Maximalism and heroism. Opportunism Andrea Grillo tries to play between “love joy” e “The Splendor of Truth”. With posthumous appendix on the case of Archbishop Luigi Negri

- defend the Holy Father from false friends -



The moral ideas of Andrea Grillo produce of Don Abbondio, ready to obey the first rascal who happen, the smart ones who want to get away on the cheap and with the aura of the Prophet, of court jesters or flatterers of the master who pays them well, of the Machiavellian dictator Service, the opportunists pushed by the wind that pulls, of Talleyrand who are always afloat, adept at saving your skin in all circumstances, of cowards ready to kneel down to the ground and kiss the feet of the first bully that makes its voice. Therefore, certain ideas and ways of acting, do not produce the eagle's flight, but the cackling of hens in the henhouse.



Giovanni Cavalcoli, o.p.



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I charge you to keep the commandment without stain or reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ [The Tm 6,14]



Giovanni Cafarra

Giovanni Cavalcoli in the Dominican convent of Bologna, Cardinal Carlo Caffarra at the opening of the diocesan phase of the beatification process of the Dominican theologian Tomas Tyn

Andrea Grillo intervened the 3 Last May, on its website European Cultural Magazine a short article entitled "love joy: Beyond The Splendor of Truth, ie on this side of the moral maximalism " [cf. readable text WHO]», which he sees in 'love joy a contrast, or rather an approach to the question of the relationship between moral law and moral circumstances of the act, "That would be no exaggeration to define" diametrically opposite "" with respect to The Splendor of Truth of St. John Paul II, which according to him would be tainted by "maximalism", "Rationalism" and contempt for the "tradition", while 'love joy, "She realizes with great power and with a Prophetic tradition recovery ', so it 'processes, in section. VIII, an understanding of the "wounds of the family", which proposes a relationship between "rules" and "discernment" which retrieves an ancient ecclesial wisdom, with respect to which a "Desktop cold morality" [cf. The joy of love, 312] He had claimed to distance itself dramatically and maximalist ".


This contrast made by Grillo between these two great papal documents is totally false and sophistic, slanderous towards Saint John Paul II and blatantly flattering towards Pope Francis, according to a costume objectionable that has spread among the flatterers modernists reigning Pope, for example, also Enzo Bianchi. If anything is to be said that the two documents complement and illuminate each other, because while the encyclical of Giovanni Paolo II stopped more about some basic principles of moral theology, the Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis takes greater account of local conditions, the circumstances and manner, in which the subject agent must apply, in the case of married life, the moral law.


How silly is the accusation made by some to the Pope to relativize the moral law, or to question the indissolubility of marriage or even the sacredness of the Eucharist, as if to encourage moral laxity, equally foolish is the accusation made by Grillo to a Holy Pontiff, an expert in pastoral care, of "maximalism" moral, ie abstractness, stiffness, excessive demands, too much severity and poor understanding of human weaknesses, As if he lacked compassion and sense of circumstances.


There is no doubt that not only for the Holy Father Giovanni Paolo II, but also for the Holy Father Francis adultery is a intrinsically evil, because this concept, as is clear from the The Splendor of Truth, It is necessarily linked with the words of Christ himself on the indissolubility of marriage and the prohibition of adultery.


But Unlike the case of adultery and the dissolution of marriage. Adultery is always prohibited without exception. In the second case, however - apart from the Mosaic law about changed by Christ -, St. Paul gives permission to the believing mate, whose faith is endangered by non-believing mate, to leave, so that the marriage is dissolved. It is the so-called Pauline privilege. So we read in Moral Theology Dictionary directed by Cardinal Francesco Roberti [1], to the item Pauline privilege: «The so-called Pauline privilege is contained in I Cor 7, 11-16. […] For it can melt only legitimate marriage, also consumed, namely to contract by two unbaptized, if one of them is converted to Christianity. It does not apply to marriage between a baptized and an infidel, Contract previous dispensation from the impediment of disparity of cult ".


Here we have a sacred value - the marriage bond -, to which in two different ways opposes a certain human act. But what abysmal difference in the one in the other case! Adultery is a private act by which a man does a grave sin against the indissolubility and sacredness of marriage, so that the bond remains intact. The dissolution of the bond is a public act of legitimate ecclesiastical authority, authorized by the doctrine of St. Paul.


Here we see that the difference, regarding the sacrament of marriage legislation, between the divine institution (Christ's will) and the legal power of authority of the Church ("Power of the keys"). While Christ gave to the Church and then to the moral from it taught - with all due respect to Grillo - to make exceptions to the prohibition of adultery and divorce, He has granted to the Church, through St. Paul, the faculty, in certain cases, to dissolve the marriage bond.


