From Fascism which yesterday feared the Church and Pius XI, to the young politicians who laugh at us today. The Italian Episcopal Conference and the urgent need to review their priorities

Father Ivano
- ecclesial news -



If the Italian Episcopal Conference has come to issue a statement that appears more tragicomic Give an it means that the fears are well founded. Hoping more in the President of the Republic as a useful lifesaver than in God incarnate in Jesus Christ is proof of how the Church is, whenever he comes to terms with the temporal power, makes disasters, seriously damaging his identity.


Ivano Liguori, Ofm. Capp.



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Until a few years ago it would have been unthinkable that an imitator could make fun of the Roman Pontiff on a public television network during a satirical show.. The criminal consequences would have been very serious for the imitator and especially for the television company that had broadcast it. Today the Catholic Church, the Papacy and the Roman Pontiff can be safely used in prime time to make viewers laugh like satirical-grotesque specks.

Every now and again I have to give free rein to my side nerd [cf.. WHO] which manifests itself abnormally, sudden like a bolt from the blue. So it was when I was able to read the statement issued by the Italian Episcopal Conference on 15 January through the person of its president, Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, still convalescing, to whom we wish every good and grace from the Lord for the narrow escape following the infection from Covid-19. Shortly after the agency ANSA head the news like this: "Government: the, we look forward to President Mattarella " [text reproduced at the end of the article].


The nervousness present in my head immediately recalled the quote from the film Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone where the wizard Ron, looking at Harry, he replies succinctly to the last sentence of their friend Hermione: “That needs to review its priorities!».


In this case the Italian Episcopal Conference took the guise of the little witch Hermione and confused the Church's own priorities which perfect society with those of any one lobby earthly tangled between politics, money, power and consensus. Earthly priorities that in the current historical moment only serve to be able to save those four Cattocomunist goats - red as the cardinal's livery is red - and keep the Lord's cabbages together, with the tax revenue of Otto per Mille which from 2016 is now in free fall.


In short, let's face it: the concern of the Italian Episcopal Conference makes you smile, not so much because we do not understand where it is headed - we understand it very well in reality - but due to the fact that the vast majority of believers (many of them priests) these concerns do not seem corroborated by anyone salvation of souls but on the contrary from one salus blatantly human.


We would really have to agree with Giulio Andreotti's good soul to which the sentence is attributed: "Thinking bad about others makes you sin but often you guess". It's at if we want to think badly, we should say that the concern of the Italian Bishops' Conference is that the current PD-Cinque Stelle government may fall so thunderously that it leads Italians to the polls. Which, most likely, it would mean obtaining a political result opposite to the current one in which words like sovereignty, border protection, homeland love, italexit, together with names such as Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni, they would instill terror in the Italian Episcopal Conference much more alive and real than that which can arouse hell and eternal damnation.


Maybe the time has come, even within the Church, to start thinking with that holy malice that makes it possible for us to equate the children of this world in shrewdness:


"The master praised that dishonest administrator, because he acted shrewdly. The children of this world, indeed, towards their peers are wiser than the children of light " [LC 16.8].


So as to overthrow the unspoken, silence the rumors, send the pupils of Villa Nazaret back to the sender and empty the beautiful words that, while exuding mercy, bring only misery.


If the Italian Episcopal Conference has come to issue a statement that appears more tragicomic Give an it means that the fears are well founded. Hoping more in the President of the Republic as a useful lifesaver than in God incarnate in Jesus Christ is proof of how the Church is, whenever he comes to terms with the temporal power, makes disasters, seriously damaging his identity.


The divo Giulio, used to sailing as a skilled helmsman in the seas of Italian politics as well as in those of ecclesiastical diplomacy, suggests that we think badly at least once, even if against the Italian Episcopal Conference.


Let's make this sin, also because going deeper into this way of thinking we will discover that the matrix is ​​not political and not even Andreottian but clerical. Indeed, the sentence attributed to Andreotti seems to have been pronounced in 1939 by Cardinal Francesco Marchetti Selvaggiani, Vicar of His Holiness for the Diocese of Rome, who attributed the phrase to the sanguine and, if necessary, irascible Pius XI who expressed it in the form: "Thinking bad about one's neighbor makes one sin but guesses".


The times of Pius XI are very different from those of Francis I.. Yesterday as today, the struggle between conservatives still persists, progressives and liberals, between those who aspire to have an armchair and those who make the market of the armchair.


The wisdom of the Supreme Pontiff Pius XI and its collaborators, the most valuable of which, Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli, he was later his successor, ended the Roman question and gave the Church the opportunity to establish serious and authentic relations with Italy, a virile position that the Italian Church today can only dream of. In fact at the time, the politicians of the fascist regime, with the armed arm of their thugs in tow, most of them of anticlerical culture, they were afraid of the papacy and the Church and consequently behaved walking on a razor's edge. Today, however, even young improvised politicians without art or part laugh at us, acting accordingly towards us, between one laugh and another [see WHO].


Laconi, 20 January 2021






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5 replies
  1. Roberto
    Roberto says:

    I, on the other hand, see an infinitely petty politics that seeks, both from the right and from the left (but these expressions still mean something?), to tug at the Church for their own consumption to capture more votes. Then it is convenient to use crucifixes, Madonnas, S. Messe (denied in the covid period) of which fine atheists can no longer do without e, above all, the pigeon shooting against the Holy Father by sifting through every single word expressed by him in the most disparate contexts.
    We should be offended by all of this, if not by faith at least for dignity.

  2. Giancarlo
    Giancarlo says:

    Sooner or later even the supporters of Bergoglio who perhaps criticize him harshly but do not lie in question will have to deal with the fruits of the false prophets: Matteo 7,15.
    History has known questionable popes but the church has always preserved doctrine and faith and has always defended non-negotiable principles. Defending this government that seeks to approve the Zan Scalfarotto dl (and much more) puts in danger the Christians because that dl addita S. Paul and other martyrs who condemned sodomy.

    • father ariel
      Don Ciro (Naples) says:

      …her …her… her … I smell .. nutella.
      That Ferrero, be clear, not that of the Sicilian priest out of melon.

  3. Luca
    Luca says:

    Agreeing with his reflections, I wonder and I ask you, what if one tomorrow, an alliance opposed to the one currently in power emerged victorious from the election? We know the current ruling coalition, kept alive if we also want to derogate from a healthy democratic practice, meets the sympathies of the CEI. Perhaps this imbalance is not an imprudence? It is perhaps not disrespectful to Catholics who do not feel similar to the current ideology in power in Italy? It is or is not that part of Italians, far from the current line of government, constitutive part of the flock of Our Lord entrusted to the bishops of the Bel Paese? Yet, in all of this, perhaps the CEI does not appear a bit forgetting of those who seek from shepherds a much more substantial nourishment than that mash made up of slogans and earthly proclamations, today so in vogue even among the highest Italian hierarchies?
    I can try to explain the current conduct of the CEI as a special care for the politicians in power and for the people who follow them. Sure, indeed, that the shepherds must have the salvation of all in sight, but all of them, the souls. But here there is a risk that from caring for those who are far away one passes to a loving passion for them! In a paradoxical inversion of meaning, whereby one comes close to those who are far away, and we irremediably move away from those that are the closest today. This is in fact my greatest fear that our dear Conference will end up becoming, by heterogenesis of ends, instrument of division rather than of…

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