I understand the Communist China and its fear of Catholicism, however I do not understand why the agreement Phantom of the Holy See with the Beijing Government

- Church in the world: short essay by a priest who loves China and its people -



Christianity has become an element of aggregation and unity, but did not prevent, as perhaps he thought the Emperor Constantine, the disintegration of the Empire, indeed in some respects favoring. So that, the political power that tried to strengthen itself using Christianity as an element of unity and unification, believing that they can in this respect and to this end absorb Christianity, It has instead been absorbed by Christianity, who survived Empire Roman keeping inside traditions, uses and totally Christianized Roman costumes. This is what frightens the Communist government of China, and they are right, on the political level, to be scared, then to act accordingly. It is the Holy See that maybe did not understand the reason for these fears..


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



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Rome 2010 – Father Ariel S. Levi to Gualdo Way of the cross the Colosseum in memory of the Blessed Christian Martyrs, along with one of several Chinese confreres with whom he lived in contact in the Capital

I have long wanted spender two words on the Chinese question, but I refrained from doing so because many experts are now self-elected than on the Catholic press, to follow along with the plethora of websites and blogs Catholics, give us valuable pearls of wisdom. Most commentators accredited they just published showgirls to their past by some officer of the Secretariat of State, thus giving continuity within the Catholic Church in what was the relationship between the official organ of the Communist Party, the newspaper Truth [in Italian Truth], and the Moscow Soviet. Moreover, in the Russian language, Truth It means Truth. And what makes you smile, like today makes you smile the name of the newspaper of the Italian bishops: Future. Because at this rate, the future of the pilgrim Church on earth, short unfortunately will not be among the most edifying.


I have known over the years leading scholars, including several missionaries, che pur avendo studiato per decenni il fenomeno cinese ed avendo vissuto in quel grande Paese, when they named China were imbued with a kind of awe, as aware of its historical and social complexity and its ancient and glorious culture. Above all, since my formation for the priesthood, I have known and lived closely in Rome with several Chinese; and I can assure our readers that the "little" that lived by their lives I may have learned, I may have learned something more than velinari from the true Pontificia, to which some monsignorino of the Secretariat of State, who he has never set foot in China, passed some tissue papers to write that the Venerable Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-Kiun, chinese ancient lineage, eighty-six years old and already the Hong Kong Archbishop, he is just an angry old man prejudiced against the atheist-communist government of that country. Word of velinari, all at the instigation of some curial, that perhaps has got to much better known both far deeper China, if anything, the sifting of the Secretariat of State of His Holiness cards.


If a venerable man like Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-Kiun, Instead of always all kinds of failure on the part of the Holy See to the Government of China, He says "They're giving the sheep to the wolves," and that this is an incredible betrayal ", and finally adding: "The signing of an agreement with the Beijing atheist regime undermines the credibility of the Pope» [Reuters, service WHO], someone, He wants to ask for the case at least of the questions? The problem is that the Church of the surface, dell'approssimativo, but most of the emotional, dialogue over everything cost even destroy everything, He has long ceased to listen to the experts; and after having been more or less settled amicably, decided to go ... Follow your little heart Subjective beating.


We smile so tenderly both on velinari from sacred palace is on those who improvise experts of this ancient and giant complex, This is China, speaking of which humility has always been the prince instrument used by his real and great scholars, that if anything, at the tender age of eighty, dopo mezzo secolo di studi ad essa dedicati, with typical candor of connoisseurs tell you: "After half a century of in-depth studies, I learned something China, its history and its ancient culture but ..., of course: just something!».




Rome, 2010 – Father Ariel S. Levi Gualdo with a Chinese confrere

The first written historical records of China have ancient roots in the Shang Dynasty dating back to the years 1.800-1100 a.C. While the Zhou Dynasty, which will occupy the scene for more than twelve centuries of history, between the year 1.500 and year 250 circa a.C. date back to the first writing characters imprinted on oracle bone, pieces of bone or shells of animals on which were engraved the paintings and inscriptions in its present form evolved match Chinese writing characters in use today. To this we might add that, a technical and architectural level, in greater China were the works that is accurate in both size, but in many ways even in perfection and beauty, outweigh the great works of the Egyptians, the Greeks and Romans. Just think of the Great Wall of China, whose construction begins in the fifth century B.C.. Moreover, In the 2009 the archeology department of the Chinese government made it known that the Great Wall was not long, as believed, 8.800 kilometres, ma 21.196,18 kilometres. In any case always known that China has built the largest architectural and engineering feat in the history of all humanity. E, said this, who wants to hear …


The West today is the product of the little that remains of the greek-Roman culture, to follow with Christian culture. The bases on which will develop over the centuries, the law and politics have their fundamental basis in the philosophy of Plato, Socrates and Aristotle; and as a historical era, We are between the fourth and third centuries B.C.. China begins instead to have a philosophical development from the seventh and sixth centuries B.C.. through Confucianism, il moismo ed il cosiddetto legalismo, thoughts from which will come to life and a legal structure entirely different policy, compared to that of the West.


