Another “ran away from home” running with the schismatic heretic excommunicated and dismissed from the clerical state Alessandro Minutella


Anyone despite the sentence given on them by the Church, listen to Mass and receive the sacraments from Mr. Minutella and by the priests who followed him, falling into the crime of heresy and schism, falls into sin and sins grievously, because the Church has hit them with a sentence.


Gabriele Giordano M. Scardocci, o.p.


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Members of ancient historical orders they have always lived with discomfort and suffering for deviations and betrayals of the doctrine of the faith of some of their members, especially when they slip into heresy and schism.

Just looking at recent times: the Benedictines had the case of Giovanni Franzoni, the Franciscans the case of Leonard Boff, the Jesuits the striking case of Alighiero Tondi. All historical orders and congregations have had some of their members who have caused problems by deviating from the doctrine of the faith or generated public scandals. All regret and pain, undoubtedly, but at the same time it shouldn't even arouse excessive amazement, just think of the betrayal of Judas Iscariot.

As in the best families, it may happen that some children are endowed with the best human and moral capacities, while one, albeit born of the same parents and educated like everyone else, instead take the wrong paths, sometimes even bad.

This is the case of the Dominican priest Vincenzo Avvinti, who after various problems generated within the Order of Preachers was hit by the extreme measure of dismissal - read expulsion - from our Religious Family. I won't dwell on the reasons, not because he can't, but just because I don't want to. In fact, I would like it to be clear that for me it is an enormous pain that a priest whom I personally met years ago and whom I respected so much for his human and intellectual caliber, have now taken this step.

Unfortunately, this former confrere of ours he has decided to add damage to damage and evil to evil by following the schismatic heretic excommunicated e dismissed from the clerical state Alessandro Minutella.

I think it is right to inform about it both our Readers and members of the Dominican Secular Third Order, making present to one and the other what St. Thomas Aquinas said in the question n. 82 which for years has been distorted and manipulated by Mr. Minutella:

«And therefore whoever hears their Mass or receives the Sacraments from them commits a sin. (And therefore anyone who hears their Mass or receives the Sacraments from them sinsi) [see Latin and Italian text WHO].

Because I say that he has been twisting and manipulating this for years question? For the simple fact that, as usual, he cuts pieces out of their context and presents them making them say what they don't say. Indeed, this passage he quoted as a mantra, is preceded by the part where it says:

«It differs, however, between the aforesaid sects. For the heretics and schismatics were excommunicated by the decision of the Church by the execution of consecration to private persons» (However, there are some differences between these categories. Indeed the heretics, the schismatics and the excommunicated are deprived of the exercise of their powers by a sentence of the Church).

This is precisely the question. Mr. Minutella, with him also the former member of the Order of Preachers Vincenzo Avvinti, they are schismatic heretics who, as such, the Church has deprived with a sentence of the power to exercise the sacred priestly ministry. Therefore: «And therefore whoever hears their Mass or receives the sacraments from them commits a sin» (And therefore anyone who hears their Mass or receives the Sacraments from them sins).

Exactly like that: whoever, despite the sentence given on them by the Church, listen to Mass and receive the sacraments from Mr. Minutella and the priests who followed him, also falling into the crime of heresy and schism, falls into sin and sins grievously, because the Church has hit them with a sentence.

Staying in respect which is required of us by the Dominican Constitutions, but even more respectful of the salvation of souls ― which is the primary goal of our Order ― I offer this notice to our Readers praying for the conversion of this former brother of ours.


Santa Maria Novella in Florence, 10 July 2023




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