I narrate a sad story: If the Archbishop Luigi Negri is a combative defender of the Church in disarray, I'm a combative defender more than it was the Holy Pontiff Pius V at the Battle of Lepanto against the Ottoman Muslims



A son must honor, ed if necessary defend your father; and it must do regardless, He was also a lousy father. But if the father abusing the mother, damages the family and also damages other, the child has to say that his is a degenerate father, while continuing to honor him as the father who has given life. Archbishop Luigi Negri is a father of the paradigm degenerate, albeit now elevated to a standard of pure and true traditio by circles of Catholics who in truth are just the politicians brawler in disarray.


Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



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What could be more painful for a child, of telling the story of his father degenerate? Whereas I have nothing to “vent”, much rather laugh bitterly, for an imperative of conscience targeted to my pastoral duty to protect the body of believers of Christ Today more and more lost, I decided to tell the story of this degenerate father, Archbishop Luigi Negri, so no one will mutate into a cardboard idol.

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



in the picture: Ariel S. Levi Gualdo that welcomes S.It is in Rome. Mons. Luigi Negri in front of the Church of Santa Prisca on the Aventine the day of his priestly ordination

Moved by imperative of conscience based on the knowledge of the person, the facts and circumstances - not for regular accounts, I do not want to adjust, or for one Cold revenge which would constitute a desecration of my priesthood -, I feel obliged to argue decisively to those eroizzano certain impression figures rather than pastoral policy. Figures of which I was able to experience firsthand all the pastoral deficiencies, the lack of consistency and political transformation, offering them witness - perhaps entirely useless - to those who are exploiting these figures the, using as a pretext to stage purely doctrinal questions on controversial political battles love joy and fiery discussion that followed on remarried divorcees and their admission to the sacraments.


One of the main figures erected today in the heroic defense of the "little remains" - to say for certain - the "healthy and authentic Catholic doctrine" is S.It is. Mons. Luigi Negri, Emeritus Archbishop of Ferrara [2013-2017] and previously Bishop of the Diocese of San Marino-Montefeltro [2005-2012].


Begin then the so-called Name of the Father, first of all to clarify the somewhat confused moral idea of ​​the Archbishop, that not many years ago, before the sad red light feasts organized by award-divorced Silvio Berlusconi at his villa in Arcore - also known as flowers -, before which such a bastion of defense of the Catholic doctrine stated that "a Prime Minister is judged by his actions targeted government to protect the common good and not from his private life ' [cf. WHO]. Given that the proponent of what was for many years professor of philosophy at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, where for a period of time also held the philosophy of law courses, one wonders if you've ever browsed the Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle, to follow with dissertations on ethics and morals of St. Thomas Aquinas. Why such an assertion, and others that will follow now, you can even derive from the work Prince Niccolo Machiavelli.


