that embodies the serious and devastating problem: hermeneutic of discontinuity or of the break up, which as we know are powerful advocates the theologians of the School of Bologna, Today large piazzatori of bishops and cardinals under this pontificate Augusto, from Europe to the Philippines. And what are the consequences of this discontinuity O break up? Very simple: in a few days an overt heretic, that Enzo Bianchi, World preach a retreat to the clergy at the Sanctuary of Ars, where the remains of the saint patron of priests are preserved, Also present at the big event, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy. And when the priests together with the Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy flock to hear the pearls of wisdom of a person who sows five decades blatant heresies, there is very little to add, except that the phrase soon resound: "Everything is done" [GV 19, 30].




those signs that we are no longer able to read and interpret: on the day that the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI has made withdrawal from the holy throne, three lightning struck in succession by a cross on the ball dell'Arcibasilica dome of St. Peter, the third of which was photographed and taken in video [click on image to open the video]

The real problem is that of a pyramid structure someone moved the stones of the base, causing the progressive collapse of the pyramid from the base to the tip. And while this collapse is underway, someone is seriously debating the urgent need to declare how false the god Anubis, whose frescoes in honor of his cult are found in one of the inner rooms of the pyramid. In short: We disown the Modernists and Karl Rahner while the whole pyramid is collapsing, why then, with their condemnation, at that point the pyramid is rimonterà from itself from the base up to the tip, because the pyramid is of Christ and is governed by the Holy Spirit, then the Son and the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son, will provide to this. E, how to understand, before those who think in this way and to whom has the similar approaches with Pneumatology, we really metaphysics transformed into magic.


With an arrogance that eventually would inevitably be punished, Catholics we refused to learn from the solemn lessons of history. All the great ancient civilizations, from the Sumerians to the Assyrian-Babylonians, by the Egyptians to the Greeks until the fall of the great Roman Empire, They triggered at some point of irreversible decay processes. And as I explained with the parachute paradigm, the decline is irreversible when it exceeds the point of no return, when the aircraft is exited without a parachute; a fact born of an act of more or less free choice before which no one, even the Holy Spirit, It can intervene subverting all the laws of physics to the rescue of man free and endowed with free.


In a short time, within twenty years at most, the Catholic Church as we have known will not exist. There will small groups around the world who have saved the foundations of the deposit of faith. The great ecclesiastical structures will be converted into stable intended for completely different uses, the glorious and ancient monumental churches are museums, concert halls, Art exhibition centers, or brought into various kinds of secular activities. If the reigning Pontiff will be succeeded another two or three similar or worse setting, at present the Holy See will eventually find natural home, the Union of Christian Spiritual Churches Partner, purpose of which will be to continue social mundane activities, charitable and philanthropic, all with the blessing of the Company of the United Nations. School children will receive some meager news of one Jesus Christ as now receive news about the Egyptian pharaohs or the first king of Rome, with the speech entirely focused on her humanity and not his divinity. But most of all, of what was the Catholic Church, It will be handed down to posterity the best of the worst of black legends that it will resemble one of the largest associations of criminals existed over the last two thousand years of history, as long as she does not cleansed from all its ancient ugliness conforming to the world and following the rules of the world, Church becoming the man for the man who has finally put the man at its center.


Some might say that today should be a new Gregory or a new Leo the Great. Anyone who thinks this, to use the image of the so-called transfert freudiano, It transfers the image of Merlin which was often reduced the Holy Spirit, with the image of a Supreme Pontiff who is himself a Merlin. Indeed, in a situation of complete and unstoppable decline ecclesial, morale, spiritual and doctrinal, what could ever make a Gregory or Leo the Great revived? Perhaps it could govern the Church with the squalid and immoral characters who swarm a number of priests, among bishops and among the cardinals? Or maybe he could control it and purify it with an army of bishops and priests who by tall disturbing number are practicing homosexuals, as demonstrated irrefutably the facts, hardly the malevolent suppositions? Simply said,: the best scenarios, potential or Leo the Great Gregory would soon end the Pope Celestine V.


But for holy charity: we want to realize that throughout the entire ecclesiastical structure and hierarchy is now totally infected from the queue until the head?


