That destructive ideology immigrazionista clerical-political: angels Nigerians in outburst in Rome? Recourse to the use of more than legitimate violence is essential in the face of certain situations and subjects

- Catholic morality, politics and society -



Always Catholic moral teaching which must be evaluated and applied to all conditions in which the use of force is not only necessary, but essential, that is the only viable and actionable. If all the more reasonable and non-violent civil means, however, they will prove to be not only ineffective, but they should even be harmful on people who should be placed in a position to do no harm, at that point, the use of violence, not only it is legitimate, but it is the only viable, and it is quite dutiful. If not: soon we will have uncontrollable and violent gangs of immigrants that will create urban warfare ....


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo











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45 replies
  1. Daouda
    Daouda says:

    Don Ariel do you take from “shot effect” and for example from the point of ethnic continuity are superficial. But this remains only an inaccuracy, pergiunta useful to the rhetorical purpose of this article duty.

    The setting dates is however subject to instrumentality.
    You can not be so naive as to ignore the pincer grip on the Catholic world, that the European East simply plays a role when the data in hand often is made worse in Western countries – this from the point of view of just the right issues, forever if Catholics we should be of interest to this dichotomy – first of all Russia. You can not ignore that even the traditionalist world “infiltrated” or paid by a third party.

    Talk of the police force, that while pregnant with good people and exemplary, They know who should not touch, from top to bottom and in fact the result she reveals the same : better to work that mutiny.
    Certain affiliations determine which way you are and the Italian was ab origin is one of them. We are more alone than you think humanly speaking and rigraziando God we will be judged not on what we ignore. But you do not look for help where no…

  2. fabio
    fabio says:

    dear father Ariel
    I would like to ask knows posts by Don Stefano Gobbi ,what do you think?

    • Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo
      Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

      I can not think of anything, because unfortunately I do not know if not in name.
      And to say something, you have to know the person, life and works.
      I do not know anything about these three things.

  3. Elena Panzeri
    Elena Panzeri says:

    And the food offered to migrants (which moreover often complain of the want quality’ You want not’ Halal and so) It ends up in the trash quintals, even open
    Well done, in a single blow it shows how this aid is not appreciated it’ used and how those who manage all are pure little ecological (not even in the recycle properly, although this seems to me the lesser of two evils). The hot meal that the city took my mom was less abundant! And no one and’ never offered to pay the light, you're having a good time, lei's’ Italian and he never asked for anything

    • Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo
      Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

      … and then her mother was also catholic!
      In short, his mother was a genuine competition of any obstacles to the exercise of charity towards her, try to understand.

      Well I know that, several times, I had to reprimand several African priests who threw away the food fresh in the priestly home and wasted daily water and soft drinks? Already, because after opening bottles of sparkling water or sodas, not closed again, because this involved a great deal of energy. After that, once revs, the cast.

      In 2010 I sent a video document of the Congregation for the Clergy to document the waste that was done in contempt of poverty in two different international priestly houses, and the whole, rigorously, by priests from various countries of the African continent.
      Prefect of the time (2010/2011) was Cardinal Mauro Piacenza.

      Never received any response, never taken any action.
      After that, subjects described here, in their sermons preached in parishes where they served in Europe said that while he wasted money to give food to cats and domestic dogs, in their countries children were starving.

      I've always had pets and I can testify that never, none of them, wasted food.

  4. Iginio
    Iginio says:

    The article by Don Ariel is flawless in content and in the complaint that is. Chi care, He does not know what it is. accusing then – as is fashionable to do – to arouse fear those who gives voice to the real and justified fear of many, It is simply grotesque. Defending civil coexistence is not “fascist” (the fascists indeed did not care about the good coexistence rules), it is only of any decent citizen (and free and democratic).
    Allow me only plead that the Greeks, albeit with many of Turkish matrix customs ( see the kitchen), physically they are not exactly similar to the Turks; women are very different (Turkish ones are more beautiful, Alas). Although in effect in Greece in the Middle Ages there were appropriations of other peoples (the Slavs were in the first place from the albanesi, but also Western and even some Norman) who changed the ethnic composition, and the Turks themselves have invaded and occupied lands already inhabited by other peoples.

