Ms. Capalbio, black is not synonymous with good and without spot or sin, but simply synonymous with human being
The victory of the Honorable Aboubakar Soumahoro, who today finds himself involved in events related to cooperatives in which his wife and mother-in-law are involved, it is not related to the negro, but to something closely connected to thehomo, regardless of niger or fromalbus.
- Church news -

Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

The Honorable Aboubakar Soumahoro, elected deputy on the Democratic Party list
In estate the spring, When stay in the Ortigia of Syracuse, where before becoming a priest I bought a house in the heart of the ancient Greek city, I go shopping at the market and take the opportunity to dispense mine show, obviously free, imbued with immodest jokes over which the locals laugh in amusement, because teasing Sicilians is a civic duty. Then there are mine “scientific theories” on the possessive and protective mothers of boys, in which regard I argue that if a Sicilian mother gives birth to a girl, no problem. But, if she gives birth to a boy, in that case it should be suppressed as soon as breastfeeding is finished, thus avoiding that he spoils his son for life by continuing to treat him as a tender creature even as a fifty-year-old. And when I return to the site after a few months or weeks, they even tell me that they have missed my teasing.
Once such a he had a basket full of snails on the stall, which I began to look at with ostentatious attention, until the question I had been waiting for came: "Dad, she likes them?». I replied: “Never eat in my life. But I am sure that these snails will be of great consolation for the Sicilians, because you have finally found someone who has more horns on his head than you". I was later told that he had gone around the whole market laughing and telling all the sellers of the other stalls about the priest's tirade. Another time I was walking in the middle of the market with the midday sun shining on my face, even dark glasses are of little use in that case. I didn't see a fruit crate and tripped over it and fell to the ground, among other things, I was wearing a white cassock, which thank God I didn't damage. Two meters away from me a fishmonger jumped forward making the kind gesture of helping me up by saying: "Dad, pull yourself up and lying on the ground you feel bad». But I'd argue: “He's right, lying on his wife would be much better". And as soon as he got home the first person to whom he told the story was his wife.
Finally my trusted negro where do i buy vegetables: "Dad, returned from Rome?». I greet him: "I'm so glad to see my gorgeous nigger again". And it really is beautiful, He has such a high-pitched funny laugh that if I were a psychiatrist I would prescribe it as therapy instead of anti-depressants. Unfortunately, the classic was at the stall pussy ― as we now say in our spoken Italian jargon ― Signora Capalbio style with left license plate radical chic, with short white hair in great vogue in the penthouses of Parioli and in the villas of Olgiata. He winces and blurts out: «I am amazed at her that she should be an educated person, they say … black man». I totally ignore her and turn to my little negro: "Senti un po ', Ousman, tell me one thing: you are black or colored? Because your compatriots called me "white" in African countries, not "man without color"». And he, with a deafening laugh with his treble answers: "I'm very black!».
Going through the politically correct thus we come to the negro, such as black and certainly not because "black man". At least for me who am a lover of my mother tongue of Latin derivation: homo niger it means black man. While homo albus it means white man, i.e. the undersigned. The term "negro" comes from the Latin black, which means black. We priests, with the exception of white used at high temperatures, we usually dress in nigris, of black, we don't dress … “of color”. Always to the African confreres with whom I have lived in Rome since my formation for the priesthood, then as a presbyter, I always pointed to and called them niggers. Example: "We are late, give a voice to our black brothers to hurry up, otherwise we arrive late at San Paolo Fuori le Mura». I would have felt at least ridiculous to begin: « … our black brothers». They call us white, they don't call us "bleached men" or "colorless". And still today in many countries of that continent they recall with gratitude the meritorious work of evangelization carried out by the so-called White Fathers, certainly not from the Fathers without color.
The politically correct it's not just linguistic, but it is social and by now ideological. So much so that many have not only feelings of guilt towards the Negro, but worse: they have formed the belief that black equals good, a candid victim, to persecuted. At least until they find themselves dealing with some band of Nigerians, the violence of which would make the executors in the pay of the 'Ndrangheta pale, which among the mafias present in our country is the most violent. Nevertheless, faced with the cruelty of a Nigerian, i killers of the 'Ndrangheta they would make the figure of the compassionate lady of charity of the San Vincenzo de' Paoli. Likewise the Cameroonians, Country where crime is widespread at uncontrollable levels and where for a foreigner being kidnapped by one of their gangs is not like being kidnapped by those who were the kidnappers of Anonima Sarda Sequestri, why these seconds, unless they are cherubs, compared to them they can appear as soft hearts.