... until the Holy See found itself caught to remove the 2012 from the small Diocese of San Marino-Montefeltro, After that His Excellency and especially Prudent had created yet another diplomatic incident with the Republic of San Marino, historically linked by excellent relations with the Holy See, Despite the secular footprint and part of the Masonic small, former State. But let's see what happened: the Archbishop did not find something better to do than compare the two heads of state to two "puppets dressed up to the nines", all during a luncheon. Unfortunately, a few meters from His Excellency and Prudent was the Minister of Foreign Affairs, S. AND. Antonella Mularoni, He mailed the next day all the papal honors to the Holy See with a vibrant note of protest against the Bishop of San Marino-Montefeltro who had publicly insulted the Heads of State, namely the integrity of the smallest, but also the world's oldest Republic. To extinguish the fire lit by his Excellency and Prudent was the man of faith and of S.It is diplomatic experience. Mons. Adriano Bernardini, one of the best apostolic nuncios in Italy and the Republic of San Marino from 1929 till today, followed by another great diplomat, it Cardinale Jean-Louis Tauran, that follows you entertained at breakfast with the Foreign Minister and later, in a very delicate way, He had to mention this fact with myself during our private meeting at the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. At that point the Holy See, gravely mistaken he adopted the principle of bankruptcy promoted to be removed, appointing him to 71 years old Archbishop of Ferrara; a bishopric that yes title of Archdiocese, but that is not a Metropolia, but a suffragan diocese of the underground headquarters of Bologna. Uselessly, on my part, just made official the promotion of S.It is. Mons. Luigi Negri to the headquarters of Ferrara - a town I knew well, having lived several years at the time of my university studies carried out between Ferrara and Bologna -, firmly and lovable I informed: "First, she manifests the Ferrara love for their city and care for them, but especially, as Bishop, we should always keep away from the strictly political-administrative matters that do not touch in any way or in any way the conscience of Catholics, because doing so she will be loved by Catholics and deeply respected by non-believers ". You want to know what was the textual response of His Excellency and Prudentissima, with lots of final engagement of the phone? Exactly this: «Listen, dickhead, I certainly did not learn to do it yourself Bishop!». He came to Ferrara accompanied by a secretary inept, after being surrounded as his use of weak and limited only able to say yes, and to please him and blow him even more to face its choices completely wrong, he did not leave even spend one hundred days to create a real problem of public order. But let's see what happened: unmindful of the great love that Ferrara feed for their beautiful city and how it should be proud, Archbishop he found something better to do than compare the city center to a brothel [cf WHO, WHO, etc. ..], made to him by the move Night of university and youth who rattled in pubs and bars in the center. Let me be clear, in question are not any reasons for the Prelate, but the little pastoral and provocative to adopt him, in conclusion: stuff imperious fascist mayor of the City. All this without considering that Ferrara has been up to 1860 the Papal State, that historical and social level is equivalent to saying "until just yesterday". And in this City, sometimes, anticlericalism also presents itself in deep-seated forms and decided. And so, His Excellency Most Prudent and was first observed that most of the trading funds that housed the recriminati pubs and bars in the center acting as fabbrichette booze, They were owned by the diocesan curia, to which operators were paying hefty monthly rentals. And shortly after, youth groups, supreme teasing Archbishop, They organized before the Cathedral on bordello Night [cf. WHO]. And so, in the corridors of the Holy See, it was soon to assert: "We sent in a pastorally sensitive and delicate cities like Ferrara a bishop who shortly you a real public danger is revealed". In short, almost as if he knew, or as if they had not already done extensive experience of what this man is capable when he decides to stick his nose into matters that do not relate in any way a bishop: chores strictly political-administrative.


Sua Eccellenza Reverendissima out of the Prudentissima, being Milanese to this and as such, coming from a culture of great comedians - because as known all the most famous comedians in Italy are Milan, for example Roberto Benigni, Giorgio Panariello, Enrico Brignano, Maurizio Crozza and so to follow -, He did not fail even to demonstrate his innate comic vein. And so, finding himself before the severe case of a young man of thirty-three Ferrarese, He born to a mother who had been raped as a teenager by a priest, who asked behalf and justice of that painful fact, but above all wondering why this priest had never been punished and suspended from the exercise of the sacred ministry, responding with an official of the Este curia statement - this is not therefore a phrase extrapolated and manipulated by the usual and recriminati journalists communist or Masonic tendencies -, the poor man he was told by the Archbishop in the typical tone of the satirical culture ambrosiana with these exact words:


«[…] Since, however, it seems to be a matter of history and time, and who he is accused of being responsible for things that happened over thirty years ago, Archbishop is keen to point, in order to avoid unpleasant misunderstandings in the future, who had no part in the declaration of World War I and even the second and certainly it is not intended with the American president for the dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan. On these things it is better to refer to other ' [cf. WHO].


Before this indecent text, you want to note that to be ironic about suffering and the human pain - particularly in the case of that of a wounded son, which it is always a very delicate and difficult to accommodate pain, treat and cure -, was a Bishop who has turned Italy far and wide to speak of the Social Doctrine of the Church and political values nonnegotiable family, ready to split hairs if there was to be discussed on a political condom, but ready to respond with mocking irony, however, to a young man who complained of being born to a teenage junior girl made pregnant by a priest. But it could be that the priest ingravidatore, in compliance with Catholic moral, He had been careful not to stain of shameful sin using a condom, thus making everything all right morally and canonical, or not?


Having said that the claim arises: I believe that such a bishop can be brought as a model of heroic courage and banner of defense of sound Catholic doctrine only by the revived Christian Democrats of The New Compass Daily [cf. WHO]. And if the defense of the deeds of the old award-divorced womanizer Silvio Berlusconi was not in itself sufficient, to this is added the prelate moves well reproach to those who declared himself outraged by the conduct of the Prime Minister, repeating that "the indignation is not a Christian sentiment" [cf. WHO, WHO]. And indeed, John the Baptist, who publicly rebuked in outraged tones Herod for his moral conduct of life, it was definitely not a Christian, nor could it as such nurturing Christian sentiments. Thus they did well to cut off his head for his indignation completely out of place, because good Herod had to be judged on the basis of his defense of common values, not for the fact that in private he went to bed with the wife of his brother, or had unhealthy attraction to his niece Salome - a kind of Ruby or Olgettina era [cf. WHO] ―, as it can be seen beyond the lines from the historic Gospel narratives.


