The Bishop of Ascoli Piceno Giovanni D'Ercole has a choice “the Benedict option”, the same one that many of us will follow shortly, together with those who have already undertaken it for some years

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One could say that it is an escape, but not as the world of gods can understand it adult Catholics who see God as a militant and the Gospel as a political manifesto to strike in the face of those who do not think like them. The escape of Giovanni D'Ercole is the same escape of Pope Benedict XVI, to be understood and read first of all as the flight of Benedict from Nursia who dares to separate from the Empire now corrupt and upset by the invading barbarians in order to rediscover his origins, their roots and the Christian identity that today in the world sounds like an unpronounceable blasphemy.


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.



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S. AND. Mons. Giovanni D'Ercole, Bishop emeritus of Ascoli Piceno

The Bishop of Ascoli Piceno S.E. Mons. Giovanni D'Ercole, Orionine religious, at the threshold of 73 years of age - two years ahead of the expected withdrawal of the bishops from the episcopal chair a 75 years - he decided to present to the Supreme Pontiff the letter of resignation from the pastoral care of his diocese and to enter the monastery to live a life of silence and prayer.


Thus he motivated his decision:


“Loving the Church also means having the courage to make difficult choices, suffered, always having in front of the good of the Church and not oneself ".


Words that recall those of the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI and which weigh like boulders in this historical moment of disorder and loss of leadership inside and outside the Church. The situation, we understand it well, it includes the responsibility of many, not just a single.


Among the battlefields bloodied by the sacrifice of the martyrs, there is a strong fight for the safeguarding of doctrine, of the morality and freedom of the Church. Let's ask ourselves: in this scenario, perhaps a bishop flees?


One could say that it is an escape, but not as the world of gods can understand it adult Catholics who see God as a militant and the Gospel as a political manifesto to strike in the face of those who do not think like them. The escape of Giovanni D'Ercole is the same escape of Pope Benedict XVI, to be understood and read first of all as the flight of Benedict from Nursia who dares to separate from the Empire now corrupt and upset by the invading barbarians in order to rediscover his origins, their roots and the Christian identity that today in the world sounds like an unpronounceable blasphemy.


Yet, we men of the Church, we did not understand that to convert others it is necessary to convert ourselves first, the goodness of the Gospel and of the person of Jesus Christ is not embraced by hybridizing politics [cf.. WHO] which by its nature is secular and the century is the historical space and time of man fallen and punished because he rebelled against God. Like this, as the Gospel is not the pauperistic ideal of those who claim to remove poverty with a sort of Roussian optimism, who sees the perfect watch in man, the demiurge who has denied God and creates order in disorder and salvation in despair.


Being a Church without compromise is possible if Christ is the privileged option of believers and pastors, option that Giovanni D'Ercole has reiterated in these months of health emergency, reminding the top of the government the truths of the faith and diverting the People of God from that safe anesthetized blanket that shakes off all responsibility and involvement with God in the name of an unidentified common good that kills all hope.


The world now does not understand the choice of the bishop emeritus of Ascoli Piceno, but he will understand it when he realizes that the cisterns are now dry and the granaries empty and full of rats.


Maybe some bishop, priest or simple faithful will consider this decision hasty, because a bishop who enters monastic cloister looks so much like a Ferrari hidden in the garage, all alone, parked there to rust.


But no, my dear! In that silent solitude the granaries are being prepared, the grain of Christ's Word is piling up, the good seed that feeds and that will be sown in the future is being preserved. Before long we will all be hungry, the cry of Jeremiah according to which


"The prophet and the priest wander around the country and don't know what" [Gives 14,18],


of this impotence we are more than witnesses in many realities. But not all the prophets of our time and priests are unaware and indecisive, some, like Giovanni D'Ercole, as well as Benedict XVI in front of the spiritual desert, they choose the desert of the cloister. They do


«[…] what the farmer does when the river overwhelms the banks and invades the fields: the seed must be saved. When the river has returned to its bed, the earth will re-emerge and the sun will dry it. If the farmer will have saved the seed, he will be able to throw it on the earth made even more fertile by the silt of the river, and the seed will bear fruit, and the turgid and golden ears will give men bread, life and hope. The seed must be saved: faith […] we must help those who still have the faith and keep it intact. The spiritual desert stretches every day, every day new souls wither because they are abandoned by faith " [1].


