The castaway “Marian Pole” of Verona. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for Alessandro Minutella to tell the truth
- È vero che tutti chiedono, ma noi Padri de L’Isola di Patmos siamo fuori dubbio speciali. Sapete che tra poco è il nostro compleanno? - 11 September 2024
- Shames of the priesthood grow and multiply - 24 June 2024
- The logic of Alessandro Minutella: "Others do worse". Maybe yes, but they are clever and keep quiet - 21 June 2024
Ours are strictly substantive questions, based on the facts and on the sums of money offered and transferred to specific current accounts. We await a response from Mr. Minutella, not interpretations or manipulations of reality as in many other cases it has done. We know that this is particularly difficult and tiring for him, but for once we hope to try to tell things as they really went, or: that for once try to tell the truth.
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Jesus Christ be praised!
We wish to thank you for your availability and for the space you have agreed to reserve for us in your magazine The Island of Patmos.
We are a Venetian couple who lives in the Veronese hills, married by 27 year old. We received the great grace of re-conversion by going to March 2011 in a European center of Marian spirituality. Since then our only desire has been to consecrate our life and marriage to Jesus and Mary. Desire that has gone from strength to strength and consolidation, even though we later fell, in all good faith, in the spirals of the “Piccolo Resto” of the presbyter excommunicated e dismissed from the clerical state Alessandro Minutella.
On the morning of 23 February Mr. Minutella, in the direct address book Saints and Coffee On the canal Radio Domina Nostra, At the minute 07:10 he launched into a false statement, in which regard we would like to give our version of the facts so that the souls who follow this character seriously begin to consider which ominous and baleful way they are walking. This is how much Mr. Minutella declared:
«[…] I would like to say something that I have never said for a matter of modesty, let's call it, respect for situations. Anyway, since I have been asked by many what happened to the Polo Mariano. The Polo Mariano is not structurally linked to a place, whereby, if it has moved from the Veronesi hills to Trebaseleghe (Padova) nothing changes. There were some management problems, also due to my prolonged absence that I didn't like them. And until proven otherwise, I'm the one making the decisions. I begged for it, I thought about it and I realized that it was no longer possible to continue in those parts. But so, serenely, I had given indications that were obviously not respected, then everyone says what they want, we have personal conscience and that was it, the work continues elsewhere […]» [see video WHO].
This statement totally based on alteration and manipulation obliges us to highlight some facts, explaining why we decided to give a public witness, moved by that charity which has the salvation of souls as its main cornerstone, that is, all those people who need to know the true unfolding of the facts in order to then draw their own conclusions. Choice, this ours, resulting from a private period of extensive discussion with one of the people involved in the matter, according to the evangelical dictate of fraternal correction «If your brother commits a fault, go and admonish him between you and him alone" (Mt 18,15).
Now let's move on to the facts: our knowledge of the Palermo priest Alessandro Minutella dates back to June 2018, initially via the social network Facebook. After three months we decided to go and meet him in person in Sicily at the Center for Marian spirituality "Piccola Nazaret" which he founded in Carini. On that occasion we were invited to dinner and stayed with them for a few days. Impossible to deny and deny the feelings of esteem and sympathy that moved us in knowing this reality, in fact we decided more and more over time to collaborate in the work and "mission" of this priest. Subsequently, as they began to look for an available space to found another spirituality center in Northern Italy, precisely in the Verona area, since we are from the area, we have made ourselves available to help in finding a suitable place. After various searches we proposed to Minutella a place in the hills with a farmhouse of over 400 square meters and adjacent land for over 35.000 sq.m., where a relative of ours was born.
Back from one of his tour in Spain, Minutella came to visit the place and was enthusiastic about it, so much so that he immediately wanted to call "Polo Mariano" and found an Association that same day which he decided to call "San Michele Arcangelo". It was at that point that we bought the place and donated it to the Association. Minutella asked us to become the Presidents, but we blindly trusted and took a step back, also being incompetent in the matter. So another person decided, present there, as President of this newly formed Association. After some problems related to certain obstacles placed by third parties, we and the President in question decided to continue to carry on the Association, on the bank account of which substantial offers also began to arrive for the construction works of the Polo Mariano. All this with the approval of Minutella and the people close to him.