    • Klaus B
      Klaus B says:

      “Accusing then - as is fashionable to do - to create fear those who gives voice to the real and justified fear of many, It is simply grotesque”. Sacrosanct words.
      Unfortunately I can hardly attending Facebook because I struggle daily with a couple of friends who continue to repeat just this, pointing accusation as spreader of hate who is frequently portrait upside down at Piazzale Loreto and is also priests who invite to his killing during homilies (sic, apparently, Alas).
      Whenever I plan to keep quiet, then the fire bigger than last time and I can not. People who boast of having been always accused of being cattocomunisti. I would like to answer: not cattocomunisti, Communism was serious in his tragic mistake, not to speak of Catholicism, You are always pseudo-catholic-radical-chic (without getting into the sincerity of their religious belief, what belongs only to the Divine Judge). But it would be the final break, and I do not feel.

  5. Klaus B
    Klaus B says:

    Immigrant in Reggio Emilia palpated policewoman and masturbates. The judge immediately puts it back into the wild because the fact is “of slight severity”. The next day gives in outburst station with a stick in hand,
    Do not comment because we are on a religious site and I could not do it without using inappropriate words.
    I will just ask how it can be mild action before offends a woman as a woman, then he offends as a component of law enforcement and accordingly offends all Italians that she is in the performance of its function.

    • Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo
      Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

      [… ] "Not because we comment on a religious site and I could not do it without using inappropriate words".

      Dear Klaus,

      then I comment, even because, as you may have figured out, I do not hold any ambitions to become bishop and cardinal. Also because it regarded the decline to a minimum of one and the terms sacred college, being with certain people would be very humiliating for me.

      I hope instead in a very different kind of career. Indeed, every time I celebrate Mass, asking for forgiveness for my sins before the celebration, during the Penitential, during purification of the hands in the offertory rites and The secret prayer before Communion, I ask God to grant me the grace of a light purgatory.
      Few are those who just died – and we own priests species – They will immediately go to Paradise.

      Without fear that the Divine Judge me switch, as now I will tell, a slight if any purgatory in a hard purgatory, I can say …

      … if “brother extracomunitario” in question, erotically had performed in front of some department of the Holy See while many joyful monsignorini They came out at the end of their grueling work, several of them would be quick to give you their business card and said … "I recommend, keep in touch and as soon as you're free call!».

      there, I've called a lot bigger than you ever would have called her, but know that unfortunately is the truth, Everybody knows, from those who purged the news in the press offices of the Holy See.

  6. Elena Panzeri
    Elena Panzeri says:

    To those who think that you are inciting racial hatred, I ask you to provide a practical solution, feasible and not smoky problems related to migration of people unable to live accepting the rules of a society, that although far from perfect, seeks to ensure at least the survival and civil coexistence.

    If one of these subjects immigrants, or Italian people with Bergoglio hyper-mercy, He wants to try to commit a crime in any other country, especially Muslim, It would have the opportunity to appreciate the difference in treatment.

    I speak from immigrant, in London, where immigrants of all kinds have always come. E’ true that this country is increasingly Islamized and eterofobo (if you're gay you're worth just short!), but beat, when they are needed, they give the police all right.

    If they make a reason even the clergy degenerated: it is true that we are all creatures of God but do not automatically Sons of God. Because “those he predestined, he also called; those whom he called he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified”.

  7. Luigi
    Luigi says:

    Thanks Don Ariel. I discuss frequently with the pious souls cattoimmigrazioniste course left voters, but everything is useless. They are so ideologized who do not understand the problem. Do you think one of them, who claims to be a graduate in theology, He argues that the poor man rescued by a good Samaritan was an immigrant..
    This is the result of our church hierarchy that can no longer reason in evangelical prudence and in turn is fueled by our dear Pope.
    I allow me a small observation that corroborates his speech on the Egyptian people: Cleopatra, the Ptolemaic dynasty, It was of Macedonian origin.