A foul play


Grillo plays unfairly sull'inveterato idealistic misunderstanding, which gives the primacy of subject on 'object, meaning by subject consciousness as intended by Descartes, ie not regulated by the truth, but as a rule of truth, not as thought by the idea it adapts to the real, but as real or be (sum) deducted from the thought (cogito) or idea, so the truth for Descartes is not what is really there in front of me (object), independently of me (if anything dependent on God), but what I (subject, "subject") I decide to be the truth and reality. Now, we must say that it is true that if I think, it means that I exist, but it is even more true that in order to think, I must first exist. Hence the primacy of being over thought and so on consciousness. The dissolution of being in thought and subjective consciousness is the folly of idealism, producer of metaphysical solipsism, theoretical soggettivismo, moral relativism and corruption, emotional disorders, hallucinatory or autistic disorders, illusions to no end.


This principle, carried to its extreme consequences produced the Hegelian identification and Gentile being in thought. This is the modern subject Grillo pleases and that he has unwittingly put in the place of God, for it is only God, Self-awareness is only the divine, which it is being rule, of truth and conscience.


It is clear that if subject, according to the idealistic language, It means the world of spirit or consciousness, while 'object are the things external materials, it has the primacy of the subject, that the spirit, on the object, that is to say on the matter. But if by Subject, according to the realist language, we mean thought and by object we mean the real, Here is the thought that has to adapt to the real. But it must be said that consciousness is not intended as absolute source of truth, but as a moral obligation to accept the truth. Instead, what Grillo called "modern subject", is nothing more than the modernist concept of consciousness, for which Father Arturo Sosa speaks of "primacy of conscience", forgetting, as I have shown in my previous article dedicated to him, that consciousness has no record either in the know, where the record goes to the intuition of reality, nor much less in the context of being, where the primacy goes to the truth of being, objective rule of the truth of conscience.


Comparison between The Splendor of Truth e love joy.


So, if one side is right in claiming that Pope Francis:


  1. "It is true that the general rules are good that one should never disregard or neglect, but in their formulation can not absolutely embrace all special situations' [love joy 304]. That does not deny the existence of inalienable values, namely 'intrinsically good O the virtuous, nor it means that the fact that the legislature ignore all possible cases admits the possibility of cases in which we can make an exception to the law.


  1. "The Church has a solid reflection on the conditioning and the mitigating circumstances. Therefore it is no longer possible to say that all those who are in some situation so-called "irregular" they live in a state of mortal sin, deprived of sanctifying grace " [love joy 301]. You can alternating periods in which they have grace periods in which they are in sin, devoid of grace.


  1. "It's possible that by an objective situation of sin - that is not subjectively guilty or that it is not so full - we can live in God's grace, you can love, and it can also grow in the life of grace and charity, receiving for this purpose the help of the Church " [love joy 305].


  1. "You have to accompany with mercy and patience possible stages of growth of the people who are building day by day, giving way to the mercy of the Lord who inspires us to do good can […] Jesus wants a Church attentive to the good that the Spirit spreads in the middle of the fragility: a mother, at the very moment in which he clearly expresses his target education, can not give up the good, although it runs the risk of getting dirty with mud of the road " [love joy, 308]. It is clear that the use of accompaniment, of mercy, understanding, tolerance and patience, in certain circumstances does not exclude, in other circumstances, the stimulus, incitement, the warning, recall, the reprimand and warning.


On the other side did well Saint Giovanni Paolo II to remember that:


  1. "They give the human act of items that are considered" not being ordered to God ", because they radically contradict the good of the person, made in his image " [The Splendor of Truth, 80].


  1. In the moral tradition of the Church human acts that are directed to those objects "they are called intrinsically evil (intrinsically evil): they are always and per se, that is, by their very purpose, apart from the ulterior intentions of those acts or circumstances' [truth Spendor, 80].


  1. "The circumstances and intentions can never transform an act intrinsically evil for its object into an act 'subjectively' good or defensible as a choice" [The Splendor of Truth, 81].


Here there is no maximalism, no rigor, no stiffness, no rationalism, no exaggerated claim. No stiffness or too strict requirement, but wise and prudent flexibility in adapting the call to perfection, the possibilities and own needs of each. The Pope knows what God can ask the man, where man can be responsible and where he is worthy of pity.


"The Church - says St. Giovanni Paolo II [The Splendor of Truth,95] ―, that can never renounce the "the principle of truth" and consistency, why not agree to call good evil and evil good, must always be careful not to break the bruised reed, and to quench the dimly burning wick [cf Is 42,3]. Blessed Paul VI wrote: "To diminish in no way the saving teaching of Christ constitutes an eminent form of charity for souls. But this must ever be accompanied by patience and goodness, such as the Lord himself gave example of in dealing with men. Having come not to condemn but to save [cf. GV 3,17], He was intransigent with evil, but merciful towards individuals "».


It is perfectly reasonable considerations, based on rational concept of the good man and his ultimate goal, who is God. The knowledge of this order is provable, as is known, natural reason, it is an order or absolute good, that requires absolutely, failing which the man fails in life. The rules to follow to achieve the ultimate goal, namely natural law, The reason derives from the consideration of man as a rational animal.


Christian morality creates saints, no half figures


If the mountain guide indicates downstream walker to the peak to conquer, certainly it does not claim that he reaches the suddenly with a jump, or crosses his mind to reproach him if he does not immediately, but apparently it is ready to help and to accompany him, with thoughtfulness and wisdom, in the slow climb to the top.


