Porn-theologians of galantiniano Avvenire: sacrilegious desecration of the Eucharist Fr. Ermes Ronchi
- war report: there is an ongoing war against the faith? —
… We must outline the substantive and formal difference which exists between two "meritorious" erotic magazines as Playboy e Penthouse, and galantiniano Future : the first two, are erotic magazines, while the second - the galantiniano Future ―, through this article Hermes Ronchi is "consecrated" in all respects as porn daily in the etymological sense of the term.
"To date it wanted to reform Rome without Rome, or perhaps against Roma. We must reform Rome with Rome; make that reform steps through the hands of those who must be reformed. That is the true and infallible method; but it is difficult. This work, here labor»
Don Ernesto Buonaiuti [Rome 1881 - Rome 1946]

Article porn-theologian Ermes Ronchi Avvenire [see WHO ]
On the ineffable Future galantiniano the 15 June appeared a commentary on the Gospel of the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of the Lord [cf. GV 6,51-58], which states and writes candidly that in this liturgy, "we do not worship the Body and Blood of the Lord" and that it is incorrect to say that "we celebrate Christ who gave Himself, broken body and shed blood " [see article, WHO] .
Sollowing the logic philosophical and theological teaching "not seriously pigliateli, take them for the ass ", Pastoral campaign launched recently by The Island of Patmos [cf. WHO], This time it's up to Porn-theologian Ermes Ronchi O.S.M, author of this comment on the organ of the Italian Bishops' Conference and the character of which we have already occupied when he was invited to shoot bursts of heresies in the whole Roman Curia for the preaching of spiritual devotions [see previous article, WHO]. Before talking to that preaching they were not the comments of the defendants but the images of their faces: Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi was smiling portrait photos, a few meters away from the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, frozen and bleached his face as one who is on the verge of collapsing to the ground seized with apoplexy. Needless to say, if instead of Cardinal Müller had been present as his predecessor, Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani, before the games would be thrashing, then, directly in the courtyard of the house of spiritual exercises that is in the Ariccia, which is run by members of the Company of the Indies, already the Society of Jesus, It would have hoisted a pyre. If you think about it would be an act of merciful healthy jubilation, a more perfect expression of Christian charity which wraps around the love of the fire that burns the body of the heretic, purifying the soul. Of course, Today it is difficult to talk about saving roasts in a world in which they are increasing the faithful of "Church of vegetarians "And" church vegans ”, Therefore, we close the speech so as not to offend the members of these other religions increasingly prevalent today and also hardened.
Before the word "porn" poc'anzi richiamata, someone might think of two magazines like Playboy e Penthouse, but they are not pornographic. Indeed, these are two monthly cataloged between the erotic magazines, which as we know is quite different in substance and form from those porn. One thing is fact ἔρως [eros], something quite different is instead πόρνη [pòrne]. Having said that our readers do not be swayed by the streams of the various tangents, because we intend to stay on the highway exquisite etymological of πόρνη, that is intended for the precise and straight Greek highway, both on the lexical level and on a etymological.
At the greek word πόρνηια, from which the entries porn and pornography, we give the original philosophical meaning so to speak motorway, then transposed into the lexicon is the Gospel and in the Apocalypse of Blessed Apostolo Giovanni. The term πόρνη [pòrne], which it is indicative synonymous also prostitute - in noble Romanesco whore ―, It is present in apocalyptic literature [AP 17:1], and it is cited for no less than forty times in the Old Testament.

porn-newspaper Future and its monsters on the front page pel joy of all the lefts of the world. it could, the politically correct newspaper of the Italian bishops, blame the heretics?
Said this It goes outlined the substantial and formal difference which exists between two "meritorious" erotic magazines as Playboy e Penthouse, and galantiniano Future : the first two, are erotic magazines, while the second - the galantiniano Future ―, through this article Hermes Ronchi is "consecrated" in all respects as porn daily in the etymological sense of the term.
He made use at the end of Porn-theology the eminent Thomist philosopher and theologian Father Cornelio Fabro, that back in 1973 He called out so Porn-theologians :
"Who wants to advance cutting ties with the past does not advance, but plunges, he meets the old man walking towards the future of salvation, but it is sucked into the whirlpools of time without hope ".

porn-newspaper Future and its monsters on the front page pel joy of all the lefts of the world. it could, the politically correct newspaper of the Italian bishops, blame the heretics?
The article of Ermes Ronchi, before being heretic it is sacrilegious, or as so far explained is Porn-theological. Indeed, for this man, the Eucharist is not to worship but to eat, because otherwise we disprezzeremmo the gift that Christ makes: "That gift is that no one welcomes? That gift is if I offer you something and you do not like and then leave him in a corner?».
Well, according Ermes Ronchi, leave Jesus in the tabernacle, Does that mean despise him and "let Him in a corner '? Because according to his words it is obvious that it is not to look at the tabernacle and the ciborium "with what it contains', but it is just eating. Needless to say, these are the basic assumptions through which Giovanni Calvino destroyed the mystery of the real presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist, reducing it to a banquet, to only eat between brothers, that symbolically recalled the presence of Christ in the world.
Continues Ermes Ronchi: "In the Gospel of the Mass, Jesus is not speaking of the sacrament of the Eucharist, But the sacrament of his life, that becomes my bread when I take it as a measure, energy, seed, Yeast of my humanity […]. Eating and drinking the life of Christ is not limited to the liturgical celebrations, but it is scattered on the great altar of the planet, in "making the world”» [Teilhard of Chardin]».