  8. Emanuele
    Emanuele says:

    St. John Paul encouraged and consoled the world with a beautiful word of Christian order: “Do not be afraid!”. There are those who collates from suburban bar talk, with camouflage capacity from neorealism of yesteryear, and it pretends to preach a little’ alcoholic, even the signature “from the island of Patmos” almost like a blessed apostle (and here we are at the collegiate, no doubt about it), to get nothing but a soft scared and angry over simple minds. Okay the malaise of priests, the drama of the priests of the metropolis, and worse still that of someone who does not even have a parish with certain boundaries, okay the web drama immaterial as it tilts to delirium, but to spread grief and fear does not seem much of a Christian. Even Don Camillo Brescello waving fists Guareschi, however, was not the bully fashion. The Gospel uses tough words but when in the name of the law are crowded around the adulteress (“the whore”, Ariel would do well pleased) already with stones in hand, Master for calm people takes time, prevent lynchings, He writes on the ground, off the voltage. Does not excite tempers against underage prostitutes…

    • Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo
      Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

      … but she, read what they have written and commented on several of the police officers who live in the real world and not the “gooders dream”, several of whom assaulted, wounded, ended up in the hospital under the surgeons knife and so on?
      A word for them, as even defend its security, It did not have their own?

      • Emanuele
        Emanuele says:

        The word is simple: thank you. But perhaps the police did not need priests to indicate how and where to hit alcoholics although Islamic. But above all he does not need this pathetic expression of 'feel-good’ or 'cattivista'. We are not in kindergarten childhood, we are not grannies pitiful: “do good to grandma” O “not do bad, not to anger the little angel”. We are big and strong, evil at the root because of that sin in Eden that she knows better than I., we should try to overcome the evil that is in us, maybe even to love our neighbor as ourselves, no more, no less. And certainly this should not be confused with sentimentality cloying, the oratorio moral, with the pious intentions (but with good deeds maybe yes), But without ending up in special police teams Clubs, of the toughest agents. It will be personal ignorance for lack of a Gospel passage that enhances repression or simply order (whose pure humanity needs). There is not even the word 'home'. Perhaps' before the Jews’ Yes, but since the response of Israel was not exciting, Jesus said to his preaching to other people. Per…

        • Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo
          Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

          You talk about reality that knows no, people who do not know, of antropologie who does not know.
          Especially did not read my script and if you read it intended it in a completely different. For example, I fear has not paid attention to the fact that I have explained and illustrated with Africans from various countries of that continent we have lived together for years. To this should be added that I have traveled several times throughout the Maghreb and various countries of that continent. To little I've learned, maybe something I learned, much more than the surreal press articles of the Italian Left.

          Just did not pay any attention to all the parts in which, bringing my own talks with African, I explain what is their concept of authority and authority, etc … etc …?

          People are what they are anthropologically and culturally, They can not be changed into what we would like them to be, but which are not absolutely.

          The port is an example related to the pure animal nature:

          she is free to think that a stray dog, or worse, a pack of wild dogs, They can be treated in the same manner with which an English noblewoman can treat your pet dog.

          I wish you from my heart to have some time to deal with both a dangerous stray dog ​​is a pack of wild dogs, so that she can adopt the criteria it considers entirely appropriate.

          Then when hospitalized half dying in a hospital, call me or let me call, because at that point to ask you if you think in the same way.

          • Emanuele
            Emanuele says:

            Slightly laughable, it is a personal matter: we know we, but she is used to decide whether I'm familiar with Moroccan and policemen as she, if you know dogs as I do,etc. The priests should take care of the Gospel, when in fact they come to the bar and bring you to say about those who have it longer, with good jokes to impress oratory, They are simply pathetic. What used to the hard life of the priest and then announce the good news canine? But he realizes it? The foxes have holes, but the Son of Man no. Do not spare its hope that I end up surrounded by ferocious stray (stuff to do Carognetta played by the great Deaf), Instead I want charitably hope that she will not die of ridicule when she walks with her poodles.

          • Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo
            Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

            She accuses me things that I did not say, statements that I have done and what is worse totally disrupts the narrative that has deep significance of anthropological and socio-psychological; but mostly she responds by attacking in mocking and not responding so on the merits of the issues.

            I am first of all a gentleman and the gentleman on the fabric was woven of the priest.
            Do not allow yourself to give me a grotesque image of a priest Bar going to discuss amenamente with "who's got bigger", because to me in these places will not find me ever, You find me instead to pray, to celebrate Mass, to administer confessions, to preach and to give the anointing of the sick to terminally ill.