All this will pass and pass for everyone, hungry and starving. The way out is to immediately look for whoever keeps the good seed in the barn, even with difficult and painful choices that involve one's own person.


Giovanni D'Ercole, presbyter and bishop, did this, and it is a duty and, above all Christian, express a blessing thank you to God for giving it to us. Which I express not only in a personal capacity, but also in the name of all the Fathers de The Island of Patmos.


Laconi, 30 October 2020


[1] See. Giovannino Guareschi, Don Camillo and Don Chichì, in all Don Camillo. Small world, (II), BUR, Milan, 2008, pp. 3114-3115.




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In praise of madness. Heads beheaded by Islamists in Europe? Don't be afraid: "Islam is a religion of peace and love"

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No thinking and rational mind can argue that all Muslims are potential terrorists, such a statement would be truly aberrant. However, we must ask ourselves: Why, right from Islam, violent extremist streams have been generated, which do not constitute minority phenomena or groups of so-called mavericks? Those of the Islamist terrorists are numerous and organized associations that benefit from enormous economic resources, not a few of which come under the table from rich Arab oil countries. The same countries that at every terrorist attack offer condolences to the West for the dead killed by the hands of those Islamist terrorists that they themselves have financed.


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



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The first week of November the book by Father Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo who analyzes the roots of violence contained in Islam

The work of Erasmus of Rotterdam it is not what those who do not know it believe and who use its title to effect. Dedicated to his friend Thomas Moore, today venerated by the Holy Martyr Church, In praise of madness is a work based on the principles of scholasticism and classical metaphysics which through the use of satire speaks of the divine origin of madness. In periods of irreversible forfeiture, irony combined with the wisdom of faith of the fools of God, it is the most effective reactive tool to pave the way to salvation.


In France, the 16 October, an Islamist beheads a teacher, then posting on social media the image of the victim's head [See. The Republic, WHO]. Today, 29 October, another Islamist breaks into the Nice Cathedral, kills three people and beheads a woman with a knife [cf.., WHO].


A book of mine will be out in a few days titled Aspirin moderate Islam, reflecting on which I wonder: with the times that run today and the worst ones that will come tomorrow, I can take risks, after explaining that Mohammed is a false prophet from which an Islam comes to life that to define in reassuring tones "religion of peace and love" sounds like an insult to human intelligence, to history and to the many victims who have fallen under its fatal blows over the centuries?


The risks I cannot foresee, but the reactions of oneiric do-gooders who dialogue at all costs and whatever costs, especially with all that is not Christian and Catholic and that caress the dangerous enemy that we have long dragged into the house, those yes, I can anticipate and predict them with ease. If as happened to the poor French professor, an eighteen year old would come and kill me and cut off my head, posting on social media the images of my beheaded body, it will happen that the loving and merciful Catholic teachers of dialogue at all costs and whatever it costs, they would hasten to ask Islam for forgiveness for the book I wrote. And if the members of the police forces of our country shot down my killer, as happened in Paris, for having brandished a weapon against them and not having stopped at the blocking order, after killing and beheading a person, would end up under investigation for murder, because this is how the magistrates of the Democratic Magistracy in Italy would arrange, reassuring banner that conceals today's post-communist and post-1968 Left, the newspapers of which they would explain that "it is only a legal act due", to investigate the police who fired. Meantime, idle daddy children from social centers would spark controversy, giving rise to hate campaigns towards the "fascist police", guilty of violating the rule of law, which for them is equivalent to the right to the protection of crime and criminals.