Towards the end of the year 2021 the President informs us of her intention to leave the Presidency of the Association, except, however, remain in office in accordance with the Staff of the minutella. So it kept going, despite the trying times, until communication came, justified in our opinion by sterile motivations, according to which the offers of the faithful destined for the creation of the Polo Mariano should no longer arrive on the IBAN account of the "San Michele Arcangelo" Association, as had hitherto been the case, but on the only IBAN account of Carini's "Little Nazareth".. At that point it was clear to us that something was wrong and we wondered the reason for that decision.
To this and other similar questions, encouraged by the many people who invited us not to give up, for the sake of peace, and for “not to disobey the father” ― classic leitmotiv which unfortunately still continues today to condition the minds of many poor faithful ―, we decided not to give answers, but to trust and accept this decision.
These were the results: from 1 January 2022 al 16 December 2022 (day on which the President resigned from the "San Michele Arcangelo" Association), the monthly offers of the faithful for the Polo Mariano have not arrived. The poor faithful donors who believed in this work and for which they paid their contributions, they began to wonder and inquire as to why the Polo was not going ahead. We reported all this to Minutella who answered us: «Tell for technical problems or the Municipality» (!?). Tired of lying we started telling people to call down to Sicily and inquire directly with interested people.
From then on it was all a succession of hidden recordings, which apparently is quite usual for them, of suspicion and humiliation in front of other people, without any possibility of defending himself against unfounded accusations, but this also seems to be very usual in that environment. All by the Minutella staff and the Minutella itself.
Since it has been pointed out several times privately to no avail, we would like to emphasize that it would be a duty on the part of the President of the "San Michele Arcangelo" Association to let the faithful who generously made their contributions in cash know where their offers ended up, given that they were collected for a specific purpose and behind specific projects. We look forward to it now, after this public testimony, the faithful are informed about all this precisely by virtue of that evangelical parrhesia, much praised by them.
Above all, we wish to thank God for having taken us away from this sectarian reality in which we had ended up above all through ignorance and approximation in matters of doctrine and faith, welcomed back today into His Holy and only Catholic Church. After totally and definitively dissociating ourselves from this dangerous sect, we wish to thank you for having allowed our souls - now aware of the error committed and of having seriously injured Our Lord -, to come back with more momentum, ardor and zeal in the arms of that Mother, the church, that despite being hurt and humiliated by His enemies, she is Mother and Mother she remains, continuing to breastfeed her children with the pure spiritual milk of the Holy Sacraments.
In conclusion we would like to bring to Mr. Minutella this message from a large group of Veronese, inviting him to answer "on the contents" and not throwing anathemas left and right, or creating his usual fanta-stories and finally presenting himself as a victim against whom everyone rages. These are the questions on the merits:
- In Verona many people, after having made life choices in which we detached ourselves from our homes and in which we worked with the resources possible in the construction of the Polo Mariano, they wonder what happened to this project and the money offered for the realization of the same. He wants to provide an answer?
- In the face of the many donated offers, considers it serious to liquidate everything in less than a minute during a live on Domina Nostra channel Of YouTube?
- It is possible to have precise clarifications regarding the silence extended up to now on the Polo Mariano and which we only learned this morning not «to be structurally linked to a place», but something that "moves" from one part of the Veneto to another according to his personal and indisputable decisions?
- How can a serious and mature person settle in 40 seconds a work in which so many people have invested, believed and trusted, clearly letting it be understood that when something no longer suits him or when his indications "are no longer respected" he is ready to replace it without even having the intellectual honesty to say what really happened?
- A Verona, according to him at least until some time ago the only place that "the Madonna" had chosen before changing her mind and wanting to move to Padua, very serious doubts begin to arise about this project in general, intends to clarify everything both on a spiritual level and on a material and financial level?
Ours are strictly substantive questions, based on the facts and on the sums of money offered and transferred to specific current accounts. We await a response from Mr. Minutella, not interpretations or manipulations of reality as in many other cases it has done. We know that this is particularly difficult and tiring for him, but for once we hope to try to tell things as they really went, or: that for once try to tell the truth.
Thanks again dear Fathers de The Island of Patmos, we recommend ourselves to your prayers with a sincere wish for your apostolate.
Giannantonio and Barbara (Verona)
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The Fathers of the Island of Patmos
I know personally Barbara Bombieri, his husband Gianantonio Bertomoro and their whole family since 2018. We are friends and live close together, in the mountain area in the province of Verona.
