From all the valleys echo appeals to the Holy Father Francis: "As the Church ended ', the new book by Aldo Maria Valli



It seems that in a recent conversation off to dramatic, a Cardinal has said very clearly to the Holy Father: "You're wrecking the Church!». If this really happened as it is said, the Holy Father, after a moment of outrage, hopefully we have been able to reflect, to invoke the Holy Spirit that wisdom and strength that will enable him to advance towards the Kingdom.



Giovanni Cavalcoli, o.p.



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I smite the righteous and the faithful blame me; but let the oil of not anoint my head [Shall 141,5]




The Vatican TG1 Aldo Maria Valli, author of the book Like the Church ended – see WHO

Aldo Maria Valli, renowned journalist of TG1 and friend of the Fathers de The Island Patmos, It is well known to Italian lovers Catholic Church and the Pope for his frank and courageous profession of faith, a rare thing in today's publicists; but although few, some are saved. Taking advantage of the freedom of opinion and the parresia, that the same reigning Pope urges, Also among the laity, his love for the Pope does not stop him express his difficulties and sufferings, and to make him critical respect and quietly suggest remedies or fixes in the field of its action, and not touching the doctrinal magisterium, but his moral character and his way of governing the Church.


That's how he published by Edizioni Liberalibri Macerata agile booklet, where once again he shows his writing skills to the general public, capable of dealing competently, simplicity and clarity delicate issues and moral problems and the life of the Church.


I think his style, his interests and his argument make Valli somewhat similar to the eighteenth-century Enlightenment, but with the big difference that, while critical of these the Church and the Pope were destructive and poisonous, those of Valli, based as they are on his Catholic faith, as severe, They are constructive and beneficial. This is why I would want to define it as a "Catholic Enlightenment".


The Enlightenment of the eighteenth century sophists were conceited and presumptuous, with a sarcastic language, vulgar, gossip and offensive. Valli instead expresses with a fine irony harmless, so that at each period of his writing is impossible to suppress a laugh. But be clear: Valli not tease anyone and is not a prankster: his is a noble reformer intent and educational head and members. It is the classic disciplines, laughing manners the footsteps of Juvenal, precious literary genre that arose in classical Latin, but that is rare in Catholic literature. Valli recovers with all the elegance that is temperamentally own. His pamphlet it seems the story of a good guy, Christian educated, who, being in a noisy gathering of adults who are accapigliando between them, while the shaken president fails to keep order, naively he manifested with simplicity and with its common sense, based on what he learned from his oratory masters, what should they do to create an agreement between them, confident of being heard.


Valli himself coined a special term - I have not even found in the dictionary -, calling this symbolic parenetic-story "dystopian", or, if I do not understand trivially and aggressively "out of place", as it might appear to some so-called "friends" of the Pope, but "out of place (tops) central", a little 'as you talk of the office "displaced" or a branch or subsidiary of an industrial company: is not the main headquarters, even if it has relationship with it and refers to it.


Why Valli has resorted to this curious contrivance? For a form, I can safely say, of modesty, not to sound like a know-it-or nosy disrespectful, though in what he says there is frankness and courage of those who know what it says and says it for love and not for anything else. Valli looks from another place, but from what he knows to see well. It intrudes, but participates.


Another clue the "story" is given, in my opinion, from the fact that in reality, under the veil of literary narrative that smacks of fable or parable, there's a real story, but there is the heartfelt openness of mind of a faithful son of the Church to his Father and Brother in Christ in faith, dad, to urge him to make good his duty, duty that the Pope knows better than him, so from all the calm and good-natured style of writing, reflected the firm conviction of the Author, based on faith in the charisma of the Recipient, he will listen, considering the terrible catastrophic consequences, that is nothing less than the end of the Church - and here the author obviously welcomes the paradox -, which would bring its excessive behavior concern not to displease the world and gain acclaim, at the expense of a faithful following of Christ.


It'll also want to disagree, but the veiled accusation background that the author makes to Pope Francis, and around which turns the whole story, It is carried out with clarity and consistency and, in my view, with validity and plausibility, and is the excessive tendency of the Pope to bring the world and the Church among them, then the attachment to the world and to himself, which appears as the hermeneutical key to explain a series of Pope Francis defects, of which, however, he can not be unaware and which he himself, probably, You might want to correct, although it slowed and flattered by unworthy and unable collaborators, that with their stables end up damaging rather than helping.


