The problem is not the bullshit of the priests but the lack of vigilance of the bishops who seem to want the honors but not the burdens of the episcopate


Not a day goes by without some priest leaping into the limelight for feats ranging from Eucharistic sacrilege to the grotesque. All facts before which, take it out on the priest or on priests in general, that would be the easiest, forgetting that we priests are only the tip of theiceberg and that the fault lies entirely with our bishops.

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the Brescian presbyter Giuseppe Fusari

Many bishops they are burdened with pastoral duties: meetings with the elders of the city, with politicians who with one hand offer funding for Catholic schools and the activities of the Diocese and with the other ten hands shut the mouth of the local Church on all the most sensitive issues that it would be his concern to deal with and bring to light. Their presence as religious authorities at the various official holidays is mandatory, at ribbon cutting and inauguration. Recently we even witnessed the case of a bishop who participated in the ribbon cutting on the occasion of the opening of the new headquarters of a Masonic Lodge [see articles WHO, WHO]. All in an incessant succession of «Excellence … Excellence … Excellence!». Title pronounced obsequiously by people so deeply rooted in the Catholic culture as to be convinced that the stoups of churches are bidet formerly made available by the charity of the Church to poor people who did not have running water at home, after which they remained there only because they are part of historical and artistic assets. And how well you understand, faced with this kind of mass of pastoral commitments, which to define burdensome is a small thing, the Blessed Apostle Paul, with all its tortuous journeys, including a shipwreck with a fortuitous landing in Malta, to then leave for Syracuse to reach Reggio and from there resume the journey to arrive months and months later in Rome, in comparison they are very little, rather: I'm really nothing [history in Acts of the Apostles: 27,1-28,16]. Or maybe you want to compare that joyful character of the Apostle of the Gentiles obsessed with the physical line, then from diets, that for this reason he didn't even eat every day, with our poor bishops forced to food gourmet prepared by the best chef on the occasion of official dinners together with the prefect, quaestor, district politicians and so on to follow? Those yes, which are penance. And let's not talk about their residences, inside which devoted nuns look after them, they serve them, li lavano e li stirano … because this is the charisma and vocation of certain religious: be waitresses. The work of some of our Bishops in what has been defined as a "field hospital Church" is certainly much more onerous than it was for the trench doctors of the First World War to treat wounded and dying soldiers. Then, to keep up with the times, among a triumph of iron pectoral crosses and pastoral staffs now forged by carpenters with pieces of raw wood, every time they take the chair they give their sermon on the poor and migrants, without it being of much interest to him that the world is always poorer in Christ and more and more faithful are emigrating outside the Catholic Church.


Also for these reasons many of our Bishops receive their priests after a long wait. Sometimes after demanding that a septuagenarian priest answer the questioning of a peevish lay secretary, if anything, even divorced and living with his partner, who peremptorily asks why the priest intended to bother His Most Reverend Excellency, so that he himself could evaluate whether to tell him to contact the Vicar General or the Episcopal Vicar. Perhaps this was what some destroyers of the ecclesial structure meant with their cry: «Make way for the laity in the Church?». If then the Bishop, having heard the invaluable favorable opinion of the lay secretary, grants the grace to receive a priest who dares to have big problems to solve and for which he conscientiously believes he should hear from the Pastor of the local Church who has given him the mandate to exercise the sacred ministry and in communion with whom he exercises the priesthood, here is that after glaring at him he often begins: "I felt, I don't want problems!». To one of these Bishops, to which I went to present a situation with a high risk of public scandal explosion, I replied to this joke: "Think about, instead I became a priest aware that I would have had a life of great problems, while she, who has received the fullness of the apostolic priesthood, he became bishop precisely in order not to have problems, accepting honors but rejecting all the great and onerous burdens of the episcopate. But look how strange life is!».


This is indeed the point: most of the new generation Bishops, ready to tear their clothes faster than Kaifa in front of an unknown illegal immigrant who drowned in the sea before reaching Lampedusa, they don't want pain in the ass, especially by their priests. And shortly after they declare to you in a theologically pleasant way to say the least that «the poor are the flesh of Christ». Indeed, as known, during the last supper Christ took a poor man and showed him to the Apostles telling them «this is my body, this is my blood", all after having washed the feet of the prisoners and whores of Jerusalem.


In many of our cathedrals the Mass of the Lord's Supper seems to have become the catwalk of whores. It is even rumored that an agency specially set up by the Nigerian Mafia provides the hire of whores to the Bishops for a fee, when on Maundy Thursday they have to put on their play: wash and kiss the feet of the whores. All with the applause of the local sections of the PD and the whole gotha the Left radical chic which magnifies the new «Church outgoing», so good and efficient at self-destructing itself, that it is no longer even necessary to oppose and strike it, we do everything by ourselves. And while this is happening, in the geriatric wards lay abandoned holy priests over eighty years old, with a life entirely given to the Church and to the People of God, to whom His Most Reverend Excellency takes care not to hand over the parrot to piss or wash the shit off, as I have done several times and similarly other brothers of mine, variously singled out by certain new generation bishops as "problematic priests", simply because they are faithful to the priesthood, to the doctrine and perennial magisterium of the Church. That's why we don't fear getting our hands dirty with piss and shit. Which the Bishop understandably cannot do, because he is too busy rinsing and kissing the feet of Nigerian whores on the day when the institution of the ministerial priesthood and the Holy Eucharist is solemnly commemorated, a solemnity now reduced for years to the theater of whores and prisoners, better if muslim. Or maybe he didn't choose Our Lord Jesus Christ, as Apostles consecrated priests of the New Covenant, a bunch of convicts and sluts?