            I spoke, and explained in a strictly scientific, in pages and pages that she has not read or does not understand, incidence which has the principle and concept of virility in the various African cultures, where it constitutes a fundamental element. I then explained all the details of the case as I myself have adhered to certain styles of behavior when I had to deal with some of my dear and beloved brother priests from the various countries of this continent, who were the first to instruct on how to behave and to their various populations rapportarmi.

            As to my being 'pathetic', I reject everything to her and forbid, at least on this our columns, inappropriately using the image of the Holy Gospel, that if the uninitiated, of manhood, It is the quintessence, as it is true that Christ was true God and true man; and a man was perfect in every way in his human nature.

            She has a distorted image of the Gospel and saccharine, at the peace and love it gives Gay Pride, until it became aggressive and insulting a minister bosomes that the answers right tone and how she deserves after she insulted and after grotesquely misrepresented my words.


            At all add the element of cowardice: while I have a name, an identity and a face with which I answer for what I say and write, you throw insults protected behind anonymity, this thing that the qualification and disqualification.

          • father ariel
            Licia Oddo says:

            Dear Father Ariel,

            The detailed careful examination of the company that you try bringing evidence of shameful and shocking cases of ferocious crime against Italian citizens makes you honor! If a priest tries to communicate the message using a simple homily will never be so fond, to carry out a targeted survey which settles even anthropological racial motivation of criminal behavior that goes beyond simple cultural boundaries.

            There are countless examples of crimes reported in Italian territory, made due to a pseudo-touted “social evolution” I would say more involution, Globalization led to the desired at all costs even at the expense of the same society where ignorance prevails. That same ignorance of a decadent society,due precisely to the freedom of having to tell each his own, to give voice to clichés of equality, Parity without understanding the true essence of the evils that this phenomenon generates and must be stopped by people like you puts his face to the any pretense or false ideology, with the gift of persuasion and documentary not only verbal.

          • father ariel
            Don Angelo Rossit says:

            She was truly and gravely insulted.

            The writing of Ariel father of the foundations and scientific and anthropological value on which there is very little to be ironic.
            All the examples that the father Ariel has brought are very relevant,, in particular the aggressive stray dog ​​and the pack of wild dogs, that can not be treated as the puppy home of a British lady.
            The example is so obvious, but just scientifically obvious!

            I do not know what faith you belong, But if you were Catholic, then no, since catechism, It taught that no one turns this way to a priest, all with an aggravating factor of no small importance: She has tried in every way to twist and distort the words and the father Ariel content and until the last serious attempt, to topple on him and on what ever said and affirmed the sheer ridiculous and offensive, mocking him like a priest trivial Bar, one has to learn the gospel and so on … and all because his personal subjective and ideological emotion is the only truth and valid law.
            In short: She is the ideological and violent anti-war classic with iron bar in his hand.

            Re-read the history of his comments and his answers and see that it is exactly like that.

          • father ariel
            former teacher self-discharged from the role says:

            but where do you live? In what city and what reality? In what world peace to “we're all brothers” she leads her life?
            Lei lo sa, I have had to give up a teaching post shortly after he managed to get role?
            I explain it to him right away, as a woman today 39 year old, my personal “familiarity with Moroccan” to which she alludes.

            I live in Modena and Modena and had teaching role in Bologna, no matter which school, count the fact that now the narrated.
            In broad daylight, and in the center, three Moroccans was pushed into the door of a house, and let his imagination what their intentions were.

            I saved thanks to two professional studios, one of a dentist the other a lawyer, who were on the first floor of the apartment building and which were called by two of my screams before one of “non-brothers” He tappasse mouth with one hand while with the other he tried to open my legs … understood: beautiful soul of pacifism and acceptance of my c …..? Because maybe, the attributes, I have them there longer I who am a woman of her that as a man thinks in this way.

            If the dentist, his assistants and patients who were in the waiting room had not landing overlooking the atrium, causing the three to run away, she tells me, what could happen, while the other two had already closed the door and the other had already plugged my mouth?

            Yes … come on, come on: peace and love!
            When I hear the phrase “open ports” They are crossed by a shiver, because I reminded those inside the atrium of a door in the center of Bologna, They tried to open my legs.

