Writes Cardinal Walter Brandmüller: "The Instrumentum laboris of the Synod panamazzonico is heretical and is an act of apostasy from the Catholic faith"

A thought about the priesthood of our Father Ivano Liguori, pellegrino to Santiago de Compostela, Father Gabriele Giordano Scardocci

The affectionate greeting of the Dominican Father Gabriel Giordano to the readers of The Island of Patmos within days of his priestly ordination

Politics and morality: The city of Rome is the collapse and Italy follow the same fate? It is not the fault of politicians and administrators, but to the people of great Italians who are immoral

It is true that when you are born a lion, you cannot become an antelope, but in the face of the tragedy of impotence and uselessness, we must reflect that there is a time … there is a time … there is a time …

"One of our sample becomes priest". We invite anyone who wishes to participate in the priestly ordination of Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, Order of Preachers, the youngest of the Fathers of The Island of Patmos

"The confessional should not be a torture room", but it can be an operating room in which it intervenes to remove the metastasis of a malignant tumor

That destructive ideology immigrazionista clerical-political: angels Nigerians in outburst in Rome? Recourse to the use of more than legitimate violence is essential in the face of certain situations and subjects

the Bishop of Springfield denies Communion to politicians who voted for the abortion law, Why? Simple: because it followed two and two to make four.

"Woe to the shepherds of Israel who feed themselves!». To be executed by the Nazis we were prepared, to be executed by firing squads of the merciful Church no, we were not prepared.