If we were to take the Catholic morality of these kinds of figures as a model, then we should say that certain violations related to the sixth commandment, by those who today indicate some with fiery tones as concubines and adulterers, They are committed by them in their bedrooms or in related areas reserved. In essence: they commit sin in private, not in public. In short: do not go to consume mica embraces - these "dirty adulterous" - on the public square of the Church! Indeed it may be that in these so-called public law partner and adulterers are also defenders of so-called non-negotiable values. Just like at the time, to steal the Catholic vote, He defended them award-divorced Silvio Berlusconi, joyful organizer of private partying red light with girls of which could have been his grandfather, but he deserved in any case to be tried not for his private life but for his actions of government and for the defense of common values, Word of His Excellency Luigi Negri and Prudentissima.


Would not it be right that the poor adulterers towards which arise vehement the true Catholics defenders of true and authentic doctrine, they were also judged by their public life and their defense of common values, just like Silvio Berlusconi, not however for their lives and their private moral conduct? Also because otherwise we might go so far as to assume that His Excellency and Prudentissima, Proven poor philosophical education, unite just as little training in fundamental theology and in Catholic morality. And by the way is clear: I write these lines I have not fed and trained, regarding the scope of Catholic morality, the school of the worst lax born in the post-conciliar season, But the school of the late Cardinal Carlo Caffara, with whom I had long and fruitful relationships today so I miss. And if there's one thing I remember of this holy bishop, It is first and foremost the paternity, the pastoral and deep devotion which he always poured over his priests and the priests in general, he never left in a state of disarray and neglect to engage in quarrels and intrigues all policies and at all pastoral.


As for the heroism of His Excellency and Prudentissima, what escapes in good or bad faith to his laudatori and political exploiters is a fact that cannot be denied: his paternity spirit is comparable to that of a pickled artichoke. And here it is worth noting, who always presents him as one of the few heroic and courageous champions of the Church today in disarray, that when he was diocesan ordinary small Diocese of San Marino-Montefeltro, while he is spinning like a top in Italy between a journalist and the other, while he had time to come and go from Rome to travel to speak in Palazzo Montecitorio with Gianni Letta or Angelino Alfano and so to follow, in the space of one year and a half, especially in a small church that mattered at the time 51 secular priests, He lost three young priests, one of which had even an act of apostasy from the Catholic faith by switching to a Protestant sect. At another of the three, Diocesan manager - unbelievable, hear! - youth ministry, who instead insisted that it was the invalidity of his sacred ordination, because he said, at the time he was ordered did not feel ready, so, Always according to him, He claimed to have suffered psychological pressure while he was burdened with internal reserves, In response to His Excellency and Prudent said to continue to stay in the parish for another month and a half - then quietly to administer the sacraments (!?) ―, thus giving Bishop the time it takes to fix it. Now, I ask: a bishop who also knows and only the basic rudiments of canon law, to a priest who points his feet stating in a sure and decisive way that he has not been validly ordained a priest and who therefore declares his ordination invalid, Perhaps responding to this way, instead of immediately summon: as of this moment, you may not celebrate the Mass and not administer the sacraments as long as it has not been clarified? And this is easy to say that the defender no political Holy Communion for divorced and remarried, plus show at times lacking in philosophical and theological preparation, proof of the facts seems to be incomplete knowledge of the dogmatic and sacramental in its application of the Laws on the Canonical Discipline of the Sacraments.


If that's not enough, the amiable Bishop defender of non-negotiable political values, lost three young priests in one bang, he found better things to do, going a little later in audience by the then reigning Pope Benedict XVI, to get out from the meeting announcing in triumphal tones in all its many carers: "It was a frank and open conversation between bishop and bishop, and I could also take the opportunity to tell the Holy Father in that dire situation is the Diocese of Milan pouring now in total disarray [N.d.A. governed at the time by Dionigi Tettamanzi]». In practice he had dared to auto-run for office in Milan directly with the Roman Pontiff, heedless of not being able to govern a small diocese, until losing three priests in a short time while he was busy wandering between Marcello Pera, a Gianni Letta and an Angelino Alfano, in addition to dictate to journalists interviews in which he asked the questions and gave answers, like when you put in your mouth this title to effect his friend Camillo Langone so he spreads his umpteenth self-promotion to much bigger and more prestigious bishopric:


"The most Catholic of the few Italian Catholic bishops is abroad, in San Marino. "She lives in a postcard!"Said Benedict XVI last summer, during the visit in the diocese. "Yup, but it is a postcard that is never sent "replied Monsignor Luigi Negri" [cf. WHO].