The right cineif it is old 4.000 year old and since ancient times used to encode its own laws written. For the Chinese culture, the law, It is an absolute rule and a rigid pattern of behavior. As for the law and its application, it should first be given that Chinese law has certainly not assimilated what are the principles of Christianity then transfused in post-Constantinian era in Roman law, where it takes shape the concept of punishment still targeted to the recovery of the convicted offender. As today some things are difficult to understand when analyzed with contemporary analysis criteria, through the same penalty of death was given the opportunity to condemned to expiate the guilt of his crime, then to return to a state of purity through a death penalty that was precisely espiativa, applied not for punitive Revenge, but as an act of mercy aimed at the preservation of the soul's eternal salvation of the condemned.


In Chinese legal culture, certain concepts are alien: the sentence, whatever it is, action is purely punitive and definitely imposed for a crime committed. Only in Maoist era to life, for purely socio-political reasons, element in itself alien to Chinese culture, for example, the public repudiation of the errors and re-education. But this is items that have nothing in common with the Roman-Christian law, but with Marxism modulated for use by the Chinese regime during the Maoist revolution.


That alone could be enough to outline two cultures that are born, They take shape and develop through the centuries on the foundations quite different; but above all who speak two completely different languages, thereby generating a different feel and a different experience.


The western-European, It is a decadent society sick of hatred towards themselves and towards their origins. And those of Europe - with all due respect for the large representation of gays and lesbians who clamoring in the Strasbourg Parliament - are eminently Christian origins, non origins LGBT. It is not by chance, the idea of ​​Europe, and its name, It born within the monastic, from the eighth century, after the fall of Roman Empire.


If Europe is an old continent less and less identity taken to fight with the very negation of their roots, that Chinese is rather a society that lives an ascent marked by a continuous development, but above all is a company deeply rooted in their ancient and noble origins. After saying this is suddenly the first question: a Catholic church daughter dying of a Europe that denies itself, afflicted internally by a moral crisis without historical precedent, with powerful gay and lesbian lobby through the total subversion of natural law claiming the right "sacred" to the destruction of our civilization; a Europe which for half a century has been weakened by a crisis of the internal principle of authority from which he then came to life the destruction of authority itself ... how can, This kind of Europe, think you can talk to and deal with a culture like China? Or someone can imagine a big Gay Pride in Beijing, with the usual masked pranksters, if anything, from Xi Jinping, severe President of the People's Republic of China, depicted in the form of a pink bunny covered with pajettes? Or need to explain that the case for such a thing, in China, He was sentenced to death within a maximum of forty-eight hours after being beaten up in a public square? In China the government considers homosexuality "a clear sign of “Western bourgeois decadence ". Add to this that the Government of China, requiring parents to be able to adopt a Chinese baby, It imposes to be united in strictly heterosexual marriage and prohibits the granting adoption of children to couples LGBT. The PRC law defines marriage as a union only between a man and a woman and does not recognize any legitimacy to homosexual couples [III Session of the Fifth National People's Congress, 10 September 1980]. Very restrictive even legislation on sex change, which by law can not take place before and after twenty accurate medical reports attesting to the absolute necessity. Very rare in China so are the sex change, by surgical interventions and related hormonal treatment. Said this, someone thinks they can tell the Government of China: … who are you, to judge gay and prevent them from realizing the right to their love, and to crown with the adoption of a child, or with his purchase by a surrogate mother?


The Orientals in general, Chinese in particular, non concepiscono neppure che l’autorità ed il principio di autorità possa essere scisso dalla autorevolezza di chi l’autorità la esercita. And here lies the second question: i Merlin of the Secretariat of State of His Holiness, with all due respect to showgirls published by the journalists of true Pontificia, just as the ecclesiastical structure is experiencing its deepest crisis at the global level authority, how they plan to deal with those on the authority principle is based rather any kind of social relationship, political and economic?