Pope francesco, for its peculiar human qualities and for his outstanding and friendly communication - suggests Valleys - is certainly very welcome to the world. But you should ask yourself what is true after all this success accounts; It should consider whether the success depends on the fact that attracts the crowds to Christ or just to himself? Christ interests him most of the crowds? Search the crowds to lead them to Christ or Christ is the means to communicate with the crowds? Christ's enough or he also needs to success in the world? If Christ's enough, because he cares so much about not receiving criticism from the world, as it happened with the previous Pontiffs? Why the world is so beneficial? It is perhaps converting, the world, to Christ? According to the facts does not seem right, indeed it seems that the world is always the same, if not worse. So what? Why were the traditional enemies of the Church today praise the Pope? It seems that they have given up their mistakes, indeed quite the opposite. At the same time he caused controversy and scandal in the Church. Certainly it has the consent of the modernists; but they are false Catholics and false friends. The Holy Father Francis speak of Christ to the crowds? What are the effects of his meetings with the crowds? Some approaches to Christ? Wanting to make themselves acceptable to the world itself is not bad, provided it is not at the price of making unwelcome to Christ. It should be added to the personal circumstances of Pope Francis, the nefarious and diabolical Masonic project, now it is taken up by the UN environments, of a single religion and universal meta-Christian, syncretic and rational, no supernatural and without dogmas revealed, mandatory for all, that involves the equal level all religions in their common elements, without hierarchies, with the rejection a priori of a great religion on the other.


This is not a nightmare, or a fantasy and morbid pre-conciliar Valleys, but it is a specific plan already in its time elaborated by Emmanuel Kant [1] and endorsed by Catholic theologians such as Edward Schillebeeckx, Karl Rahner, Jacques Dupuis e Timothy Radcliffe.


The de-construction of the Church


Valli imagine placing themselves in a future in which the Church, for misinterpreting the renewal and modernization promoted by Vatican II, shall lead, under the pressure of the masonry, to the extreme the current modernistic process of "self-demolition", as he called the Blessed Paul VI, thus suppressing the identity proper to the Church, towards its full approval to the world, under the pretext of "dialogue with the world" and of '' immersion in the world ". The Church in the world drowns.


As a paradigm of this solvent, Valli was in possession of several heretical projects, such as that of Rahner and Schillebeeckx to relativism or historicism Kasper or project of liberation theology or teilhardismo or "global religion" invented by Freemasonry. Instead, choose an author, of which today no one speaks, known only to heresiologists: the project Marcion, heretic of the second century. But Valli, with fine intuition, he grasped the enormous relevance of this clever seducer, and imagine that in the future worldly and modernistic Church will be the rehabilitation of Marcion [cf. pp. 99-102]. Of course this will happen - it means Valleys - not at the official level, because the Church will never approve a heretic, However, the Pope will leave this heresy spreads, neglecting to refute it and to protect the faithful. Herein lies the grave pastoral negligence of the Supreme Pontiff, in contrast this with its predecessors. This is what Valli wants to tell us: although the Pope free from heresy, nor could it be otherwise, But let the wolf face slaughter of the flock and does not care to heal the Christian intelligence evils, dell 'understanding faith.


But what constitutes Marcionism, Today I relive in the theology of Rahner? The exhibits in the Valleys 13 thesis, similar to the fees of a damn council [cf. pp. 101-102]. In summary: the good and merciful God, the true God, is the God of the Gospel, in contrast to the punishing and cruel God of the Old Testament. The Christian God, unlike the Jewish God grim - Marcion continues - is the God who welcomes us and approving us in everything we do, and that allows us to enjoy alot of this world, because the world is good, in the certainty of being always forgiven, without conditions, although we are not repentant, since at bottom, very bottom - "experience athematic, inexpressible and transcendental "-, all are good. Sin is not the cosmic tragedy guilt invented by the Old Testament with the myth of the "original sin", cruel myth, pessimistic and offensive to the dignity and human freedom. The sin, assuming it exists, as wisely says Teilhard de Chardin, It is but an inevitable and normal nell'inarrestabile hiccup ascending cosmic evolution to the Cosmic Christ, who fails to exercise any "repair" or "satisfaction" to God for sin, but Christ is simply the supreme model of the evolution of humanity to the point Omega.


The Church is the The light.