Obviously, for "the most Catholic of the few Italian Catholic Bishops', it was necessary to think as soon as possible of a metropolitan archiepiscopal see which was also and strictly speaking the seat of cardinals. Or perhaps one can be so unconscious as to leave a bishop as a bridegroom to such a modest bride as the small Diocese of San Marino-Montefeltro.? Never, we must give it as his second wife a great lady, because in some cases, desiring your neighbor's wife, abandoning their children and their families, It is not only desirable thing, but it is something entirely due, to the point that abandonment of the marital roof and divorce sometimes become completely legitimate and sacrosanct, but then go around to criticize the dangerous casuismo of the Jesuits.


Not to mention the games played to journalists by His Excellency and Prudentissima, that follow in all respects as the 'style I was misunderstood "to which he had to get used to the then Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, incidentally always to be judged for his actions of government and for the defense of common values, not for his private orgies. Unfortunately, the last to make spending was a few days ago the famous Vatican expert Andrea Tornielli, to which His Excellency and Prudent has released an interview for Vatican Insider [cf. WHO], only to declare a couple of days later The New Compass Daily not expressing those concepts. Easy chronological interpretation of the fact: after expressing those concepts - that Andrea Tornielli reported honestly, loyal and truthful -, The circulate the drummers laudatori He has perhaps shown some confusion way, so that, His Excellency and Prudentissima, He will answer them to sit tight, because "Sui divorced and remarried have not changed my opinion" [cf. WHO]. As far as I'm concerned, anyone who should ask me if I believe more in Andrea Tornielli or Luigi Negri, I would answer without hesitation: Andrea Tornielli. This is not only because Andrea Tornielli I know him well, but because the same Luigi Negri, This serious and honest journalist, Today ultra fifty, many of whom may not share or more positions, She knows him since he was barely fifteen, knowing as I do and maybe even more than I do what is honest. But unfortunately, the political and technical Berlusconi of His Excellency and this is Prudent, proven and established over time: when the’audience cala, shoot some bang, allows a few days so the news circles and controversy mounts, then saying denies being misunderstood, if anything, even fearing threats of lawsuits and various playfulness. By the way: the feared mega-lawsuit charged to the newspaper that reported the news of the interview of His Excellency and on Prudentissima’Eurostar, when it seems to have wished the reigning Pope to fly soon to the Creator [cf. WHO], where have you been? How many millions of euros in damages were awarded to him in the newspaper's conviction by the court for the serious damage to his public image through this defamation in the press? We'd like to know, rather through an article of information signed by Riccardo Cascioli, director de The New Compass Daily.


If therefore today we are in the dramatic situation in which we find ourselves, It is not the fault of the reigning Pontiff, to which pastoral choices and government I never spared openly harsh criticism, while stating, however,, as I wrote, Francesco I came last in a restaurant where even before he sat was attacked by management who presented the bill for all those who had had lunch and dinner handsomely before him [cf. WHO], after having given the Church for many years the most engaged in election campaigns instead of bishops in pastoral visits to parishes and in the care of their clergy. The current state of the Church is indeed guilty of those bad politiconi bishops which are now presented, by as many lay politicians, as defenders of the true Catholic faith. Are they, those responsible for the well-deserved election of a man like Jorge Mario Bergoglio, after that in 2013 we had reached a situation of unsustainability tied upstream to the weakness of government of the Blessed Pontiff Paul VI, which still has to be studied in the light of the terrible years of the post-conciliar, followed by the lack of a sense of authority that had completely crumbled under the pontificate of the Holy Father John Paul II, who also was a man of great authority, and finally to the almost total lack of government Venerable Pope Benedict XVI. In short: if history consists of facts and not by subjective moods, let's be careful in dealing with the actual and objective defects of the man Jorge Mario Bergoglio, many of which are the result of gross errors made upstream by Blessed and Holy Pontiffs. E, said this, as already stated, I sometimes, I repeat that the Blessed and the Saints is not required perfection, but the heroic virtues, which are not prejudiced either by the lack of human defects or from mistakes, including also sometimes blunders or serious assessment committed in total good faith, or sometimes committed since betrayed and deceived.


