Interview with Andrea Turazzi Bishop of San Marino-Montefeltro: Sunday 26 September the voters of the smallest and oldest republic in the world will decide whether to legalize abortion

— Interviews —



«So one cannot consider himself a Catholic and then, for instance, fail to recognize that human life is sacred from conception. A believer must contemplate God's creative action. The conceived is always within a relationship, a special covenant with the Creator, he has an immortal soul".


Andrea Turazzi
Bishop of San Marino-Montefeltro



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Heart to Heart talks (the heart speaks to the heart), phrase taken from the letters of Saint Francis de Sales, Episcopal coat of arms of H.E. Mons. Andrea Turazzi, Bishop of San Marino-Montefeltro

ASunday's referendum 26 September voters will decide whether the Republic of San Marino must liberalize abortion, conforming to the dominant mentality in many Western countries and indeed risking overcoming them for extremism (you see here the analysis of the jurist Giacomo Rocchi), or if, on the other hand, it must continue to be an example in the protection of the unborn, the generations of tomorrow. As already told by the psychotherapist Adolfo Morganti in an interview with the Compass, the campaign for the no to the referendum question saw the strong mobilization of the Catholic laity. But the local Church is also doing its part, encouraging citizens both to defend the baby in the womb and to help mothers in difficulty. The New Compass Daily interviewed the bishop of San Marino-Montefeltro, S. AND. Mons. Andrea Turazzi.


Monsignor Andrea Turazzi, her in a recent homily, about the abortion debate, he called the Republic of San Marino to question its founding values ​​and its project for the future. Can you tell us about these values?

First of all, we must look at the creature that has just begun its adventure. Every man has the right to live. This is the right that precedes all others. So, defending the unborn child is much more than defending an abstract principle, because it is welcoming of a person. Alongside that of the child there is the perspective of the mother, both the one radiant for the arrival of a new creature and the worried one, anxious because of difficulties: we must ensure all possible accompaniment to her. It must not be left to itself, but its difficulties must be taken to heart. Who comes to abortion, often, he does it because there is no help, also economical; we must ensure that never again, in a society like ours, a life is not born for similar circumstances.


In Declaration of citizens' rights and the fundamental principles of the San Marino legal system it is read: "Every mother has the right to community assistance and protection". It finds only the referendum question, essentially, sever the ties between women and the community that could really protect them?

Of course. The referendum campaign, especially in the last few days, it is taking on rather lively tones but it should be an opportunity for a leap of awareness, of responsibility, a favorable moment of reflection for the whole community. There is a child who has to be born, mom to help, and this means that we need a company that takes a stand. I am happy that the firm no to abortion is increasingly accompanied by words and gestures of attention towards women. And this is not only the task of individuals but also what the state must do. Moreover, in San Marino there is a demographic winter that is even more noticeable than elsewhere, because we are a small company. The people need clarity and the constructive dimension must prevail in the debate, beauty and the gift of life. But I think there is this in many, and I hope that those of other convictions will also ask questions.


In addition to mothers with difficult pregnancies, we need to help mothers who have aborted to embark on a path of reconciliation with God. Accompanying groups are active with you in this regard?

To San Marino, in addition to the Pope John XXIII Community and Caritas, The Welcome to Life Service has been operating for a couple of years, offering beautiful testimonies that collect life experiences of girls and boys from our communities. In a few days we will know the result of this referendum, we hope for a good outcome, but in any case, woe to throw in the towel of the commitment to the life of the unborn, for the proximity to mothers in difficulty, etc.. We will have to work even harder, whatever the outcome. This battle is affecting Italy and all of Europe, therefore this small state challenges the conscience of millions of people.


Also because he is one of the few who resist in the field of the defense of the unborn. It should be referred to as an example of civilization, instead the progressive press paints it as "backward".

Look, I was encouraged by the Pope's intervention on the plane returning from his trip to Slovakia, in which the Holy Father again pronounced clear words against abortion. And this must also make all Catholics reflect.


What do you mean?

Here too there are Catholics committed to social issues, on human rights, on the custody of the common home. And on the other hand, there are Catholics who are more attentive to the safeguarding of ethical principles, non-negotiable. The 'furrow' between these two souls, da November, sometimes it's not that deep; however, I felt the duty to say to both of them that the Gospel of God's love for man, the Gospel of the dignity of the person and the Gospel of life are one and indivisible Gospel. So one cannot consider himself a Catholic and then, for instance, fail to recognize that human life is sacred from conception. A believer must contemplate God's creative action. The conceived is always within a relationship, a special covenant with the Creator, has an immortal soul.


In San Marino there is a strong mobilization of the Catholic laity in defense of life from conception. It seems that the wish of St. John Henry Newman is fulfilled, asking for a strong laity ...

In the Republic of San Marino, in this campaign, we favorably witnessed the birth of two secular realities. The Council of lay aggregations, which brings together a dozen ecclesial groups; and the opposing committee, the One of Us Committee, which expresses no to abortion based on anthropology and the sciences. Indeed, it doesn't have to be a battle between Catholics and non-Catholics, but the occasion for the awakening of civic conscience, that is, values ​​founded on a correct anthropology and which are recognizable as good by anyone.


This question, as the Law already 194, cut off the father. What do you think?

The woman, clearly, carries the burden and fatigue of pregnancy, but dad can't be pushed aside.


It is also an attack on God's creative Wisdom?

A phrase from Sacred Scripture comes to mind, in the book of the prophet Jeremiah: «The word of the Lord was addressed to me: “Before forming yourself in the womb, I knew you, before you came out into the light, I had consecrated you; […]”» (Gives 1, 4-5). These verses are testimony of God's love. So my invitation is to be present, to participate in this campaign in defense of nascent life and to do so with the spirit of the gift, as an act of friendship. I wish there was no verbal brawl. And on our part, we need to give answers that transmit Catholic teaching in its entirety. Promote the protection of the mother, help for the family, a policy more attentive to family realities ... The development index of a company is not evaluated only with the economy, but above all it is measured with respect for the true rights of the other, starting with the frail and the unborn child.


The referendum will take place on 26 September, liturgical memory of the medical saints Cosma and Damiano. Perhaps…

Look, he is telling me a beautiful thing, I didn't think about it. We have a parish dedicated to Saints Cosma and Damiano, which are called "anargiri”, because they didn't want money. They certainly call everyone to safeguard life and, in particular, the doctors, who take the Hippocratic Oath. Sunday morning I will celebrate in that parish, but before…


Tell us.

Wednesday 22 September [today, ed] we will make a Rosary, which will be broadcast on YouTube starting from 17, promoted by the Pope John XXIII Association. I will sing the Rosary for the nascent life. Who can, join in prayer.


Pennabilli, 23 September 2021



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edition of 23 September 2021







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