So let's start with a basic principle that escapes the "candid beautiful souls": whether it is a homo niger or of a homo albus, what characterizes one and the other, regardless of color, it is being homo. Is this homo it is not good or bad, victim or perpetrator on the basis of its particularity of niger O albus, but as a man.
The case of Honorable Aboubakar Soumahoro, who is involved today in events linked to cooperatives in which his wife and mother-in-law are involved, it is not related to the negro, but to something closely connected to thehomo, regardless of niger or fromalbus. Case on the merits of which I will not enter. That's not just because I don't want to, but just because I can't. The competence lies with the Italian judiciary which is responsible for investigating, judge and, if necessary, finally condemn, while it is up to politics to evaluate and decide on the merits of the question, being a parliamentarian of the Italian Republic.
To the "candid beautiful souls" I would like to reiterate that negro is far from being synonymous with good as a negro and only because it is negro, the reality is quite different: the corruption that exists in the various countries of the African continent is many and such, but above all at such serious and gangrenous levels, that in comparison those European countries usually indicated as particularly corrupt are inhabited by a group of San Luigi Gonzaga and Santa Maria Goretti. Among the countries indicated as particularly corrupt is Italy, that is, we Italians, also called “scam masters”. Which can be expressed and supported without any problems whatsoever, especially from the chaste and candid mouths of the French and Germans, capable, however, of self-censoring their critical sense and of lowering their pants with their asshole in the wind only when they find themselves in front of the black, the French in a very special way, having regard to the services they have rendered over the last two centuries to various countries of the Black Continent. Italians are white instead, therefore they can be accused as such of being corrupt and notorious scammers on the front pages of their newspapers.
Smell, at the end of his priestly formation and to follow for a while as a priest, I lived in an international house for priests located on the Aventine Hill. A short distance on Viale Aventino, at the corner with Viale delle Terme di Caracalla is the large FAO headquarters, we remember is the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. For me yes, passing through those areas, I happened to see black men and women from various countries of the African continent, if anything, by the poorest and most devastated of all, get on Mercedes that provide rental service with driver to be taken to do shopping in Via Condotti and in Via Vittorio Veneto. It is also known and well known, as well as confirmable by the owners of extra luxury shops, than to spend more, without measure and restraint, they were the black men and women, known for searching for the most expensive superfluous goods ever and for their bivouac in the most luxurious hotels in the capital. FAO African officials.
So I leave Mrs. Capalbio horrified by the word "nigger" and with it all the other "candid beautiful souls" who gloat in surreal fantasies about the poor good nigger and victim of the variously dirty white and unscrupulous colonizer. For me there is instead the man born with the corruption of original sin, which spared neither whites nor blacks. And contrary to beautiful souls I know, as politicians know, historians, sociologists and also clergymen who, one of the worst endemic evils of Africa is corruption unmatched in the world, not to mention the unscrupulous and limitless delinquency that rages in some of their cities. Also for this reason our Congregation of Propaganda Fide is careful not to send money blindly, even to our own Negro-run local church institutions. They prefer to carefully manage certain flows of money so that they really end up in religious works, charitable and sanitary. Thus avoiding, as happened several times in the past, that the money left for the construction of a hospital ended up being confiscated by corrupt politicians and invested in the arms market for the worst tribal wars, where people are able to ruthlessly butcher women and children with Chinese-made machetes.
But, for Mrs. Capalbio, black equals good and victim. Above all, one must not say black, but black man. Well let Mrs. Capalbio know that my enlightened vegetable seller, black Ghanaian as a coal, he doesn't think like her, he knows perfectly well that he is black, he is happy about it and, if necessary, boasts about it, even taking away the depression with a laugh to all the depressed Capalbio ladies of the left radical chic, today more than ever depressed after having favored in every way, with all their upper-class snobbery, a female Prime Minister of the right, who is the daughter of the people and who comes from the ultra-popular neighborhoods of Rome. Those where once, the old and also glorious Italian Communist Party, it achieved electoral majorities that rivaled Bulgaria's elections. Maybe that's why, meeting in restaurants gourmet of Capalbio, the gotha of the left radical chic tries to drown political depression in expensive glasses of vintage Sassicaia and Brunello di Montalcino.
From the island of Patmos, 27 November 2022
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