It would therefore be appropriate for the lost and confused Catholics from today's ecclesial and ecclesiastical situation, were pointing to the most solid models is an example of both Christian virtue, because morality, much-vaunted and much pretense always some and penalty on people's skin, does not dwell in those political and ideological circles that behind pretexts of faith drunk at of the Latins and strict moral rectitude. If anything, before certain figures anything but heroic, the faithful should remember that holy reminder that warns us:


«[…] do not ye after their works, because they say and do. In fact, bind heavy burdens and impose them on the shoulders of the people, but they don't want to move them even with a finger " [Mt 23, 3-4].


That translated into other words, does this mean: the ancient Pharisees claimed to them so that "the indignation is not a Christian sentiment" and that Berlusconi does is judged by circolini red light of his private life, but by his public acts of government and "the defense of common values'.


Elevate to human models under certain characters is abhorrent, because they are those who still would cut ancòra head to John the Baptist, but what is worse is that the feeling would do with consciousness perfectly in place. Add to this another fact: if the reigning Pope prospettasse this retired archbishop a cardinal's hat, these, starting from the next day, dall'augurargli long way to go soon to the Creator - as it is said that His Excellency Revendissima and Prudent had to make jokingly talking on a Eurostar [cf. WHO, WHO] ―, It would say that a great Pontiff as Francis I had not had by the Holy Pope Gregory the Great, would you define love joy as clear and extraordinary document of the pontifical Magisterium of the entire history of the Church, but above all it would propose to the Holy See to request the building of Castel Sant’Angelo to be used by the Municipality of Rome in order to enclose all the ecclesiastics and theologians who showed even and only vague perplexity towards certain ambiguities of this document..


a collegiate press release S.It is. Mgr. Luigi Negri, Archbishop of Ferrara-Comacchio, signed with the Vicar General everlastingly the Diocese of San Marino-Montefeltro [to open the text click on this]

I did not mention a painful fact that I was the protagonist past and that to me is not a source of suffering but fun, as bitter, because at the bottom of this it is that eventually produce the ridiculous figures: the fun. So I only do it in the end, of pure title example, in case it was not clear ancòra the subject we are to tell the sad story. Before continuing, however, is necessary to clarify my status canon, premise that I received in Rome the sacred order of the diaconate, then he was ordained a priest in the Church of Santa Prisca on the Aventine for the Diocese of San Marino-Montefeltro from the hands of S.It is. Mons. Luigi Negri. My training for the priesthood has unfolded entirely in Rome, then where I lived and where I work today. They are therefore a priest regularly "resident outside the diocese" with the authorization of the Bishop, I have my office of postulator of the Causes of Saints in Rome, I live in Rome, when I can I go to Sicily, awfull then for pastoral reasons mostly related to my ministry as a preacher and confessor in various parts of Italy …


… So that happened back in 25 May 2013 I wrote a very severe article in which he harshly criticized the then President of the Italian Bishops' Conference, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, Metropolitan Archbishop of Genoa, who wanted to personally celebrate funeral porcini the heretic priest Andrea Gallo, despite having been able to prevent with all the best justifications, He is in these days in Rome for the plenary assembly of the Bishops of Italy, then delegating some other funeral for those that would have resolved fight. During the funeral, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco was found to administer Holy Communion to Vladimiro Guadagno, aka Luxuria, who first showed women dressed to the Eucharistic table, then made even sacrilegious eulogy on the presbytery during the liturgical action, talking ambo from which it administers to believers of Christ God's Word. Before that my harsh criticism, His Excellency and Prudentissima, now politically committed to squirm around the Holy Communion for divorced and remarried, despite not having any more about me canonical jurisdiction, as now elected Archbishop of Ferrara, through a gross abuse canon and making use of fiery tones, He dreaded against me 'disciplinary decisions, and even canonical " [see text WHO], signing as Archbishop of Ferrara-Comacchio a senseless document against an elder not belonging to the Diocese of Ferrara, but he incardinated in that of San Marino-Montefeltro and as such solely dependent canonical jurisdiction of his Diocesan Ordinary, thank God today is lovable and gentle man of S.It is. Mons. Andrea Turazzi.