This is actually what happens in a European society conditioned by poisons philosophy by Jean Jacques Rousseau, now rendered unable to say "poor murdered victim", but "poor killer", no longer "poor robbed", but "poor thief", no more "poor aborted child", but "poor woman who had an abortion"…


… before proceeding further it is worth clarifying who Jean Jacques Rousseau is, born in Geneva in 1712 and died in Ermenonville in 1778. Above all, what damage your thinking has done to European society. Incorrectly counted among the philosophers, Jean Jacques Rousseau to the test of the facts is a sociologist who is not free from points of surrealism and illogicality. In the post-Enlightenment period, his theories influenced politics and modern legal systems through the so-called "good savage" theory, according to which man is considered fundamentally good, if he then becomes a violent or a criminal, the causes are not to be sought in him, but in the society that led astray him and which is the real culprit for his violence and crimes. Needless to say, what these assimilated theories applied to politics and jurisprudence have produced in Western societies.


After the attack on the Bataclan nightclub in Paris consumed on 13 November 2015 by a team of Islamists who killed 113 people, the next day an open letter to the terrorists written by Chaimaa Fatihi was released in the press. An authentic monument to the emotionality and manipulation of reality, thanks to a dreamy adolescent spirit which reached its peak through the announcement of the wonderful link between Islam and peace; a magnificent bond that many insist on denying and recognizing. The letter soon became a workhorse in the Left press radical chic and some Catholic press even more to the left of the Left radical chic.


“Damn terrorists, sono Chaimaa Fatihi, ho ho 22 year old, I am Italian Muslim and European. I am writing to you so that you may understand that you will never have us, that you will not make Islam what it is not, you will not make Europe a place of massacres and your project of terror will not be effective. I am writing to you as a Muslim to tell you that my faith is Islam, a religion that preaches peace, which teaches fundamental values ​​and principles, like kindness, the education, freedom and justice. You are what Islam has opposed for centuries, you are enemies, you are the ones who shed the blood of innocents, of young people, Senior citizens, men and women, children and babies. I'm not afraid of your Kalashnikovs, of your knives and weapons, because as a Muslim I disown you, I fight you with the word, with information, with the voice of those who live their faith every day, giving an example of his teachings ".


In the book by Chaimaa Fatihi published a little less than a year later by the Rizzoli Publisher in 2016, this biography is reported: «She was born in 1993 in Morocco, where he lived until the age of six. She has since moved to Italy. After attending primary and secondary schools in the province of Mantua, in Castiglione delle Stiviere, now studies law. With this book he won in 2016 the 18th Casato Prime Donne di Montalcino Award, awarded to women who symbolize female courage and talent ".


There are many examples to give, about the catto-sinister radical chic who have changed this letter to Santa Claus in a kind of Fourth Gospel. I choose one of the many signed by Daniela Rocchetti, delegate for the Christian life of the ACLI (Catholic Association of Italian Workers), far from knowing the texts of Islam, reports three striking phrases that have been reported to her by some Muslim scholars, clumsily extrapolated from the Koranic texts and presented as irrefutable proof that Islam repudiates violence [see, WHO]. This course of action is intellectually dishonest, but not moved by bad faith, but from gross ignorance and superficiality, typical assumptions of those who do not even understand the extreme complexity of the topics they presume to be able to deal with.


First of all let's clarify: for the Islamic faith the Koran is not a collection of metaphors to be interpreted, it is the word of Allah. Mohammed is none other than the faithful editor of a sacred book that must be applied to the letter, not interpreted. The Koran is a complex and very confusing text, inside, everything is affirmed, then its exact opposite. If in one sura non-violent behavior is invited, in another hundred it is detailed how violence is to be exercised on the infidels in a holy way. And if we read carefully certain invitations to non-violence, we will discover that in them the children of Islam are exhorted not to exercise violence against the other children of Islam, as his brothers. However, infidels are not brothers, The detailed explanations on how to deal with this prove it, assaulted and subdued by all coercive means available. The Quran even teaches how infidels are to be deceived: first by gaining their trust, then, once they have relaxed and become friends, attacked and submitted. A real exaltation of the "holy" betrayal. So not only that, the "sacred text" of Islam legitimizes violence, but it explains in the smallest details how and with what severity it should be exercised. Obviously, these much more numerous texts, are not subject to exegesis by Prof.. Adnane Mokrani, Tunisian Muslim theologian who only members of the modern Company of the Indies what was in the past the Society of Jesus founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola -, they could invite to the chair at the Pontifical Gregorian University, to show how open we are and how communicative we are. Especially when we are no longer Catholics, at least in those parts, where Jesuitism has supplanted Catholicism.