            Letter Signed

  9. Pasquino revived Roman
    Pasquino revived Roman says:

    dedicated Sonnet
    His In. Cardinal Lucifer-movimentista-elettricista-(futuristic?),
    the new electro-theology of not paying the earthly light,
    and the use of new Vatican bills (do not pay),
    give N, N. disbeliever-payer-of-bills (and of those who do not pay costs).


    Supplication 'the pious monks Minister delli
    zoccolanti the BUBBLE exemption
    dall'arcivescovil jurisdiction
    seems to be a priori and abbots;
    and 'the canonical prebendati
    Below the cattedral capitol model
    in purple skullcap and ambition,
    by supplication to the court out of the porporati.

    Receive petitions with offices facie
    pel pope was something quite agree:
    fur ever heard pious wishes
    and it pays the bubble was blessed.
    Now we receive – ideas novatrici! –
    expired light a BOLLETTA.

    Pasquino revived Roman

  10. father ariel
    Giuliano Sarso says:

    Ahi … ahi … ahi!
    We on this island that the priest fascistello strombetta for Salvini !

    • Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo
      Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

      Dear Giuliano,

      my paternal grandfather, who likewise became the “Pleasure” It is beaten by agents dell'O.V.R.A [cf. WHO] with Alberto said Salustri is Trilussa outside a cafe on the Via Veneto in 1927, after the promulgation of fascist laws He had to choose between exile and jail. In 1937 He died in exile outside Italy.

      My paternal grandfather had to leave Rome in 1939 with two children, one of which my father, on suspicion of subversive ideas. Mise secure the children and his wife who was of Venetian origin in a remote area of ​​Friuli border, after which he returned to fulfill his duties patri.

      My maternal grandfather, war as an officer of the police, He volunteered prisoner in Yugoslavia in exchange for the release of some Italian families, telling comun Titini and in their eventual negotiations it would have weighed more than an official of the poor families. When the early 1940 he left for the war his wife was pregnant and when only in 1949 He returned after being released from prison Yugoslav years after the end of the war, He knew his only daughter who had nine years. In 1954 he was awarded the gold medal of valor.

      My father and my mother, that I know of, during the period when in Italy there was a strong Communist Party have always stopped up his nose and gave the vote to the Christian Democrats.

      For me personally, if I was alive in those years, for the type they are and for the faith that animates me, First I would protect and tried to save the lives of communists persecuted by fascists, then, after 1943, the fall of Fascism, I tried to save the lives of sought-fascists by communists who were not content to kill even obscene defamation of their bodies in public squares.

      As the stories of our Italian families are sometimes complex and sometimes surprising, I suggest you make a family tree search his, because maybe, while she delights in giving the "fascistello 'to me, may also find that while my neighbors ancestors by the fascists were beaten and driven into exile, The ancestors were singing “Duce, Duce!” and in the colonial period “Little black face beautiful Abyssinian“, then becoming communists on the day after the fall of Fascism. on, I have known many, of stories of this kind …

      • Louise S.
        Louise S. says:

        How right! My mother told me how after the war, the priest, Free S returned from prison. Vittore where instead the priest was dead, He had this to say during a sermon that he was threatened with death by closing with these words ” We have received threats, we know that it changed the color of the ink but the hand writing is always the same.”

  11. father ariel
    Police officer (Sardinia) says:

    I respond here to give solidarity to the fellow as he wrote, are sad stories and notes, although not told.
    When these things happen you fill the front pages of newspapers, When the police are exonerated innocent because you write a short little article on the inside pages, possibly Monday, when certain newspapers give mainly sports news the previous Sunday and people go to read other things …

    Dear Father Ariel,

    thanks for this service is a service in every sense, ourselves, as P.S agents. We certainly learned a lot about using, costumes, ways of acting habits of certain peoples and their citizens are not easy to treat when they are in Italy.

    I got to know one of your signatures, Father Ivano Liguori, our Sardinian (when he visited the sick), because I attended for service reasons the hospital where he works as a chaplain in Cagliari, occasionally it happens to us of having to bring someone who, if anything, is not really a free citizen, or attend for reasons of service emergency room etc..
    For email I gave references, if it happens in Sardinia in our area, visit our police because the welcome you as a friend.