I then notice to today's supporters of this heroic Bishop elevated to a banner of defending the true Catholic tradition, which in this press, to deny my accusation addressed to Andrea Gallo, The petitioner maintains: "It is our firm conviction that the Church can coexist very different opinions». Read the text, because he wrote and signed this very, which is to say: Andrea Gallo, that at the end of the Mass waved the red Communist flag singing Bella Ciao [cf. WHO] and that he had several times accompanied the women to the clinic for an abortion [cf. WHO], it was not a shame of the Catholic priesthood as I had dared to define it, never! Because when the good Luigi Negri decides to tremble like a bunny in front of the powerful from whom he yearns for some sop, He is even able to affirm and sign that a subject like Andrea Gallo is just a simple "different opinion", declaring moved in such a statement also "firm conviction". And note: of the official text signed by him and sent out to the press it is written just like that, or maybe I'm not able to read and understand? No, I read and understand well, not wanting to understand are the drummers laudatori from The New Compass Daily, to follow with all the jungle and blog sites that the reigning Pontiff addressed criticism that respect for its ambiguity or for his unhappy pastoral choices, as I do, but they hate so sometimes very fierce, also inviting others to hatred. And so, i drummers laudatori, even before the evidence of the facts, for their ideological self-interest, for the sake of seeking political fight and to attack the reigning Pontiff, prefer just do not understand, so much they need to create themselves and then to present cardboard idols.


But above all I ask: if it is not legitimate to Communion for divorced and remarried, many of whom often animated by authentic and deep Christian sentiments, in which the title defender of the true faith and non-negotiable values, today elected champion vainer by the entire Catholic ultra right, He has publicly threatened - and I repeat: without having any canonical title -, a presbyter who instead declared himself upset by the sacrilegious Communion given to the trans Vladimiro Guadagno, not as trans, but as a promoter of homosexualism, dell'aborto, euthanasia and any other perverse aberration?


The book heretic Andrea Gallo displayed and sold in 2013 at the library of the Pontifical Lateran University and presented with a foreword heretic Vito Mancuso

Incidentally, at that informed me falsely accused stating: «S.E. Mons. Negri would like to clarify that he had intervened several times in recent months, in "camera caritatis" his gift Ariel, because it results in a different language of his speeches. On the contrary, recently it received responses dictated by attitudes of arrogance ". Unfortunately theand things are quite differently. Given the fact that 2011, nuanced even the Patriarch of Venice, good Luigi Negri was looking around doing the account of the various prominent Italian diocese about to be freed, every time I, somehow my article, I treated subjects far from insulting, but intended to annoy certain clerical “straw tails”, These were going to touch the Bishop in his most sensitive spot, into saying or understand that they were going supplies [the selection of candidates], for this or that archdiocese and, this priest harassing, He threatened to make it a few “image damage”. So that, intimandomi the first time he called me that I no longer publish articles - all while books heretic heretic and Andrea Gallo Vito Mancuso were exhibited and sold in the library of the Pontifical Lateran University, the total negligence of that bertoniano having less of S.It is. Mons. Enrico Dal Covolo, Its Rector -, sounding anything but arrogant answered: "Please, Your Excellency show me where I lie not telling the truth and where I lacked a doctrinal and theological level '. Textual came the reply: "No matter tell the truth, but knowing how to evaluate when to keep quiet and not say it. They are ongoing supplies for the new diocese and I can not hear me ask you so cryptic even as it comes to assign me to another diocese ". I replied: "Your Excellency agrees that if the Word of God made man had kept quiet, He would never died on the cross?». his reply: "You always have to throw a theological". I answer: "Excellence, but on what I have to throw it, Perhaps the gastronomic? I am a priest and a theologian, Mica a cook!" It's this one, to someone's opinion, it would be arrogance? In any case I remain also comforted by another fact: none of those within the church world know me - including the highest authorities of the Holy See -, would ever ready to believe that I have disrespected, not only to the Bishop, but also to the ordaining bishop, for more arrogantly. I do not believe nobody, knowing that I harbor for the Bishop sacred respect and who have always been industrious to instill this feeling branch also in all the priests who use me as a confessor and spiritual director. Unfortunately instead, His Excellency and Prudentissima, He has bestowed the sacred respect due to his episcopate, not to mention his particular Church and her children. Just as if the Word of God do not ever warned admonishing: "To whom much is given, much will be asked for; to whom men have committed much, It will ask the more " [LC 12, 48].