These texts of the Koran called a "religion of peace" in the tender letter to Santa Claus, but we know them. They are to be exact 123 those who explain how to fight and kill infidels for the cause of Allah. I will take only some excerpts below, those dedicated to the infidels, that is, all those who do not submit to Islam and whom the Koran invites to "arrest them, besiege them and prepare ambushes everywhere " (Sura 9:95). Muslims must also “surround them and put them to death wherever you find them, kill them wherever you find them, seek the enemies of Islam relentlessly " (Sura 4:90). To follow with a peremptory order: "Fight them until Islam reigns supreme" (Sura 2:193). Means are also indicated, as it were, effective: "Cut off their hands and the tips of their fingers" (Sura 8:12). And for those who have any doubts it is promptly clarified: "Muslims must make war on the infidels who live around them" (Sura 9:123). But if the whole was not yet clear, in this case it should be borne in mind that Muslims must be "brutal with infidels" (Sura 48:29). Again as further proof that Islam is a religion of peace, suffice it to add that a Muslim "must rejoice in the good things he has earned by fighting" (Sura 8:69). Numerous other exhortations to peace follow, more or less of this kind: anyone who fights against Allah or renounces Islam to embrace another religion, that he is "put to death or crucified or hands and feet amputated on opposite sides" (Sura 5:34). It's still: «Assassinate idolaters wherever you find them, take them prisoner and besiege them and wait for them in every ambush " (Sura 9:5). Who wonders why the Islamists slaughter and behead the so-called infidels, however, without finding an answer to this question, could draw illumination from this exhortation: “I will instill terror in the hearts of non-believers, hit on their neck and cut off the tips of all their fingers " (Sura 8:12). To further confirm that Islam is a religion of peace, it is enough to add: «When you meet the infidels, kill them with great bloodshed and tighten the prisoners' chains ". (Sura 47:4). To conclude with a touch of poetic mysticism that never hurts: "Know that Heaven lies under the shadow of swords" (Sahlih al-Bukhari Vol 4 p55).


I hope I have clarified why I feel genuine Erasmian tenderness for this young woman made the object of the worst exploitation of a certain blind ideology, to which the doors of the great publishing industry were instantly opened, rather than intelligent and realistic books, decided to sell morphine to relieve pain from a tumor with widespread metastases, reassuring at the same time that, the death, does not exist.


No thinking and rational mind can argue that all Muslims are potential terrorists, such a statement would be truly aberrant. However, we must ask ourselves: Why, right from Islam, violent extremist streams have been generated, which do not constitute minority phenomena or groups of so-called mavericks? Those of the Islamist terrorists are numerous and organized associations that benefit from enormous economic resources, not a few of which come under the table from rich Arab oil countries. The same countries that at every terrorist attack offer condolences to the West for the dead killed by the hands of those Islamist terrorists that they themselves have financed. And someone perhaps intends to take offense, when one dares to speak of that duplicity and hypocrisy that characterizes certain Arab cultures?


In the book that is about to be distributed I tried to explain with scientific rigor that defining Islam as a "religion of peace and love" is an insult to common sense and human intelligence, a real shop of hallucinogenic acids. Islam comes to life precisely from the violence and war with which it has imposed itself since the time that its founder Mohammed was always alive.


La tenera Chaimaa Fatihi is simply one of those figures that our problematic Jesuit theologian Karl Rahner would have counted among the army of those "anonymous Christians" who, without knowing it, are in fact Christians. Tender girl all peace and love who in concrete facts turns out to be a confused Muslim, unknowingly assimilated to the Christian roots of European culture. Enough to generate such confusion in her as to push her to attribute to Islam what are the founding characteristics of Christianity: a religion of peace and love.