The Future and its monsters porn-newspaper front page pel joy of all the lefts of the world. it could, the politically correct newspaper of the Italian bishops, blame the heretics?
We observe that in the Gospel Jesus invites us to eat his flesh and drink his blood: "He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in union with me and I to him" [cf. GV 6, 51-58]. And with that we remember that at the Last Supper, Christ God took the bread and said, "this is my body"; and took the wine, he said: "This is my blood" [cf. Mt 26; MC 14; LC 22; The Cor 11]. Therefore, the Eucharist is the sacrament of the body and blood of the Lord, and it is false to say that the Gospel of the Mass Christ is not talking of the Eucharist. It is also false to say that the Eucharist is not the existence of the sacrament of the Lord, since on the contrary it contains all of Christ: body, blood, soul and divinity, suffice it to read even the great treatises of dogmatic sacramental, nor the magnificent encyclicals dedicated to the Most Holy Eucharist by the Popes of the twentieth century, but only the Catechism of the Catholic Church, maybe Ermes Ronchi knows, or if he knows, Tips him badly [cf. CCC 1322-1405]. And because the Eucharist contains concurrently for the divinity of Christ who must be worshiped as our God, It is false to deny that in the liturgy of the Mass, "we do not worship the Body and Blood of the Lord" ...
... which is to say with fatuous poetic semantics games - and the mysteries of faith are not poetry -, that God is not really present in the Eucharist, which is heresy. Finally it should be noted that the "planet" is not at the altar of the sacrifice of Christ and hence of the Mass. The "planet" is not celebrated any liturgy. The place where the liturgy is celebrated, usually it is not the "world", but it is a place and a sacred building, It is the temple. Why they are built churches? To keep what? We must therefore say that the altar on which it is consumed the sacrifice of Christ, the altar on which Christ the High Priest of the New Covenant celebrated his Mass, the liturgical sacrifice, thanks to which we have the Eucharist, It is not generally the "world", but the cross, understand Ronchi - oh, marrucine donkeys - the cross!

porn-newspaper Future and its monsters on the front page pel joy of all the lefts of the world. it could, the politically correct newspaper of the Italian bishops, blame the heretics?
So the altar of the Mass is not "the world", but the altar is the symbol of the cross on the altar and the priest, pronouncing the words of consecration of the bread and wine, renews so bloodless sacrifice of Christ, which it is the foundation and raison d'être of the sacrament of the Eucharist.
The world is the creation which is saved and redeemed by the sacrifice of the cross is perpetuated in Mass. The altar is the place of the sacred, where priest celebrates sacri-ficial and packages [traverses] the sacrament. The world is profanity [pane], that is purified, consecrated and raised to the sacred [body of Christ], but it is not in itself sacred.
AND true that thanks all’Eucaristia Christ is in me, God is in me. However, I know in the Eucharist there is no God, otherwise it could and should adore? How does God come to me through the Eucharist? Then, one of two things: or the Eucharist contains God conjunction, and then it makes sense and Eucharistic adoration; or there is no God in the Eucharist, ma .. "God is also in me". But what a God he is, this God who is "also in me"? Simply said,: It is not the Christian God, but it looks to be the pantheistic God immanentism Hegelian. So a false God, an idol.