NShe Diocese of San Marino-Montefeltro, both the then Bishop Luigi Negri that the Vicar General everlastingly co-signer of that delusional text - and applies everlastingly because Vicar General by three bishops! ―, have over time very careful not to fear "those disciplinary decisions, and even canonical "against a priest who became the father of a delightful child and was never sanctioned, quite the opposite, before he was sent around the world at the expense of the Diocese, Finally ambushed by His Excellency and Prudent in another diocese. Similarly they were never feared similar action to that priest who was proven wrong in the public square by his mistress after the poor thing had discovered that he was a cockerel well with other women, feeling so betrayed by this unfaithful mate [cf. WHO, WHO, WHO]. I was never even taken several measures towards priests defectors, picked up from various parts of the world by the then Bishop of San Marino-Montefeltro S.It is. Mons. Paolo Rabbitti, often absent from the parishes and the diocesan territory for weeks or even months, several of which he has over time looted the parish coffers to the tune of travel and GRATUITIES made to their families of origin and so to follow ... With these and other reasons even worse for decency and Christian charity silent, I introduced myself with that statement in hand to the Apostolic Nunciature in Italy, the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura and the Congregation for Bishops.


At the Apostolic Signatura laughed and they answered me: "In your diocese, there is someone who knows the canon law?». It said that continued saying: "In this release you are not first given the canons that you would have violated, which makes this text legally null and even absurd, why not sign out of your legitimate diocesan ordinary, but signed in grave abuse to the canon by the bishop of another diocese and a priest who has no right and title to threaten sanctions and anything else at your expense ". I said I: "Ah, but this is not surprising, if we consider that this priest co-signer is the Vicar General everlastingly, the theological and canonical thickness of which is comparable to that of a sole!».


The Congregation for Bishops laughed instead more and even longer, and laughing was a High Priest who, receiving me in the absence of the Cardinal Prefect who in those days was outside Italy, mi said: "But who is it? Ah, you thought: Luigi Negri. But in this department it is famous! Thinks, when he was prefect, Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, good Negri came and went pawing from this building saying they were two years that he was in the small diocese and that now he had done everything there was to do. Another time he said to the Cardinal Prefect: "I was given a diocese which is as big as a single parish of Milan" ". In short, It had only been two years now that his poor wife was standing too close. And so, the Apostolic Nuncio and the highest leaders of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura and of the Congregation for Bishops, They invited me to give up, although I have every reason to sue the case before the Court the two Ecclesiastical bad boys signatories of that collegiate press. Indeed, the three different church authorities surveyed answered me: "This rambling statement does not affect in any way you but qualifying and then disqualified in the worst way who signed it and then spread '. And still today, to my honor and to the utmost dishonor of those who signed and then disseminated it, anyone visiting the official website of the Diocese of San Marino-Montefeltro, entering the Vicar General of the page everlastingly, you do not find the canonical penalties mentioned at all paid to the father became a priest, or to the priest denounced by his mistress for infidelity, or those paid to priests who leave for weeks or months parishes to go around the world; none of this will find. But anyone can find the text of the statement written by those two bad boys in goliardie vein, Also still surviving in some media outlet [cf. WHO].


I honestly don't know, if the Vicar General everlastingly, with this collegiate press today maintained in glory in the diocese website on his personal page, he thought he was going to spite me, or to discredit my increasingly solid reputation as a pastor in the care of souls and theologian, because in actual fact he acted as the poor that to spite his wife took a pair of shears and then castrated. with me, indeed, It can not be fought on the basis of clerical and obtuse Montagnoli moods based on the "me is obnoxious ergo I make war"; He fights with me on the plane of moral, the pastoral level and theologically. And I'm an immoral priest, a bad pastor in the care of souls and a bad theologian, This is all to prove, with all due respect bad boys in goliardie vein.


As for the Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, on which years later I got to write words of profound affection [cf. WHO], anyone who wishes can ask His Eminence if his heart is estimated more - and especially if considered more reliable -, a subject very strict when necessary always to work face open like me, or His Excellency and Prudentissima. Just ask, because perhaps you will have a complete answer. Also because me, contrary to his Excellency and Prudentissima, though in the past I thought it appropriate to criticize severely Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco for the episode just been reported, I did it with manly dignity leonine, putting my face and my signature. Otherwise instead, His Excellency and Prudentissima, it would not happen to remember the more than a few jokes insolent season with phrase books from longshoreman, he made over the years around the lounges on Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco? Why not a few people - bishops "friends" included - that he has heard some irreverence in the private saloons, or even the corridors of the Paul VI during the meetings of the Italian Episcopal Conference, those of his jokes if Angelo Bagnasco always remember all, from first to last, and also very well.