Similar figures of surreal Muslims they are the nothing intended to reassure the Godless European secularists, that for the cross of Christ they have replaced the rainbows and the marches of Gay Pride, who punctually desecrate all the most precious symbols of Christianity on the streets of the capitals of Europe. And no longer knowing who they are and where they come from, here dense armies of Europeans without memory and roots finally draw illusory reassurance from the words of a confused young woman like the "anonymous Christian" Chaimaa Fatihi, who does not know what Islam is, but which makes up for this lack of knowledge with a completely false emotional reassurance: "Islam is a religion of peace". A mantra that goes from bombing to bombing, from beheading to beheading we hear repeated in total disregard for history and logic, as if the refusal of reality could save us.


"We need to dialogue with moderate Islam", recites another mantra that has been around for thirty years now. But even the latter is an illogical assertion split from reality, because it is equivalent to saying: "You have to enter a brothel and try to talk to virgin prostitutes". E qSome believe it is really possible to find a virgin prostitute inside a brothel? A question which Europe sick with destructive hatred of its Christian roots should answer.


This letter in which Europe heard what it wanted to hear about the corpses of the dead killed by the Islamists at the Bataclan in Paris and all the others that followed, it is first and foremost a mess of illogical content, even before fake, destined to injure human intelligence. Contents denied by fifteen centuries of past and present history, it would be enough just to ask the girlish author: women and children locked up in Nigerian churches and burned alive, Christians persecuted and killed in Pakistan, Christian women raped and Christian men mutilated in Afghanistan, Christians who in almost all Arab countries and those governed by Islamic religious theocracies are deprived of civil rights and freedom of worship, they are perhaps the victims of a small Islamist minority culture, while the totality of Islam lives on the universal sign of peace and love? The sad reality is that these Christians, persecuted everywhere Muslims hold the power of government, they are victims of the violence inherent in that Islam that a Muslim assimilates to European culture, as well as "anonymous Christian", he painted us as a "religion of peace" on the corpses of the slain dead.


In the capital of Italy, (c)hand historically it is also the world capital of Christianity, the largest mosque in Europe was built. Paid by King Faisal, Sovereign of Saudi Arabia since 1964 al 1975, built on a project by the famous architect Paolo Portoghesi and cost at the time - so they say - about 200 billions of old lire. The then reigning Pontiff Paul VI, Bishop of Rome, he raised no protest, nor any reservations, indeed he sent his best wishes to the Islamic Community present on the Italian territory.


In Arabia Saudita, where is the "holy city" of Mecca, there is not even a twenty square meter chapel. Preserving a Gospel or Christian religious symbols is considered by the Islamic criminal law of that, as of other countries, a serious crime punishable severely. The only two Catholic liturgies that take place in that area for Christmas and Easter are celebrated in the extra territorial spaces of the embassies of Italy and France. Said this, perhaps more needs to be added?


La tenera Chaimaa Fatihi, whose book was crowned by the Casato Prime Donne di Montalcino Award, awarded to women, symbol of female courage and talent, in addition to the mantra that "his" dream Islam "is a religion of peace", he has nothing to say to us, about that? Because as far as I'm concerned, I will have a lot to say instead, strictly based on the world of reality, certainly not about the imaginative world of the surreal adolescent dreams of an "anonymous Christian" Muslim.


Per summarize the spirit and attitude of this tender surreal young woman dedicated to the sale of morphine, I would like to use a phrase extrapolated from the XXXIII Canto del Paradiso by Dante Alighieri: "The high imagination was missing here". Phrase that sounds in today's Italian: "The greatest imagination lacked the capacity". That means: we are just beyond the capabilities of human imagination itself.


In fact, the difference between Christianity and Islam is abysmal, though the morphine dealers don't intend to catch it: if in the name of Christianity someone gave birth to forms of violence, would betray the essence of his message and his actions would be denied and condemned by the contents of our Sacred Scriptures. If in the name of the false prophet Muhammad, groups that are anything but minority, instead they give rise to forms of dangerous violence, in doing so they fulfill what is contained and enclosed in the Koran, who commands to attack, to subdue and subdue the infidels, even indicating how to kill those who refuse to undergo forced conversion. Violent practice that has always been practiced by Islam "religion of peace", which in a very urban and liberal way leaves you two choices if necessary: either you get converted or I'll kill you.


