Author Father Ariel

To know the truth that will set you free : “Be perfect unity”



The priest's lips should keep knowledge, and from his mouth seek instruction, for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts [Malachi 2,7]



Author Father Ariel

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo



This online magazine was founded under the auspices of the Apostle John and takes its name from the island of Patmos which is located in Sporades, a few tens of kilometers from the city of Ephesus, where the Apostle was exiled for his zealous preaching and for the testimony of the Word of God made Man. After the death of Domitian in 96-98 became emperor Nerva, far more tolerant than its predecessor towards Christians, the Apostle so he could return to the city of Ephesus and resume his preaching. John died ultra centennial around the year 104, delivering the truth of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to the Christian communities of the second century. As at the time he was very young, St. John is to be considered as the first apostle known by Jesus and the apostles as the last living which will end with the apostolic mission of the Twelve chosen by Christ.



Scene of the Last Supper: the young John reclined on the Lord Jesus

The Island of Patmos It arises from the very meaning of the three priests vocation, when in fact there consecrated bishop in the sacred order, receiving the gifts of grace of the Holy Spirit in our consciences sounded a call that encloses within it a heavy warning: "You will know the truth and the truth will make you free" [GV 8, 32]. The priest of Christ is thus called by vocation and sacred ministry to be free and to lead the children of God's people to freedom; that can never be objective but a subjective freedom, structured on the same original mystery of Truth: the creation [CF. GN 1, 1-5] in which is contained the great test of freedom through the creation of man [CF. GN 2, 18-25].



The highlight of sacred ordination: the laying on of the hands of the Bishop

With my brothers Antonio and Giovanni Livi Cavalcoli, we were able to exchange mutual concern several times that I would like to share with you the beginning of this our online magazine. With air disenchanted we said one day to one another: in this atmosphere of chaos inside and outside the Church we have the privilege of being beaten by the right and left, by the modernists and the "traditionalists". And here is the quotation marks penalty, because never before in recent decades has been made a wrong use of the term: "Tradition". Every Catholic is in fact a staunch traditionalist named as such to defend and spread the Catholic tradition that comes to life from the first apostolic era and that is developed through the experience of the Holy Fathers of the Church and the great Councils, which are all valid and source of truth, by the Council of Nicea until that Vatican II that some Catholics trying for years to diminish through discussions built on erroneous thesis presented in a cryptic: "... Basically, Vatican II, it was just a pastoral council ".


Theme this very articulate treated many times in our writings and on which no delay beyond, because all three we will return above the columns of the Isle of Patmos, clarifying in truth and in closer accordance with the doctrine of the Church that the term "pastoral", especially applied to an ecumenical council, can not become synonymous with … "So do not count for anything", because "only pastoral", that means: "Second Third Class".


It is true that the Vatican II decrees no new dogmas and that "limits" to reiterate all the dogmatic truths of the Catholic faith, but through his papers establishes the doctrines binding on the entire Orbe catholica, that anyone who wants to can also rebel, but coming in this way from ecclesial communion. Already our ancestors chose to rebel against God the dawn of time and decided with free will [Gen 3, 1-13]. And me, rather than drive them out of Eden, took note that they had made their choice by thrusting themselves by his grace and his glory [3, 22-24].


The church, that in two thousand years of history It has traveled ordeal before which strengthens our faith - because if it was not the Mystical Body of Christ, assisted by the Holy Spirit for centuries to be extinct - is experiencing a time of great crisis which I call "unprecedented historical repeatedly ', using several times in this regard a sentence as often repeat a rhyme: "The good becomes evil and evil good, vice virtue and virtue vice, sound doctrine heterodoxy and heterodoxy sound doctrine, the good elements faithful to the deposit of faith and the teaching of the Church are often persecuted by people disordered in body and in spirit who first sowed the seeds and watering today that the climbing ivy internal apostasy " [CF. my work And Satan came Trino].


cviinota-002Of all this, noi tre Navigator, we are aware enough to be shipped to the island of Patmos, where the Apostle John wrote the Book of Revelation which contains within itself the message of hope for us is the assurance of faith, the triumph of Christ and the inexorable defeat the Antichrist confirms the promise made by the Lord Jesus to Peter: "... and the gates of hell will not prevail over it" [CF. Mt 16,18].


The reality is that heavily damage the body of the Church often they contribute very people who claim to be die-hard defenders of the sacred tradition, and that in the eighties were kneeling at Ecône at the schismatic bishop Marcel Lefebvre and excommunicated. But just in that they dared to raise his head and say a speech, they felt answer: "To speak, and in particular as regards doctrine, ecclesiology and liturgy we think our priests. Your task is to lay people respond "Amen!"When we say"Through Christ our Lord!"And pull out the money to fund our operations and our pastoral seminars, and that's!». A quel point, this army of fans, hath been quick to return to the ranks of the "heretic" and "apostate" post-conciliar Church, playing the Lefebvrians and related within this poor body of the Church more and more battered and confused.



Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

At this goes added that when certain people characterized by such restlessness have crept in magazines telematics until shortly before had shown a certain balance, the first thing they proceeded to censor priests and theologians engaged in the arduous attempt to offer the people of God more and more lost hope and a Catholic point of equilibrium. For this reason that we met several times with several of our articles rejected because they judged politically inopportune, with the aggravating circumstance that the whole is not always the case that there was ever given an explanation about - our - always and rigor of all theological and pastoral.


Also for this born on the Isle of Patmos: to protect our freedom that priestly theological and is not intended at all to protect our individual persons, but to protect the doctrine and the magisterium of the Church that we are called to serve and to spread as the Church commands us to serve and to spread.


censorshipThe writings that many times there have been "properly" censored were then theological articles of doctrine and church history built with those pastoral criteria that are part of our sacred ministry in which we were established priests, then guides and teachers; and as such can be subjected only to the complaints of our bishops exercised in accordance with canon law, certainly not to those arbitrary lay ideological us can not exercise any authority. Indeed, we are that we can for the sacred ministry - and sometimes imperative of conscience, we should - exercise authority over the laity who are called to lead and correct as pastors in the care of souls who exercise the priestly ministry in communion with the fullness of the priesthood of the bishop .


Those who would then recognize in these lines a peppery revenge dictated by "wounded pride" will give trouble to find the most plausible arguments. Indeed, it is something serious that lay people use the doctrine and theology - often badly - driven by motives purely political-ideological, up to censor in the name of shreds of truth strained priests used to do theology without regard to what is or is not politically appropriate to say what the Gospel requires us to say, even those who claim the right not to listen. If we act in this way are those Catholics who beano between the traditio and celebrated with solemn pontifical old order posted, presenting themselves as the purest defenders of the true faith, everything will be exacerbated, especially if censors are certain individuals who on the one hand and flirt with lefebvriani are related and the other with one foot placed in the "heretic" and "apostate" post-conciliar Church which they say would destroy faith, theology, liturgy and so on.



The quirky clerical, laity and clergy: yesterday, today and tomorrow …

We regret that more tired and worried that certain magazines telematics Catholic entrust regular columns to scribes, Pharisees and false teachers of the law whose purpose seems to be to stick to burst the last council of the Church, or the current pontificate about whom also we have soothed concerns raised by certain practices or pronouncements made by the Holy Father as a private doctor [who, who, etc. ..], but always insisting at every turn, often attacked well in the wrong way by some "columnists" who wield shreds of truth confused and misunderstood, that if the legitimate criticism of the private doctor is passed instead to undermine the Roman Pontiff legitimate holder of the Petrine ministry, in that case it goes to dangerously shake the stone - which is a dogma of faith - on which Christ built his Church [CF. Mt 16, 18].


John the Baptist

Salome Receiving the Head of John the Baptist, paintings of Andrea Solari

The answer to some of our relevant callbacki, always and strictly speaking, all doctrinal and never humoral, May ideological, Finally, the complaints have been made about priests from the laity and theologians from the secular doctrine confused and blinded by sectarianism spatermed for "true faith" and "true tradition”.


As my style I'll try to be realistic with the spirit of St. John the rough Bdevelops that did not end in the case that he: can you imagine what would happen unspeakable chaos within the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X if some were to put in charge of an online magazine in a condition to censor their priest, scholar of theological sciences? Do such a thing to lefebvriani and friends - and here it is clear the τόπος, pure joke - could result in serious risk of being removed even the Sacrament of Baptism.



The works of Cristina Siccardi Marcel Lefebvre

To this we add that several of these characters are avvezzi through its articles and books in a surreal way to exploit some historical figures elected to their banners: for example, the Holy Pontiff Pius X, or figures of bishops and cardinals as Alfredo Ottaviani and Giuseppe Siri. Operation in which for years has distinguished between various publicists and writers Cristina Siccardi, that settles everywhere scorched earth around d agofter all have lefebvrianizzato. Is clear, however, without penalty misunderstanding: this does not happen because this lovable person requires the estromissione of the other, which indeed does not, but because the mere presence of its articles of his columns or unbalanced towards the world ultra-traditionalist, nonchIt'smasterinpriest peppered with prevAir theology and historical sense obsesseded by the ideologuesa, imputs directors responsible for the choice to silence other voices, because if you publish his writings can not be published on the same columns as those of the metaphysical philosophers and theologians Cavalcoli Giovanni and Antonio Ltherein, to follow with my, since all three guilty of being loyal and devoted speakers of the magisterium of the Church and of the doctrines of Vatican II, not out of a confused romantic idea of ​​the Church that the bottom ends up being self-centered and whole settarista.


