The supplication rings along the way: «Stay with us, Lord, because it is evening »

Father Ivano

The angle dell'omiletica of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos



We are all tired at the moment, deceived into our expectations, disappointed by our intentions, exhausted and fed up with a faith that is increasingly human image, distancing light years from that authentic revelation that we find in Sacred Scripture and that apostolic preaching has brought within our faith communities. These two months of medical exile make us wish - as it was for the disciples of Emmaus - to listen again to the living Scriptures, in which to burn for the presence of the Risen Jesus, inside of of a Sunday community that meets without fear and prohibition.


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.



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In this third Sunday of Easter, from the Gospel it resounds: "Stay with us, because it is evening and the day is now sunset » [LC 24, 29], I believe I correctly interpret the voice of many faithful in this particular historical moment, starting from this beautiful request for mercy from the Gospel of Luke.


We need, that Jesus remains with us today; we desperately need to stay with him, without more conditions, time has become short and we can no longer afford to waste it.


We are all tired at the moment, deceived into our expectations, disappointed by our intentions, exhausted and fed up with a faith that is increasingly human image, distancing light years from that authentic revelation that we find in Sacred Scripture and that apostolic preaching has brought within our faith communities. These two months of medical exile make us wish - as it was for the disciples of Emmaus - to listen again to the living Scriptures, in which to burn for the presence of the Risen Jesus, within a Sunday community that meets without fear and prohibitions.


First of all though, it is necessary to heal a wound that is that which resides in our hardened heart, in the sclerocardia that prevents us from believing everything the prophets said, a broad image to express all those who in the history of humanity have been charged by the Church with the proclamation of the Word and with the authentic interpretation of the same.


How much Word wasted, how many unheard prophets: from those of the Old Testament, passing through Giovanni Battista up to many good bishops and the last parish priest. We cannot say that Jesus rose without adhering to the proclamation of the Scriptures and without listening to the words of those who were made up by God prophets of this announcement.


With sadness we must recognize that our ignorance of Jesus Christ, as San Girolamo said, it derives from the non-knowledge of the Word of the Scriptures announced and proclaimed. How sad that the word of so many teachers of the faith today is ridiculed, trivialized and downsized before the unique thought and the politically correct. Precisely in this quarantine we need more than ever the authentic Word of the Scriptures. Word that is in short supply also in us priests, to make way for a palliative presence, human who - over sacramental proclamation - prefers the pampering of closeness. For you see, Dear brothers, we can deeply desire to have many beautiful experiences of Jesus but if we do not listen and adhere to the Word, there is a serious risk of being incredulous and atheists, while basking in sacristy, churchyard or participating in patronal feasts and pilgrimages.


The beauty of Luca's song this Sunday consists precisely in this unveiling which reveals our paradox of unbelieving believers. We can consider these two men of the family, they are disciples, they are close to Jesus and yet they have a heart distant from Him, incredulous, so much so that the events of the Passion they witnessed are not at all eloquent for their lives but rather become an opportunity for scandal and fearful escape from Jerusalem.


Indeed, it is not enough to see to believe, just as Tommaso reminded us last Sunday, something more is needed. Is this Moreover it consists in listening to the Word of Scripture and applying it to Jesus, participating in that amazement that what has been written has really come true. In a simple way we must see how God remains faithful to what he said and worked. Here then is that Jesus joins between these two disciples and renounces the Word to them, educates them to a new loyalty. He Word of the Father makes himself Word for these silent unbelievers, igniting in their hearts the desire of the neighboring God who finds his full fulfillment in the Risen One.


The Word makes their hearts burn so much so that the sacramental sign of the breaking of the bread, in that house where they had found refuge, it becomes an opportune moment for their eyes to open to the Easter truth. It is interesting to note how in the moment in which they recognize the Risen One it disappears, just as it will happen other times in the Easter tales.


It is not possible for man to dominate the Risen One, it cannot be blocked, you cannot domesticate it for your own purposes. When the Lord opens our eyes with his Word he does it to make us proclaimers and prophets free and faithful.


In Easter our eyes were opened to see the Lord as the living, the winner over death and sin, not to have the demeaning experience of Adam and Eve whose eyes opened by the fruit of the Tree have only glimpsed the nakedness of sin.


The disciples of Emmaus, with eyes wide open on Easter salvation, they have been elected as announcers of the Word which they themselves will proclaim to the Eleven gathered in Jerusalem.


Dear brothers, to make Easter we have to open our eyes well and, with open eyes, also say what the world does not want to hear and refuses, we are called to free our brothers through the faithfulness of the Word of truth announced and proclaimed, made sacrament of salvation in the sign of Sunday Eucharistic bread which we will soon return to break together with our pastors.


Laconi, 26 April 2020




To stay as close as possible to the faithful in this time of crisis and emergency, the editorial staff of The Island of Patmos informs readers that our author Father Ivano LIGUORI, Order of Friars Minor Capuchin, Care on Facebook the heading 'THE WORD NETWORK ", offering of three times a week meditations. You can access the edited page from our Father clicking on the logo below:



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