Ora but, let us understand Valleys, things are not like that at all. Christ is not simply a holy man among others. The Marcionism-rahnerismo is a drug that numbs the conscience and, in the words of the Catechism of St. Pius X, We delude us to save us without merit. The true Church, one that will not end, It is quite another thing and it is shown by the doctrine of Vatican II. So the book of Valli could just as well be titled "How the Church must start over", with much clarity is barely visible, between the lines of his fine irony, his great love for the Church, logically accompanied by grief and bewilderment, as well as when you love someone, one can not but be saddened by her woes. But in the case of the Church, we know that it has the strength to overcome the power of darkness. Indeed, one of the great documents of Vatican Council II, is its Dogmatic Constitution - which means infallible doctrine - the Church The light, wanted by Blessed Pope Paul VI, so at that point the teachings of the Council, until then, only Pastoral by the will of St. John XXIII, also they acquired a dogmatic aspect. This is the reference point of Valli. Who has not understood this, then of his book he did not understand anything.


"The Council", says the onset of The light [cf. n. 1] "Ardently desires that the light of Christ, shining on the face of the Church, enlighten all men, preaching the Gospel to every creature ". And it is certain that Valli has this unfailing duty of the Church, who founded the existence for eternity, which paradoxically allows you to speak of a Church which "ends", almost to challenge and to make fun of that satanic power, now it embodied by Freemasonry, he is certain to be defeated. But this power, in which Satan is a master, is none other than that of the world, or rather of "this world", of which Satan is the "prince" [cf. GV 12,31; 14,30; 16,11]. Indeed, according to Scripture, It is not the world as such is bad, quite the opposite; it is immensely good, as created by God; and were it not that, so lovable, Jesus would not have said: "God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son " [GV 3,16]. Instead it is bad, this world, as a slave to sin, of death and of Satan. In this sense John commands us to "love not the world" [The Gv 2,16]. Is this the world, which the Christian can not be a friend [cf. GC 4,4], world from which he is hated [cf. The Gv 3,13], because he does not belong, while it would be loved, if he owned [cf. GV 15,19] and from it leave deceive, if he yields to her charms, its allurements and all his empty promises or be frightened by his threats. This world must be escaped [cf. Pt II 2,20], fought [cf. The Tm 6,12] and won [cf. GV 16,33]. Precisely because of being light and saviors of the world. The end of the world", so, It is nothing but the end of this world. But the real and healthy world is destined to rise again and live for eternity.


Church and world


This is why the No.. 40 from the The joy and hope [2], which speaks of a 'mutual relationship between the Church and the world "- we say it frankly and knowledge of the facts - is an incomplete and deceptive speech, because it seems that the Church and the world are like the two sides of humanity, at the same level, with each other's qualities, only call to dialogue and to work peacefully with each other for the good of humanity itself. This vision, pushed to its extreme consequences, It leads to the identification of the Church with the world, which it is the unfortunate conception of modernism [3]. Unfortunately the council neglects in that section - and only here in the whole Council, mind you - to talk about the corruption of the world, the transcendence of the Church to the world, the superiority of his order than that of the world, the power and the duty of the Church to be the light and salvation of the world, as well as its ability to give the world a peace which the world can not give. Forget, in conclusion, the The light. This was the slot from which you entered the "smoke of Satan", ie have arisen that deleterious secularism and the progressive loss of the sense of the sacred and the Transcendent, leading to the fascinating, disastrous and devastating modernism, under the pretext of progress and reform, He is shaking the Church to its foundations. In this way the Church is no longer in God's service, but serving the world, because a beyond this world does not exist. The power that is not interested in the spiritual, of charity, but the mundane, self-affirmation in the world.


Like this, to the Eternal, It has replaced history, contemplation has replaced action; the liturgy of the feast of the community; religion has become political, spirituality in psychology, morality in sociology. It is missing the love of God, he's one scipito, arbitrary and unspecified "love of neighbor", who, being devoid of reference to God, flaw or by excess or by defect, while the world beyond the divine disappeared and the only world is this world. No more fear of God, but the fear of men. What matters is not the glory that comes from God, but the one that comes from the world. No more success at the good, but worldly success. The sacred was profaned and the profane has been sanctified. The dialogue - often hypocritical and ineffectual - was absolute and put in place the affirmation of the truth, while the moral law loses its absolute and is relativized.


