We rewrote the theology: "Even in Communism there is good». It is therefore necessary to highlight all the positives of Marxism and focus on what unites both good and not on what divides worse

A memorable letter from the Pope to the Bishops of Chile, worthwhile for it to be called "the great Francesco", how great was Peter on the Via del 'Quo vadis, Dominated?»

Sensational coming-out: "It Padre Ariel S. Levi Gualdo and Monica Bellucci are in love ", with the blessing of the columnists of Avvenire

Hell exists and has never been abolished, because even modernist and gooders can abolish the free will given by God to man

Interview with Rocco Buttiglione: "Thomism and doctrine on the divorced and remarried in Amoris Laetitia", and a final note of Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo

The falsity of the alleged mutability of the doctrine of Humanae Vitae. About the ideas of Maurizio Chiodi: the Magisterium of the Church is interpreted not a lie