The Chinese system shape and raises its summits of champions almost always trained from childhood in a very meticulous and strict, to be able to play certain roles. And the exercise of certain roles, in Chinese culture not the good-natured principle that applies err it is human, but rather the opposite: in a certain role it is impossible to go wrong, especially when a mistake compromise - even if that happens so mild - the image of the authority and the honor of their country. This is to reiterate that talking about the rising China whose socio-philosophical system is the Confucian roots, so decadent Europe whose socio-philosophical approach, albeit from the same despised and denied, It is greek-Roman and Christian roots, we we compare two worlds and two totally antithetical companies, especially with regard to the concept of man, society, and rights. A single example: in European culture, not only Christian, but also in the lay of which is affected by the Christian root that also denies, pardon and clemency are in fact signs of civil superiority; testing is something that almost all the constitutional and legal systems is expected to act of pardon by the Head of State to also convicted of serious crimes against the state itself. Otherwise, the social culture and Chinese politics, forgiveness and mercy can be a sign of weakness that svigorirebbe unheard of in certain special situations the authority and credibility of the entire social system, political and legal, especially for those who are considered crimes against the People and the State. E, said this, does not lead astray the way between the fifties and the seventies of the twentieth century was modulated by the regime of Mao Zedong's public repudiation of errors against the People and the State, so the re-education of those we call "repent". All this was in fact the sole purpose of converting them into more active propagandists of the Communist Regime, reborn from error and so become witnesses of the truth. A striking example in this regard? That last emperor of China Pu Yi, interned in 1950 in a re-education institute for war criminals, from which he was released from prison in 1959. Once re-educated and become faithful and respectful to the Communist Regime, he worked as an officer in the collection and classification of historical material and as a gardener Beijing botanical garden, until his death in 1967 [cf. Pu Yi, I was Emperor, by Francesco Saba Sardi. Milan, Ed. Italian Bompiani, 1987].


Let's turn to another example exhaustive: think of what was the 28 august of 2008 the inauguration of the Olympics in Beijing. The whole world was stunned by those sets and the synchronized movements of thousands of extras who gave evidence of what is the kind of perfection that does not admit mistakes. But most of all, behind those unique settings and up to now unique to any other people in the world, It is enclosed in a socio-cultural element that is another foundation of that culture: the concepts of people, state and nation are above the individual. In European society is rather the individual above all, while that of China, above all, there is the concept and identity of the people. And here lies the fourth question: reduced the Catholic Church to an old mare who gives birth to little mice, all’interno della quale la qualità ed il talento sono penalizzati con ferocia distruttiva, where the mediocre people who have come to power for thirty years now impose categories of authentic under-mediocre as their collaborators and then successors - all on the basis of the principle that chickens scratching around in the hen house certainly cannot surround themselves with golden eagles -, how you can think of to deal with the subjects that have been selected, grew up and trained to be rather true champions of high talent? When the Chinese are put into play, but especially, When any title is at stake is the dignity and honor of their country, only they need to excel and rigor; e riescono sempre ad eccellere in tutto, children how to have a culture that never, and in particular in certain positions and roles, no room for error, and least of all forms of mediocrity.


An example for even better clarify: Once a Chinese priest of the underground Church come from a few days in Rome, after I had tried to speak to him in English greeting, then in French, while I was wondering inside of me which language he spoke in addition to the Chinese, these turned me so: «Venerabilis Frater, Grace and peace be with you. Ego sum sacèrdos Sìnicus. I do not speak Italian language. Tamen, Senex EPISCOPUS sinicus, He speaks Latin language, me latìnum docuit» [Venerable Brother, Grace and peace to you. I am a Chinese priest. I do not speak Italian. But, the elderly Chinese bishops who speak the Latin language, I was taught to speak Latin]. That said I do not want to be disrespectful, but I'd be tempted to invite anyone to enter the classroom of the Italian Episcopal Conference, then to turn in Latin to some’ in the case of bishops, especially those of the last generation who pose as intellectuals sopraffini, and then see what happens, but above all to ascertain what they understand …


Having clarified the concept of non-wandering which applies to certain social and institutional levels in Chinese culture, Finally we can add one more question, aimed at both Merlin Secretary of State of His Holiness both velinari publishing amenities, namely, the following: the Secretary of State of His Holiness, in which they teem with the foolish people who go unpunished if they make mistakes in their seats, or worse, if they make mistakes never admit their error, especially if their hierarchical level is especially high, it cost well punish the innocent in order to defend the perpetrators of serious damage ... Well, how can they think that we can deal with people in certain public and institutional levels do not admit error, up to consider it an unforgivable damage and a huge disgrace, Chinese place in the socio-political culture does not prevail the defense of the individual, but the maximum protection of honor unitary institutional body?


In the current historic moment, the Church has neither the strength nor the diplomats appropriate to liaise with the Government of China, to converse with whom it would take to ecclesiastical figures in first able to hit them with their great authority and especially with their great authority. And we today, while we wander from one another grotesque scandal, similar characters, where we plan to take them out?




