Coronavirus between truth and collective psychosis. The absurd story of one of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos accused of being "medieval" to simply prayed

Father Ivano
– health ministry –



[…] the procession do not want to draw any outside gathering, will not contravene any rule or challenge anyone's authority. The procession is an act of worship to God and I, as a priest, I can not deny what they have been called either betraying the Christian people. It is therefore appropriate to say that faith - in the words of Saint Anselm of Aosta - requires the reason, whereas, faith, does not include psychosis.


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.




Ivalo Liguori Father blesses the faithful in the Church Laconi

They have passed less than twenty four hours from the post publication of Facebook on the official page of the parish that I administer, to hear me give the "medieval" and other adjectives ... well it is better to omit them.


In addition to the fun adjectives to me, It has not failed those who have seen fit to even threaten complaint. But to the point: as parish priest decided to organize, with my Capuchin brothers, a Lenten procession in the country parish of Laconi, which is located in the area of ​​Sardinia Sarcidano.


The motivation that led to the genesis of this procession It was suggested by the course of Lent that we are living. liturgical period in which it asks God the Father the forgiveness and cleansing for their sins and the sins of the Church. This practice uses, among other things, the recitation of the Seven Penitential Psalms and Litany of the Saints.


Laconi, the charming silence of a green oasis. Click on the image to open the video

This year Lent It is marked by the emergence Coronavirus, abnormal health situation that is causing concern in the heart you so many people, Christians included. How do you then? From Capuchin friar, priest and pastor who are, I felt the pastoral duty, with my brothers, to characterize this procession with the intention of asking God the Father to avert the emergence of the Coronavirus within our small community of Laconi which currently has about 1.764 inhabitants. Obviously, pray for the village of Laconi, He implied the intention of praying throughout Italy and the world. Obviously, the Church does not forbid to raise prayers to God explicit regarding the intentions of a particular community. I think it's a matter of course, deal in a Christian way and through faith an important test like this ongoing health emergency.


Faith not unaware of the sanitary hygiene standards, It does not demonize the medical care and does not deny the usefulness of science and technology. And that I think I can say with some knowledge of the facts, I am having spent years of my sacred ministry to carry chaplain at a large public hospital.


Laconi, the greatest waterfall of the park. To open the video click on the image

Faith It is not opposed to any rule of common sense useful in cases like these but cannot give up giving hope to believers of Christ and fulfill the ministry of comfort that can come only through the grace of the Lord.


I want to clarify that, nowadays, the media tell us that in Sardinia, only five cases of infection have been reported, so much so that were immediately isolated and treated according to the protocols.


Thank God, it is appropriate to say, Sardinia does not share the primacy of other Italian regions far more hassled by the virus. In particular, the village of which the parish priest and where is our monastery, It is located in the hinterland Sardinian, away from the metropolitan hectic chaos, so as to ensure peace and adequate amenities and not comparable to other towns with more frequent human exchanges. Said this, in the Press Release of the Italian Episcopal Conference 5 May No. 10/2020 states that:


The most famous citizen of Laconi, the Capuchin seeker friar Sant’Ignazio

"In non-hazardous areas, ensuring respect for these indications in all pastoral and educational activities, The Italian Episcopal Conference reaffirms the possibility of celebrating the Holy Mass, how to promote prayer appointments that characterize the time of Lent ".


For this reason, Supported by the words of Episcopal Conference, Interior living in a country that guarantees a very low risk for all, trusting in God's Providence carry on the spiritual good of the faithful and those who see in God not a competitor of science but the one who is the creator of all things, including science.


The initiative of the procession do not want to draw any outside gathering, will not contravene any rule or challenge anyone's authority. The procession is an act of worship to God and I, as a priest, I can not deny what they have been called either betraying the Christian people. It is therefore appropriate to say that faith - in the words of Saint Anselm of Aosta - requires the reason, whereas, faith, does not include psychosis.


Laconi, 7 March 2020



a Sat2000 service Laconi, a lovely place in Sardinia to go and to live …



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1 reply
  1. attilio lot
    attilio lot says:

    Reverend Father, She did very well!
    as can be noted, they have not said that was endangering people but have given expressly to the medieval!
    This term, used against priest, It is a real compliment ! shows that the one who wanted to offend you do not understand the power of a procession, the strength of the veneration of relics of saints, supplications, novenas and above ignores the Church, not only allows, but it encourages the aforementioned medieval practices!!

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