"Open Church" (thirteenth episode) - For safety reasons, the celebrations were suspended, but the Church has never suspended charity

- the Fathers of The Patmos Island close to the faithful in this quarantine -



We offer our readers this valuable new video of our esteemed brother John Zanchi, priest of the Diocese of Arezzo, so that it can also serve as an effective and wise antidote to all those who unfortunately, at this time of extraordinary crisis and emergency, They have nothing better to do than argue, often in harsh and aggressive tone, against decisions taken by our bishops for safety reasons to protect public health: suspend the sacred celebrations and in many cases close the churches. Recall that the Church, during crises and emergencies, It has never been saved by the controversy of those who stand for all time the most faithful among the faithful or to the purest of the pure, but the unit. Someone has written these days that "the bishops are committing suicide the Italian Church". Unfortunately he did not understand anything of the essence of the Catholic faith: the church “if suicidal” attacking the bishops, instead follow them and support them in a moment of so severe test.











The texts of Father John Zanchi, director of the Pastoral Center Divine Worship of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Arezzo-Cortona-Sansepolcro, They are not meant as articles but as audio-narrative texts. We proceeded to transcribe audio text for our Readers.


John Zanchi

Welcome to the thirteenth episode of Open Church!

The movie you just saw is testimony to Open Church even in time of a pandemic and that is not content to just keep open the stone and brick churches, but it invents a thousand ways to stay close to our people.


In this humble book Television I have already pointed out some of these emergency forms of ecclesial presence, both for the Liturgy, both for catechesis. This time, point out to your attention the charitable work of the Italian Church, already multiple and widespread commitment in normal times and continued even during this calamity. I mention this because I note with regret that the media, especially the national television, not the actual charitable commitment of Catholics emphasize.


The news of the major television networks every day prefer to highlight the dances and songs popular way of consolation and encouragement from more or less well-known names from the entertainment world, rather than the beautiful stories of love sprouted in the shadow of the churches remained open; as if in this tragic hour we were to draw hope and comfort from the distraction of mass entertainment, instead of from our commitment to solidarity which Christian charity in its sense foundation and its operating height!


To tell the current charitable activities Italian Catholics there would be spoiled for choice and the daily length of this column does not allow it. The rest, those who want to inform themselves on the current out of the ordinary and charitable commitment of Italian Catholics can keep up to date via the internet and particularly on the portal called Who shall separate us published by the Italian Episcopal Conference. I limit myself here to do some emphases.


Before underscore: during the pandemic of our bishops they have suspended Liturgies with the people, but in the churches remained open the priests continue to celebrate Mass and the faithful can pray individually. In the same way, during the pandemic the charitable services offered by Italian Catholics continue to unfold, although with different modes and prudential; as much as possible, no one has been abandoned, and indeed were born new forms of exercise of charity towards the needy and the Italian Church has allocated millions of euro from 8xmille income support to people in difficulty. So, continues as the Liturgy, so continues the charity and could not be otherwise, considering the close links between the liturgy and charity. The liturgy is in fact "the climax toward which the activity of the Church, at the same time, the source from which all its energy " (Holy Council 10); assimilated to Christ through the liturgical action, Christians spend on "all the works of charity, of piety and apostolate "and show it to be" the light of the world and to glorify the Father before men " (cf In the same place 9). This is remembered without controversy even to those who are protesting the suspension of the Mass with the people, but they do not show as much concern for how we can continue to charity in the midst of the current difficulties.


Second underscore: Christian charity is distinguished from simple solidarity, because charity is the manifestation of God poured into the hearts of believers through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit (cf Rom 5, 5). For this begs the lavish Christians especially in Lent, It is the fruit of prayer and fasting. It is noteworthy that social awareness of human solidarity is a result of unrecognized Christian roots of our culture; eg, Hospitals were invented by Christians. This implies that the company is scristianizza and less human solidarity manifests itself in society.


Third underscore: Christians have never suspended the exercise of charity work during disasters, indeed they ever stepped. The ancient pagans were impressed by the behavior of Christians during outbreaks: while fleeing pagan they are thinking only of themselves, Christians have supported each other and helped the next to risk his life for the sake of God. As then, so today: They began to circulate news about how Chinese Catholics in Wuhan have been spent to help others in their city devastated by the epidemic, giving examples of heroic charity.


I conclude: Bishops who donate one month of their livelihood to the emergency room of the sick, staff and volunteers of Mercy, of Caritas, all other organizations and associations of Catholic charity, doctors and staff of the hospitals and Catholic Nursing Homes, etc, etc, etc ... and all those who support them spiritually and materially, I'm there church remained opened Also during the pandemic. We accompany them all with our prayers, we support them with our donations and, as an act of gratitude, we say to all of them: "Part of you rimeriti!”.

A resent the next episode of Open Church.


Sansepolcro (Arezzo), 2 April 2020








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