The author of the delusional "Ratzinger Code" is an evident emissary of the smallest and most deviant Masonic esotericism of an anti-Catholic matrix
This character is looking for an author it is totally foreign to the world and to Catholic culture. We scholars on the way to old age do not require any particular effort to grasp between its lines, in addition to crass ignorance in matters of doctrine, of faith and above all of Church history and ecclesiastical law, a meandering esoteric element that just can't hide.
- Church news -

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

the pamphlet by Andrea Cionci
Who has been reading me for years and know my articles and books can impute many things to me, starting with my writing and expressing myself in an often harsh way, without resorting to periphrases and vague implications. To be incisive, I sometimes use colorful phrasebooks as idioms, especially on very delicate issues. It is therefore with extreme clarity that I publicly affirm that the journalist Andrea Cionci, author of Ratzinger Code, a pamphlet delusional and outrageous towards the Supreme Pontiff Francis, he is an emissary of the worst Masonic esotericism of an anti-Catholic matrix.
I know nothing of this subject, I don't care where and how he lived, where it comes from, what his public and private life is, how and where he was formed… nor would I ever dream of investigating him, as he tried to do on me, unaware of running into numerous people who promptly warned me: "A certain Andrea Cionci is beating far and wide to ask for very sensitive information about you". So I don't know who he is, I don't care to know nor do I want to know. Someone told me that the news about him on the Net is very scarce, an experienced computer engineer explained to me that maybe, your internet, your data may have been cleaned up, as if he was born suddenly at the moment in which he begins to write nonsense about Benedict XVI's act of resignation, which he considered invalid and the consequent illicit and invalid election of the "false usurper pope Bergoglio".
One of its limitations is not to measure one's opponents well, since the undersigned, as well as being a Tuscan-Roman priest who, if necessary, seasons the speech with a colorful word, it is a lot more: a very adult man with a complex lived experience that brought him, among other things, to have many acquaintances and friendships. I have known and still know senior state officials who have often turned to me for advice, or to use myself as an interlocutor with the Ecclesiastical Authorities, in order to avoid that certain clerics inclined to get into trouble ended up slammed on the front pages of newspapers for moral issues that do not constitute any crime under the law of the Italian Republic, but that for a young monsignor of the Roman Curia pinched in certain environments can instead represent a lot, both for Catholic ethics and for the internal law of the Church.
To this beginner with the complex of the genius who thinks to bring to light and dissolve the most complex and occult plots, I fear it is not very clear that I have been able to afford to publicly refer a criminal to a powerful cardinal of the Roman Curia, then fell out of favor, but eight months later, not when I accused him and his henchmen of being worse than those of the Banda della Magliana, because in those days he was an untouchable at the height of power [cf.. video: WHO, by the minute 37:30]. And nobody, starting with the Bishop to whose jurisdiction I belong, not even half a sigh. Now, one of two: or the Author of this pamphlet he's just an amateur on the loose who has to grow and mature, or is burdened with limits so insurmountable that they make him unable to understand that any priest who dared to give a criminal to a powerful cardinal of the Roman Curia, in response, the Ecclesiastical Authority would have taken off the skin by sending him running to graze the sheep, but those of the Sardinian flocks of the most remote lands of Barbagia, not the sheep of the Holy Flock of the Lord.
To accuse and convict a defendant proof is needed, in the absence of which we are all innocent until proven otherwise. This does not mean that to convict a murderer it is necessary to find him with the smoking gun in his hand and the bloody corpse of the dead man lying on the ground.. Or perhaps it appears that most of the men who ended up in jail for rape were caught in the act of crime by the State Police while they were intent on raping a woman? Anyone who has practiced criminal law or knows it a little in general culture, knows what the "circumstantial trial" is. This means that when there is no direct evidence through which the relevant substantial element takes shape, it is possible to arrive at the elaboration of the proof through clues that are not mutually discordant and that together end up proving the fact.
