Giovanni Cavalcoli
Of the Order of Preachers
Presbyter and Theologian

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Father Giovanni

A piece of news: Alberto Melloni announces the extinction of the Priesthood

defend the Pope from false friends




At absurd and dangerous claims of the head of the School of Bologna, is a must reply that the priest did not invent the Council of Trent, as he falsely claims, but our Lord Jesus Christ, however different the priesthood is the time of Christ, to those of Trent, to ours.



Giovanni Cavalcoli, o.p.



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Melloni and Francesco

the Pope Francis I and the head of the School of Bologna Alberto Melloni [© The Osservatore Romano]

In the rubric defend the Pope from false friends, we offer this time to the readers Feedback.Article the historian Alberto Melloni, that some years was planning to propose to the Pope an equal share of the leadership of the Church with the Orthodox Patriarch of Constantinople, while recently he extolled Pope Francis for making peace, after a thousand years, with the Orthodox Patriarchate of that city, ending the doctrinal controversy.


We refer article titled "The Mass is ended. So after five centuries it sets the figure of the priest " [cf. WHO], appeared on The Republic on Wednesday 22 last March in signing Alberto Melloni, which strives for a quick picture of the priest figure promoted by the Council of Trent, hinting at certain psychological aspects, behavioral, cultural and pastoral - the so-called "clericalism" -, They actually have characterized some priestly style spread until Vatican II, and to which the Council and the post-conciliar Magisterium have remedied. Although he completely neglects to mention the merits dogmatic and anti-heretical Council of Trent, for example the priest as a guide of souls, man of the sacred and doctrinal firmness; and at the same time analyzing certain pastoral limits of the reform of Vatican II, for example, the secularizing trend, gooder and peace activist, all elements further aggravated by the resurgence of modernism, which Alberto Melloni, leader of the School of Bologna, It is one of the best known leaders in the field of church history.


The most serious shortcoming of this short article is biased misconception evil with which Alberto Melloni plays unfairly between the refusal of the Tridentine model of the priest - something about which you might even agree, not for nothing that the Vatican has proposed a reform, although partially questionable -, and the rejection of the priest as such, or the Sacrament of Orders, on Luther's footsteps, as it is clear from the title of the article.


Let us now review the pearls of this beautiful melloniana necklace. For every assertion of Alberto Melloni will now follow my answer.


Writes Alberto Melloni Muted is a great cycle is exhausted: that of the priest. That formidable sixteenth invention that has shaped the culture and politics, psychology and inner life, art and theology of the West and its former colonies was not extinguished (are approximately 420.000 the priests in the world), But for over a century it is in crisis: in Italy we passed by 15 thousand to approximately ninety 2.700 seminarians.


Answer from such purpose that the author begins with the recall the Tridentine reform. The priest, according to its interpretation of the Tridentine, He not established Jesus Christ, but it is an invention of the papacy, it is the fourth century, how they think Schillebeeckx and Rahner or the Middle Ages, as Luther believes, or with the Council of Trent, how do you think Melloni, does not matter. The fact is that, according to them, Here Christ has nothing to do, but the thirst for power of the papacy.


The growth of priestly vocations is not in crisis because the Church is still harks back to the Tridentine dogmatic about the Sacrament of Orders and directives of Vatican II; the crisis of vocations depends on whether the modernists have put about a false idea of ​​the priesthood, which it is a rejection of the Tridentine dogmatic and false interpretation of Vatican II directives. The major responsible for this massive fraud is Karl Rahner[1], while Alberto Melloni is one of the corporals of this army of modernists.


Writes Alberto Melloni Counts in this historical phase the reverb on the clergy of the fall of the intellectual qualities of the ruling classes to which they belong and those who choose the priesthood that he who gives it to him.


I repeat in this regard that this is a false history. Whatever seminarian who studies the history of the Church - not by Melloni, but with a normal historical -, knows that the Tridentine reform of the studies and the training of clergy, to which we have precisely the birth of Seminars, powerfully he revived the emaciated scholastic theology, marred by neo-paganism humanistic Renaissance, and dall'occamismo which is at the origin of Luther's theology, and he resurrected a new fruitful season of scholastic theology, and then of priestly formation, especially at the hands of the Dominicans and the Jesuits, which, as is known, the late sixteenth century, until the dawn of the following, They challenged in a noble contest, that fielded the best samples of the two parts.


Famous remained the Dominican Domingo Bañez against the Jesuit Luigi Molina, initiator of the dispute, in an attempt to clarify the relationship between the action of grace and the free will, a very serious, subtle and fascinating question raised by the Lutheran problematic.


The noble tournament was well 164 sessions, in which the great theologians disputed passionately or turn to the presence of the Pope. The Dominicans emphasized the power of grace, using the metaphysical category of causality, the so-called "physical premozione"; the Jesuits, instead, They emphasized the power of the human will, using the biblical category of "covenant". There is no doubt that this dispute, although between ducts, He did not fail to powerfully revitalize the intellectual culture of the bishops and priests, making them experts in the mystical world of grace and freedom, and therefore more capable of guiding souls on the way of salvation and holiness.


