Fidel Castro is dead: WWF gives the sad news

If all priests may absolve the sin of abortion, all priests may absolve from sin to attack the Supreme Pontiff

New Pentecost or Whitsun uninterrupted? The event of Pentecost is the negation of the hermeneutics of “break up” and of “discontinuity” of Bologna School

The season of the post-conciliar and the conflicts in the Church: “If you bite and devour one another, heed that you are not consumed with each other”

From Giovanni Cavalcoli to Donald Trump: "Sodomites have lost '. The gay lobby denounce Dominican theologian for what he did not say, but the American electorate for what with the vote expressed

Quake as a "punishment from God for civil unions"? John responds Cavalcoli: "I have been misunderstood or perhaps I expressed myself badly". Ariel S. Levi Gualdo wrote to the Cardinals Pietro Parolin and Gehrard Muller: "Show us the face of God's Mercy, not the false man mercy, that it is not interested "

The commemoration of the deceased and present society: there is still an idea of ​​Christian burial in his ecclesial aspect?