This character is looking for an author it is totally foreign to the world and to Catholic culture. We scholars on the way to old age do not require any particular effort to grasp between its lines, in addition to crass ignorance in matters of doctrine, of faith and above all of Church history and ecclesiastical law, a meandering esoteric element that just can't hide. Or was he not promptly put out the door when in the past, before venturing into the fantasy plots of the "invalid renunciation of Benedict XVI" and of the "Bergoglio antipope", tried to propose to very expert and serious scholars a work on the Holy Shroud that smelled of esotericism? In short, we are faced with a subject that is decidedly foreign to the world and to Catholic culture, who in a clumsy way to say the least has decided to take on the role of the traditionalist, that make it as bizarre as I would be if I decided to take off my priestly cassock and wear a miniskirt overnight. Okay I'm friends with trans Vladi Gain, aka Luxuria, but seeing me in such a state, I think the first to be disappointed would be her.
I mentioned earlier to various institutional environments with which I found myself in close contact. My relationships, always multiple and varied, they are those of a man who has contact with everyone, even with what is very far from Catholicism, always maintaining my identity as a priest and faithful theologian until death to the deposit of faith and to the Holy Church of Christ. Given this premise, I can have - and have - relationships of sincere friendship with a sex addict anarchist like Giuseppe Cruciani, with a pure communist like Vauro Senesi, which I respect both for its coherence and for its human sensitivity. I have repeatedly confronted myself with Alessandro Cecchi Paone, who makes no secret of his homosexuality or of the fact that he belongs to the highest degrees of Freemasonry and that he has a totally different perception of human life from mine, but with whom it has always been a great pleasure to talk. I wrote the preface to Francesco Mangiacapra's book, a former gigolo, today my dear friend, thanks to which a circle of priests who availed themselves of the sexual services of hustlers was brought out [cf.. WHO]. Among the Italian commentators, the one I respect most is Daniele Capezzone, ex child prodigy of Marco Pannella, model of authentic liberalism, lucid man and not conditioned by ideologies, starting with liberalism itself. but yet, on issues such as abortion and euthanasia we certainly do not think the same way, but this does not detract from my esteem for him.
I made these premises to get to the point: I fear that only a novice boy may think that he has not had or does not have relations with people who belong to the highest degrees of Freemasonry and who run the most ancient Lodges. All people who enjoy my esteem, many of them are scholars of the highest level, other internationally renowned professionals to whom it has always been clear what I think of Freemasonry as a Catholic and a priest, that is to say that joining it and being registered in the Masonic lodges is incompatible with being Catholic. Notwithstanding my esteem for many of these individuals, who in turn respect me and love me.
And just friends belonging to the highest degrees of Freemasonry they asked me if by chance I had not noticed that this kid in search of visibility manifested the typical way of thinking of those belonging to the esoteric currents of that pseudo-Freemasonry that their serious Masons do not recognize as such and that they have always judged ridiculous deviations from small and pathetic enlightened aspirants.
The reason soon explained: this character, which we cannot define as a dangerous wolf, annoying at best chihuahua with the complex of pitt bull, after masquerading as an unlikely Catholic and as an even more unlikely traditionalist Catholic, began to launch attacks on the Papacy of such violence that not even the most ferocious anticlerical Freemasons of the nineteenth century had managed to launch. Also because they were skilled men, capable and intelligent, for this they considered the Blessed Pontiff Pius IX a very gifted man, as well as a formidable opponent and not easy to hit.
What the Author of Ratzinger Code spreads they are a mass of theories built on not even obvious lack of evidence, but precisely on the total absence of the vaguest clues. Everything is based on absurd and alleged brain-bending evidence based on nothing and contrived through the manipulation and alteration of Church documents, some words, facts and even silences and non-answers given, to the point of creating absurd non-truths entirely based on illogical elements, irrational and surreal.