Moreover, everyone knows how the Tridentine Reform began a training of clergy animated by a strong missionary spirit. The recent discovery of new continents made conscious European Christianity do not run out, as he believed the Middle Ages, the whole inhabited world. So the Church began to expand rapidly in the immense new lands and continued the evangelization of Asia and Africa.


Writes Alberto Melloni But the question is wedged deeper into history. This “Trent prête” It seems to cross the turning point of modernity without damage: indeed the birth of new orders and nineteenth priests companies, and zeal in making large seminars as factories, appear to ensure that its function remains intact within the same institutional and theological shell. But it's not true: the church which is perched in defense of their own fence makes an official whose inner profile wear in social control.


Answer from such purpose that the birth of many religious institutes and clerical nineteenth testimony of a Church attentive to the signs of the times and the great social needs: the poorest, the suffering and the marginalized, education of children and young people, to their preparation for work, the good of families, the dignity of women, the Catholic culture, the political commitment of the laity, missions.


Writes Alberto Melloni The poll of consciousness of a humanity which has no experience weakens compassion.


Answer from such purpose that human experience of the priest does not need to apply their own horizon of the secular - economy, finance, militia, policy, family, technology, industry and commerce -, because it focuses on human values ​​that are at the root and the purpose of existence, more relevant to the meaning of life and history, to the problem of suffering, of sin and salvation, the need for truth, of justice, of peace, of freedom and happiness, to moral values, Religious and Spiritual, the relationship with God.


In the Sacrament of Penance, the confessor, who knows the dignity and the fragility of consciousness, familiar with the resources and the weaknesses of man, and knows that he too a forgiven sinner, enters so gently and respectfully in the conscience of the penitent and judges it, competently, prudence and charity, like a surgeon who operates on the heart, but only because the same penitent, in faith knowing the invaluable help he can give the priest in the life of grace, he needs it, She wishes him and asks him, and then opens it to him, to be evaluated, analyzed, included, healed, pardoned, purified, illuminated, guided, set free, comforted, consulate, encouraged, pacified.


lay, man or woman, the priest who tries, It does not expect to find him or find a similar worldly experience, secular or lay, which may have far too much, but what he wants is the man of God, the man of truth and love, which it has the analogical knowledge and wisdom of God, He knows how to talk to him about, unable to raise his spirit and brought to holiness (anagogia), He knows how to introduce it in his mystery (mystagogia), and let them experience in prayer, in worship and liturgy, in ecclesial communion with the Supreme Pontiff.


The believer knows well, as saith the prophet Malachi, that "the priest's lips should keep knowledge, and from his mouth trying Education, for he is the messenger of the LORD Almighty " (Ml 2,7). The faithful know that the priest is "appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices" (EB 8,3). At Mass, he, in the person of Christ, It is offering to the Father, in the Holy Spirit, the redemptive sacrifice of Christ and atoning for the remission of sins. He is the "pope" who, in Christ and through Christ, "Builds a bridge between God and man".


It is man who, like Christ, deep knowledge of the man (GV 2,25; Mt 9,4), problems, the values ​​and universal human feelings, of the doubt, of certainty, of passion, of love, dell'odio, of joy, of pain, of pleasure, anguish, of fear, of hope, of repentance, of forgiveness. It is man who, in the relationship with his neighbor, It aims first of all to the salvation of souls, according to the saying of St. Giovanni Bosco: «Give me the people;, The rest take» [dami the anime, and take everything else], which, evidently, in no way precludes the priest takes action, according to his powers and skills, Also for the physical well-being of men, especially the poor and suffering. It remains, however, that for the good shepherd always applies the law of St. Gregorio Magno: "Salus animarum suprema lex esto" [the health of souls is the supreme law].


The priest must be a doctor culture, without the need to become an anthropologist, a sociologist or a psychologist. They, without being a politician or a social worker, But everyone knows stimulate human solidarity, without bias or partisanship, obedient to the authorities, especially with the Pope, but without flattery, careerism or flattery, and without being servant of rulers. The priest opens the hearts of the faithful to all human values ​​and needs of brotherly love with the heart of Christ, communicates to him, in the sacraments, God's forgiveness and the life of grace. Sa show the treasures of human dignity, to make them participate and at the same time the man's miseries, to heal them in mercy and justice. According to biblical Revelation, Tradition and the Church's doctrine, It introduced him of future realities and makes informed of the origin and end of the story.


Writes Alberto Melloni Its ancient science compared to transmission of knowledge ever more sophisticated, makes an under-educated.


Answer from such purpose that the priest knows that culture, truly valuable, essential and most important is not the technological or scientific, but the moral, religious and spiritual. Because of this, if a St. Giovanni Maria Vianney, a St. Pio of Pietrelcina or San Leopoldo Mandić had lived today, they would not be taken care of "transmission of knowledge ever more sophisticated", aware that they were playing a far more important service.


Writes Alberto Melloni The ecclesiastic zeal in condemning everything to which you can attach the suffix “Ismo”, It impoverishes the readings and makes it foreign to “its”, who become suddenly “distant”.