Cop Francescani.indd

The sad case of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate turned into ideological banner fringed ultra traditionalist who “played” all about Old Order posted traveling to these religious only further damages

Call up the blind to a healthy realism bathroom through contemplation of the solare truth is not easy, therefore prove to respond to their own consciences often more political and ideological than Catholic, through this question that with sincere paternity pastorale I put them all: how do you think he would have reacted man of extraordinary temperament and great holiness, tale keg San Pio X, you glorified in every sigh - although not always correctly known for what it really was - if under his pontificate a group of aggressive and noisy lay Catholics had made a public campaign to collect signatures, for example, as opposed to disciplinary measures and canons that followed his encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis? In short: one hand there is a shred of clothing in place based on a non-included "religious freedom" in the "terrifying" and “diabolical” Vatican II would be responsible, the other, the same proponents of such laments, however, show in concrete facts that would transform the Church into a democraParliamentary aunt with a lot of collected signatures for a referendum and popular.


To state in response that "the Holy Father Francis is not St. Pius X" It is wrong dogmatically and pastorally. Francis Peter, as it was St. Pius X, as they were both Alexander VI is St. Pius V. Therefore manipulate certain figures for political and ideological is what in philosophical and theological language is called intellectual dishonesty produced by a reason and a logic flawed by lack of freedom and move to the refusal to accept the doctrines and disciplines of the Church, replaced with its arbitrary action on behalf of an unspecified "purity Catholic", that said in other words is called "pride", namely the fearsome queen of all the deadly sins, from which there is to be cleansed only with the conversion of the heart.



The St. Pius X Cristina Siccardi is not that of the Church's history is just a Santino manufactured for use and consumption of the world's ultra-traditionalist

It is from this need It born the falsification that induces some authors to invent a St. Pius X never existed, in the same manner in which it was created a Cardinal Ottaviani and Cardinal Siri does not correspond to a historical reality and ecclesial, place that the one and the other discussed when it came to discuss, but at the end of the legitimate threads, have not only applied with great care the doctrines of Vatican II; Cardinal Siri in particular, in his diocese, he was a master at his clergy and the faithful and diligent speaker [CF. by Antonio Livi, who]. The Cardinal Ottaviani, in the most turbulent period of the post-conciliar, has served the Supreme Pontiff Paul VI with a fidelity that should be stimulating and teaching of certain Catholics who abuse the word "tradition" or who speak and write of St. Pius X so often cryptic and falsante to feel better qualified to despise the magisterium of the Church of the past half century.



Fall of the train on the bridge of Cassandra Crossing

The world of the modernists and the one of Lefebvre and similar are two parallel lines that never meet, but together they represent the two tracks that carry the train with all the unsuspecting passengers who boarded at the crumbling bridge Cassandra Crossing [who, who].


No coincidence that the Apostle Paul It portrays the Church as the Mystical Body of which Christ is the head and we are living members; and each limb in the body has its own function, necessary and indispensable. Obviously a leg can not perform the functions of an arm and vice versa arm of the leg. Inside this body that sometimes seems almost formed by limbs crazed that move in a disjointed manner and disjointed, several decades there remains a large and dangerous confusion of roles: we often find ourselves before a secularized clergy and laity clericalized.


Dialogue is right, as is the search for agreements, arguing the same thing can be beneficial and even a source of grace. Even the apostles were arguing heatedly with each other, but always in a clear and respectful exercise of their roles, as St. Paul shows us that in harsh tones accuses the Prince of the Apostles in Antioch [Gal 2, 11-14], but without calling into question the authority of Peter minimum that had received its mandate from Christ in person.


mystical bodyThe priests have specific tasks within the Body of Christ which is the Chiesa, have their own specific function within the economy of salvation; a legitimate role resulting from the nature indelible and eternal received that made them to share in the sacrament of grace to the ministerial priesthood of Christ, which do not participate instead lay people. For this reason that a faithful priest, called himself the first to respect the sanctity of the priestly order that the marked, must not accept complaints about certain subjects and issues of doctrine and faith, because those who play the Lefebvrians and related in the Holy Church of Christ does not consider the politically opportune. For divine sacrament we have been established as leaders of the People of God, and when the case requires it we are required to take certain lay in the right direction and put them back in their place, including those directors of blogs and magazines telematics can not think to use us if necessary, or to be more clear: “If you write an article critical of the false prophet and the evil maestro Enzo Bianchi, that we declared our "enemy" as progressive hyper-conciliarist thenfarcito of modernist heresies, will publish a drum beating to ten folders, If, however, raised a criticism - and it is clear: strictly theological - on lefebvriani and related, then you censor, because otherwise we run the risk that irritate some of our employees and knowprattuttor certain of our moneyed supporters”…




Pecunia non Oleta …

… at the bottom of, we adsaid the work he knowsPiamo from time: be ultra traditionalists is a very expensive whim that requires many compromises with the world's most right-wing extremist. Of course: in the name of faith purest and the most authentic and orthodox Catholic tradition, is intende!