    Beautiful its abutment on the two Sardinian … one that looks like it came from an Arab Casbah and one that looks like it came from a store in the capital of Norway. I see you know our people and all our ancient mixtures, which are ancient and many.

  12. father ariel
    a commander of the police says:

    reverend Father,

    if we were in an official context, I would thank on behalf of the Carabinieri, however I can not send an official message or publicly qualify. The private letter I sent remains as our private relationship and in this comment I renew the invitation to visit our barracks.

    Something tells me that his article is filming throughout Italy, if I consider that I was sent by well 11 policemen who invited me to read it.

    As I explained in the detailed private text: a me, I was captain, the promotion was blocked and I was called to respond venue therein. Everything is then solved, but after an unpleasant and even painful process humanly.

    The fact: my men arrested two Nigerian prostitutes not because prostitution itself (which we know it is the offense that is) but for drug dealing and possession of cocaine.

    Translated into the barracks we closed in the security room while the three policemen who had arrested you were doing dressing wounds, having been repeatedly attacked while the bore in the barracks. I called myself colleagues from the nearby police station asking if they could send some policewomen for undertaking searches of the two arrested because I did not think appropriate to move with them, because they already had wounded three policemen and transport them altered in that way was not easy.

    They came two women police officers with a Chief Inspector and found themselves before a scene that define “principal scene” it would be simplistic: the two (who were dressed revenue) had her clothes torn, his face reddened by slapping (none of us had ever given them) and they were without underwear (!?). When they saw the policewomen hugged weeping.
    Stuff Academy Award for acting!

    The next day the newspapers had headlines: “police under investigation for suspected rape”.

    She knows the details that I have narrated, while those who think the law is enough to understand what just described meeting in what trouble she went myself station commander and the other three policemen.

    After that our Regional Command ordered the internal video surveillance installation at all the barracks who were not yet equipped, except for the toilets all had to be under video surveillance inside.

    A thank you, dear Father, in my name and I think many of my colleagues and fellow soldiers.

    A commander of the Carabinieri

  13. Maria Cristina
    Maria Cristina says:

    How best animals in certain things of us!
    No dog starts to struggle senselessly with another dog that recognizes an alpha male or a pack leader, no matter the size , because he knows and feels that it would be a senseless struggle and the animals do not do anything foolish and purposeless.

    Among humans, however priests and bishops-capons, not to say another word that ends in …they They want to stand as eagles to dictate to politicians and voters, and unworthy uproar among episcopal conferences and even political parties disfigure the Holy Mass of Pentecost.

    The faithful attend astonished.

  14. father ariel
    Policeman with 30 years of service says:

    Dear Father,

    for a cop 30 years of service to hear a priest speak and analyze the situation in this lucid, ruthless and realistic, It is an authentic breath of oxygen.

    8 years ago I did a few weeks in the hospital and months of treatment for a serious accident on duty.

    In the vicinity of the faculty of law of an Italian city (no matter what), We tried to nab two Nigerians peddling and supplied regular consumers university students to so-called soft drugs that, despite their “lightness” They are either banned or harmful.
    There were four policemen.
    While we were handcuffing the two blacks we were attacked by a group of twenty students who shouted “police killer”. Because of that assault the two fled (I point out that only two months later one of those who were killed by stabbing arresting a prostitute, and he hid the body in a landfill).

    dumpsters overturned, a pair of broken shop windows etc. … etc… and while reinforcements were on the way we were beaten by a score of college students.
    I had four broken ribs and why I risked, they had not intervened quickly and well a rib was about to puncture the lung and perhaps other vital organs.

    Several students presented themselves voluntarily to the police station to testify falsely, and to declare that we had attacked the two blacks and that they had intervened to defend our aggression.
    It opened the file at our expense.

    To me the notice was notified to the hospital the afternoon of the day when I was operated on early morning.

    Thanks to the excellent investigative skills of our colleagues were saved by the presence of five surveillance cameras in some stores, but above all of a video shot by a guy 17 years from the third floor of a balcony all shooting, who gave it to the police saying that he dreamed of becoming a cop when she was a fifth grade elementary.