… this is a government of Cape minister of the Catholic Church – because that on the political level is considered a cardinal by any international governmental authority – committed to illustrate the washing machine and a clothes dryer to the Roman Pontiff, all under the watchful shooting of a cameraman, a clear proof, if anything you need it, this skit knew nothing at all to leave the private sphere, but make their own public …

Giacché viviamo nel mondo della immagine, then we try to give two completely different images, although today many, too many, do not want to accept the idea that the form, in his own way, contributes to making the substance, or at least put it in the right light. deliberately failing to indicate the person and also the year, so even through the date it goes back to the character, I remember, Years ago, an in-depth documentary in which he was shooting a plenary meeting at the United Nations. With dismay I noticed the representative of the Holy See, that at the UN building has a seat as permanent observer. The representative of the Holy See was dressed with a sloppy clergyman that betrayed the shiny torn by television, with ill-combed hair, Visible white dandruff on the shoulders of the shots in the foreground, and an air somewhat clumsy. Shortly after he was framed - I do not know whether by accident or on purpose - the representative of the People's Republic of China, accompanied by two employees. All three with a bearing authentic princes of their oldest historical dynasties, haute couture clothing, comb your hair, shaved and pulled a shiny better and perhaps more than three actors in Hollywood during the big Oscar night. Before the Chinese, for which the form and substance are inseparable and that not even conceive that in the absence of an appropriate form can be any substance, what impression could do, the sloppy person who represented the Holy See at 'O.N.U? Then, We are having said that we point out that at the material time have just narrated, all in all not do badly spent ancòra like today, I think it said everything, or at least he said he was all you had to say. Species considering today, a Chinese delegation he came with his official style in Vatican City, entrando od uscendo dalle mura leonine potrebbe incrociare il Cardinal barista that comes with terms, a plastic bag, his sleeves pulled above the elbows, to bring the evening coffee to the homeless under Bernini's Colonnade.


… This is instead a Minister of the Government of the Republic of China, S. AND. Wang Yi, charge of the department of foreign affairs from 2013 al 2018, Today the Council of State, apparently descended from the dynasty of the last Emperor of China. Please note whether in an official public occasion, between “a washing machine and a drying room”, It has a single hair out of place …

Without respect for the figure and age, the journalists of the true Pontificia hanno instillato veleno sul Cardinale Joseph Zen Ze-Kiun, che oltre a esser cinese, after being Archbishop of Hong Kong, eighty-six years it presumes know China more than certain velinari it's theirs owner-operators. Yet veiled criticism of him we read that they portrayed as a stubborn senile. No one has focused this cardinal who declares himself an enemy of an atheist government, by members of the Communist government is recognized as a genuine authority. Because this is another feature of Chinese social psychology: recognize the profound value of the enemy. And Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-Kiun is a respected and deeply honored enemy of that atheist-communist government with which he, uselessly, It reiterated that the Holy See did not treat, o che perlomeno non avrebbe dovuto trattare in fretta ed a tutti i costi, because those of the great China are always very slow tempos praxis.




Rome 2009 – Ricordi fraierai …

We come to the heart of the problem: we who presume to trattar with the Chinese and to draw up agreements with them, we know neither the Chinese culture nor China, while the Chinese senior government leaders, selected since childhood, grew up and trained to become the golden eagle, no chickens, instead we know; with us familiar Christianity, more than you can imagine.


First of all, in Catholicism, unlike various other Christian communities belonging to Protestant Movement, which we know is not a unitary phenomenon, the same goes for Islam, the Chinese Communist government sees a force that is dependent on a foreign power; What this unacceptable for a socio-cultural and political system like China. It is from this fear, Now let's try to analyze and understand the fundamental fear that China's government has Christianity, but especially of Catholicism, because if we want to make a serious and impartial analysis, we must admit that it is a fear completely understandable and above all historically established. In history, Christianity, It has created a unifying effect it has produced but later devastates, in many cases absorbent. most striking case of the story is the fall of the Roman Empire. In the dying empire, since the time of Constantine, Christianity has become an element of aggregation and unity, but did not prevent, as perhaps he thought the Emperor Constantine, the disintegration of the Empire, indeed in some respects favoring. So that, the political power that tried to strengthen itself using Christianity as an element of unity and unification, believing that they can in this respect and to this end absorb Christianity, It has instead been absorbed by Christianity, who survived the empire maintaining in-house traditions, uses and totally Christianized Roman costumes. If we want to go from antiquity to modernity, take for example the case of Poland of years early seventies of the twentieth century, in which the Christianity, at the level of aggregation, It constituted not only a front against the communist regime, but through Domino effect It originated its subsequent crumbling in all countries of the former Soviet bloc.