Of Barbara and Gianantonio I want to say that they are very good people, serious and honest, with a big heart. If they have a defect, is that of having been too good and generous with Father Alessandro. They even sold their house to move to the Marian pole of Cerro Veronese, to devote himself body and soul to this project. Father Alessandro knows well that they are very good people and he knows well what they have done, but he obviously has a short memory. I know how many sacrifices they have made and how much effort they have put into the creation of the Marian pole. They were enthusiastic about this work, even if it often challenged them physically too. They gave everything they could, also from an economic point of view, also selling, as I said, their home. They dedicated their lives to the realization of this project. Living nearby, I saw and followed the first steps of the Marian pole, since the "embryo". Barbara and Gianantonio would never dream of lying or slandering someone.
God is my witness and knows that I speak the truth.
Suddenly, in September, they have been accused of absurd things, as if they were traitors to Father Alessandro (?? But when ever?) and fake people. Someone has seen fit to put Barbara and Gianantonio in a bad light, slandering them, evidently to wreck the Marian pole of Cerro Veronese. I don't know who and why, he might have had an interest in hurting two very good people and blowing up the Marian pole. Although we can imagine what people they were, already defined by numerous people as "den of vipers", who have nothing pious. Only appearances. Who slandered and threw mud on Barbara and Gianantonio, they are evil and godless people. Other than the Holy Spirit. Calumny is a very serious sin and whoever did this will have to account to God for such infamous behavior. Sincerely, I doubt these people believe in God, since those who believe in God fear His judgment and act according to their conscience.
I remember well, when Barbara told me that the people who had made donations for the Marian center of Cerro Veronese, they asked her why the works weren't going ahead. She and her husband Gianantonio found themselves in an embarrassing situation, because for many months the money from the donations had no longer reached the Marian pole, and evidently they had taken flight by other routes. And it's just shameful, that Barbara and Gianantonio have been told to respond with an apology* (*euphemism for lies), to people who had donated money and were asking for legitimate information about it, telling them that the polo was not going ahead due to "technical problems", or ”because of the municipality”. Perhaps in Little Nazareth they have never heard of the eighth commandment: "do not bear false witness". And maybe they don't even know that Satan is the father of lies. Where the commandments are not respected there is no Holy Spirit. Personally, I only smell the stink of economic interests, lies and probable envy or jealousy, thirst for power. Barbara and Gianantonio were slandered and treated like fish in the face, after all they've done.
So much for Christian charity !!
There was no charity there, nor gratitude, but a great wickedness, slander and lies.
Anyone who has committed these atrocities is in mortal sin, therefore, if he does not repent and confess, he is eternally damned. But who commits such ugly sins, I doubt he has a conscience.
I apologize for such a long comment, but if I may say so, I'm tired and pissed of seeing people who misjudge Barbara and Gianantonio without knowing them, and without knowing the facts. I've known them for five years, and I know who they are. Who judges and condemns without knowing the people and the facts, you just have to be ashamed. However, I am consoled by the fact that God sees everything, nothing escapes him, and whoever has behaved so ignobly will receive his wages.
Yesterday Marco Tosatti – on his blog – he took up the letter from the two Veronese spouses:
The complaint caused quite a stir and there were tons of comments, which I invite you to read at the aforementioned link: most signed by “minutellians” outraged and other skeptics ….
Then, not last, today the testimonies of some people who signed by name and surname confirmed the details of the unfortunate story.
I met these two people. They are real. Their misadventures with Minutella and collaborators were much more than those reported here.
Giannantonio and Barbara are not invented names, they are well known because the managers of the Polo Mariano in Verona in which they believed and in which they invested a lot of money by anticipating it from their own pockets. They lost everything because the Guru didn't give them back even a cent.
They were treated like fish in the face.
Unfortunately they trusted.
I sold house, left my community, I moved my family to reside in a district adjacent to the place that should have been the "Marian pole" chosen by Don Minutella. I think I can say that I have truly given all of myself to the Minutellian cause. The disappointment was devastating, especially on a spiritual level. But God writes straight on our crooked lines, today I am happy to live in this enchanting place, in peace. Supported by true friends such as Gian and Barbara whom I sincerely thank.