love joy: we thought it was love, instead it is a dramatic split within the Church. Strong doubts canonist Yorker Gerald Murray



" The love joy it had already been formulated by Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio at the time when he was archbishop of Buenos Aires. If at the time he had sent to Rome, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, after having examined, he would answer: “This text does not conform to the authentic magisterium taught by Canon Law, by John Paul II and Benedict XVI ' "


Preparation of ’ island of Patmos



"I thought it was love, instead it was a gig »

Massimo Troisi [Naples 1953 – Rome 1994]




the late Massimo Troisi

After the statement by Father Thomas G. Weinandy, eminent theologian cappuccino Washington [see previous article WHO], these days more precise and detailed statements were made at a later American television program by our American brethren, canonist Gerald Murray, priest of the Archdiocese of New York and a distinguished scholar.


A report the video was a priest of the Archdiocese of New York that for some years he lived in Rome in contact with the Father Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo, at the time when this American priest resided at the North American College during his specialized studies in a Roman pontifical universities.


Those who live in their subjective reality, which in itself it seems really more and more divorced from the real ecclesial and pastoral, with one now hovering spirit of sloth and indifference omission, They can also pretend that all is well, while we should take note that the ambiguity of the reigning Pontiff has nothing to do with reforms. Neither has nothing to do with the fact that throughout history the Church, many important reforms have generated over the centuries discussions and discontent to no end, before being accepted.


The obvious dramatic break today in the Church, It is due to the fact that the problems created by ambiguous expressions, ambivalent and two-way interpretative, such as providing answers were words even more ambiguous and confusing. Is this, to those to whom it was not yet clear, remember that is generating the chaos get in ed Extras ecclesial.


We could not translate from the video reported by New York priest but we can summarize that in it, the distinguished canonist interviewed, precise and remember:


"The love joy it had already been formulated by Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio at the time when he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires. If at the time he had sent to Rome, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, after having examined, he would answer: “This text does not conform to the authentic magisterium taught by Canon Law, by John Paul II and Benedict XVI " […] Today, however, we find ourselves faced with something defined by the Pope as his authentic magisterium, but which would never have been recognized as such in harmony with Catholic teaching, if he had it spread as archbishop of Buenos Aires […] Doctrine and discipline proceed together in an inseparable way, that's why this is worrying […] I therefore believe that the Cardinals who presented their dubia are right. If the moral teaching of the Church is not proposed and presented in a decisive and accurate, then we fall into chaos ".


We refer to the video viewing in which Father Gerald Murray exposes and explains the great and dangerous problem we are experiencing today.






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