When we are speaking of Catholicism in China, They are mentioned immediately, alone and almost always the Jesuits, who came there to the middle of the sixteenth century. Unfortunately, however, a gross historical error, because the first to bring the Gospel in China were around 1246 the Franciscan Friars, two and a half centuries before the birth of the Society of Saint Ignatius of Loyola. So that, when after the 1260 The Polo Brothers came as merchants and were finally received at court by the Great Khan, who was in Beijing today, they heard the sovereign asked for "news of the Roman Pontiff and the conditions of the Roman Church and the customs of the Latins". Figure factor was a few decades after that of the Franciscan Giovanni da Montercorvino, who managed to win the trust of the Great Khan, and to start a genuine evangelization. Thus the Pope Clement V replied to requests for Brother John, who asked to organize the ecclesiastical districts, China sending another group of Franciscan Friars, along with seven bishops. The group of bishops and religious arrived in China around 1310, After several years of traveling. The bishops had received orders from the Pope to proceed to the episcopal ordination of Brother John, che fu il primo vescovo consacrato in Cina ed il primo Arcivescovo di Pechino [cf. AA.VV. The Franciscans in China. 800 years of history. Ed. Porziuncola, 2001, an extract is available WHO]. Well ... with all due respect the blessed memory of the Jesuit Matteo Ricci [Macerata 1552 - Beijing 1610], Jesuits came over two centuries and a half later. And wanting - always to be historically honest - we can say that they came not least also do damage, besides the doubtless well they work. And passing with a jump of centuries to modernity, we can not omit to mention that the main development of Catholicism in China between the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century, yes it is also due to the Jesuits, but it is noted that the Jesuit missionaries arrived in the wake of the French and all of them, for greater, They were of French nationality. France, in China, She had indeed many consulates for mainly economic reasons; ed attorno a questi consolati sorsero le comunità e le attività dei Gesuiti francesi. Being able to then arrange for its activities of considerable economic resources, In the 1903 They opened the Aurora University, in present-day Shanghai, which he ceased to be a Catholic university in 1953. Later it was opened in 1905 Fudan University and 1926 the prestigious Fu Jen University in Beijing, now based in Taiwan. The purpose of these institutions, especially Peking University, was to train the future ruling classes of China, all in periods in which the Jesuits ancòra did not show any symptoms of wanting "a poor Church for the poor".


Previously the Jesuits, by Franciscan missionaries and Dominicans they had been accused of laxity, of the power and prestige Search, ma soprattutto di favorire l’idolatria ed il cosiddetto Worship of the Ancestors. The Jesuits tried to justify himself by replicating it for them, bids placed before the Tablets Ancestors, they had no religious ritual significance. Not at all persuaded by their justifications, In the 1645 the Pope Innocent X - to say the least unconscious with those who had to do and then what would have produced - these customs condemned as incompatible with Christianity. The Emperor is outraged by such imperious interference in Chinese affairs, as well as to life the "dispute over rites".


In 1704 the Pope Clement XI rincarò la dose emanando un decreto di condanna sulla pratica dei riti confuciani ed il Worship of the Ancestors, sending a legate watched over him so that application. The emperor, already perplexed by the struggles and rivalries between members of various religious orders present on its territory, He felt deeply offended by papal decree and the manner in which the supervision of its implementation had been established, all followed a decade later by the Bull Ex illa The the 1715 in which the missionaries imposed the renunciation oath to the dissemination and practice of certain superstitious rites. The Emperor replied through their ambassadors: "What would the Pope of Rome, if the Emperor of China were allowed to judge and to reform the ceremonies of the Apostolic See?». And in 1717 Empire forbade Christian proselytizing and preaching the Gospel. Simply said,: If on the one hand, among the members of the Society of Jesus missionaries in China, there was a caste of Jesuits who acted like mandarins and also public that covered political and administrative roles, on the other there were the Dominican missionaries, suffering on the other hand by not less severe myopia, indeed perhaps even worse, They thought they could unleash theological disputes and to launch accusations of heresy, just as if they were in some so-called Catholic country of her time. E, very soon, the serious damage was, producing effects not easily repaired until today …


Having said that we must clarify, always for the historical and political duty, who was following the work of the joints below the French Jesuits, which began to form the idea that Catholicism was the long hand of a foreign power. It must also be remembered that the first to accuse the foreign priests, and in particular precisely the Jesuits, were Chinese priests, not least for the fact that several times, the missionaries of the Society of Jesus who ran numerous apostolic vicariates, They did filibuster in Rome for the appointment of local bishops, then for the canonical erection of dioceses, stating that it was not suitable subjects, while the truth was that they did not want to lose their jurisdiction over these vicariates, as it would have happened if it had been erected a diocese and appointed a bishop, and particularly if the bishop had been a priest of the place. Needless to say, similar situations, in the same years, od a pochi decenni di distanza a seguire, always by the Jesuits, They came to life in the territories of evangelization of the Latin American Continent, with as many missionaries Dominicans and Franciscans to an opposite pole of the earth, but at the same identical manner, accusavano i Gesuiti di operare commistioni tra i vecchi riti del luogo ed il Cristianesimo, the so-called religious syncretism.