Answer from such purpose that Melloni, man "carnal" as, that "does not understand the things of the Spirit of God" (The Cor 2,14), He understands nothing of priestly discernment, in which the minister of Christ, thanks to the wisdom of the Holy Spirit gift, is that ' "spiritual man, that judges everything, without being judged by anyone" (v.15), if not from God himself (The Cor 4,4).


Writes Alberto Melloni The loss of role and’ emotional neglect exposes the worst: until the soppy exaltation of celibacy, that traps sexuality in search of sublimation and attracts the priesthood unresolved or even sick people.


Answer from such purpose with that wicked and slanderous insinuation, Melloni seems to extend to the generality of the clergy the ideas and the vicious behavior of some priests unworthy, although you have to actually recognize that among moralists meander heretical ideas, o o rigorous lassiste, about sexual ethics value and, consequently, of priestly celibacy, as it reflected by the Magisterium of the Church, that indeed is to be feared that the corruption of the clergy on this point is larger than it looks.


Writes Alberto Melloni And in recent European history the priest's job is contracted out, as marginal tasks, to import clerics, elected caretakers of abandoned communities.


I repeat in this regard that this further, wicked and obtuse misunderstanding, it is now that of charity, of mutual aid, solidarity, of generosity and Priestly availability and between priests, to serve the Church and our neighbor, charity exemplary, which today give evidence many priests and religious, ready to leave their homeland, maybe very far, to aid needy dioceses or offering possibilities for ministry or other institution of their communities in areas with shortage of vocations.


Writes Alberto Melloni Even the discussion on the woman-priest - forgetting that the “priesthood” that is received in baptism women have already, and that is no small thing -, It mixes dangerously to the whole male logic which grants the other typically become obsolete crafts.


Answer from such purpose that the Church does not forget at all that a Christian woman is baptized; rather it is that Melloni - endorsed heresy Schillebeeckx - forget that the Church, by the will of Christ, does not allow the woman to enter the ministerial priesthood.


Writes Alberto Melloni The Vatican II merely groped to remove the priest that semi-monastic tone that had. Not the papacy which simply pack a priest of the poetic. Do not talk about the bishops who package the communities in what are called in Italy “pastoral unit”, and condemn the priests to become breathless officials, overwhelmed by a Community polygamy where nobody wants them well and they fail to love, at the risk of becoming saints or shipwrecked on the rocks erotic not always candid.


Answer from such purpose who is seriously insulting to the papal magisterium of the past and present state that it "simply pack a priest of the poetic". Likewise, the historian Melloni forget the world and national synods of bishops dedicated to the priesthood. The mocking tone in which mention the pastoral units, It is totally undesirable and denotes the presumption of those handling sensitive topics, where it has no jurisdiction.


Reckless and offensive of the priestly class, sign of partisanship and not of historical objectivity, It is the unwarranted generalization, extending to all the clergy dysfunction and maybe existing anomalies, but isolated and accidental. As to the "risk of becoming holy", Melloni not worry, tea, with these slanders, exaggerations and falsehoods, He certainly did not run.


Writes Alberto Melloni What is so bad that not even speak Pope Francis.


Answer from such purpose that this is not true, although of course the Pope can not echo the falsity of Melloni. The Holy Father has intervened several times to condemn the vices of the clergy and the defects of the same Roman Curia, and to indicate to the priests of holiness through their faith (cf. Light of Faith) and the best way to proclaim the Gospel (cf. The gospel of joy), shepherding the flock entrusted to them in some difficult circumstances (cf. love joy), plus all the times in which he spoke of vocations, of the works of mercy, the ministry of confession, of prayer, of the liturgy, forcing himself to be an example for priests.


If anything, we would like to ask the Pope to better promote the sacredness of the liturgy, remembering the sacrificial character of the Mass. The ecumenical concern to converge with Protestant brothers in memory of the Lord's Supper, It is certainly good and in line with the Council; but we have to wait in prayer and ecumenical dialogue, in mutual charity, then blessed, hidden in the plans of the Lord, but also related to the goodwill of all, in which the separated brethren recognize the sacrament of priestly ministry, the mystery of transubstantiation and the Mass as a sacrifice, in order to finally celebrate the Eucharist together. This is not to give in to lefebvrismo, but rather to take the reform of the reform, who initiated Papa Benedetto.


Writes Alberto Melloni So would touch to the bishops and the Bishops' Conferences to raise an issue on which it plays the lives of their churches: but laziness prevails, encouraged by the hope that the reform tomorrow to have the same courage that “He invented the priest”.


Answer from such purpose that the priest did not invent the Council of Trent, but our Lord Jesus Christ, however different the priesthood is the time of Christ, to those of Trent, to ours. The episcopate problem is not indolence - some are too active -, but the fact of the spread between the bishops of modernism, whereby, people suffering from this disease, prefer listening Alberto Melloni and other ringleaders and modernists rahneriani, rather than the Pope, Scripture and Tradition.


Varazze, 21 April 2017

between the Octave of Easter




[1] CF. my study The concept of the priesthood in Rahner, in The Ministerial Priesthood, “The love of the Heart of Jesus”, edited S.Lanzetta and S.Manelli, Mariana Publishing House, Frigento-Naples 2010, pp.183-229.