And the Word was made flesh … for free, not be funded either by the Destre American nor the European Sinistre.

The truth of the Incarnate Word that we must know why we make you free then Speaker of freedom, does not work intermittently political and ideological as the lights of Luna Park. All this to say that among these people and certain fringes of the Neocatechumenal that transform the priest hostage in their whims and their referees liturgical and that in serious doctrinal error state that "all" are priests, the evidence shows there is no fundamental difference. Nothing matters on the one hand there is a Proclamation Pasquale schitarrato and beat on drums by Kiko Arguello and bohemian other a Proclamation Pasquale sang in the best tradition of the Gregorian Church with all the singers pricked with clasped hands of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X. Nothing changes in the sad and dangerous substance background, are identical because the Pharisees and the Sadducees, the scribes and teachers of the law, the false prophets and bad teachers, but above all the lack of respect due to the ministerial priesthood of Christ living through its priests and that is not bound to the whims of the laity.


Two sides of the same coin:



Kiko Arguello, founder of the Neocatechumenal Way


Pontifical liturgy of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X



St. Pio of Pietrelcina during one of his last Masses

The priest is not only a old christ when he celebrates the Eucharistic Sacrifice according to the whims aesthetic, ideological and political lay of certain, whether modernist or lefebvriani and related; The priest is also alter Christus when the doctrine, the teachings and documents of the holy councils of the Church, starting from the first until the last which was celebrated half a century ago, teaches and guides the living members of the faithful who form the living Body of which Christ and the head and of which his priests, as unworthy and inadequate, I'm not sure the two fingers little toes, place before a priest the same Angels of God are by, because to them, as the most perfect creature, has not been granted the dignity conferred by the Almighty instead to his priests [CF. Marcello Stanzione, who]. They are the angels that during the Eucharistic Sacrifice sing "Holy ... the Lord God of the universe" around the priest old christ, it is not the priest old christ who sings "Holy" for the Angels, which do not perform the service to participate in the ministerial priesthood of Christ, which involves instead to the mystery of grace only the priests, including sacerdoti unworthy and sinful.


dorian gray

Movie poster: Dorian Gray, 2009. Taken from the novel by Oscar Wilde (Director: Oliver Parker – Writers: Toby Finlay)

The problem is that in this world where the appearance has long since replaced that being understood as metaphysical essence of the Christological becoming, poor in the Church holy and sinful teeming armies of prima donnas and each of the first actors who claim the bullseye pointed nell'orticello of their theater; all with immense joy of the devil who aspires the dawn of time to sow discord and divisions to fragment and disperse in every way the unity of the Mystical Body of Christ. And God only knows how much effort do we pastors in the care of souls, day after day, in groped to explain to many of these people often sealed to grace, that the way of salvation involves the replacement of Christocentrism to our human, limited and limiting self-centeredness. Central point of our being men and women of faith is not in fact the question: "What I want", but "What does God want from me", then act accordingly.


The response to certain questions and the solution to certain burdensome problems is all enclosed in a poignant fragment of John: "And the glory which thou hast given me, I have given them, that they may be one as we are one. I in them and you in me, that they may be perfected in unity that the world may know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me " [GV 17, 22-23].



Byzantine icon: embrace of the apostles Peter and Paul

How can you be perfect in that unity that makes one thing the Father with the Son, who calls us to be united as God the Father, God the Son is united in? It can be through the emptying that is filling: empty ourselves of ourselves freely to rejoin that sense of perfect freedom that God gave us from the outset of the world; because if you know the Truth, accepting it from the Garden of Eden until the stone overturned the tomb of the Risen Christ who became the new Adam, we will enter into the communion and unity that binds the Father and the Son. And then the truth will set us free, today, forever and always. Just shy away inviolable ideological theater of our "I" to meet the Truth of God and thus becoming "perfect unity".




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  1. […] life to this telematic magazine also to avoid having to submit to certain kinds of censorship [see here, who]. What would we say about this behavior, for example in related clinical areas […]

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