La tenera Chaimaa Fatihi, which Quran he read? And if he read it, he thinks he has understood? Or more simply: he really thinks he can easily make fun of Christians, without taking into account that we, behind, we don't have a shrewd camel driver born in the Arabian peninsula who became a great prophet, but the Word of God made man? To this must then be added twenty centuries of history and culture, in addition to how we treasured, also preserved and developed the heritage of Jewish wisdom, Greek and Roman.


Santa Claus, alla tenera Chaimaa Fatihi, he has already brought another decapitated head as a gift, this time inside the sacred spaces of the Basilica of Notre Dame of Nice, on which he can return to reassure us that Islam "is a religion of peace", while for my part I wish good morphine to Europe affected by widespread metastases and relentless hatred and rejection of its Christian roots.


the Island of Patmos, 29 October 2020




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Homosexuals and that cardinal virtue of prudence that the Supreme Pontiff should exercise, being on earth the Successor of the Apostle Peter, not the Successor of Christ

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The Roman Pontiff is indeed the Vicar of Christ, but it is not Christ, he is his vicar on earth, not his Successor on earth. The Supreme Pontiff is the Successor of Peter, not the Successor of Christ. Therefore it cannot be more "open" and "good" than Christ himself. Nor can it abolish what Christ established also through the creation of man and woman, created through him and for him (cf.. With the 1,16).


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.



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"Children don't buy themselves" – If the bill against homotrasophobia will be converted into state law, for an image like this one will risk prison.

For days I have been listeningO troubled Christian faithful from the recent statements by the Roman Pontiff on civil unions between people with homosexual tendencies. I add to them several priest confreres who found themselves confused and embarrassed by these private utterances of the Pope. We priests, faithful to every Successor of Peter, we know, how certain affirmations produce precedents in the common feeling which then make pastoral practice problematic and difficult, sacramental and moral. As happened in the past with the post-synodal apostolic exhortation love joy. Qhis due to an intrinsic formative weakness of people who are no longer able to distinguish between a magisterial pronouncement of the Church and ecclesial gossip. Said in other terms: for the men of today - including many Christians - there is no difference between an off-the-cuff interview of the Pope with Eugenio Scalfari or with Antonio Spadaro, an encyclical and a own motion Popes.


For this I do not intend to dwell on purpose on the analysis of the ambiguous words present in that documentary by Evgeny Afineevsky shown at the Rome Film Fest a few days ago. The work of the Russian director, it has been defined by many as «a good product, able to outline the profile of a Pontiff who is reaching out to the suburbs, in listening to the whole community, especially to the last and the distant " [cf.. WHO].


A bold assessment, this, which could also have a merit for the purposes of cinematographic art, but which appears totally detrimental to the authority and dignity of the Pope who cannot be compared and subjected to any man by virtue of his spiritual and moral role that he plays for all of catholicity. Nel progetto cinematografico documentaristico il Papa dell’inclusività avrebbe affermato:


«Le persone omosessuali hanno il diritto di essere in una famiglia. They are children of God and have a right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out or made unhappy about it. What we need to create is a law on civil unions. This way they are legally covered. I fought for this " [cf.. WHO].


Faced with this statement, we can include the testimony of the Chilean activist Juan Carlos Cruz, also present at the Rome film event, che ha affermato:


“When I met Pope Francis he told me how sorry he was for what had happened. Juan, it's God who made you gay and still loves you. God loves you and the Pope loves you too ".


Combining the documentary of the Russian director the testimony of the Chilean activist thus creates a very precise intentionality with which to read the figure of the Pontiff, reducing him to a faction leader. Unfortunately, such an attempt is useless, because the figure of the Pope does not stand on the strength of subjective reviews or evaluations, on the contrary, the figure of the Pope is authentic on the basis of what Christ himself established for him, constituting him his vicar and representative on earth. This is why it is not necessary to analyze the interview with the Pope and try to reconstruct a complex exegesis with the sole purpose of exonerating or blaming the Roman Pontiff. Much less need an interpretation in a good part of certain theologians who have the sole purpose of saving what can be saved and making the Pope say what perhaps he never thought, said or simply hypothesized. Because we must also deal with this other type of subject: those who for seven years have now specialized in making the Supreme Pontiff say what he did not say, finding in his words what is not there.