As already he observed in Jacques Maritain 1966 in The peasant of the Garonne: "There has been brought to their knees before the world". You live under the terror of being "overcome". And the idol of the "modern world" arose, a new god, to which Satan wants us to bow down. The new becomes good for the simple fact of being new; the traditional, the perennial, the desire to preserve good and be faithful to it is cursed fundamentalism. For the modernists retain the Gospel is conservatism, while they hold more than ever to maintain their lavish bank account. Today, modernism, in large forces and bolder than ever, After climbing un'indefessa lasting half a century, It has now reached the same threshold of the See of Peter. It lacks only one step - so it believes - to establish a modernist papacy and to end so the Church. But Valli rightly has his doubts that this will never happen.


That the Church today is quiet - if you exclude a small group of troublemakers - and indeed has never had it so good as now, He opined as Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, It is the illusion of the modernists, who hold large slices of power. Indeed, it is precisely typical illusion of who holds the power, believe that things are going well, why go his way, at least while it lasts. At this point there is the need of real reform of the Roman Curia. Dad, in the eyes of the modernists, passes to be a great reformer Pope, but its does not seem clear idea of ​​reform: It is still one of the 1968, when he shouted "long live the change", "Down with the conservation!». But today, After fifty years of change often senseless, wise people feel the need to retrieve many non-negotiable values ​​foolishly abandoned. So the reform today - the true conciliar reform - stands out as the recovery of these values. And instead, Unfortunately, the Pope insists in this mindset sessantottino.


For modernists, naturally, is not it true; and then they are thrown to fish on this Pope to convince him to create a modernist-Lutheran-Mason Papacy, that has nothing to do with the reform of the Council, if not for the possible unhappy hooking n. 40 Of The joy and hope shortly before invoked between these lines. Dad, indeed, should have corrected the trend unrealistic and too optimistic that chapter, whereas, Unfortunately, exaggerates the scope, and this explains his worldly tendency, Valli who rightly accused him in her book.


In his recent speech to the Roman Curia, the Pope decried the formation of plots. Well, This is above the plot, which it seems that the Pope does not know. It is the diabolical attempt to secularize, curtail, scale down, desecration, Empty and desecrate the Church in order to reduce it to the poor measures of the world, the type of Amnesty International O Green Peace or gods Boy Scouts. This is the plot from which the Pope should look to protect himself and the Church on these plots of Satan. The real danger, for the Roman Curia, for the Pope and for the Church; the real "cancer", the real "traitors" and "infidels", let's say heretics and apostates, are not so noisy and restless Lefebvre, much less conservatives, They should work with progressives; the danger are the modernists, that I am there long hand of Freemasonry, of communists and within the Lutheran Church and the Roman Curia.


Traps oats meas


The duty to accommodate the values ​​of the world must not be a pretext for the Church mondanizzare; The duty to be modern must not be a pretext to promote modernism; the duty to encourage progress must not be a pretext to offend conservatives; the duty to avoid the conservatism, rigidity and stagnation should not be an excuse to denigrate those who want to be faithful to the immutable truth and to the absoluteness of the moral law; the duty of hospitality scompagnarsi can not distinguish from those who deserve to be the undeserving: an account is to welcome home a needy and a bill is to welcome a thief. The duty to appreciate the different should not be an excuse for not correcting the heretic. Respect for other religions, It does not exempt from the duty to correct their mistakes. The duty to rescue material poverty, should not overshadow the most important duty of treating diseases of the spirit. With the poor, the humble and repentant will be merciful, but with the cunning, the stubborn and arrogant you must be strict. The duty to practice ecumenism must not be a pretext to promote syncretism, relativism and indifference. The duty to appreciate pluralism should not be an excuse for neglecting the unity and universality - katholikos - of faith. The duty to obtain loyal employees must be accompanied to the differentiation between those sincere and impostors and flatterers.


Yet the Pope knows his duty. It is only attracted by the vertigo of success and power. It is therefore necessary that we remember him and tell him: So the glory of the world! "Switch the scene of this world!” [The Cor 7,31]. Repent and put in place the talent that God gave you, especially your office Petrine, that Christ has given you not to represent yourself, but to represent Him, not to create your own Church, but to serve, protect and preserve His Church.