We must therefore give a reason to all those who in the wake of the new course excited yell "no going back!». They are right, Unfortunately. I myself I have to agree with them: 'No turning back'. But if, however, a courageous Pope who do not know the hat of magician who could be pulled out, condemned Modernism and Karl Rahner, ripristinasse studies of good schooling, of metaphysics and of Thomism, all it would be resolved by magic spell. Again to return to the parachute paradigm ...




those signs that nobody reads and interprets more: Angelus on Saint Peter's Square, His Holiness is launching two children two doves, who moments later they are attacked and killed by a crow and a seagull, as the Holy Father said goodbye and wished the crowd "good lunch" rather than dismiss us with a "Praised be Jesus Christ" [click on image to open the video]

While this is coming true, and before the realization of the disaster there are those who can find nothing better to do than to invoke condemnations of Modernist and Karl Rahner, waiting for the Holy Spirit, not in the form of a dove or tongues of fire, but precisely in the form of Merlin, systems all with a stroke of magic, I think more and more to the island of Norway where the institution that preserves 84.000 samples belonging to more than 60 genres and 600 species of cultivated plants and wild species which are endangered by “genetic erosion” or extinction.


This is our task: save the seeds of the Gospel Jesus Christ the incarnate Word of God, died, resurrected and ascended to heaven. If in fact the building of a church to take fire, The priest what he must do immediately? Remove the Blessed Sacrament from the tabernacle and get to safety with the most precious treasure. And if in a library of sacred texts outbreak of a fire and those texts were destined to be lost forever, what is the first text that runs to save: The Holy Gospel, or the Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle and the Summa Theologica of St. Thomas Aquinas? What are we to make of Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas without the Holy Gospel?


The church, even if it reduced to a minimum and a small minority of silent people scattered around the world, lathes to sprout in all its purity, who knows how many centuries between. And maybe then you will, that Christ will return in glory to judge the living and the dead: at the time of rebirth. Instead, if Christ returned in glory to judge the living and the dead in this time of total disintegration and decadent, His judgment would be really terrible, just as he himself told us:


' Verily I say, the day of judgment the land of Sodom and Gomorrah shall be more tolerable fate of that city ' [Mt 10, 15]. "Guai a te, Chorazin, Guai a te, Bethsaida! For if in Tire and Sidon had been done the miracles done in you, some time would be converted dressing the bag and covering of ash. Thus, in the judgment Tire and Sidon will be treated less severely than you. And you, capernao, Will you be exalted to heaven? No, up you will be precipitated into hell!» [LC 10, 13-15].


The mercy of God is manifested in this way, and mercy is a different from the mercy of our days, emptied of God and filled with the worst worldly man's whims. Just as the Gospel, to which we all say, just to hide what he says, thanks to a visible Church which now shows the world to be ashamed of the true contents of the Holy Gospel, begging forgiveness in the world for light content, precise and strict contained in the Holy Gospel and the Apostolic Letters. We must therefore point to the sperm bank, for the Church that one day people will, perhaps just before the return of Christ the Lord to the end of time. And if we'll save the seeds of the Holy Gospel, then one day, maybe in a few centuries, also flourish the great literature of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church.





Right now we should treasure of the words of Cardinal Charles Journet [1891-1975] than in his work Church of the Incarnate Word explains: "The axiom “where the Pope there is the Church”, so where the Pope acts as Pope and Head of the Church; if not, or The Church is in him, neither he is in the Church " .


Even in this case I'm tired of debating unnecessarily with those who decisively and absolutely deny taking only into vague consideration the hypothesis that a Supreme Pontiff can be closed to the actions of grace of the Holy Spirit, poured on him with undoubted abundance, but that in him and through him can operate only if he accepts the gifts of grace and puts them to good use. Here, then, that these subjects scrambles their total rejection, and they react to this problem as confirming and supporting of juke box coin the chant ... 'It, But the Pope can never err when judges in the matter of doctrine and faith, it is dogma, dogma, dogma!».


Question asked to the great pundits of metaphysics and dogmatic: but it is the grace of God that speaks and acts through him, or it is instead he acts irrespective of grace, since it is magically not defeasible in matters of doctrine and faith, It can speak infallibly although closed to the grace and out of the sanctifying grace of God? Because if we are neither before the metaphysical or before the dogmatic, But before the magic. It is in fact the magic that in itself and in itself is totally irrational, while the dogma and dogma are not irrational, They are built on rational principles, for as sure as that the Word became flesh, It has not done thinking vaporous.