To facilitate the journey of life we must lower the moral ideal or have discounts on our own initiative, but put all our good will with the help of grace, trusting in the mercy of God, but without taking advantage of his kindness slyly to make our comfortable. We must be able to present to the next, whoever he is, the Christian ideal in all its loftiness, assure our help and especially encourage him to make the most - that's the good "maximalism"! - trusting in the Lord.


Saint Giovanni Paolo II does not call for the impossible, but it reminds everyone of the highest dignity of the person and of his responsibility, created in God's image, without forgetting all its miseries, consequent to sin, especially in today's climate of widespread intellectual disorientation, and on the limits of human nature eternally established by the Creator and overcome to varying degrees by the life of grace and holiness, gift of the Savior's mercy.


And Pope Francis is not the manipulator ambiguous or that cunning lax that some would have us believe. instead, you must, with careful exegesis and benevolent, take note of his pastoral wisdom and the fact that love joy he adds to The Splendor of Truth indications lenient case, which does not give the space The Splendor of Truth, more theoretical approach. It is true that some steps of love joy, for unclear, They can cause problems, but much is clarified by resorting to the previous Magisterium, starting from Familiar Consortium.


Let's say instead Grillo that we must not confuse the seriousness and moral rigor with rigor, the moral effort with maximalism, loyalty to our promises, to our vocation or ideal inviolable and sacred purpose we have set ourselves, with conservatism or stagnation or fundamentalism or stubbornness or "closed to new".


The moral principles of Grillo, spoiled by historicism, are too weak and fragile to produce not say of the martyrs and heroes, but even people of character, with robust backbone. If Maria Goretti had taken Andrea Grillo's ideas on sex and marriage, He would certainly have granted requests for Alessandro Serenelli, that at least distinguish the man from the woman and made no confusion between the sexes.


The moral ideas Grillo produce of Don Abbondio, ready to obey the first rascal who happen, the smart ones who want to get away on the cheap and with the aura of the Prophet, of court jesters or flatterers of the master who pays them well, of the Machiavellian dictator Service, the opportunists pushed by the wind that pulls, of Taillerand who are always afloat, adept at saving your skin in all circumstances, of cowards ready to kneel down to the ground and kiss the feet of the first bully that makes its voice. Therefore, certain ideas and ways of acting, do not produce the eagle's flight, but the cackling of hens in the henhouse.


Varazze, 23 May 2017

Translation of the Holy Father Domenico di Guzman


[1] Studium Publishing, Rome 1961.





Andrea Grillo struck again. This time he attacked some thoughts of S.It is. Mons. Luigi Negri, Emeritus Archbishop of Ferrara, on the attack in Manchester, very serious episode which was followed by the very recent massacre in Egypt [see the full texts WHO].

We need to detect real pain foolishness and irresponsibility of the aggression of the Archbishop Grillo. Cricket, that, with diabolical cunning, It uses a procedural defect in the thoughts of the illustrious and courageous Pastor, not understanding the literary module of which Mons. Luigi Negri has used to express, in an ideal heartfelt conversation with the poor boys killed, on the one hand his bitterness and his disdain for the umpteenth Islamic attack on Christianity, continuing an old tradition of centuries XIV and, on the other, duty to denounce the hypocrisy disgust of a rotten and secularized Europe ex-Christian, reduced to nihilism, denying with affected ignorance of the religious nature of Islamic terrorism and would like to hide behind this excuse to groped in vain to silence his conscience, that the prosecution and the storm for betraying Christ, not to defend the faith against Muslim attack and for having lost what the latest reasons for living, the rejoicing, the suffering and death.

Cricket is a dangerous and emblematic exponent of a corrupt and hypocritical Christianity papist, and burns the fact that Bishop. Luigi Negri, a good doctor and pastor, He has put his finger on the wound to heal, not to kill.
But Grillo, this, He not understood or do not want to understand, and so, proud and stubborn as, rather than reflect on the wise moral considerations of this Bishop and convert, accentuates its bitterness and doth his sophistry against those who called him back to his fatherly duties as a Christian, invoking a vain pretext criticism based sull'incomprensione unhappy literary form adopted by Mons. Luigi Negri.








1 reply
  1. Carlo says:

    Caro father, I thank you very sincerely for this article!

    In fact, after the latest “shoot” part out. Grillo incompetence of papa Benedetto XVI and Cardinal. Sarah in liturgical matters ( I tried to write some comments to show how ideological hatred and “personal” ooze from his words, not supported by arguments and serious facts, however – look'! – my comments were never published! Indeed even encourages readers “on the contrary” his opinion of “open a blog of their own so you do not have to answer to anyone about what they do”…here is the sample of Dialogue and the Misericordia Church which contradicts all but never wants to be contradicted, a true “champion of freedom of expression (own course, never that of others…)!!!

    Dear fathers Island, I beg you: continue in this important work of the Truth proclaimed mercy that the Lord has entrusted to you, for the edification of all of us faithful! We support you with our prayers!

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