When exploded the Great Cultural Revolution which then he brought to power Mao Zedong, the reason to proceed, the best scenarios, the expulsion of all foreign missionaries from China, It was already so beautiful and packed for about two or three centuries: missionaries and foreign priests were the emissaries and servants of bourgeois power, capitalista ed imperialista dell’Occidente. A quel point, missionaries who had the better, They fled to Hong Kong and the Philippines, others, including especially those who did not intend to abandon the faithful without priests and pastoral and sacramental care, instead they ended up in prisons, where in the space of a few meters they were crammed numerous people, so much so that to be able to get some sleep 'at night it had to take turns and unwind a bit' each. The suffering of these missionaries were terrible, Why, What we know, none of them agreed to be subjected to re-education programs to become faithful devotees of the Maoist Regime. Programs that were accepted instead of several Chinese priests, jailed on charges of having served foreign powers. In this regard it should be noted, however, that the acceptance of rehabilitation programs loyalty towards the regime, Chinese priests were induced not by the desire to save themselves and their lives, but that of their family. Indeed, the members of the secular and regular clergy who were missionaries in China during the upheaval of the Great Cultural Revolution, their families had them in the various countries of the West, while imprisoned Chinese priests, before being killed, they would have had to witness the murder of their parents, siblings, sisters and grandchildren, then would have been finally executed their.


Under the government of Mao Zedong, It is approved in 1954 the new Constitution of the People's Republic of China where the Communist Party control is established on any kind of organized activity. Anticipating what this would entail, Pope Pius XII issued shortly after the encyclical Nations to China, condemning the creation of a Catholic Church split from Rome. Incidentally: the text of this encyclical, which is an authentic pastoral masterpiece and at the same time of diplomacy, should read, but just read it on your knees, is today velinari from the true Pontificia, both their owner-operators Secretary of State who instruct them in the publication of their pearls of wisdom [see the text of the encyclical, WHO] …


… the answer was that the following year, one of the largest dioceses in the country, to Shanghai, governed by Archbishop Ignatius Kung Pin-Mei, It was quickly devastated. At the end of 1954 foreign missionaries still in the area, including two bishops, were just sixteen, between them fourteen in prison. In 1957 the last Catholic religious institutions were closed e created by the Communist Regime the church detached from Rome Patriotic totally subservient to the State. Paradigm of this persecution was the tragic fate inflicted on monks of the Carthusian monastery of Our Lady of Consolation, in the district of Beijing, located about 180 kilometers from the capital. La certosa fu assaltata più volte da bande comuniste negli anni Quaranta del Novecento ed infine data alle fiamme nel 1957. The monks were captured, bound hands and feet with wire and forced to make forced marches under winter temperatures. Most of them lost their lives during these forced journeys, while the few survivors, after being subjected to the great farce of so-called Popular Maoists processes, put to death for refusing to recant and be subjected to re-education processes [cf. James T. Myers, Enemies no shotgun – The Catholic Church in the People's Republic of China, cit. pp. 31 e ss. readable text WHO].


It should also be noted that globally, a Catholic Patriotic Church, He came to life only in China; in various other parts of the world, different regimes, They have attempted to carry out similar operations, but without ever succeeding. Because what were permitted in China? This has been possible because of the strong aversion that the Chinese have a socio-cultural level towards foreigners. This does not mean that China is not hospitable, quite the opposite! The Chinese have a very deep sense of hospitality and the welcome of the stranger, and it is also well disposed and happy, to collaborate with foreigners, provided that deeply respects the ancient and noble Chinese culture and dare not groped to insert elements within his society as completely unrelated. Obviously, this created huge problems at once as for evangelization. But some say, more or less triumphant tones, that "to be successful only were the Jesuits'. Always be honest we must reply that if successful the Jesuits, It means the religious syncretism, or Confucian philosophy mixed with the Christian philosophy and vice versa, then, then we are talking about the biggest failure in which it can fall any missionary work of evangelization, always with due respect of the blessed memory of Matteo Ricci.




Rome, 2009 – fraierai Ricordi …

Communist China can not be understood if we apply to Chinese Communism Western categories. A fundamental element must therefore be clarified: Communism China has something to himself, Communism Chinesized being a part of a culture that is born of greek-Roman-Christian roots but from Confucian roots. That Soviet and the Chinese have a common basis only red communist flags. An example exhaustive: the Catholic Church was severely persecuted in the Soviet Union, always based on the principle that it was owned by a foreign power. Less he was persecuted the Orthodox Church of Russia, albeit also subjected to persecution and restrictions. That said just remember - always to trace the difference which exists between these two different communism -, that shortly after the fall of the Soviet regime was found that, almost all Communist Party members, from those of higher rank, they were baptized, avevano fatto battezzare i figli ed in segreto avevano celebrato il matrimonio religioso. And for the baptism of their children, senior Soviet leaders they had not even settled for a Pope, they had been baptized by some Metropolitan, if not directly, at the very highest levels, personally by His Beatitude the Patriarch of Moscow.


Said this, I think there is more to with regard to the substantial difference that exists between a Communist regime born of the Great October Revolution in Russia Cristiana, and the Communist regime born of the Great Cultural Revolution in the ancient and noble Confucian China.