    The recordings, and especially that of the 17 year old showed that we had not attacked anyone and that aggression towards us was staged by four young men who turned over the law students investigations, which it was later done nothing.

    the commissioner urged the president of the university to expel the four grave believing that just the law students had instigated an attack to the police officers who were arresting drug dealers.

    The academic authorities rejected the request and not they provided to their expulsion.
    Tomorrow these types will (if already a number of years are not) lawyers and judges, and will be among those who will care no serious injury, the P.S agents. but a slight bruise on the forehead of the person arrested who slammed himself his forehead on the wall.

    She made a big news service and I believe many policemen, police and members of the yellow flames will be quite grateful.

    Thank you so much.

    Policeman with 30 years of service

    P.S. the seventeen year above three years later, finished middle school, entered the 20 years old at the police school.

  15. The word he fears
    The word he fears says:

    Maybe some of us would be able to implant a urban warfare. There will only be massacres slaughtered chickens and pullets raped to death.

  16. orenzo
    orenzo says:

    In his homily the Holy Father on 8 June vigil of Pentecost 2019, the best move was when he said: “This thought the maternity of the Church reminds me that 75 Years ago, on June 11, 1944, Pope Pius XII performed a special act of thanksgiving and supplication to the Virgin, for the city of Rome Protection. ”
    Go read the words of Pope Pius XII
    it was like I could finally quench to Living Water Source.
    Is it possible that the passage in which Pius XII begs: “Bring back the refugees to the lands abandoned in the storm underway, what care earth, where they were born, grew, they worked, they called your sweet name, and it gives them the strength to reconstitute with bold and alacre lena their homes destroyed, their collapsed churches, their desolate fields, their devastated workshops, their domestic happiness upset and disturbed.”,
    it does raise the question, to the proper authorities, smartphonati that all those boys in their prime are not really refugees fleeing from Herod?

  17. Attilio lot
    Attilio lot says:

    This document will be sick victims of political correctness today. E’ all true what he says.

    Many Italians think that in compliance with European rules are fools like us. From my experience I remember just the opposite.

    I lived in Paris for a few years and I remember how I was treated when I fainted in a shopping center following a mild food poisoning, and the terrible heat of August. Other than emergency services! When I recovered I wanted to understand who I was and where provenissi have even asked me the temporary residence address before calling the ambulance fire.

    Prudence excessive, but due to the laxity of the past decades since the mass immigration has created France today.

    Mass immigration and selective NO will lead us to the police with machine guns to defend ourselves outside churches, it is good that we put him in the lead. In France it is already reality, I saw it.

  18. Elena Panzeri
    Elena Panzeri says:

    Caro Father,

    standing ovation!
    Long live God that someone has the courage to tell the truth’ and to hell (literally) the politically correct. My cousin, for many years on the force, He has often told me how they behave Nigerian prostitutes. An episode of all: repatriated on a plane because delinquents in effect, They have removed the dirty towels and threw them in the face of poor police.
    that culture!

    I was in Africa and I know even I, in my little Africans. It seems too obvious to say that they are not all equal and therefore I will not tell. The fact is that those who truly have been evangelized behave differently.

    If Islamic or tribal (or even some American-style Christian denomination, where it converts in exchange for economic and social benefits), It is another story. But now the Catholic missionaries are not going to convert, but to convert to the local culture! Eh why’ they are closer to Mother Earth!
    Reading is believing! I add that I have known personally and I know the Father Zanotelli…

    • father ariel
      Francesca (Rome) Police officer says:

      Dear Elena,

      ho ho 34 years and are entered in the State Police after a law degree. Become “policewoman” It was a dream of mine since I was in high school, and after graduating I realized.
      They are still very honored to work in the State Police.

      At the used absorbent which you refer can add bags containing human excrement, even those launched him to our colleagues, while spitting am “minimum wage”, the cleanest thing with these high-risk elements we happen to get.

      I saw the police bring in Nigerian women for which three policemen were required for each of them, and they could hold them with great difficulty, almost always getting hurt from scratches, bites and beatings.

      We police officers live with the fear of causing to them one bruise involuntary, not because beaten, but only to hold them or groped to defend ourselves from their aggressions which are always very violent.