Faced with these closed forms of reasoning which are the consequence of escape from reality by all those who pretend to always have a strong logical answer for everything, unless retreat into four protective formulas when the answers to be given when there are none, I repeat that we are not within either of metaphysics nor in that of the dogmatic, But part of the magic, if not worse Gnosticism. For how can the Holy Spirit, through its thanksgivings, cancel the will or no will of man, that is, his freedom and his free will, for sdoppiarlo to your liking and make it totally necessary unfailing, if its nature was not freely open to God's grace? Because if that happens, in that case God would be in contradiction with the mystery of creation and thus with himself through the Holy Spirit, and in this case our God is a magical God, a Gnostic god. Everything always to return to the great speculative minds that face problems until a few years previously unimaginable, but unfortunately real today, instead of really they close themselves up mirror in the cage of their four dogmatic formulas reiterating firm and immovable before the tragic evidence of the facts: "... it is unfailing, cannot err, it is dogma, dogma, dogma!». And here it is worth remembering that the dogmas are not cages men claiming at one point the right not to reason, but they are as deeply reasoned heart of the mystery of faith, at least according to a great teacher of school, Sant'Anselmo d'Aosta, which he states the extent to which "faith requires the intellect and understanding the faith" [Faith seeking understanding. In Prosl., Foreword], and again: "I think to understand, I understand to believe » [I believe in order to understand, I understand that you can trust]. And these two are the main foundations of scholastic philosophy, which never, at its foundation, He has placed the magic.


Well, I confess that I am tired of these people. I'm tired of those who before a fire in a library of sacred texts destined to be lost forever, They will rush to save the text Iota Romano Amerio and the Holy Gospel burns. Like the rest are a bit 'tired in general, much to ask with some frequency: deserves continue to speculate, analyze and write, or would it be better to shut themselves up for life I have left in a Carthusian monastery with absolute silence vote, dedicating myself to prayer and penance until death? In August, a few days after the completion of my 55th birthday, as time passes, I proposed more than ever to work to good use throughout the life of this time that separates me from death, I intend to waste it or to defend the indefensible or to save the unsalvageable, least of all to expose my human and priestly dignity to public ridicule just to look in the documents of the Supreme Pontiff Francis I that he has never said and written, pulling out all the costs they have the good that just is not there, through interpretative devices that have indeed pathetic, because you can not put your mouth on the good things he did not say after doing the process to its deepest intentions. Before all'indifendibile solutions are three: reproaches and complaints of St. John the Baptist, which as we know lost his head; the speculative analysis of the situation for what it is, however not for what we would like it; the complete withdrawal from the world and total silence vote for life. There are three different ways, but all effective to operate at its best in this disastrous situation and irreversible. For now I have chosen the first solution, the model Giovanni Battista, but I could also decide to choose the third, with perhaps even more effectively.


The problem, It is not in fact slight: how can we, we, interpret the one who should be the guardian and authentic interpreter of the faith? Or just hurts a lot to some minds have to accept and admit that the keeper of the "magical infallibility", for five years now he has shown with its deliberate and unintentional ambiguity about nothing, It blew up in the Church, the theological and moral relativism, together with the confusion and division, as never before he had been seen in the visible Church? Is it possible that among the pundits of the great theology, not only there is one that poses a question, if anything, likely to remain unanswered, namely this: there may be a case in which a Pope, closed to the actions of the sanctifying grace of the Holy Spirit, ends up be deprived of the grace of state that is typical of his high office, if anything, with all the consequences that today we have before, all regardless of his legitimate election and the role he equally legitimately busy?


And with this it is obvious, loved ones and many readers, that on this question, you might as well play the very survival of The Island of Patmos, place that I will never mock you, because "God has entrusted you to me ', and a father can not and should never make fun of the children who demand comfort, help and support in trial, so as not to face the ghosts of the Demons that there circling around, and that scare us a lot in this dark night.


Right now our salvation is contained in the theological virtue of hope, on which I wrote abundantly in 2014 [see WHO]. Hope is the great virtue median that binds together faith and charity. And since I have been set up in the service of the People of God and entered the priesthood in the universal fatherhood, this Holy People intend to offer the way of hope, but never the way of illusion, because I am a priest of Christ, not a drug dealer of hallucinogens acids, but mainly because I consider that a Holy People of God, not a people ox which give a pat and aspirin while a terminal cancer corrodes by the time our ecclesial and ecclesiastical body, while the visible Church is already in the antechamber of a morgue reduced for the occasion to a circus of clowns, dancers and dwarfs.


dal'Isola Patmos, 9 September 2018



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