In China Communism, although today completely transformed, It stands firm as a system of government; and paradoxical as it may seem, especially if he said by me, we should also auspicarci that this government can stand the system as long as possible, transforming itself in a very slow and gradual. Simple the reason for this hope: in China there are hundreds of different ethnic groups who harbor ancestral forms of hatred towards each other. The Communist regime is a deterrent and especially brake on the struggles of fierce blast and internal wars. A comparison level we could use the former Yugoslavia, in which were present different ethnicities animated by fierce hatred toward each other, but kept at bay by Josif Broz regime, said Marshal Tito. We then saw what happened in the brutal heart of Europe, at sunset of this regime; the tuna fishing in those years were consumed, They were so violent that the international press reported and described the facts, but he avoided to publish photographs depicting deaths in the most violent. Perhaps someone can imagine, or worse to hope, semmai in nome dei princìpi occidentali di democrazia — come se il feticcio della decadente democrazia occidentale fosse sempre applicabile ovunque ed a tutte le culture —, a Yugoslavia case multiplied to the power of a thousand?




a painting sent to Rome from Beijing by a Chinese priest Father Ariel S. Levi Gualdo the day of his priestly ordination

Unlike velinari from the Truth pontifical and sapients raging from the printed paper to the telematic network, I have no answers to give, but only to ask questions. We start from the first: at a time when the Communist government of China has tightened restrictions against Catholics, up to prevent access to the churches to underage [cf. service WHO], and in a time when the Catholic Church, a planetary level, pour in a state of decay and profound crisis of credibility, as we have been able to reach an agreement? Also because until now, This "ghost Agreement", apart from comments and subsequent warranty speeches, But they do not know the contents, they just follow the vague news papers. How then to blame Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-Kiun who complains: "The press, long awaited, the Holy See is a creative masterpiece in so many words to say anything "? [cf. service, WHO]. We do not know in fact what do you think the Chinese government of this agreement, nor do we know what do you think the so-called Patriotic Church, let alone what do you think the underground Church has always been loyal to Rome at the price of blood.


All we know at the moment It is that there was an agreement with the Government of China for which you do not know the contents. In practice, as if in 1929, to end Roman question, They had been signed the Lateran Treaty between the Holy See and the then Kingdom of Italy, no but no one knew the contents of those pacts, the manner of their application and then all the commitments and the possible consequences for the two parties that had signed them. But most of all: how many were the bishops of the Patriotic Church legitimized after this agreement? How many have been excluded from the legitimacy instead, for example, for serious reasons, from those bishops who have lovers and children? Or maybe, not to irritate the Communist Regime, They will also be entitled them, Myer before other? And those who were excluded from the case legitimation, it will be because, but especially for those who desire to? How it will work, after this "ghost Agreement" the mechanism of appointment of bishops? Does anyone really think that the Government of China, after this "ghost Agreement", concederà libertà ai vescovi per l’esercizio del loro sacro ministero ed altrettanta libertà ai fedeli? For case, after this "historic agreement" of "epochal", as we have defined certain velinari from the Pradva Pontifical, It was accidentally revoked by the Government denial of access in the churches to underage, complete with a prohibition and conduct any pastoral work with young people? But most of all: It never happened, in the two thousand year history of the Church, somebody to make arrangements with the persecutors and the persecuted were in progress? It is by chance someone that Pope Marcellinus [296-304], when the Emperor Diocletian unleashed the last great persecution of Christians, He ran to agree with him? Things did not go in this direction, according to the chronicles that narrate the martyrdom Marcellino, occurred on 25 October of the year 304, by beheading, executed on the orders of Emperor Diocletian. His successor, The Pope Marcellus I, He had to address the issue of so-called child, those who during the persecution disowned the faith in Christ and asked to be readmitted to the Church. Marcello's claims for their admission of repentance path, But not everyone accepted, to the point that it was he, in the end, ad essere condannato all’esilio, as we learn from the inscription written by Pope Damasus I in his tomb:


"True Shepherd, because he appeared to the child the requirement that they had to expiate their denial with tears of penitence, It was considered by those miserable as a terrible enemy. Hence the fury, hatred, The discord, sedition and death. Because of the murder of one that even during peace denied Christ, He was deported Marcello, victim of the cruelty of a tyrant ".


I am not a velinaro let alone a spin doctors, so I have no answers to give, because in lavish answers and explanations of what you do not know, may provide only velinari from the Truth pontifical; but responses based on the fact nothing. God forbid that someone, just to ask a tin medal on the chest in the decadent Rome, abbia giocato in modo maldestro coi fedeli perseguitati e coi vescovi che hanno trascorso gran parte della propria vita in carcere od ai lavori forzati; because they are the martyrs to whom you can say four words of circumstance, while they, for a lifetime, hanno pagata la propria fedeltà a Roma ed al Papato.