Why Alessandro Sallustri, long-time journalist and expert editor of newspapers, let this subject have been writing similar inconsistencies on the newspaper's blog for some years now Free? Let's try to explain it to the candid souls who take the statements of politicians and conductors to be true talk-show Mediaset and Rai who, speaking of Vladimir Putin's Russia, affirm: “We are a free country with a free press!». And here we must pay honors to Mrs. Ilona Staller, aka Cicciolina, who, on the other hand, would never dream of announcing «I am an unblemished virgin!», because she is a consistent and truthful woman. So, the newspaper Free belongs to the current of the various Right that in the Supreme Pontiff Francis - whether it be true or wrong - they see a figure in their opinion unbalanced towards the Left. And certain things - whether they are true or false - must always be paid for, sometimes even with the help and instigation of certain poisoned churchmen who, hidden behind the scenes, blow the fire. Now try to imagine what would have happened if the Author of the Ratzinger Code had dared to sketch a vague conspiratorial sigh about Senator Matteo Salvini or the Honorable Giorgia Meloni. In the space of a few hours they would bounce it off the mark of that newspaper. The same thing would have happened with any de The Republic if he had done the same with figures loved by the Left radical chic. Suffice it to recall the recent case of Senator Tommaso Cerno, another free and brilliant mind, excluded from all public televised debates for his aversion to the bill on homotransphobia by the Honorable Alessandro Zan, that if he had passed as it was written he would have pursued the crime of opinion [on the subject, I refer to the book written by the Capuchin theologian Ivano Liguori and myself: WHO]. And with this it is clear why this subject can write absurd things in that newspaper, in this historical moment and under the direction of that director. Simply because someone considered his junk politically useful for striking and sowing confusion, regardless of whether they are true. Or you think some people care about the truth? Sometimes some unintelligent manipulators invent that or that code without even realizing that they are being manipulated and used as "useful idiots" by more intelligent people who are part of the great cogs of more or less occult powers.
The Ecclesiastical Authority on the one hand, i media Catholics on the other hand, they are wise and prudent in saying that this subject should not be given any visibility and that there is no answer to those who build illogical-irrational theories on absurd and surreal elements. But, at a certain point, when the clues agree and end up forming evidence, it is necessary to affirm what the Ecclesiastical Authority cannot say but what I can say: this subject belongs to those esoteric strands of deviated pseudo-Freemasonry and for some years, disguised as an unlikely Catholic and an even more unlikely Catholic traditionalist, tries to strike outrageously, that Papacy that supports the entire structure of the Catholic Church is incessant and methodical.
An eminent historian of the Italian Risorgimento he told me that the most furious anticlericals who lived at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries never reached such low levels. Not just because they were people with intelligence and skills, but because of the Papacy they fought and wanted to overthrow they recognized all the authority, the authority and also the historical greatness. They certainly did not spread pamphlet in which they claimed to have demonstrated with irrefutable evidence that Pius IX was a false pontiff elected in an invalid conclave.
Faced with all this we have only one consolation, which in itself is no small thing: we are faced with a clumsy beginner with low intelligence. And this I do not say, A Venerable Master of the Grand Orient of Italy told me, seventy-year-old man and personality with an encyclopedic culture, who for twenty years has considered me a sincere and loyal friend and that for this reason has always known what I think of Freemasonry. But my public and private relationships with individuals are something else, not by chance I am a priest, which as such has a duty to welcome everyone and listen to everyone, always saying what to me, my faith and catholic morality is right or wrong, giving an example of an experience that is always in total adherence, both public and private, with the truths announced and taught by the Church.
I wish Andrea Cionci happy growth, while continuing to settle for fishing in the sea plot ByoBlu of Internet users suffering from functional illiteracy and digital illiteracy, ready to believe in the existence of pink elephants that fly with wings, because in addition to this audience can not go, they lack maturity, intelligence and talent. Therefore, be satisfied with doing business with an outcast like the poor priest excommunicated and discharged from the clerical state Alessandro Minutella.
To tell him all this with kindness he is a man who if he calls on the phone certain cardinals answer him after the third ring and that, for this and more, how the Church works and the Papacy thinks they know much better than he does. That is, just enough to give him a loving paternal caress on the head, take him by the hand, take him to eat an ice cream cone and wish him, between licks, to be able to become a great day to be able to take care of things when you grow up. Otherwise he will spend his life licking the bleeding wounds from the lashes received, without ever understanding that a first-hair teenager does not shoot a rubber-shot gun at a trained soldier holding a kalashnikov, does not give a slap to Mike Tyson, nor does he rush on a bicycle mountain bike along the tracks against the high-speed train, screaming that he had discovered the Ratzinger Code and to be able to shoot it, because of this, biggest of all.
the Island of Patmos, 26 October 2022
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