The Pope's voice is that of the Church, which is expressed through official organs and channels of the Holy See and through a solid magisterium, precise and punctual, not through improvised and inappropriate private chatter. La sua, like it or not like it, it must be a clear and scrupulously protected voice, it cannot be used in documentaries, off-the-cuff interviews o live your Facebook or your Instagram. The Pope doesn't have to be influence him of God.


The Pope's voice should not give rise to official denials in quanto è guarantee of that cardinal virtue of prudence which is indispensable for every pastor of the Church. A voice that should be heard wisely, avoiding those disputes of speech with the world that the Seraphic Father Francis advised against to his friars.


That's why I consider these scoop so sensational, harmful to the figure of the Supreme Pontiff and not binding for the Catholic faithful who have no obligation to assent of faith. We know well how today every statement can be wisely manipulated and used properly. The print, i social media e i media I'm able to sew a makeover to any statement when, extrapolating the original context, it is turned over so many times that it assumes a contradictory value, with the result of changing into white what is black and into good what is evil.


Such ploy are obvious to all, but some turn out to be more useful than others when they facilitate, eg, very specific and very specific purposes. And the purpose in this case coincides with the law against homotransphobia and LGBT rights that is being approved in Italy. If we think about it, this interview with the Pope had the merit of perfect timing, in fact which better sponsor of the Pontiff to present the open-minded requests of the rainbow community in the Italian media and social context that has always been Catholic?


He is sure in the face of such utterances, everyone will feel compelled to say naively: «If the Pope says so, it's a good thing, it's an urgent and just law ", so you have to let it pass. Caution, Examples such as this lead very quickly to the consequence of the supremacy of juridical positivism over natural law and natural morality. With the consequence that a law becomes right solo per il fatto che è stata attuata e approvata da un legislatore umano o perché il legislatore umano considera tale legge giusta in forza del suo stesso esistere. We know well that this is not the case, indeed, many laws that claim the title of just and civil have proved to be the most deleterious and dangerous.


For St. Thomas Aquinas, human right proceeds from natural law, therefore a law that conflicts with natural law can not only be harmful but also morally inhuman and unseemly as it opposes God as the supreme good and legislator. Clarified this, let us return to papal outbursts and contingent problems.


It must be clear to everyone that any Pope it cannot go against the deposit of the Catholic faith and the perennial doctrine of the Church. The Church has already been clear enough about people with homosexual tendencies, both through scriptural revelation, both through magisterial pronouncements, and in the pastoral practice of directors of souls. The Pope can only reiterate and confirm what is already in the teaching of the Church and in case he wants to further clarify his thoughts on particular issues, he can do so without however leaving the bed of the two thousand year old magisterium.


Hence the Pope, as such, will never tell that it is necessary for same-sex couples to marry, having children and equating their marriage to the natural one between a man and a woman. This will never happen, but this should not necessarily be seen as a hateful stance, indeed, it is necessary to clearly reiterate that in the Church any person predisposed to homosexuality will never be mocked or condemned but if anything accompanied with concern towards a path of truth that cannot, however, deny itself.


My analysis appears correct and makes sense if we compare it with the evidence of the facts and with the reactions that arose after the release of the documentary on the Pope. In Italy, the Honorable Zan, main signatory of the law against homotransphobia, writes on Twitter:


"The words of @Pontifex_it on #UnioniCivili recognize the right of #lgbt people to family life and help fight hatred and discrimination. It is the duty of the legislator to combat these violent phenomena: now let's speed up the law against #omotransphobia " [cf.. WHO].


Public answers like these they have multiplied throughout the international political world and in all circles that support LGBT lobbies, so much so as to raise a victory song and bring the Pope in triumph as the one who finally put an end to Catholic obscurantism of medieval origin, racist, fascist and male chauvinist.