As you can see from the chronicles not a day goes by without some priest leaping into the limelight for feats ranging from Eucharistic sacrilege to the grotesque [I refer to the articles by Father Ivano Liguori: WHO]. All facts before which, take it out on the priest or on priests in general, that would be the easiest, forgetting that we priests are only the tip of theiceberg and that the fault lies entirely with our Bishops and with that visible Church which in the name of a badly understood "spirit of the Council" - which completely distorted and distorted the last Council celebrated by the Fathers of the Church - has favored and even stimulated the laicization and the worldliness of the clergy. I've been repeating and writing about it for years: a crisis of doctrine arose within the Church which generated a great crisis of faith which finally gave rise to a serious moral crisis widespread among the clergy.


To say that priests should always wear a cassock by strict obligation and live their interior and exterior priestly life with great decorum and dignity, unfortunately it is a losing battle, totally. We have witnessed some scenes that to say indecorous is a small thing, think of the Paduan presbyter Marco Pozza who interviewed the Supreme Pontiff several times sitting in front of him with his legs crossed dressed in jeans, sneakers and cheeky open shirt, in a triumph of slovenliness like never before [cf.. video WHO, WHO, WHO]. But it gets worse, because he was the first to mock the cassock by rashly combining it with clericalism, to worldliness and rigidity, it was the Supreme Pontiff himself [cf.. WHO, WHO, WHO], unaware that the clericals of the worst kind are by no means the few priests who continue to wear the cassock as a clear sign of their inner and outer life, but some of his favorites politically correct from whom you get interviewed in jeans, sneakers and legs crossed. Of course, court ruffians can never be missing, for example the Archbishop of Catania who in violation of all ecclesiastical norms forbids his priests to wear the cassock outside churches, relegating it to liturgical dress [cf.. WHO], the whole, it goes without saying, to avoid unspecified forms of "rigidity".


Soon said: from the priest in civilian clothes who interviews the Supreme Pontiff to the priest with the red loincloth, o al tattooed priest doing bodybuilding and who posts photos of his pumped-up physique from the gym and anabolic steroids social media, the step is very short. Therefore, take it out on the Brescian presbyter Giuseppe Fusari, bodybuilder priest who publishes his own half-naked photo, more than a simple thing would almost be a cowardly thing, at least for us aware that "fish stinks starting from the head". It is therefore useless to blame the tip of the fish's tail, than the reckoning, more than guilty, he is only the victim of an ill-formed and totally deformed priesthood, all with the blessing of the new generation Bishops.


For little it may be worth, know that my experience makes my discomfort and pain particularly strong. Unease and pain that I share with many of my other confreres who, like me, had the grace from God to know as children, adolescents and young people of authentic holy priests, who then became our models of priestly life. We have met truly holy bishops, ready at any moment of their day to bend over backwards for their priests, none of whom died forgotten in the depths of a hospital without receiving a visit from the Bishop several times, who himself provided to comfort them with the Sacraments. I remember a Bishop who canceled two very important appointments that had been scheduled for months for that day: the sacred ordinations of four priests that should have been held in the morning and his participation in an important public event of a local-historical nature in the afternoon. One of his priests was dying in hospital, where the Bishop ran, canceling sacred ordinations an hour earlier with this lapidary phrase: «The four who are to become priests can also wait a few days, they have before them a whole priestly life. My task and duty is to assist a dying priest of mine, who gave his entire existence to the Church and to the service of the People of God". And we are not few who have come to the priesthood through these models of Bishops and Priests who remain fixed in our memories, but not as figures of a past time that was, but as holy models of what a bishop and presbyter ought to be, always and at all times.


We have known Bishops who did not speak at all in an obsessive-compulsive way about the poor and migrants and who, when they appeared in public, manifested in their outward form all the ineffable dignity of the episcopate, especially when they celebrated Holy Mass. Only when they died did we later discover that they hadn't even left any money for their funeral expenses, after giving everything they had to poor families who found it difficult to clothe their children. None of them would ever have dreamed of transforming their cathedral churches into taverns and being filmed by photographers and cameraman as they served meals to the poor, as if the Church - in particular the Italian one - did not have an abundance of buildings to set up lunches, avoiding desecrating churches.


Our decline is irreversible because we have crossed the threshold of no return for years now [cf.. my article WHO]. We must therefore witness the painful images of a Supreme Pontiff who is interviewed by a pretino-trends in indecorous attire and in perfectly rude poses, we have to put up with the antics of our Bishops who hire whores to rinse and kiss their feet Mass of the Lord's Supper reduced to a painful little theater of the grotesque, we must feel alone, strangers and even unwelcome in our Holy House increasingly similar to the hall of the Great Sanhedrin and the Praetorium of Pilate, aware that the passion of Gethsemane has begun for the Church. And after the crucifixion, death and burial, the mystagogical experience will conclude with the resurrection. At that point we will begin to rebuild with enormous effort on the ashes of the great destruction. And to do so we will be four cats, but animated by true faith, true hope and true charity.


the Island of Patmos, 29 October 2022


In the picture: the Brescian presbyter Giuseppe Fusari – What to expect in the near future, perhaps a priest who comes to celebrate Christmas Mass in a red loincloth?














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