This is in reality S.It is. Mons. Luigi Negri, a wind vane that has spent its episcopate roaring with rabbits and playing rabbit with lions, to complain of an increasingly mediocre and banal [cf. WHO], and all the while he, the most dangerous and poor trivial, after having searched one by one with the lantern of Diogenes and then treacherously selected, if it is always placed around as collaborators, place turkey in any role of power usually it takes around him a golden eagle to help him and to assist him, and if necessary, that the recommendations and that the brakes in certain wrong choices. And how many times I have suffered in seeing how he was laughed at by members of the Italian Episcopal Conference, for overtly, naive and brash with whom, instead of taking care of their priests and the portion of the People of God entrusted to him, He spent and burned their valuable episcopate pawing to be assigned to some great bishopric, and it is naturally created Cardinal. man ever, in his childlike naivete, he managed to overcome his deep and personal trauma: the fact that his contemporary and companion in the ranks of Catholic Youth, then later become Communion and Liberation, also as he Luigi Giussani pupil, He had become the Patriarch of Venice, and Cardinal, but especially, afterwards, Archbishop of Milan. He was in fact some, after the appointment of Angelo Scola in Milan, that would be given to him "well-deserved" sweetener and was promoted as his replacement to the Patriarchal See of Venice. The elderly priests in particular, in what was his Diocese of San Marino-Montefeltro, Always remember that only failed to organize the festivities and to prepare the welcome speech to the Diocese and the settlement in Venice, so he had been convinced by those clerics who wickedly playing on some of his weaknesses, for years and years had fun teasing him to do so, giving hopes and expectations of pumping it. No coincidence that the priests, giving in those moments for granted his imminent departure, He repeated he could do for the moment plans for the future.


They are also aware that S.It is. Mons. Luigi Negri It is ill with a disease today quite widespread among Ecclesiasts, which is called querelite, but I doubt that quereli me for telling the plain truth, because no member of the Italian Episcopal Conference, especially those that have well-known, you would never against a faithful man, honest and selfless like myself, to defend the indefensible, ie a person like him, that mystery of grace was still, in the fullness of his apostolic priesthood, a vehicle, sometimes even very privileged, of the Holy Spirit. I am a witness I, I was ordained a priest by this degenerate father, which one day, while it was the year 2010, I said:


"Your Excellency has taught me more with their defects that by their own virtues. Thanks to you I have indeed acquired a holy lesson that will remain with me throughout my priestly life: I realized that if the devil can take ambition and lust for power and career, He will make us all he wants ".


a document of 2010

They He did not catch, or perhaps did not grasp these my words. However, shortly afterwards he signed and handed me the letter in which he certified that he had conferred on me the ministry of exorcist for the canonical uses permitted. [click to open the document WHO]


I have deeply loved Luigi Negri, to whom I have deep love today. Receiving him in Rome before ordination to the diaconate and then the priestly consecration, exchanging with the Bishop of the liturgical sign of peace whispered in his ear in both times: "You will not ever regret it!». And the proof of facts I believe to be the best priest he consecrated, certainly the most consistent, faithful and courageous. I guess I'm the one who put themselves up by the gifts of grace of the Holy Spirit has developed what the father was missing, or that it was lacking, starting first of all from my deep sense of fatherhood. But all, anyway, it was only possible thanks to the father and the state grace of this degenerate father.


That's why I think Luigi Negri, without ever admitting it with anyone, his heart will always be deeply proud of me, because I am what he is not, both in courage and in escape from all the conditioning and enslaving career ambition, both in consistency and in the pastoral care of souls is the actual theological culture and not smoky. But if I'm this really, it is thanks to him and about his faith and his action of sacramental grace on me. Therefore if you would come back he would not hesitate to consecrate a priest again without delay, because Luigi Negri is a true believer. And right now, not even merely a priest consecrate, because if I could consecrate Bishop, especially after what I wrote about him in these lines. Because just as he has known the pain of the unworthy sons who have maliciously betrayed and that despite repeated and unheeded My exhortation would still put next as employees increasingly complacent, more so he knows how to recognize the faithful son, if necessary, ready to beat him in public, but which, however, will never betray.


It does not matter that Tell him I'm his best son, I know him and I know, not necessary that this is declared in an official statement, because those - official press releases -, His Excellency Most Prudent and sometimes used them to proclaim authentic amenities the universe Cosmic along with that mountain wolf of his Vicar General everlastingly, the beautiful things, instead, the Serbian ones as Mary pondered them in her heart [cf. LC 2, 19].


the Island of Patmos, 17 January 2018




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