porn-newspaper Future and its monsters on the front page pel joy of all the lefts of the world. it could, the politically correct newspaper of the Italian bishops, blame the heretics?
It takes a good dose of fantasy or theological ignorance or wickedness or impudence or mental confusion or as best we call it, to collect such an accumulation of errors and heresies in so few lines on such a fundamental issue of faith as the Eucharistic Mystery, for more about a Catholic newspaper controlled by the Italian bishops, which evidently they did not do case to Ermes Ronchi, occupied the most important pastoral duties, from S.It is. Mons. Nunzio Galantino their general secretary, on the one hand committed to assert that God punished the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah [cf. WHO], the other to define "paganism without limits" the statement related to the theology of original sin [cf. WHO]. All this before a general negligence: if there really is a problem "without limits", unfortunately the obvious doctrinal ignorance manifested by certain individuals with their careless and ominous statements. And when someone dared to shake with a horrible "blasphemy" the world galantiniano misericordista, dampish, buonista and ecologist, stating that "God scourges and mercy" [cf. WHO], the product scandal was much and that shortly after we saw some members of the Italian episcopate move around in their underwear in a frantic statement and the other, after they had torn off his clothes as the High Priest in the Temple of Jerusalem [cf. Mt 27,56-68; MC 14,53-55]. It seems that in those days, Roman ecclesiastical tailoring our friend Ety Cicioni in Borgo Santo Spirito, did a roaring trade, in redoing whole kits to several bishops [cf. WHO], with the Fathers de The Island of Patmos who collected percentages under the table joyful for having procured a number of important clients.
We do not claim that S.It is. Mons. Nunzio Galantine do write about Future who wrote it of Ermes Ronchi it is a "paganism without limits", also because of practices, thieves of faith, when they put a couple usually act in this way: one steals and the other for holding the bag. Definitely, Our Readers, before such evidence will understand even better the meaning of the launch of our heartfelt and desperate campaign ... "not seriously pigliateli, take them for the ass " [cf. WHO]. (C)os'altro remains to be done, heresies before the Eucharistic mystery published by the newspaper of the Italian bishops and then spread in the press under the trademark C.E.I, whose initials, Unfortunately, as we all know we do not indicate at all tarot cards China Export, ma la Episcopal Conference, that these days, as a tarot …
from The Island of Patmos, 25 June 2017
… e daije: famous' na teologgica culture !
It had only to read the sequence of St. Thomas: Zion, praise… , but no doubt, as the 99 percent of priests, You will be used the handy phonebook: Sequence optional, You may be omitted or read in short form (= One-twentieth of the full form).
God forbid that the faithful in the Church feel something Catholic.
… and think that I, the sequence, I scanned in Latin metrics and then, during the homily, I explained to the good people of God.
Ah, if I had thought of it before, me I could get away with a little thought to Kiss Perugina Tonino Bello …
I would like to me to be able to sing praises in Latin, but for the twelve faithful before the Mass it would be a little’ too. Already pleased that the rector (Bravo) He has agreed to make me read all, in Italian.
The good, they take their malice:
sorte tamen inæquáli,
vitae vel Interitus.
Death is bad, performing life:
see equal sumption
In a difference infinite.
Scusi, Don Ariel, thirty years ago, When I was a child, I had occasion to listen to a certain don Palumbieri, Salesian professor of “philosophical anthropology”, who he explained how to Christians no longer existed the difference between Sacred and Profane. Could you tell me if it has something to do with the theme she dealt with above, and where does this theory? By itself, It seems suggestive to believe that after the Resurrection of Christ around the world was, let's say so, sanctified by Him.
Regarding Ravasi, Vatican became mandatory praise because they say, when he speaks in public, all they are hanging on his every word.
Ah, but I assure you that I too, when he speaks, I slants, But do not tell her where and what, I slants …
A father reading E. Ronchi you could say that those psychiatrists who see the Eucharist a form of cannibalism that swallows the other, in this case the gods, in order to acquire the properties, they are right.
Forget And maybe dad. Ronchi that the Body and Blood of Christ remain under the species of bread and wine only until the bread is bread and wine remains wine? E’ Father And knowledge. Ronche that, because of the physiology of our stomach, after about 15/20 minutes, the bread and wine are not those inside us?
If you draw the necessary conclusions from the words of Jesus at the wedding at Cana, When we eat of His Body and His Blood, rather than a canteen we approach a marriage bed in which the groom and the bride are in each other.
Now they are triggered by real weaklings because what are they all copy each other and, all together, they exalt triumphantly to picconare the hated Church. Probably come out even more because, Now, It is their inauspicious moment “gloria”…pull out as well their superb and proud heads so then when the celestial planes will count to put nell'oglio no one can say…”he was innocent”…
Find the priest,
Ronchi is an imitator mushy Enzo Bianchi: sighing as he means and means sententious, but always accompanied by some quotes pseudo-educated to better fool the flock. But unfortunately that is enough to be effective against so many people, Also pious and sincere, but little cunning or careful, that the present article considers a Kiss Perugina very simple and also orthodox: namely, that the Eucharist serves no purpose, if we do not accept Jesus in the heart; Meanwhile breathe while a dose odorless poisonous gas obstinate and mellifluous celebration of a human Jesus, but so human, and so immersed in the reality of this world, to annihilate all traces of a deity, his, that transcends the scene of this world.
Ronchi In the vision the creation does not need to be redeemed: it is already perfect and complete and sufficient in itself; and Jesus is “divine” just as a child and perfect interpreter of that reality. When re-he gave us 10 Benigni the commandments the prophet summed: "Hop in existence now. Because if you do not find anything now, You will not find anything ever again. E’ here forever, there is none other!"Papal Papal.”
In one of the churches that I attend it is that you do not hear an occasional pipponcino bergogliano in style (type stuff on migrants), but the priest is prepared and heresies has never said. I have no doubt that we believe in the Real Presence.
It is now on vacation and arrived a substitute. Now before I ever seen a priest became immediately suspicious. Already during the first sermon there was a strange passage, but it could be an unfortunate choice of words. During the second (precisely that of Corpus Christi) if he has come out with various pearls, among which “the sacrifice (*) It has nothing to do with the suffering”. Church immediately put on the black list, until the owner returns.
(*) I've written uppercase, as must be, but if it is not suffering I should bring lower case, the interpretation of that priest.