In his writings suggest coming in Valli to propose the terms of a real reform, which it is to re-orient the Church from the gaze toward the ground at a look toward the sky. From the look of the hens at Eagle eyes. From this point we have to make a call to the conscience of the Holy Father and to trust that he will listen to us. A pope should in fact mimic the Popes Saints who preceded him and not theologians trendy, or the prophets who "preach peace if you have something in your teeth to bite" [Me 3,5]. It is not to say that Pope Francis does not have current models ahead. You could say, joking, who has not spoiled for choice, He could go down, for not going further back, until the nineteenth century Popes.


The Pope's relationship with Christ


Pope Francis seems to have loosened his relationship with Christ, compared to previous Papi. Hence the negligence in performing his duty as Vicar of Christ. It seems very concerned to maintain or improve a relationship with people and with the world, no matter what, provided that the relationship is. But Christ's mandate is not. He sends us so, all over the world, but not to proclaim a message like the world, although highly social, ecological or humanities, but to teach clearly and unequivocally, all the precise things that He has commanded us to teach, no more and no less, without bringing out the excuse that then there were no recorders, or that today times have changed.


The Pope, therefore, instructed by Christ, with the assistance of the Holy Spirit, to teach the gospel to all nations, infallibly to interpret the Word of God, to cherish, explain and defend the deposit of faith, convert and call people to Christ, to teach men of good will the fundamental duties of the natural moral law and human rights. He also received from Christ the power to "bind and loose" (power of the keys), namely to control and legislate, ie allow or prohibit in the field of the sacraments, of canon law and the conduct of the faithful in the name of the Law of Christ. He has the power of the high priest, that is to sanctify and cleanse the holy people of God, to rule and guide in the name of Christ, the Church towards the Kingdom of God, and the priestly service of "establish all things in Christ», according to the motto of the Saint Pius X. It has a duty to be filled with charity for all, just and merciful, to be "servant of the servants of God", according to the motto of the Holy Pope Gregory the Great, humbly listen to the prophets or seers, inspired by the Holy Spirit, who humbly remind him of his duties, There were also among them a poor young induced and as a commoner Catherine of Siena, and the duty finally to offer themselves with Christ as a sacrifice of sweet savor unto the Father in the Holy Mass and daily crosses for the salvation of mankind.


This Pope, that in the eyes of the world and the modernists It appears a "great reformer" (Walter Kasper), Pope a "revolutionary" (Eugenio Scalfari), a "prophetic" Papa (Marco Tarquinio), the Pope that "solves the old conflict of centuries and millennia" (Alberto Melloni), the "father of the peoples" (Nicolas Maduro), the "Pope of modernity" (Raniero La Valle), "Apologist of conscience" (Arturo Sosa); the "Pope of liberty" (Bianchi), the Pope of "spontaneous Church and relaxed" (Timothy Radcliffe), the 'protector of homosexuals' (Andrea Grillo); "the patron saint of the family ' (Vincenzo Paglia), the "defender of refugees' (Nunzio Galantine), "the leader of the international left" (Oscar Madariaga), "The enemy of Trump and capitalists" (Antonio Spadaro); the "Pope of mercy" (Raniero Cantalamessa), the "brother Masons' (Gianfranco Ravasi), "Islam's friend ' (Al-Fayyed) … But actually, regardless of all its merits, is the Pope who, finding themselves having to govern a church agitated and prone to a crisis of faith of a severity never happened in history, It can not seem to control the situation, so that, a most worthy Cardinal who occupied high posts to the Holy See, it seems that in a recent interview in dramatic goldeneye told him in no uncertain terms: "You're wrecking the Church!». At that - if this really happened as it is said - the Holy Father, after a moment of outrage, hopefully we have been able to reflect, to invoke the Holy Spirit that wisdom and strength that will enable him to advance towards the Kingdom.


Varazze, 1January 2018 – Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of God




[1] Religion within the limits of pure reason, The third, Bari 1985.

[2] Note that the The joy and hope, unlike the The light, It is a simple constitution pastoral, so do not bug-free, no doctrinal, but pastoral.

[3] This view tends Masonic, perhaps inspired Rahner, It must be corrected with the dogmatic doctrine of The light.



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1 reply
  1. orenzo
    orenzo says:

    From the most realistic foolish servants of the king, Valli has now been enlisted among the soldiery tradiprot modernoprot and they are putting in place, say their, the demolition of the Magisterium, and of the Church: fear not, after this your praise of the Valleys, now considered to be in collusion with the enemy?

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