However if we see now on the basis of an agreement made ghost that we do not know the contents, We will try to get out of this mess by saying: what matters is only the unity. But without explaining what this unit very subjective and very little corresponding to the principles of unity contained in the Holy Gospel resulted in price to pay, It considered that the goods purchased is not clear, and it is unknown the price paid for it, but above all to be paid in the near future. God forbid that the price paid for a tin medal has been paid on the skin of the martyrs and the persecuted Catholics in China, to which inter alia, if you do not take seriously irritate the susceptibility of the Communist government and an atheist, you can not even turn to them as "martyrs" and "persecuted", precisely because it would be grossly offensive to the persecutors with whom you made an agreement and persecution are increasingly being.


the modern era, the Holy See has signed more agreements of understanding and mutual recognition with countries of culture not only, not catholic, but their non-Christian culture. Just go and see how many countries with the Holy See has diplomatic relations. From year 2007 the Holy See has diplomatic relations with the United Arab Emirates. The Holy See has diplomatic relations with Turkey, Country where he was apostolic nuncio to the future John XXIII; with Iran, l’Iraq, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, the Libya, Algeria. The Holy See has diplomatic relations even with Turkmenistan, where they reside just five hundred Catholic. Well, we who are not subtle minds and high diplomacy specialists as it they are the best elements of the Secretary of State of His Holiness, we wonder: place that the Holy See has diplomatic relations even with countries which have imposed as the state law Sharija and where proselytizing by other religions is prohibited and prosecuted by law, how can you talk, but above all to establish agreements of any kind if they are, the first step, is not that of mutual recognition? Because all countries cited earlier, recognize the Holy See as head of the world's Catholic Community, enough to have established diplomatic relations with it.


In short: I can talk, I did something which has often, with people not only non-Catholic, but with non-Christians, nor related in any way to any Christian cultural roots, purché però, these my interlocutors, first of all recognize the right to my life.


That being said I wonder and then ask therefore: how can you talk and establish agreements with those upstream does not recognize the right of your existence, or that the limit, acknowledging your existence, It considered a danger to keep the more and how much better under control? Because it is with this kind of people that the Holy See, theme, It has established a "ghost Agreement". But I am sure that velinari from the true Pontificia They will not hesitate to even clarify this no small dilemma, let's give him time only to receive tissue the hallowed halls, and we will have some enlightening pearls of wisdom, it cost well go beyond the boundaries of reality, but especially over the blood shed by the martyrs and persecuted, place in China, the persecution of Catholics faithful to Rome, They are far from finished. And do not even let us ask ourselves the dilemma, entirely rhetorical, rather than, Rome, these persecuted martyrs has proved authentic and faithful mother ...


In the final footnote I will explain why I cherish deep respect for the Communist government of China, while instead I have no respect for certain Madame populating and devastate the Holy See, those, to be understood, that the velinari from the true Pontificia do not see, as they are insensitive to the persecution of the Church and clergy who really suffer. Well, the Communists of China, not only have an ancient and noble dignity, ma nobilitano anche i perseguitati ed i martiri. So for me it would be a real honor, being persecuted as a priest for the persecutors so highly honorable and noble, end up in their nation's prisons or worse ancòra; and between the two sides, even in ferocity, there would be a mutual respect between persecutor and persecuted. What respect I should rather feed, for those two or three monsignorini fennel protected by some Cardinal sodomite, that feeling before me discovered, They haunt you for life with a real ferocity menstrual hysteria? I hope that some velinaro from the true Pontificia refer all friends of the Secretariat of State - even though I always read carefully - and especially the August of the Tenant Martha House Sancthae, la cui sensibilità ed alto senso della giustizia, pare esaurirsi tutto quanto con i gelati mandati in omaggio ai poveri ed ai migranti di Roma, including alleged refugees, however, fled on the spot just come to the reception center of the Italian Episcopal Conference in Rocca di Papa [cf. chronicle, WHO, WHO, WHO]. The whole, obviously, complete with ample photographic and journalistic, so that makes a noise charity and news, as well as political provocation against the current Government of the Italian Republic [cf. chronicle, WHO].


Which holy envy try for the Chinese persecuted because faithful to the Church of Rome, while i, leaving home to go to do shopping, risk of finding myself with a twelve or thirteen brat that seeing a black cassock you go screaming behind two blasphemies against the Virgin Mary! In Beijing provinces do not scream behind you, if anything will stop at two in the morning while sneaking celebrated Mass for a group of faithful. And this is much more dignified, and for those who stop for both arrested. Even so, China is a great power, while Europe, who is now the mother of all is permissible and granted beyond good and evil, it is just a poor continent to total political defeat, social, cultural, moral and religious [cf. WHO, WHO, WHO etc ..].


Dio benedica la Grande Cina ed il suo nobile Popolo !


the Island of Patmos, 29 September 2018

Feast of Saints Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael




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