It is clear that these gentlemen are profoundly ignorant of what the Roman Pontiff is and what its role is within the Catholic Church. Yes, he is the Vicar of Christ but he is not Christ, he is precisely his vicar on earth, certainly not his Successor on earth. The Supreme Pontiff, per meglio ancora chiarire, It is the successor of Peter, he is not the Successor of Christ. Nor can he be more "open" and "good" than Christ himself. With this it is easy to say that it cannot abolish what Christ established also through the creation of man and woman, created through him and for him (cf.. With the 1,16). So the man and the woman, male and female, unique and complementary, they are part of a natural purpose that is achieved not only through a physiologically correct act but also by respecting the purpose for which this act intrinsically aims, that is, to live a unitive and procreative sexuality oriented and redeemed by the one and highest good that is God.


And the awareness of being a Servant of the servants of God it constitutes precisely the way of redemption of the Blessed Apostle Peter. He in Cesarèa di Filippo, although constituted by Christ as a stone on which to build the Church (cf.. Mt 16,18), he had to be converted through a new following. After having scandalized the Master with an alternative salvation proposal to the cross and obedience to the Father (cf.. Mt 16,21-23), he understood that Christ is the only path that man can take. Pietro, therefore every Pontiff of all times, he realizes that his office is in the hands of Christ and produces salvation only and only when Christ is allowed to save the world through the sacrifice of the cross and obedience to God (cf.. GV 21,15-19).


Come ben sappiamo, today speaking of the cross and obedience means being taken for fanatics, these are realities not liked by the world. For this reason it is better to seek realities of salvation alien to Christ, showing a substitute in the Vicar of Christ, through which to show more exciting new ways, or better to say, obviously proceeding by absurd paradox: “If Christ remained behind, his Vicar on earth can update, or rather, revolutionize everything ".


This is the real demonic cunning which rages in our contemporaneity and which still tries to use the figure of the head of Christianity to confuse men and disunite the Church. Pietro, which in the past was sifted as good wheat by Satan (LC 22,31-34), still suffers from the attacks of God's monkey, than from inside and outside the Church, subjects the successors of the apostle to a continuous temptation that can only be resisted through the prayer of Christ and to a continuous and humble repentance after the error: «Simone, Simon behold satan has sought you to sift you like wheat; but I prayed for you, that thy faith fail not:; and you, turned again, confirm your brothers " (LC 22,31-32).


Laconi, 24 October 2020




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The Fathers of the Island of Patmos are working for you, meanwhile Thursday 8 October Father Ariel returns to Mediaset to the Dritto e Rovescio su Rete program 4




Editors of The Island of Patmos


Dear Readers,

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, television season 2019-2020

Over the past two weeks we have reduced the publication of articles because we are in hyperactivity. We are in the process of publishing and distributing five books:


  1. a non-fiction work signed by Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo - Ivano Liguori - Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci: The Church and the coronavirus - Between supercazzole and tests of faith. The apostolate of the Fathers of the Island of Patmos in a time of pandemic.
  2. A work of fiction by Emilio Biagini: The New Earth.
  3. A work of fiction by Maria Antonietta Novara: Grandma didn't tell fairy tales.
  4. A work of fiction by Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo: The path of the three keys.
  5. A non-fiction work by Ester Maria Ledda: Acts and misdeeds of apostates.


Meanwhile Father Ariel come back Thursday 8 October in Mediaset to the program Straight and Reverse conducted to Paolo Del Debbio on the Net 4, where he was a guest at 12 bet in the season 2019/2020.


We take this opportunity to thank profoundly the readers who with their offers have helped us to pay the annual management costs of the site that hosts this magazine. We are slowly responding to everyone with some’ of delay, given the amount of work to which we are subjected in these days. Unfortunately, we will not be able to reply to some who, along with their donation, did not send us an email address. We are very sorry not to be able to send them a message and for this we thank them in these lines.


the Island of Patmos, 7 October 2020



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but bring, spread and defend the truth not only of
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