      The police injured by the Nigerian man to hospital in Rome stuns the porter, and who regard the magistrate wanted to see clearly from what depended bruises on his forehead and took care to release him, says it all about what is our ever more difficult and in which we are on one side exposed to certain aggressive delinquents, exposed to other magistrates who do not hesitate to open investigations on us.

      It ended yet I under investigation of the judiciary, and I had to answer for having beaten a Nigerian: while two of my colleagues were bringing in for this rage investigations holding arm (images of men attempting to carry a tiger, the example is very adherent to reality), She has wriggled, He threw one on the ground then launched with the nails on the other's face. I was a few meters away and I challenged the baton repeatedly hitting.

      Nell'irrogarmi sanction the judge ruled that the beatings were not motivated because the woman was already in the police station and (according to him) He could not escape and harm. The medical report of the colleague who applied were six points on the cheek on which the Nigerian sank the sharp nails, It was not taken into any consideration, You think if she could take it to the eyes.

      In one of the videos shown by the excellent father Ariel in his long and very interesting article, I resumed in Turin comments of a group of good citizens outraged by a group of policemen trying to handcuff a Nigerian not easy to hold. In that video it is represented throughout: good citizens to defend the thief, the delinquent, the drug dealer, the violent etc. …
      [N.d.R. the video to which the Police Officer is referring to is this: WHO]

      Francesca (Rome)

      • Alexander
        Alexander says:

        Francesca, for what it can serve, my deepest sympathy to you and your colleagues. And the recognition on the part of law-abiding citizens, even themselves (right-thinking people of Turin do not think they were).

  19. orenzo
    orenzo says:

    But "Image" is not one of those songs so much appreciated by the good (see Manzoni) Catholics and often perform in churches as Carol?

    • Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo
      Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo says:

      Dear Orenzo,

      There is an air of an opera by Giuseppe Verdi in which the character of Violetta, that does not personifies either Agnes or St. Cecilia virgins and martyrs, but a cheerful figure said non-coincidence the Traviata, sings:

      Semper libera degg'io
      frolic from joy to joy,
      vo’ I slide on my live
      along the pathway of pleasure ...

      One time, while I was in a context totally private and cheerful with fellow priests and no other person or secular mind, I die laughing a couple of German priests telling them that the Greens – these two beloved as an opera composer – he had to use a very chaste language and sweetened, and even though, at the time, the figure of the Traviata Violetta, He was greeted by some with deep scandal.

      Explained what I said that the Greens, perhaps without any problem and without shock anyone, Today could have quietly singing the soprano these words:

      Semper libera degg'io
      I want to do always the slut,
      vo’ I slide on my live
      over the beds of pleasure ...

      All priests laughed, the most even of all Germans.
      There was a priest who did not smile but then, in private, He said he was impressed by my spirit vulgar and objectionable material to a priest.

      This same priest from the mouth so delicate, in his capacity as professor of theology at a higher institute of religious sciences, advised students read heretical books by Andrea Gallo as pastoral ecclesiology ideas and Vito Mancuso as a theological inspiration. The first, He is waving the red flag and sang “hello beautiful!” at the end of the Holy Mass [cf. WHO], The second one, Priest dismissed from the clerical state just a year after ordination, author of a book which was undermining the root of the main tenets of the Catholic faith, so as to be branded by a well-known theologian of so-called progressive aerial as S.It is. Mons. Bruno Forte as suffering from "return gnosis" [CF. WHO].

      I am cheerful and joking in private, with the appropriate people and in appropriate places, but above all without ever transcending the vulgar, while certain priests have carried, as the movie she sent, a hymn to atheism and nihilism directly into churches with singers who have their backs to the tabernacle from which it was not even removed the Blessed Sacrament.

      What to say: evviva i pretended “vulgar” which, however, in defense of the sacred mysteries, They would make the skin!

      • orenzo
        orenzo says:

        Dear father Ariel,
        I find that the words written by the Jesuit cardinal Carlo Maria Martini in his preface to the book of the priest (A priest forever) Vito Mancuso:
        “Even those who believe they have extremely solid benchmarks can read your pages with profit, because at least they will be induced or to question their certainties or will be led to deepen, to clarify them, a confermarle”,
        may very well be applied also to many utterances of our Holy Father is about to migrants, as in this case, is about, above all, Sue certain evangelical and doctrinal interpretations.

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